14 research outputs found

    Pauses pleines et allongements d’hĂ©sitation en français parlĂ© : approche perceptive en temps rĂ©el comparĂ©e Ă  une annotation en diffĂ©rĂ©

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    Ce mĂ©moire propose d’enrichir notre comprĂ©hension de deux phĂ©nomĂšnes linguistiques d’hĂ©sitation du français parlĂ© : les pauses remplies (traditionnellement transcrites « euh » en français) et les allongements. Deux Ă©tudes perceptives sont prĂ©sentĂ©es. La premiĂšre consiste en une Ă©valuation du taux d’accord entre l’annotation – en diffĂ©rĂ© – d’un extrait de deux corpus de narrations par trois juges. La seconde analyse la perception sous un angle nouveau. Elle se base en effet sur une annotation – en temps rĂ©el – de ces phĂ©nomĂšnes. L’objectif est dĂšs lors d’approcher au plus prĂšs des conditions naturelles de traitement de ceux-ci. L’ensemble des Ă©chantillons sonores d’un corpus multigenres a Ă©tĂ© classĂ© en 6 groupes de 8 extraits. J’ai Ă©coutĂ© chacun d’eux et ai pressĂ© la barre espace de mon clavier d’ordinateur dĂšs que je percevais une pause remplie ou un allongement d’hĂ©sitation. Un logiciel enregistrait simultanĂ©ment chaque pression. Mon temps de rĂ©action Ă  une sĂ©rie de sons purs a Ă©tĂ© calculĂ© avant et aprĂšs chacune des sessions d’annotation. Cette mesure de rĂ©fĂ©rence a ensuite permis de relier chaque pression au phĂ©nomĂšne linguistique ayant dĂ©clenchĂ© la perception. Il apparait d’une part qu’il est possible de prĂ©dire la perception de l’allongement d’hĂ©sitation Ă  partir de variables linguistiques telles que la durĂ©e relative de la syllabe allongĂ©e, sa position dans la chaĂźne prosodique et dans le groupe accentuel, la prĂ©sence d’autres marques d’hĂ©sitation ainsi que les mouvements intonatifs syllabiques et la hauteur de la frĂ©quence fondamentale. D’autre part, la seconde Ă©tude a permis de mettre en exergue plusieurs tendances : le « euh » est la marque la plus frĂ©quemment dĂ©tectĂ©e, les allongements perçus portent davantage sur des mots outils monosyllabiques, le e (@) est la voyelle la plus souvent perçue comme allongĂ©e, les marques perçues prĂ©cĂ©dĂ©es par un silence correspondent plus Ă  des pauses remplies qu’à des allongements.Master [120] en langues et lettres françaises et romanes, orientation gĂ©nĂ©rale, UniversitĂ© catholique de Louvain, 201


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    This PHD study bring to light heterogeneity of careers concealed by the category of "unaccompanied migrant minor", but also the strength of relationships wich put around their projects, before their departure and into reception societies. This study, realized in Lille and Brussels, show that young unaccompanied minor's career grows in connection with their social and family relations. It also evolves with constraints and/or opportunities (economical, political, institutional and family opportunities) met on the way in immigration or transit countries. Their stories bring also to light learning productions over migration roads, and "tips" transmitted in different circulation and/or installation territories. Language and adaptation abilities, information searches, network creations, are so many trainings that appear in the course of stories related; knowledge build in informal way, before their departure and through chance meetings, but also in connection with social work institutions. Whether they are supervised by institution in regular way or not, these young migrants remain however under the State influence and they are forced to organize their life around papers search, and fear of deportation.Cette thĂšse s’est attachĂ©e Ă  mettre en Ă©vidence l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des parcours dissimulĂ©s par la catĂ©gorie du « mineur Ă©tranger isolĂ© », mais aussi la force des relations qui entourent l’élaboration des projets et les conditions de leur rĂ©alisation dans les sociĂ©tĂ©s de rĂ©ception. En considĂ©rant la dimension processuelle de la migration depuis leur dĂ©part, puis en privilĂ©giant une approche centrĂ©e sur leurs expĂ©riences Ă  Lille et Bruxelles, l’étude souligne que le parcours des jeunes isolĂ©s s’élabore en articulation avec leurs relations sociales et familiales, et qu’il Ă©volue selon les contraintes et/ou les occasions (Ă©conomiques, politiques, institutionnelles, familiales) rencontrĂ©es en chemin dans les pays d’immigration et/ou de transit. Leurs rĂ©cits mettent Ă©galement en Ă©vidence la production d’apprentissages sur les routes migratoires et les « ficelles » qui se transmettent dans les diffĂ©rents territoires de circulation et/ou d’installation. CompĂ©tences linguistiques, capacitĂ© d’adaptation, de recherche d’informations, Ă©tablissement de rĂ©seaux, sont autant d’apprentissages qui apparaissent au fil des histoires qui nous ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©sentĂ©es – des savoirs et savoir-faire construits de maniĂšre informelle, avant leur dĂ©part et au fil des rencontres, mais aussi en relation avec les institutions du travail social. Qu’ils soient encadrĂ©s par les institutions de maniĂšre rĂ©guliĂšre ou non, ces jeunes migrants demeurent toutefois sous l’emprise de l’Etat, contraints d’organiser leur vie autour de la recherche de papiers, la crainte des procĂ©dures juridiques et la hantise de se voir refuser l’hospitalitĂ© nĂ©cessaire pour parvenir Ă  rĂ©aliser leurs projets

    Comparing Online and Offline Methodologies for Spoken Corpus Annotation. The case of Filled Pauses and Hesitation-Related Lengthening in French

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    In this contribution we compare the results of two methodologies for annotating phenomena related to hesitation in speech (e.g. Martin & Strange, 1968), namely filled pauses and lengthening. The first method is the off-line annotation of a spoken corpus by annotators who have access to additional information (e.g. a visual representation of the signal) and the possibility to listen multiple times to segments; most manual annotations in speech corpora are produced using this methodology. The second method is using software that allows for the online annotation of a phenomenon in real-time, without the possibility of stopping the playback or repeatedly listening to segments. In both cases, annotators were “experts” (they had training and experience in phonetics and prosody); we can envisage using the second methodology with “naĂŻve” listeners (participants in an annotation campaign not having prior knowledge of the underlying research question). We also compare these two methodologies with the results of automatic annotation, which is based on statistical models trained on a different speech corpus. These comparisons are a form of triangulation, i.e. “cross-checking data from multiple sources to search for regularities in the research data” (O’Donoghue and Punch, 2003). Methodology All annotations were performed on the LOCAS-F corpus (Degand et al., 2014) which is a balanced corpus of spoken French with samples of 14 different speaking styles (discourse genres). The duration of the corpus is 3.5 hours and it contains 43.000 tokens. The corpus is aligned at the phone level (manually verified) and also contains an expert prosodic annotation (two levels of boundaries and four prosodic contours) as well as a part-of-speech and syntactical annotation. The transcription conventions used in the corpus readily identify autonomous filled pauses, and allow us to identify syllables ending in schwa (possibly perceived as epenthetic). With respect to off-line annotation methods, we used two different sets of data: the entire corpus has been annotated by the second and third authors, independently from one another, and using different annotation schemes. Both annotation protocols, however, include markers for filled pauses and for hesitation-related lengthening at the syllable level. With respect to the on-line annotation method, we used the Tapping Annotator software (previously used to study the perception of prosodic boundaries, cf. Simon & Christodoulides, 2016). A simple interface (Figure 1) allows the user to listen to corpus audio samples and press a key as soon as they perceive the phenomenon under study. All keystrokes (press and release times) are recorded for analysis. The first author used this interface to annotate the entire LOCAS-F corpus, in non-contiguous sessions of six corpus samples; she repeated the process twice. Analysis The annotation campaigns described above result in four datasets (two offline and two online). In the case of on-line annotation, we used a simple method to correlate a keypress to the syllables that triggered the perception of a hesitation (based in the average reaction time of the annotator to pure tones). An additional dataset was the result of an automatic detection of hesitation-related lengthening using the statistical models of the DisMo annotator (Christodoulides & Avanzi, 2015). We will present a comparison of the five datasets, along with an analysis of the correlates of syllables that triggered the perception of hesitation. These correlates include syllable duration, intonation contour, presence and duration of a subsequent silent pause, local speech rate, position within token and within syntactic constituent. References Christodoulides, G. & Avanzi, M. (2015). Automatic detection and annotation of disfluencies in spoken French corpora”, Proc. of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), September 6–10, Dresden, Germany, pp. 1849–1853. Degand, L., Martin, L.J., Simon, A.C. (2014). UnitĂ©s discursives de base et leur pĂ©riphĂ©rie gauche dans LOCAS-F, un corpus oral multigenres annotĂ©. Actes du 4Ăšme CongrĂšs Mondial de Linguistique Française 2014, Berlin, Germany: EDP Sciences. Martin, J. G. & Strange, W. (1968). The perception of hesitation in spontaneous speech, Perception & Psychophysics, 3(6): 427-438, DOI: 10.3758/BF03205750 O’Donoghue, T. & Punch K. (2003). Qualitative Educational Research in Action: Doing and Reflecting, Routledge, p.78. Simon, A. C. & Christodoulides, G. (2016). Perception of Prosodic Boundaries by NaĂŻve Listeners in French, Proc. of Speech Prosody 2016, 31 May – 3 June 2016, Boston, USA

    Perception des hésitations : liens entre accord inter-annotateurs et contextes prosodiques

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    Les allongements et pauses pleines reprĂ©sentent 1.9 Ă  7.6 % du flux verbal et sont reconnus comme des caractĂ©ristiques inhĂ©rentes des productions discursives (Eklund, 2010 ; Foxtree, 1995). En production, ils reflĂštent divers processus discursifs et cognitifs tels que la planification, la recherche de mots ou la mise en saillance d’une nouvelles entitĂ© (Arnold, 2010 ; Bortfeld et al., 2001 ; Fraundorf & Watson, 2008 ; Schmitter-Edgecombe, Vesneski, & Jones, 2000). Ces marqueurs peuvent prĂ©senter des distributions et patrons de cooccurrences rĂ©guliers : les pauses pleines et allongements sont prĂ©fĂ©rentiellement suivis par des pauses silencieuses (Goldman et al, 2001 ; Moniz et al. 2008). Selon ces auteurs, les allongements seraient causĂ©s par un retardement de la production discursive. En perception, les marqueurs occasionnent par ailleurs des attentes et interprĂ©tations chez les interlocuteurs – e.g. l’anticipation d’un nouvel Ă©lĂ©ment discursif (Barr, 2010 ; Brennan et Williams, 1995 ; Cole et al., 2005). De fait, les interlocuteurs jugent plus disfluents les segments de parole contenant des hĂ©sitations sans pause silencieuse subsĂ©quente (Moniz et al., 2009). Toutefois, Ă  notre connaissance, peu d’études ont examinĂ© si la perception mĂȘme des hĂ©sitations est univoque et si celle-ci est influencĂ©e par la prĂ©sence d’hĂ©sitations environnantes. L’expĂ©rience perceptive d’annotation proposĂ©e tente de rĂ©pondre Ă  ces questions. Six enregistrements de LOCAS-F (Louvain Corpus of Annotated Speech – French, Degand, Martin & Simon, 2014) et du corpus de thĂšse de Rousier-Vercruyssen (projet FNS n°140269, Fossard et al., en prep.) d’une durĂ©e totale de 12 minutes (3266 syll.) ont Ă©tĂ© annotĂ©s sous Praat (Boersma & Weenink 2009) par trois linguistes francophones. Quatre catĂ©gories sont Ă  l’étude : syllabe non-disfluente, syllabe porteuse d’un allongement dit d’hĂ©sitation, syllabe reprĂ©sentant une pause pleine (schwa post-tonique, euh isolĂ©, mais Ă©galement hum et mh), ainsi que le reparandum de quatre autres marques de (dis)fluences (rĂ©pĂ©titions, amorces, auto-corrections, insertions). Les rĂ©sultats indiquent un fort taux d’accord inter-annotateurs (Kappa Fleiss = 0.71, p syllabes non disfluentes (Îș =0.75) > allongements d’hĂ©sitation (Îș =0.63) > reparandum des autres marques de (dis)fluences (Îș =0.43). RĂ©fĂ©rences Arnold, J. E. (2010). How speakers refer: the role of accessibility. Language and linguistics Compass, 4, 187-203. Barr, D. J. (2010). The role of fillers in listeners attributions for speaker disfluency. Language and cognitive processes, 25 (4), 441-455. Boersma, P., & Weenink, D. (2009). Praat: doing phonetics by computer (version 5.1.05) [computer program]. Bortfeld, H., Leon, S. D., Bloom, J. E., Schober, M. F., & Brennan, S. E. (2001). Disfluency rates in conversation: Effects of age, relationship, topic, role, and gender. Language and speech, 44 (2), 123-147. Brennan, S. E., & Williams, M. (1995). The feeling of another’s knowing: Prosody and filled pause as cues to listeners about the metacognitive state of speakers. Journal of memory and language, 34, 383-398. Cole, J., Hasegawa-Johnson, M., Shih, C., Kim, H., Lee, E.-K., Lu, H.-Y. Mo, Y. & Yoon, T.-J. (2005). Prosodic parallelism as a cue to repetition disfluency. In Proceedings of Diss05, disfluency in spontaneous speech workshop. Duez, Danielle. 2001a. Acoustic-phonetic characteristics of filled pauses in spontaneous French speech: preliminary results. Proceedings of Workshop Disfluencies (ISCA), 41–44. Edinburg, UK. Eklund, R. & M. WirĂ©n. 2010. Effects of open and directed prompts on filled pauses and utterance production. In: Proceedings of Fonetik 2010, Lund University, 23–28. Fossard, M., Achim, A. M., Rousier-Vercruyssen, L., Gonzalez, S. & Champagne-Lavau, M. (en prep.). Discourse construction through the modulation of referential markers in a collaborative storytelling in sequence task. Fox Tree, J. E. F. (1995). Fox Tree_1995_The effects of False Starts and Repetitions on the Processing of Subsequent Words in Spontaneous Speech.pdf. Fraundorf, S. H. & Watson, D. G. (2008). Dimensions of Variation in Disfluency Production in Discourse. In Proceedings of LONDIAL. Martin, Laurence J., Liesbeth Degand & Anne-Catherine Simon. 2014. Forme et fonction de la pĂ©riphĂ©rie gauche dans un corpus oral multigenres annotĂ©. Corpus(13). 243–265. (5 May, 2015). Moniz, Helena, Ana Isabel Mata, Isabel Trancoso & CĂ©u Viana. 2008. How can you use disfluencies and still sound as a good speaker? INTERSPEECH, 1687. Moniz, Helena, Isabel Trancoso & Ana Isabel Mata. 2009. Classification of disfluent phenomena as fluent communicative devices in specific prosodic contexts. Proceedings of Interspeech 2009, 1719–1722. Brighton, UK. Goldman, J.; Avanzi, M. & Auchlin, A. (2010). Hesitations in read vs. spontaneous French in a multi-genre corpus. In Proceedings of DiSS-LPSS Joint Workshop 2010, 101-102. Schmitter-Edgecombe, M.; Vesneski, M. & Jones, D. (2000). Aging and Word-Finding: A Comparison of Spontaneous and Constrained Naming Tests. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 15, 479-493

    Biomechanical modeling for the estimation of muscle forces: toward a common language in biomechanics, medical engineering, and neurosciences

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    Abstract Different research fields, such as biomechanics, medical engineering or neurosciences take part in the development of biomechanical models allowing for the estimation of individual muscle forces involved in motor action. The heterogeneity of the terminology used to describe these models according to the research field is a source of confusion and can hamper collaboration between the different fields. This paper proposes a common language based on lexical disambiguation and a synthesis of the terms used in the literature in order to facilitate the understanding of the different elements of biomechanical modeling for force estimation, without questioning the relevance of the terms used in each field or the different model components or their interest. We suggest that the description should start with an indication of whether the muscle force estimation problem is solved following the physiological movement control (from the nervous drive to the muscle force production) or in the opposite direction. Next, the suitability of the model for force production estimation at a given time or for monitoring over time should be specified. Authors should pay particular attention to the method description used to find solutions, specifying whether this is done during or after data collection, with possible method adaptations during processing. Finally, the presence of additional data must be specified by indicating whether they are used to drive, assist, or calibrate the model. Describing and classifying models in this way will facilitate the use and application in all fields where the estimation of muscle forces is of real, direct, and concrete interest

    Mortalité chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH guéries du VHC par rapport aux personnes non infectées par le VHC : une analyse appariée dans la cohorte ANRS CO4 FHDH

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    International audienceObjective: It is unknown whether HCV-cured people with HIV (PWH) without cirrhosis reached the same mortality risk as HCV-uninfected PWH. We aimed to compare mortality in PWH cured of HCV by direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) to mortality in individuals with HIV monoinfection. Design: Nationwide hospital cohort. Methods: HIV-controlled participants without cirrhosis and HCV-cured by DAAs started between 09/2013 and 09/2020, were matched on age (±5 years), sex, HIV transmission group, AIDS status, and BMI (±1 kg/m 2) to up to ten participants with a virally suppressed HIV monoinfection followed at the time of HCV cure ± 6 months. Poisson regression models with robust variance estimates were used to compare mortality in both groups after adjusting for confounders. Results: The analysis included 3961 HCV-cured PWH (G1) and 33 872 HCV-uninfected PWH (G2). Median follow-up was 3.7 years in G1 (interquartile range (IQR): 2.0-4.6), and 3.3 years in G2. Median age was 52.0 years (IQR: 47.0–56.0), and 29 116 (77.0%) were men. There were 150 deaths in G1 (adjusted incidence rate (aIR): 12.2/1000 person-years) and 509 (aIR: 6.3/1000 person-years) in G2, with an incidence rate ratio (IRR): 1.9 [95%CI, 1.4–2.7]. The risk remained elevated 12 months post HCV cure (IRR: 2.4 [95%CI, 1.6–3.5]). Non-AIDS/nonliver-related malignancy was the most common cause of death in G1 (28 deaths).Conclusions: Despite HCV cure and HIV viral suppression, after controlling on factors related to mortality, DAA-cured PWH without cirrhosis remain at higher risk of all-cause mortality than people with HIV monoinfection. A better understanding of the determinants of mortality is needed in this population

    Predictors identified for losses to follow-up among HIV-seropositive patients.

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: This study aims to describe predictors of loss to follow-up (LFU) in the French Hospital Database on HIV infection (FHDH). METHODS: We studied the prevalence and predictors of LFU among 34,835 patients enrolled in FHDH in 1999. Impacts of demographic and clinical factors were studied by using multivariate logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Among included patients, 1,478 (4.2%) died and 2,950 (8.5%) were lost to follow-up. LFU was more frequent among recently diagnosed patients ( 1 year, 7.1). Among recently diagnosed patients, LFU was less frequent among men who have sex with men (MSM) [odds radio (OR) = 0.6, 95% confidence interval (CI) = (0.5;0.7)], and among patients with AIDS [OR = 0.5, 95%CI = (0.4;0.6)], and more frequent among immigrants [OR = 1.3, 95%CI = (1.0;1.5)]. Among less recently diagnosed patients, LFU was more frequent in French Departments of America than in the Paris area. The proportion of LFU fell with age, and LFU was more frequent among intravenous drug users (IVDU) than among MSM [OR = 1.2, 95%CI = (1.1;1.4)]. Patients with viral load >5,000 copies/mL or CD4 cell counts <200/mm(3) were more likely to be lost to follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Recently diagnosed patients, IVDU, and immigrants are more often lost to follow-up, and should therefore receive special attention