262 research outputs found

    Environmental screening tools for assessment of infrastructure plans based on biodiversity preservation and global warming (PEIT, Spain).

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    Most Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) research has been concerned with SEA as a procedure, and there have been relatively few developments and tests of analytical methodologies. The first stage of the SEA is the ‘screening’, which is the process whereby a decision is taken on whether or not SEA is required for a particular programme or plan. The effectiveness of screening and SEA procedures will depend on how well the assessment fits into the planning from the early stages of the decision-making process. However, it is difficult to prepare the environmental screening for an infrastructure plan involving a whole country. To be useful, such methodologies must be fast and simple. We have developed two screening tools which would make it possible to estimate promptly the overall impact an infrastructure plan might have on biodiversity and global warming for a whole country, in order to generate planning alternatives, and to determine whether or not SEA is required for a particular infrastructure plan

    DiMIZA : a dispersion modeling based impact zone assessment of mercury (Hg) emissions from coal-fired power plants and risk evaluation for inhalation exposure

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    Coal-fired combined heat and power plants (CHPPs) serving large districts are among the major sources of mercury (Hg) emissions globally, including Central Asia. Most CHPPs reside on the outskirts of urban areas, thus creating risk zones. The impact of atmospheric Hg levels on health is complex to establish due to the site-specific nature of the relationship between CHPP emissions and hotspots (i.e., localized areas where Hg concentrations greatly exceed its background value). However, a methodological identification of "emission impact zones" for atmospheric Hg emissions from CHPPs with potential adverse public health outcomes has not yet been fully studied. The present work suggests an easy-to-use and cost-free impact zone identification method based on HYSPLIT dispersion modeling for atmospheric Hg emissions from CHPPs. The dispersion modeling based impact zone assessment, DiMIZA, merges short-term dispersion runs (e.g., hourly) into long-term emission impacts (e.g., yearly), which allows to identify the source impact zones. To perform a case study using the suggested method, a CHPP plant in Nur-Sultan (capital of Kazakhstan) was selected. First, traditional ad-hoc measurements were performed to identify the level of dispersions at ground level in different atmospheric stability characteristics. Then, HYSPLIT dispersion model was run for the same days and times of those particular periods when the field measurements were performed. The model results were evaluated via a comparison with the ground measurements and assessed for their atmospheric stability and diel conditions. Due to different emission loads in heating and non-heating periods, two separate pairs of impact zone maps were generated, and public Hg exposure health risks (acute and chronic) were assessed

    Determining the influence of different atmospheric circulation patterns on PM10 chemical composition in a source apportionment study

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    This study combines a set of chemometric analyses with a source apportionment model for discriminating the weather conditions, local processes and remote contributions having an impact on particulate matter levels and chemical composition. The proposed approach was tested on PM10 data collected in a semi-rural coastal site near Venice (Italy). The PM10 mass, elemental composition and the water soluble inorganic ions were quantified and seven sources were identified and apportioned using the positive matrix factorization: sea spray, aged sea salt, mineral dust, mixed combustions, road traffic, secondary sulfate and secondary nitrate. The influence of weather conditions on PM10 composition and its sources was investigated and the importance of air temperature and relative humidity on secondary components was evaluated. Samples collected in days with similar atmospheric circulation patterns were clustered on the basis of wind speed and direction. Significant differences in PM10 levels and chemical composition pointed out that the production of sea salt is strongly depending on the intensity of local winds. Differently, typical primary pollutants (i.e. from combustion and road traffic) increased during slow wind regimes. External contributions were also investigated by clustering the backward trajectories of air masses. The increase of combustion and traffic-related pollutants was observed when air masses originated from Central and Northwestern Europe and secondary sulfate was observed to rise when air masses had passed over the Po Valley. Conversely, anthropogenic contributions dropped when the origin was in the Mediterranean area and Northern Europe. The chemometric approach adopted can discriminate the role local and external sources play in determining the level and composition of airborne particulate matter and points out the weather circumstances favoring the worst pollution conditions. It may be of significant help in designing local and national air pollution control strategies

    Assessment of the Public Administration Tools for the improvement of the Eco-efficiency of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

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    Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME) face barriers to the implementation and development of eco-efficiency that could be overcome taking advantage of the adequate stimuli and incentives. A previous research and a thorough literature analysis show Public Administration (PA) is a key stakeholder. PA could use better its tools to stimulate SME to improve their ecoefficiency. Among these tools it can be named well known command and control tools like legislation or taxes, but also price policies, green procurement, ecological education, eco-innovation support and others. This paper reviews these tools and how they contribute to overcome barriers to ecoefficiency by offering external and internal incentives for SME. The analysis is focused on the case of Venezuelan public administration and SME but it can be generalized to other case studies. In addition, a panel of experts validates the results and assesses the public administration tools by means of the policy Delphi method. The assessment is based on criteria like: market influence, capability of the public administration for controlling results, tool costs, impact on public administration image, timespan to get results, etc. The assessment, therefore, allows ranking and understanding the tools according to their effectiveness and efficiency to support SME to improve their ecoefficiency. Due to the specific characteristics of the case study: SME of Venezuela, the method shows the best mix of public administration tools includes mainly command and control tools. Also the mix includes certain new-approach tools like advertising about responsible consumption and eco-efficient products, or education/training in environmental responsibility. The method also allows understanding better how the tools will help accomplishing the objectives for ecoefficiency of the public administration. Therefore, this research provides a method for raising information to be used when planning the actions to improve eco-efficiency of the SME.Fernández-Viñé, MB.; Gómez-Navarro, T.; Capuz-Rizo, SF. (2013). Assessment of the Public Administration Tools for the improvement of the Eco-efficiency of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. Journal of Cleaner Production. 47:265-273. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2012.08.026S2652734