15 research outputs found

    Conceptual design of the SPL II: A high-power superconducting HH^- linac at CERN

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    An analysis of the revised physics needs and recent progress in the technology of superconducting RF cavities have led to major changes in the speci cation and in the design for a Superconducting Proton Linac (SPL) at CERN. Compared with the rst conceptual design report (CERN 2000012) the beam energy is almost doubled (3.5 GeV instead of 2.2 GeV), while the length of the linac is reduced by 40% and the repetition rate is reduced to 50 Hz. The basic beam power is at a level of 45MW and the approach chosen offers enough margins for upgrades. With this high beam power, the SPL can be the proton driver for an ISOL-type radioactive ion beam facility of the next generation (`EURISOL'), and for a neutrino facility based on superbeam C beta-beam or on muon decay in a storage ring (`neutrino factory'). The SPL can also replace the Linac2 and PS Booster in the low-energy part of the CERN proton accelerator complex, improving signi cantly the beam performance in terms of brightness and intensity for the bene t of all users including the LHC and its luminosity upgrade. Decommissioned LEP klystrons and RF equipment are used to provide RF power at a frequency of 352.2 MHz in the lowenergy part of the accelerator. Beyond 90 MeV, the RF frequency is doubled to take advantage of more compact normal-conducting accelerating structures up to an energy of 180 MeV. From there, state-ofthe- art, high-gradient, bulk-niobium superconducting cavities accelerate the beam up to its nal energy of 3.5 GeV. The overall design approach is presented, together with the progress that has been achieved since the publication of the rst conceptual design report

    The SPL (II) at CERN, a Superconducting 3.5 GeV H- Linac

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    A revision of the physics needs and recent progress in the technology of superconducting (SC) RF cavities have triggered major changes in the design of a SC H-linac at CERN. With up to 5MW beam power, the SPL can be the proton driver for a next generation ISOL-type radioactive beam facility (âEURISOLâ) and/or supply protons to a neutrino () facility (conventional superbeam + beta-beam or -factory). Furthermore the SPL can replace Linac2 and the PS booster (PSB), improving significantly the beam performance in terms of brightness, intensity, and reliability for the benefit of all proton users at CERN, including LHC and its luminosity upgrade. Compared with the first conceptual design, the beam energy is almost doubled (3.5GeV instead of 2.2 GeV) while the length is reduced by 40%. At a repetition rate of 50 Hz, the linac reuses decommissioned 352.2MHz RF equipment from LEP in the low-energy part. Beyond 90MeV the RF frequency is doubled, and from 180MeV onwards high-gradient SC bulkniobium cavities accelerate the beam to its final energy of 3.5GeV. This paper presents the overall design approach, together with the technical progress since the first conceptual design in 2000

    CMS physics technical design report : Addendum on high density QCD with heavy ions

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    Volatile elements production rates in a proton-irradiated molten lead-bismuth target

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    The IS419 experiment at the ISOLDE facility at CERN dedicated to the measurement of production and release rates of volatile elements from an irradiated Pb/Bi target by a proton beam of 1/1.4 GeV has been completed. The release of He, Ne, Ar, Br, Kr, Cd, I, Xe, Hg, Po and At isotopes was investigated at different target temperatures, ranging from 250 °C to 600 ° C. Three experimental methods were used for the mass-separated, ionized beams: i) implantation of short- and medium-lived isotopes in a tape and on-line detection with a HPGe γ detector; ii) implantation of longer-lived isotopes in Al foils and off-line detection with a HPGe detector; iii) a Faraday Cup used mainly for stable nuclides. The results were compared with predictions from the FLUKA and MCNPX codes using different options for the intra-nuclear cascades and evaporation/fission models. Results show good agreement with calculations for Hg and for noble gases. For other elements such as iodine it is apparent that only a fraction of the produced isotopes is released. The results from FLUKA and MCNPX with the INCL4/ABLA models are in general more satisfactory than those obtained using MCNPX with the standard Bertini/Dresner model combination. Interestingly also significant yields of 204-210At isotopes were observed. At isotopes are produced either by (p, π-xn) charge exchange reactions on 209Bi or by secondary reactions involving 3He and 4He. Despite the non-release of polonium from Pb/Bi targets at typical operation temperatures, a smaller amount of highly radiotoxic Po isotopes can actually be liberated indirectly as decay daughters of the released astatine

    Pion contamination in the MICE muon beam

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    The international Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) will perform a systematic investigation of ionization cooling with muon beams of momentum between 140 and 240 MeV/c at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory ISIS facility. The measurement of ionization cooling in MICE relies on the selection of a pure sample of muons that traverse the experiment. To make this selection, the MICE Muon Beam is designed to deliver a beam of muons with less than ∼1% contamination. To make the final muon selection, MICE employs a particle-identification (PID) system upstream and downstream of the cooling cell. The PID system includes time-of-flight hodoscopes, threshold-Cherenkov counters and calorimetry. The upper limit for the pion contamination measured in this paper is fπ < 1.4% at 90% C.L., including systematic uncertainties. Therefore, the MICE Muon Beam is able to meet the stringent pion-contamination requirements of the study of ionization cooling

    Electron-muon ranger: performance in the MICE muon beam

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    The Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) will perform a detailed study of ionization cooling to evaluate the feasibility of the technique. To carry out this program, MICE requires an efficient particle-identification (PID) system to identify muons. The Electron-Muon Ranger (EMR) is a fully-active tracking-calorimeter that forms part of the PID system and tags muons that traverse the cooling channel without decaying. The detector is capable of identifying electrons with an efficiency of 98.6%, providing a purity for the MICE beam that exceeds 99.8%. The EMR also proved to be a powerful tool for the reconstruction of muon momenta in the range 100-280 MeV/c

    Electron-muon ranger: performance in the MICE muon beam

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