1,146 research outputs found

    The Boomerang Effect: Asia\u27s casino industry growth can fly back to benefit Las Vegas

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    Boomerangs are an interesting invention. These remarkable devices can be thrown into the sky, for long distances, and then they do something amazing: they fly back to the thrower. Metaphorically speaking, the Las Vegas-based casino resort industry has thrown its boomerang to places like Singapore, Macau, and many other casino markets throughout the world over the last decade, with great success. Of course, many question whether this boomerang will indeed fly back to the thrower in the form of economic benefits. In this paper, I will lay out some key strategic concepts that argue that Las Vegas is indeed benefitting from the global expansion of several core economic sectors

    Stability and chaos of hierarchical three black hole configurations

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    We study the stability and chaos of three compact objects using post-Newtonian (PN) equations of motion derived from the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner-Hamiltonian formulation. We include terms up to 2.5 PN order in the orbital part and the leading order in spin corrections. We performed numerical simulations of a hierarchical configuration of three compact bodies in which a binary system is perturbed by a third, lighter body initially positioned far away from the binary. The relative importance of the different PN orders is examined. The basin boundary method and the computation of Lyapunov exponent were employed to analyze the stability and chaotic properties of the system. The 1 PN terms produced a small but noticeable change in the stability regions of the parameters considered. The inclusion of spin or gravitational radiation does not produced a significant change with respect to the inclusion of the 1 PN terms.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figures and 4 tables. Version published in Phys. Rev. D. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1012.442

    Designing STEM Experiences for the Family in Order to Develop STEM Family Habitus and Capital

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    Ethnic minority students and low-income students are grossly underrepresented in demonstrating interest and aspirations in science, evidence of science participation, and subsequent capital. Members of these populations do not often embrace a STEM identity or recognize that science, technology, engineering, and math are for them. While schools struggle to innovate in terms of how best to engage and increase aspirations and opportunities in STEM for these underrepresented populations, the family continues to be the most ignored contributor to a student’s STEM identity. Families play an important role in influencing their students’ attitudes, interests, aspirations, and achievements in STEM. While research exists that points to a family’s capital and dispositions towards science - known as habitus - to influence their children’s STEM identity, there is no research that examines deliberately-designed STEM experiences for the family, as a direct intervention meant to enhance a students’ science identity. Given that identity development is a lengthy process, this study attended to the hypothesized precursors: STEM capital and STEM family habitus. Specifically, this study sought to answer in what ways designed STEM experiences were meaningful for families in the development of STEM capital and the support of STEM habitus. Drawing on parent and student surveys after the family STEM events, observations, and interviews, the findings demonstrate that the designed STEM experiences were significant in building capital through meaningful conversations and connections. The family’s burgeoning STEM habitus was also made visible through developing interests, both by parents and students. The designed STEM experiences were instrumental in connecting families to STEM investigations, developing a community of learners, and providing access to STEM participation they might not have had on their own. Implications of these findings for education stakeholders include deliberate design methods to maximize family engagement and interest, as well as ways to develop a STEM community of practice within underrepresented populations

    Session 2-4-B: The Boomerang Effect

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    Today\u27s Talk: 1. Ideas, not politics 2. Strategic outlook 3. Macro Focuse

    Submission of Amici Briefs in Arbitration Related to Environmental Concerns: Developing a Better Framework for Their Consideration Under ICSID Rule 37(2)

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    This note examines the consideration of amicus curiae briefs in international arbitration matters under the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (“ICSID”), specifically focusing on arbitration cases involving environmental concerns. The note explores trends in consideration of amicus briefs in environmental arbitration by taking a historical look at cases and the rationales behind the decisions of the tribunals to consider amicus briefs and raises concerns regarding a better, uniform approach to amicus briefs. To achieve a better system of consideration of amicus briefs when environmental concerns are at play, given their public and ecologic interest, the author suggests reworking and expanding Rule 37(2) of ICSID for a complete guideline for arbitration tribunals when considering amicus briefs. Furthermore, the note explores the suggestion of modeling the approach to the regulation and consideration of amicus briefs after research on American domestic courts’ treatment of these types of submissions to ensure that public environmental concern remains considered while adequately moderated

    Enfoques disciplinarios e interdisciplinarios para el análisis y definición de la violencia

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    Objective: despite the plentiful academic discussion about violence, forms of violence, actors, effects, among other things, a question emerges almost permanently: what do we talk about when we talk about violence? This article makes a reflection on the definition and analysis of the concept of violence from different disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches in order to answer the question: what is meant by violence? Methodology: some approaches from Anthropology, Political Science, Philosophy, Sociology, Research for Peace, Criminology and Public Health were considered. Results: it was found that most of the research considers violence as an element that delimits social interactions rather than an irrational or instinctive act. And, these studies establish the degree of cultural, symbolic, institutional influences and the normative in its management and reasoning, depending on the perspective of analysis. Conclusion. a review of advantages and disadvantages of the analytical expediency of the transition from the term violence into the expression of violence was concluded. It considers an interdisciplinary approach that not only focuses on physical manifestations, but addresses the multidimensionality of violence and the matter created by different scales of interaction and affectation by making the violence a changeable and complex social phenomenon.Objetivo: a pesar de la abundante discusión académica acerca de la violencia, sus formas, actores, efectos, entre otros elementos, una pregunta emerge casi de manera permanente: ¿de qué hablamos cuando hablamos de violencia? El presente artículo realiza una Reflexión sobre la definición y análisis del concepto de la violencia desde distintos enfoques disciplinarios e interdisciplinarios con el objetivo de intentar una respuesta para la pregunta ¿qué se entiende por violencia? Metodología: se consideraron algunos de los aportes realizados desde la Antropología, las Ciencias Políticas, la Filosofía, la Sociología, la Investigación para la Paz, la Criminología y la Salud Pública. Resultados: se encontró que la mayoría de los trabajos que sirvieron de base a este estudio consideran a la violencia como un elemento que delimita las interacciones sociales más que un acto irracional o instintivo. Y, dependiendo la perspectiva de análisis, establecen el grado de influencia de lo cultural, simbólico, institucional y normativo en su manejo y justificación. Conclusiones: se concluye con un balance de las ventajas y desventajas de la conveniencia analítica del tránsito del término violencia a la expresión violencias. Ello, considerando un enfoque interdisciplinario que no sólo se centra en las manifestaciones físicas, sino que atiende la multidimensionalidad de la violencia y el entramado que crean las distintas escalas de interacción y afectación convirtiéndola en fenómeno social mutable y complejo

    Why did you clone these identifiers? Using Grounded Theory to understand Identifier Clones

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    Developers spend most of their time comprehending source code, with some studies estimating this activity takes between 58% to 70% of a developer’s time. To improve the readability of source code, and therefore the productivity of developers, it is important to understand what aspects of static code analysis and syntactic code structure hinder the understandability of code. Identifiers are a main source of code comprehension due to their large volume and their role as implicit documentation of a developer’s intent when writing code. Despite the critical role that identifiers play during program comprehension, there are no regulated naming standards for developers to follow when picking identifier names. Our research supports previous work aimed at understanding what makes a good identifier name, and practices to follow when picking names by exploring a phenomenon that occurs during identifier naming: identifier clones. Identifier clones are two or more identifiers that are declared using the same name. This is an important yet unexplored phenomenon in identifier naming where developers intentionally give the same name to two or more identifiers in separate parts of a system. We must study identifier clones to understand it’s impact on program comprehension and to better understand the nature of identifier naming. To accomplish this, we conducted an empirical study on identifier clones detected in open-source software engineered systems and propose a taxonomy of identifier clones containing categories that can explain why they are introduced into systems and whether they represent naming antipatterns

    La Importancia de Comprender la Relación entre la Comunidad, Hogar y Escuela para la Formación de Futuros Educadores

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    As educators committed to preparing teachers to teach effectively across differences and in ways that actively resist perpetuating injustices, we have found  that designing opportunities that take teachers  into the children’s community  is the best way to learn about the cultural wealth existing in homes and to understand the importance of including parents in the education of their children. College students from a graduate program at a public institution were asked to engage in community, neighborhood and home visits to reflect on their understanding of the relationship among  community, home, and schools. As a result of these interactions, the students came to a new and deeper understanding of the importance of bringing together communities, schools, and homes to create an optimum environment for student success.Como educadoras comprometidas con la formación de maestros que enseñen de manera eficaz a niños de diferentes culturas y lenguas, y a pesar de las diferencias,  se opongan activamente a perpetuar cualquier clase de injusticia. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se encontró que el diseñar oportunidades para que  los maestros puedan acercarse  a las comunidades de origen de los niños, es la mejor manera de conocer la riqueza cultural existente en los hogares y para entender la importancia de incluir a los padres en la educación de sus hijos.  Para esta investigación,  los estudiantes de un programa de posgrado de una institución pública fueron invitados a participar en la comunidad, barrio y hogares de los estudiantes para reflexionar sobre su comprensión de la relación entre la comunidad, hogar  y escuela. Como resultado de estas interacciones, los estudiantes llegaron a un nuevo y más profundo entendimiento de la importancia de integrar la comunidad, escuela y hogar para crear un entorno óptimo para el éxito del estudiante