390 research outputs found

    “Així tornen els vençuts”. Restauració del Memorial als republicans

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    La tardor de l’any 1977, s’instal·là al cementiri de Montuïri, un memorial que retia homenatge a 22 republicans mallorquins morts a mans dels falangistes; a causa del seu deteriorament, el novembre de l’any 2012 l’Associació Memòria de Mallorca prengué la iniciativa i es reformà el monument. En aquest projecte es dignificà la làpida commemorativa i s’acompanyà d’elements simbòlics en l’elaboració dels quals col·laboraren els familiars de les víctimes. El desembre del mateix any, el monument fou abatut per un acte vandàlic. El present article té com objectiu la difusió dels mètodes i solucions pràctiques emprades en la restauració del memorial, i la manifestació de la necessitat de crear una consciència global sobre la importància del cementeri com a espai patrimonial de tots i la importància del paper del restaurador en la seva custòdia

    Alta sensibilidad y depresión. Una relación mediada por el sesgo atencional

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    34 p.Las personas altamente sensibles presentan mayores tasas de problemas de salud mental. El trastorno depresivo mayor es uno de los trastornos que mayor probabilidad tienen de sufrir las personas con este rasgo. La mayor capacidad para detectar emociones y estímulos del entorno podría estar mediando esta relación. El objetivo del presente estudio es examinar si las personas altamente sensibles presentan el mismo sesgo atencional hacia la información negativa que las personas depresivas. Se seleccionaron 116 de sujetos a los que se les administró la escala de alta sensibilidad, un cuestionario de depresión y un instrumento diseñado para medir el sesgo atencional. Este instrumento contenía imágenes de caras felices y caras tristes. Los resultados mostraron correlación entre alta sensibilidad y depresión, correlación positiva entre depresión y sesgo atencional y alta sensibilidad para caras tristes.Highly sensitive persons have more mental health issues. Major depression is one of the most prevalent mental health problem in highly sensitive persons. This relation could be mediated by their empathy and their ability to detect environmental stimuli. The aim of the present study is to examine whether highly sensitive persons present an attentional bias to negative stimuli as it happens in major depression. The sample was formed by 116 subjects. They had to complete the highly sensitive persons scale, the Beck´s depression inventory and an instrument designed to measure attentional bias. This instrument was composed of photographs that show happy and sad faces. The results showed significative correlation between high sensitivity and depression, positive correlation between depression, high sensitivity and attentional bias for sad faces.Máster Universitario en Psicología General Sanitaria (M169

    Clinical and molecular characterization of monogenic diabetes mellitus in infants and young children

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina. Dpto. de Pediatría. Fecha de lectura: 23 de Noviembre de 2009

    Mejoramiento de los procedimientos en plataforma para la prevención de accidentes e incidentes en la empresa Andes Airport Services

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    Debido a los constantes incidentes y accidentes en plataforma, la empresa Andes Airport Services ha tenido que incurrir en altos costos para la reparación de estos eventos. Adicionalmente se ha visto afectado la imagen de empresa segura dentro de la aviación. Dado estos antecedentes, se ha implementado una herramienta de medición de procedimientos de seguridad antes, durante y después del vuelo, a fin de identificar los focos o procedimientos bajo estándar que están ocasionando dichos eventos

    Evaluation of Funori as adhesive for stone polychromy. The XV century Ramon Llull’s sepulchre as Case Study

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    Adhesion and consolidation of pictorial layers has become one of the main challenges in conservation issues and, despite a growing availability of new resins and polymers, natural, traditional and well-known materials have been studied and improved, in order to face and solve modern issues. During the last conservation intervention on Ramon Llull’s sepulchre, the original polychromy has been rediscovered. A funori solution has been evaluated as the most suitable to undertake the intervention, and a specific methodology was developed in order to fix the layers. Funori’s reversibility and slight surfactant characteristics, allows that the removal of the grey overpaints could be easily carried out with wa

    Comparative approach about adhesives for the intervention of polychrome on stone: the case of Ramon Llull’s Sepulchre

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    The sepulchre of the Blessed Ramon Llull is a XV century monument located in Palma (Mallorca, Spain). During the studies developed for the restoration project, remains of the original polychrome were discovered. Prolonged exposure to high levels of humidity and leaks were the main causes of the deterioration of the monument’s polychromies. The plaster layers lost cohesion and adhesion from the support, so they had to be treated. For the selection of the adhesive, the results obtained in the researches through the current scientific bibliography were analyzed. As a result of the comparative process, ammonium caseinate, Klucel H® and funori were selected, to be tested on the monument for their compatibility, stability, adhesive properties, low optical effects, re-treatability and low concentration. Finally, funori was the definitive product used, with which the desired results were obtained

    Global stability analysis of axisymmetric liquid-liquid flow focusing

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    Article number A10We analyse both numerically and experimentally the stability of the steady jetting tip streaming produced by focusing a liquid stream with another liquid current when they coflow through the orifice of an axisymmetric nozzle. We calculate the global eigenmodes characterizing the response of this configuration to small-amplitude perturbations. In this way, the critical conditions leading to the instability of the steady jetting tip streaming are determined. The unstable perturbations are classified according to their oscillatory character and to the region where they originate (convective and absolute instability). We derive and explain in terms of the velocity field a simple scaling law to predict the diameter of the emitted jet. The numerical stability limits are compared with experimental results, finding reasonable agreement. The experiments confirm the existence of the two instability mechanisms predicted by the global stability analysisMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (España) DPI2016-78887Junta de Extremadura GR18175Junta de Andalucía P18-FR-362

    Desenvolupament i implementació d´ Unitats Docents Autocontingudes a les assignatures d’Àlgebra

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    En el curs 2008/2009 s’ha aplicat una metodologia docent nova a l’assignatura d’Àlgebra i Geometria de primer de la titulació d’Enginyeria de Camins. Ha calgut un tipus de material nou que també haurà de servir per a les assignatures d'àlgebra dels nous plans d'estudis. A més del programa de l'assignatura, on s'especifica el contingut dels diferents temes, s’ha treballat amb una programació per "sessions", que corresponen a una hora de classe presencial. Són unitats tancades que permeten dissenyar un calendari atemporal. A l'inici de cada curs acadèmic es concretarà aquest calendari, de manera que l'estudiantat disposarà de la programació detallada de la matèria. Abans de cada sessió l'estudiant ha de treballar els seus continguts i li cal tenir un paper més actiu en el seu aprenentatge. Per aconseguir tot això s'han generat materials nous i rentabiltzat els antics. El projecte ha suposat una primera fase de la readaptació de continguts estàtics i elaboració de nous elements dinàmics amb una organització totalment diferent a la del curs anterior. Així doncs, a partir d'unitats petites, com si fossin peces d'un trencaclosques es podran dissenyar diverses assignatures d'àlgebra, segons el nivell i programa que es vulgui assolir.Peer Reviewe

    Permanent Neonatal Diabetes and Enteric Anendocrinosis Associated With Biallelic Mutations in NEUROG3

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    Artículo de publicación ISIOBJECTIVE—NEUROG3 plays a central role in the development of both pancreatic islets and enteroendocrine cells. Homozygous hypomorphic missense mutations in NEUROG3 have been recently associated with a rare form of congenital malabsorptive diarrhea secondary to enteroendocrine cell dysgenesis. Interestingly, the patients did not develop neonatal diabetes but childhood-onset diabetes. We hypothesized that null mutations in NEUROG3 might be responsible for the disease in a patient with permanent neonatal diabetes and severe congenital malabsorptive diarrhea. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—The single coding exon of NEUROG3 was amplified and sequenced from genomic DNA. The mutant protein isoforms were functionally characterized by measuring their ability to bind to an E-box element in the NEUROD1 promoter in vitro and to induce ectopic endocrine cell formation and cell delamination after in ovo chicken endoderm electroporation. RESULTS—Two different heterozygous point mutations in NEUROG3 were identified in the proband [c.82G.T (p.E28X) and c.404T.C (p.L135P)], each being inherited from an unaffected parent. Both in vitro and in vivo functional studies indicated that the mutant isoforms are biologically inactive. In keeping with this, no enteroendocrine cells were detected in intestinal biopsy samples from the patient. CONCLUSIONS—Severe deficiency of neurogenin 3 causes a rare novel subtype of permanent neonatal diabetes. This finding confirms the essential role of NEUROG3 in islet development and function in humans