142 research outputs found

    Astrometric observations of Phobos and Deimos during the 1971 opposition of Mars

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    Accurate positional measurements of planets and satellites are used to improve our knowledge of their dynamics and to infer the accuracy of planet and satellite ephemerides. In the framework of the FP7 ESPaCE project, we provide the positions of Mars, Phobos, and Deimos taken with the U.S. Naval Observatory 26-inch refractor during the 1971 opposition of the planet. These plates were measured with the digitizer of the Royal Observatory of Belgium and reduced through an optimal process that includes image, instrumental, and spherical corrections to provide the most accurate data. We compared the observed positions of the planet Mars and its satellites with the theoretical positions from INPOP10 and DE430 planetary ephemerides, and from NOE and MAR097 satellite ephemerides. The rms residuals in RA and Dec. of one position is less than 60 mas, or about 20 km at Mars. This accuracy is comparable to the most recent CCD observations. Moreover, it shows that astrometric data derived from photographic plates can compete with those of old spacecraft (Mariner 9, Viking 1 and 2).Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Constraining multiple systems with GAIA

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    GAIA will provide observations of some multiple asteroid and dwarf systems. These observations are a way to determine and improve the quantification of dynamical parameters, such as the masses and the gravity fields, in these multiple systems. Here we investigate this problem in the cases of Pluto's and Eugenia's system. We simulate observations reproducing an approximate planning of the GAIA observations for both systems, as well as the New Horizons observations of Pluto. We have developed a numerical model reproducing the specific behavior of multiple asteroid system around the Sun and fit it to the simulated observations using least-square method, giving the uncertainties on the fitted parameters. We found that GAIA will improve significantly the precision of Pluto's and Charon's mass, as well as Petit Prince's orbital elements and Eugenia's polar oblateness.Comment: 5 pages, accepted by Planetary and Space Science, Gaia GREAT-SSO-Pis

    Taking the opportunity of the Gaia reference star catalogue for observing the Solar system in the past

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    International audienceThe Gaia astrometric catalogue of reference stars will provide proper motions of stars until mag 18 with an accuracy better than 6 mas over one century. So, we may reduce all astrometric observations of Solar System objects made since the end of the XIXth century with an accuracy better than the present accuracy of the best reference star catalogues such as the UCAC2 or UCAC4. This should solve or considerably reduce the problems of biases in ephemerides because of zonal errors in the catalogues. We performed tests on photographic plates and, thanks to the use of sub-micrometric scanners, we succeeded to improve the reduction of plates made in the 1960's for planetary satellites. Even with an accuracy less than the expected one of the future Gaia catalogue, we show a systematic shift of the ephemerides during the last decades

    Estimating the accuracy of satellite ephemerides using the bootstrap method

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    International audienceContext: The accuracy of predicted orbital positions depends on the quality of the theorical model and of the observations used to fit the model. During the period of observations, this accuracy can be estimated through comparison with observations. Outside this period, the estimation remains difficult. Many methods have been developed for asteroid ephemerides in order to evaluate this accuracy. Aims: This paper introduces a new method to estimate the accuracy of predicted positions at any time, in particular outside the observation period. Methods: This new method is based upon a bootstrap resampling and allows this estimation with minimal assumptions. Results: The method was applied to two of the main Saturnian satellites, Mimas and Titan, and compared with other methods used previously for asteroids. The bootstrap resampling is a robust and practical method for estimating the accuracy of predicted positions

    Reassessing the origin of Triton

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    Agnor & Hamilton (2006) demonstrated that the disruption of a binary was an effective mechanism to capture Triton. The subsequent evolution of Triton's post-capture orbit could have proceeded through gravitational tides. The study by Agnor & Hamilton (2006) is repeated in the framework of the Nice model to determine the post-capture orbit of Triton. After capture it is then subjected to tidal evolution. The perturbations from the Sun and the figure of Neptune are included. The perturbations from the Sun acting on Triton cause it to spend a long time in its high-eccentricity phase, usually of the order of 10 Myr, while the typical time to circularise to its current orbit is some 200 Myr. The current orbit of Triton is consistent with an origin through binary capture and tidal evolution, even though the model prefers Triton to be closer to Neptune than it is today. The probability of capturing Triton in this manner is approximately 0.7%. Since the capture of Triton was at most a 50% event -- since only Neptune has one, but Uranus does not -- we deduce that in the primordial trans-Neptunian disc there were 100 binaries with at least one Triton-sized member. Morbidelli et al. (2009) concludes there were some 1000 Triton-sized bodies in the trans-Neptunian proto-planetary disc, so the primordial binary fraction with at least one Triton-sized member is 10%. This value is consistent with theoretical predictions, but at the low end. If Triton was captured at the same time as Neptune's irregular satellites, the far majority of these, including Nereid, would be lost. This suggests either that Triton was captured on an orbit with a small semi-major axis a < 50 R_N (a rare event), or that it was captured before the dynamical instability of the Nice model, or that some other mechanism was at play. The issue of keeping the irregular satellites remains unresolved.Comment: Accepted in Icarus 201

    Astrometric positions for 18 irregular satellites of giant planets from 23 years of observations

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    The irregular satellites of the giant planets are believed to have been captured during the evolution of the solar system. Knowing their physical parameters, such as size, density, and albedo is important for constraining where they came from and how they were captured. The best way to obtain these parameters are observations in situ by spacecrafts or from stellar occultations by the objects. Both techniques demand that the orbits are well known. We aimed to obtain good astrometric positions of irregular satellites to improve their orbits and ephemeris. We identified and reduced observations of several irregular satellites from three databases containing more than 8000 images obtained between 1992 and 2014 at three sites (Observat\'orio do Pico dos Dias, Observatoire de Haute-Provence, and European Southern Observatory - La Silla). We used the software PRAIA (Platform for Reduction of Astronomical Images Automatically) to make the astrometric reduction of the CCD frames. The UCAC4 catalog represented the International Celestial Reference System in the reductions. Identification of the satellites in the frames was done through their ephemerides as determined from the SPICE/NAIF kernels. Some procedures were followed to overcome missing or incomplete information (coordinates, date), mostly for the older images. We managed to obtain more than 6000 positions for 18 irregular satellites: 12 of Jupiter, 4 of Saturn, 1 of Uranus (Sycorax), and 1 of Neptune (Nereid). For some satellites the number of obtained positions is more than 50\% of what was used in earlier orbital numerical integrations. Comparison of our positions with recent JPL ephemeris suggests there are systematic errors in the orbits for some of the irregular satellites. The most evident case was an error in the inclination of Carme.Comment: 9 pages, with 3 being online materia

    The Caviar software package for the astrometric reduction of Cassini ISS images: description and examples

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    N.J.C. is grateful to the Paris Observatory for funding as an invited researcher at the IMCCE. We thank the FP7-ESPaCE European program for funding under the agreement No. 263466. N.J.C. and C.D.M. thank the Science and Technology Facilities Council (Grant No. ST/P000622/1) for financial support. This work was also supported by the International Space Science Institute (ISSI)

    Radioscience simulations in General Relativity and in alternative theories of gravity

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    In this communication, we focus on the possibility to test GR with radioscience experiments. We present a new software that in a first step simulates the Range/Doppler signals directly from the space time metric (thus in GR and in alternative theories of gravity). In a second step, a least-squares fit of the involved parameters is performed in GR. This software allows one to get the order of magnitude and the signature of the modifications induced by an alternative theory of gravity on radioscience signals. As examples, we present some simulations for the Cassini mission in Post-Einsteinian gravity and with the MOND External Field Effect.Comment: 4 pages; Proceedings of "Les Rencontres de Moriond 2011 - Gravitation session

    Strong tidal dissipation in Saturn and constraints on Enceladus' thermal state from astrometry

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    Tidal interactions between Saturn and its satellites play a crucial role in both the orbital migration of the satellites and the heating of their interiors. Therefore constraining the tidal dissipation of Saturn (here the ratio k2/Q) opens the door to the past evolution of the whole system. If Saturn's tidal ratio can be determined at different frequencies, it may also be possible to constrain the giant planet's interior structure, which is still uncertain. Here, we try to determine Saturn's tidal ratio through its current effect on the orbits of the main moons, using astrometric data spanning more than a century. We find an intense tidal dissipation (k2/Q= (2.3 \pm 0.7) \times 10-4), which is about ten times higher than the usual value estimated from theoretical arguments. As a consequence, eccentricity equilibrium for Enceladus can now account for the huge heat emitted from Enceladus' south pole. Moreover, the measured k2/Q is found to be poorly sensitive to the tidal frequency, on the short frequency interval considered. This suggests that Saturn's dissipation may not be controlled by turbulent friction in the fluid envelope as commonly believed. If correct, the large tidal expansion of the moon orbits due to this strong Saturnian dissipation would be inconsistent with the moon formations 4.5 Byr ago above the synchronous orbit in the Saturnian subnebulae. But it would be compatible with a new model of satellite formation in which the Saturnian satellites formed possibly over longer time scale at the outer edge of the main rings. In an attempt to take into account for possible significant torques exerted by the rings on Mimas, we fitted a constant rate da/dt on Mimas semi-major axis, also. We obtained an unexpected large acceleration related to a negative value of da/dt= -(15.7 \pm 4.4) \times 10-15 au/day

    A binary merger origin for inflated hot Jupiter planets

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    We hypothesize that hot Jupiters with inflated sizes represent a separate planet formation channel,the merging of two low-mass stars. We show that the abundance and properties of W UMa stars and low mass detached binaries are consistent with their being possible progenitors. The degree of inflation of the transiting hot Jupiters correlates with their expected spiral-in life time by tidal dissipation, and this could indicate youth if the stellar dissipation parameter Q'* is sufficiently low. Several Jupiter-mass planets can form in the massive compact disk formed in a merger event. Gravitational scattering between them can explain the high incidence of excentric, inclined, and retrograde orbits. If the population of inflated planets is indeed formed by a merger process, their frequency should be much higher around blue stragglers than around T Tauri stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&
