92 research outputs found

    The solar photospheric abundance of hafnium and thorium. Results from CO5BOLD 3D hydrodynamic model atmospheres

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    Context: The stable element hafnium (Hf) and the radioactive element thorium (Th) were recently suggested as a suitable pair for radioactive dating of stars. The applicability of this elemental pair needs to be established for stellar spectroscopy. Aims: We aim at a spectroscopic determination of the abundance of Hf and Th in the solar photosphere based on a \cobold 3D hydrodynamical model atmosphere. We put this into a wider context by investigating 3D abundance corrections for a set of G- and F-type dwarfs. Method: High-resolution, high signal-to-noise solar spectra were compared to line synthesis calculations performed on a solar CO5BOLD model. For the other atmospheres, we compared synthetic spectra of CO5BOLD 3D and associated 1D models. Results: For Hf we find a photospheric abundance A(Hf)=0.87+-0.04, in good agreement with a previous analysis, based on 1D model atmospheres. The weak Th ii 401.9 nm line constitutes the only Th abundance indicator available in the solar spectrum. It lies in the red wing of an Ni-Fe blend exhibiting a non-negligible convective asymmetry. Accounting for the asymmetry-related additional absorption, we obtain A(Th)=0.09+-0.03, consistent with the meteoritic abundance, and about 0.1 dex lower than obtained in previous photospheric abundance determinations. Conclusions: Only for the second time, to our knowledge, has am non-negligible effect of convective line asymmetries on an abundance derivation been highlighted. Three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations should be employed to measure Th abundances in dwarfs if similar blending is present, as in the solar case. In contrast, 3D effects on Hf abundances are small in G- to mid F-type dwarfs and sub-giants, and 1D model atmospheres can be conveniently used.Comment: A&A, in pres

    Improved Laboratory Transition Probabilities for Ce II, Application to the Cerium Abundances of the Sun and Five r-process Rich, Metal-Poor Stars, and Rare Earth Lab Data

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    Recent radiative lifetime measurements accurate to +/- 5% using laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) on 43 even-parity and 15 odd-parity levels of Ce II have been combined with new branching fractions measured using a Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) to determine transition probabilities for 921 lines of Ce II. This improved laboratory data set has been used to determine a new solar photospheric Ce abundance, log epsilon = 1.61 +/- 0.01 (sigma = 0.06 from 45 lines), a value in excellent agreement with the recommended meteoritic abundance, log epsilon = 1.61 +/- 0.02. Revised Ce abundances have also been derived for the r-process-rich metal-poor giant stars BD+17 3248, CS 22892-052, CS 31082-001, HD 115444 and HD 221170. Between 26 and 40 lines were used for determining the Ce abundance in these five stars, yielding a small statistical uncertainty of 0.01 dex similar to the Solar result. The relative abundances in the metal-poor stars of Ce and Eu, a nearly pure r-process element in the Sun, matches r-process only model predictions for Solar System material. This consistent match with small scatter over a wide range of stellar metallicities lends support to these predictions of elemental fractions. A companion paper includes an interpretation of these new precision abundance results for Ce as well as new abundance results and interpretations for Pr, Dy and Tm.Comment: 84 pages, 8 Figures, 14 Tables; To appear in the Astrophysical Journal Supplemen

    VLT/UVES Spectroscopy of Individual Stars in Three Globular Clusters in the Fornax Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy

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    We present a high resolution (R ~ 43000) abundance analysis of a total of nine stars in three of the five globular clusters associated with the nearby Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy. These three clusters (1, 2 and 3) trace the oldest, most metal-poor stellar populations in Fornax. We determine abundances of O, Mg, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Zn, Y, Ba, La, Nd and Eu in most of these stars, and for some stars also Mn and La. We demonstrate that classical indirect methods (isochrone fitting and integrated spectra) of metallicity determination lead to values of [Fe/H] which are 0.3 to 0.5 dex too high, and that this is primarily due to the underlying reference calibration typically used by these studies. We show that Cluster 1, with [Fe /H] = -2.5, now holds the record for the lowest metallicity globular cluster. We also measure an over-abundance of Eu in Cluster 3 stars that has only been previously detected in a subgroup of stars in M15. We find that the Fornax globular cluster properties are a global match to what is found in their Galactic counterparts; including deep mixing abundance patterns in two stars. We conclude that at the epoch of formation of globular clusters both the Milky Way and the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy shared the same initial conditions, presumably pre-enriched by the same processes, with identical nucleosynthesis patterns.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    The barium isotopic mixture for the metal-poor subgiant star HD140283

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    Current theory regarding heavy element nucleosynthesis in metal-poor environments states that the r-process would be dominant. The star HD140283 has been the subject of debate after it appeared in some studies to be dominated by the s-process. We provide an independent measure of the Ba isotope mixture in HD140283 using an extremely high quality spectrum and an extensive chi^2 analysis. We exploit hyperfine splitting of the BaII 4554 \AA\ and 4934 \AA\ resonance lines in an effort to constrain the isotope ratio in 1D LTE. Using the code ATLAS in conjunction with KURUCZ06 model atmospheres we analyse 93 Fe lines to determine the star's macroturbulence. With this information we construct a grid of Ba synthetic spectra and, using a \chi^2 code, fit these to our observed data to determine the isotopic ratio, fodd, which represents the ratio of odd to even isotopes. We also analyse the Eu lines. We set a new upper limit of the rotation of HD140283 at vsin{i}\leq3.9\kms, a new upper limit on [Eu/H] < -2.80 and abundances [Fe/H] = -2.59\pm0.09, [Ba/H] = -3.46\pm0.11. This leads to a new lower limit on [Ba/Eu] > -0.66. We find that, in the framework of a 1D LTE analysis, the isotopic ratios of Ba in HD140283 indicate fodd=0.02\pm0.06, a purely s-process signature. This implies that observations and analysis do not validate currently accepted theory. We speculate that a 1D code, due to simplifying assumptions, is not adequate when dealing with observations with high levels of resolution and S/N because of the turbulent motions associated with a 3D stellar atmosphere. New approaches to analysing isotopic ratios, in particular 3D hydrodynamics, need to be considered when dealing with the levels of detail required to properly determine them. However published 3D results exacerbate the disagreement between theory and observation.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, 7 tables, 1 online appendix Accepted by A&

    The 106Cd(α, α)106Cd elastic scattering in a wide energy range for γ process studies

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    Date of Acceptance: 15/04/2015Alpha elastic scattering angular distributions of the 106Cd(α, α)106Cd reaction were measured at three energies around the Coulomb barrier to provide a sensitive test for the α + nucleus optical potential parameter sets. Furthermore, the new high precision angular distributions, together with the data available from the literature were used to study the energy dependence of the locally optimized α + nucleus optical potential in a wide energy region ranging from ELab=27.0MeV down to 16.1 MeV.The potentials under study are a basic prerequisite for the prediction of α-induced reaction cross sections and thus, for the calculation of stellar reaction rates used for the astrophysical γ process. Therefore, statistical model predictions using as input the optical potentials discussed in the present work are compared to the available 106Cd + alpha cross section data.Peer reviewe

    Detection of Elements at All Three r-process Peaks in the Metal-Poor Star HD 160617

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    We report the first detection of elements at all three r-process peaks in the metal-poor halo star HD 160617. These elements include arsenic and selenium, which have not been detected previously in halo stars, and the elements tellurium, osmium, iridium, and platinum, which have been detected previously. Absorption lines of these elements are found in archive observations made with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph onboard the Hubble Space Telescope. We present up-to-date absolute atomic transition probabilities and complete line component patterns for these elements. Additional archival spectra of this star from several ground-based instruments allow us to derive abundances or upper limits of 45 elements in HD 160617, including 27 elements produced by neutron-capture reactions. The average abundances of the elements at the three r-process peaks are similar to the predicted solar system r-process residuals when scaled to the abundances in the rare earth element domain. This result for arsenic and selenium may be surprising in light of predictions that the production of the lightest r-process elements generally should be decoupled from the heavier r-process elements.Comment: Published in the Astrophysical Journal (22 pages, 12 figures

    First Stars VIII -- Enrichment of the neutron-capture elements in the early Galaxy

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    Our aim is to measure accurate, homogeneous neutron-capture element abundances for the sample of 32 EMP giant stars studied earlier in this series, including 22 stars with [Fe/H] << -3.0. Based on high-resolution, high S/N spectra from the ESO VLT/UVES, 1D, LTE model atmospheres, and synthetic spectrum fits, we determine abundances or upper limits for the 16 elements Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, and Yb in all stars. As found earlier, [Sr/Fe], [Y/Fe], [Zr/Fe] and [Ba/Fe] are below Solar in the EMP stars, with very large scatter. However, we find a tight anti-correlation of [Sr/Ba], [Y/Ba], and [Zr/Ba] with [Ba/H] for 4.5<-4.5 < [Ba/H] <2.5< -2.5, also when subtracting the contribution of the main rr-process as measured by [Ba/H]. The huge, well-characterised scatter of the [n-capture/Fe] ratios in our EMP stars is in stark contrast to the negligible dispersion in the [α\alpha/Fe] and [Fe-peak/Fe] ratios for the same stars found in Paper V. These results demonstrate that a second (``weak'' or LEPP) rr-process dominates the production of the lighter neutron-capture elements for [Ba/H] <2.5< -2.5. The combination of very consistent [α\alpha/Fe] and erratic [n-capture/Fe] ratios indicates that inhomogeneous models for the early evolution of the halo are needed. Our accurate data provide strong constraints on future models of the production and mixing of the heavy elements in the early Galaxy.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figures, A&A accepte

    Formation of Zr I and II lines under non-LTE conditions of stellar atmospheres

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    The non-local thermodynaic equilibrium (non-LTE) line formation for the two ions of zirconium is considered through a range of spectral types when the Zr abundance varies from the solar value down to [Zr/H] = -3. The model atom was built using 148 energy levels of Zr I, 772 levels of Zr II, and the ground state of Zr III. It was shown that the main non-LTE mechnism for the minority species Zr I is ultraviolet overionization. Non-LTE leads to systematically depleted total absorption in the Zr I lines and positive abundance corrections, reaching to 0.33 dex for the solar metallicity models. The excited levels of Zr II are overpopulated relative to their thermodynamic equilibrium populations in the line formation layers due to radiative pumping from the low-excitation levels. As a result, the line source function exceeds the Planck function leading to weakening the Zr II lines and positive non-LTE abundance corrections. Such corrections grow towards lower metallicity and lower surface gravity and reach to 0.34 dex for Teff = 5500 K, log g = 2.0, [M/H] = -2. As a test and first application of the Zr I-Zr II model atom, Zr abundance was determined for the Sun on the basis of 1D LTE model atmosphere. Lines of Zr I and Zr II give consistent within the error bars non-LTE abundances, while the difference in LTE abundances amounts to 0.28 dex. The solar abundance of zirconium obtained with the MAFAGS solar model atmosphere is log eps(Zr) = 2.63+-0.07.Comment: published in Astron. Letters, 36, 664 (2010); Erratum was submitte

    Globular Cluster Abundances from High-Resolution, Integrated-Light Spectroscopy. IV. The Large Magellanic Cloud: α\alpha, Fe-peak, Light, and Heavy Elements

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    We present detailed chemical abundances in 8 clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We measure abundances of 22 elements for clusters spanning a range in age of 0.05 to 12 Gyr, providing a comprehensive picture of the chemical enrichment and star formation history of the LMC. The abundances were obtained from individual absorption lines using a new method for analysis of high resolution (RR\sim25,000) integrated light spectra of star clusters. This method was developed and presented in Papers I, II, and III of this series. In this paper, we develop an additional integrated light χ2\chi^2-minimization spectral synthesis technique to facilitate measurement of weak (\sim15 m\AA) spectral lines and abundances in low signal-to-noise ratio data (S/N\sim30). Additionally, we supplement the integrated light abundance measurements with detailed abundances that we measure for individual stars in the youngest clusters (Age<<2 Gyr) in our sample. In both the integrated light and stellar abundances we find evolution of [α\alpha/Fe] with [Fe/H] and age. Fe-peak abundance ratios are similar to those in the Milky Way, with the exception of [Cu/Fe] and [Mn/Fe], which are sub-solar at high metallicities. The heavy elements Ba, La, Nd, Sm, and Eu are significantly enhanced in the youngest clusters. Also, the heavy to light s-process ratio is elevated relative to the Milky Way ([Ba/Y]>+0.5>+0.5) and increases with decreasing age, indicating a strong contribution of low-metallicity AGB star ejecta to the interstellar medium throughout the later history of the LMC. We also find a correlation of integrated light Na and Al abundances with cluster mass, in the sense that more massive, older clusters are enriched in the light elements Na and Al with respect to Fe, which implies that these clusters harbor star-to-star abundance variations as is common in the Milky Way.Comment: 38 pages, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    New Rare Earth Element Abundance Distributions for the Sun and Five r-Process-Rich Very Metal-Poor Stars

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    We have derived new abundances of the rare-earth elements Pr, Dy, Tm, Yb, and Lu for the solar photosphere and for five very metal-poor, neutron-capture r-process-rich giant stars. The photospheric values for all five elements are in good agreement with meteoritic abundances. For the low metallicity sample, these abundances have been combined with new Ce abundances from a companion paper, and reconsideration of a few other elements in individual stars, to produce internally-consistent Ba, rare-earth, and Hf (56<= Z <= 72) element distributions. These have been used in a critical comparison between stellar and solar r-process abundance mixes.Comment: 48 pages, 11 figures, 12 tables: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal Supplemen