29 research outputs found
Constraining the contribution of Gamma-Ray Bursts to the high-energy diffuse neutrino flux with 10 yr of ANTARES data
Addressing the origin of the astrophysical neutrino flux observed by IceCube is of paramount importance. Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are among the few astrophysical sources capable of achieving the required energy to contribute to such neutrino flux through pÎł interactions. In this work, ANTARES data have been used to search for upward going muon neutrinos in spatial and temporal coincidence with 784 GRBs occurred from 2007 to 2017. For each GRB, the expected neutrino flux has been calculated in the framework of the internal shock model and the impact of the lack of knowledge on the majority of source redshifts and on other intrinsic parameters of the emission mechanism has been quantified. It is found that the model parameters that set the radial distance where shock collisions occur have the largest impact on neutrino flux expectations. In particular, the bulk Lorentz factor of the source ejecta and the minimum variability time-scale are found to contribute significantly to the GRB-neutrino flux uncertainty. For the selected sources, ANTARES data have been analysed by maximizing the discovery probability of the stacking sample through an extended maximum-likelihood strategy. Since no neutrino event passed the quality cuts set by the optimization procedure, 90 perâcent confidence level upper limits (with their uncertainty) on the total expected diffuse neutrino flux have been derived, according to the model. The GRB contribution to the observed diffuse astrophysical neutrino flux around 100 TeV is constrained to be less than 10 perâcent
Architecture and performance of the KM3NeT front-end firmware
The KM3NeT infrastructure consists of two deep-sea neutrino telescopes being deployed in the Mediterranean Sea. The telescopes will detect extraterrestrial and atmospheric neutrinos by means of the incident photons induced by the passage of relativistic charged particles through the seawater as a consequence of a neutrino interaction. The telescopes are configured in a three-dimensional grid of digital optical modules, each hosting 31 photomultipliers. The photomultiplier signals produced by the incident Cherenkov photons are converted into digital information consisting of the integrated pulse duration and the time at which it surpasses a chosen threshold. The digitization is done by means of time to digital converters (TDCs) embedded in the field programmable gate array of the central logic board. Subsequently, a state machine formats the acquired data for its transmission to shore. We present the architecture and performance of the front-end firmware consisting of the TDCs and the state machine
Event reconstruction for KM3NeT/ORCA using convolutional neural networks
The KM3NeT research infrastructure is currently under construction at two
locations in the Mediterranean Sea. The KM3NeT/ORCA water-Cherenkov neutrino
detector off the French coast will instrument several megatons of seawater with
photosensors. Its main objective is the determination of the neutrino mass
ordering. This work aims at demonstrating the general applicability of deep
convolutional neural networks to neutrino telescopes, using simulated datasets
for the KM3NeT/ORCA detector as an example. To this end, the networks are
employed to achieve reconstruction and classification tasks that constitute an
alternative to the analysis pipeline presented for KM3NeT/ORCA in the KM3NeT
Letter of Intent. They are used to infer event reconstruction estimates for the
energy, the direction, and the interaction point of incident neutrinos. The
spatial distribution of Cherenkov light generated by charged particles induced
in neutrino interactions is classified as shower- or track-like, and the main
background processes associated with the detection of atmospheric neutrinos are
recognized. Performance comparisons to machine-learning classification and
maximum-likelihood reconstruction algorithms previously developed for
KM3NeT/ORCA are provided. It is shown that this application of deep
convolutional neural networks to simulated datasets for a large-volume neutrino
telescope yields competitive reconstruction results and performance
improvements with respect to classical approaches
Event reconstruction for KM3NeT/ORCA using convolutional neural networks
The KM3NeT research infrastructure is currently under construction at two locations in the Mediterranean Sea. The KM3NeT/ORCA water-Cherenkov neutrino de tector off the French coast will instrument several megatons of seawater with photosensors. Its main objective is the determination of the neutrino mass ordering. This work aims at demonstrating the general applicability of deep convolutional neural networks to neutrino telescopes, using simulated datasets for the KM3NeT/ORCA detector as an example. To this end, the networks are employed to achieve reconstruction and classification tasks that constitute an alternative to the analysis pipeline presented for KM3NeT/ORCA in the KM3NeT Letter of Intent. They are used to infer event reconstruction estimates for the energy, the direction, and the interaction point of incident neutrinos. The spatial distribution of Cherenkov light generated by charged particles induced in neutrino interactions is classified as shower-or track-like, and the main background processes associated with the detection of atmospheric neutrinos are
recognized. Performance comparisons to machine-learning classification and maximum-likelihood reconstruction algorithms previously developed for KM3NeT/ORCA are provided. It is shown that this application of deep convolutional neural networks to simulated datasets for a large-volume neutrino telescope yields competitive reconstruction results and performance
improvements with respect to classical approaches
Search for dark matter towards the Galactic Centre with 11 years of ANTARES data
Neutrino detectors participate in the indirect search for the fundamental constituents of dark matter (DM) in form of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). In WIMP scenarios, candidate DM particles can pair-annihilate into Standard Model products, yielding considerable fluxes of high-energy neutrinos. A detector like ANTARES, located in the Northern Hemisphere, is able to perform a complementary search looking towards the Galactic Centre, where a high density of dark matter is thought to accumulate. Both this directional information and the spectral features of annihilating DM pairs are entered into an unbinned likelihood method to scan the data set in search for DM-like signals in ANTARES data. Results obtained upon unblinding 3170 days of data reconstructed with updated methods are presented, which provides a larger, and more accurate, data set than a previously published result using 2101 days. A non-observation of dark matter is converted into limits on the velocity-averaged cross section for WIMP pair annihilation
Determining the Neutrino Mass Ordering and Oscillation Parameters with KM3NeT/ORCA
The KM3NeT/ORCA sensitivity to atmospheric neutrino oscillation is presented. The event reconstruction, selection and classification are described. The sensitivity to determine the neutrino mass ordering was evaluated and found to be 4.4 Ï if the true ordering is normal and 2.3 Ï if inverted, after three years of data taking. The precision to measure Îm232 and Ξ23 were also estimated and found to be 85â
10â6 eV2 and (+1.9â3.1)â for normal neutrino mass ordering and, 75â
10â6 eV2 and (+2.0â7.0)â for inverted ordering. Finally, a unitarity test of the leptonic mixing matrix by measuring the rate of tau neutrinos is described. Three years of data taking were found to be sufficient to exclude ÎœÏ and ÎœÂŻÏ event rate variations larger than 20% at 3Ï level
MasterClasses 2019 @ Colmar IUT
JournĂ©es master-classeNational audienceLes journĂ©es MasterClasses en physique des particules rassemblent chaque annĂ©e prĂšs de 5000 lycĂ©ens autour de 80 centres de recherche dans 23 pays, pour vivre la rĂ©alitĂ© du mĂ©tier de chercheur en physique des particules. Ce programme est initiĂ© par lâUniversitĂ© Technique de Dresde dans le cadre de lâEuropean Particle Physics Outreach Group, en collaboration avec le CERN (Organisation europĂ©enne pour la recherche nuclĂ©aire). En France, la coordination est assurĂ©e par le CNRS. Le 11 & 18 mars 2019, lâInstitut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien de Strasbourg et l'Institut Universitaire Technologique de Colmar participent aux journĂ©es internationales MasterClasses et invitent les classes de PremiĂšre et Terminale scientifiques Ă prendre part Ă cette aventure. Il sâagit de la cinquiĂšme Ă©dition sur Colmar. Les journĂ©es MasterClasses ont Ă©tĂ© initiĂ©es sur Colmar pour utiliser et valoriser les ressources de lâIUT. A cet effet, lâaccent sera portĂ© sur les dĂ©fis technologiques du LHC Ă travers les thĂ©matiques de trois dĂ©partements : GTE (GĂ©nie Thermique et Energie), RT (RĂ©seaux TĂ©lĂ©communications) et HSE (HygiĂšne SĂ©curitĂ© et Environnement). En particulier, les liens entre recherche, milieu professionnel et formation seront exposĂ©s. Elles accueilleront une cinquantaine de lycĂ©ens par jour : - Le 11 mars, des Ă©lĂšves du lycĂ©e Louis Armand (Mulhouse), du lycĂ©e Blaise Pascal (Colmar), du lycĂ©e Don Bosco (Mulhouse), - Le 18 mars, des Ă©lĂšves du lycĂ©e Camille See (Colmar), du lycĂ©e Kirschleger (Munster), du lycĂ©e Scheurer Kestner (Thann), du lycĂ©e Louise Wiess (Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines) AprĂšs une introduction Ă la physique des particules et aux techniques dâinvestigation scientifique, les jeunes pourront entrer dans la peau dâun chercheur et analyser des donnĂ©es rĂ©elles de physique des particules collectĂ©es par des expĂ©riences auprĂšs de lâaccĂ©lĂ©rateur LHC. Ils devront chercher le boson de Higgs dans les donnĂ©es rĂ©coltĂ©es par le dĂ©tecteur ATLAS avec une stratĂ©gie diffĂ©rente pour le 11 et le 18 mars. Puis, ils participeront en groupe restreint Ă 4 ateliers oĂč ils pourront Ă©changer avec des enseignants et des chercheurs des dĂ©partements GTE, RT et HSE de lâIUT sur les problĂ©matiques technologiques et instrumentales de la physique des particules. AprĂšs avoir confrontĂ© leurs rĂ©sultats dâanalyse localement, ils se rĂ©uniront autour d'une visioconfĂ©rence internationale en anglais, animĂ©e depuis GenĂšve, par le CERN, avec des Ă©quipes de lycĂ©ens dâautres pays participants (Maroc, Italie, SuĂšde, Espagne et France pour le 11 mars et Allemagne, SlovĂ©nie, Pologne et France pour le 18 mars) qui auront rĂ©alisĂ© en simultanĂ© les mĂȘmes analyses sur dâautres donnĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats finaux seront comparĂ©s avec ceux dĂ©jĂ obtenus par les physiciens
Indirect dark matter searches with the ANTARES and KM3NeT neutrino telescopes
Neutrino telescopes perform an indirect search for dark matter (DM) through its annihilation into standard model channels yielding neutrinos, for a broad range of WIMP masses. The ANTARES detector, anchored to the Mediterranean seabed at a depth of about 2500 m, looks for a DM signal from two promising neutrino sources from WIMP annihilation: the Galactic Center and the Sun. We present the latest results on ANTARES indirect detection in a wide range of WIMP masses and decay channels, and give a future prospect on sensitivities of DM searches with the KM3NeT detector, the next-generation neutrino telescope, currently under deployment in the Mediterranean Sea. These experiments have specific advantages, complementary to other detection strategies, and can provide a smoking-gun signal. The geographical location of ANTARES and KM3NeT is particularly well suited for searches in the Galactic Center, allowing for the world-best sensitivity for WIMP annihilation
Deep-Sea Bioluminescence Blooms after Dense Water Formation at the Ocean Surface
The deep ocean is the largest and least known ecosystem on Earth. It hosts numerous pelagic organisms, most of which are able to emit light. Here we present a unique data set consisting of a 2.5-year long record of light emission by deep-sea pelagic organisms, measured from December 2007 to June 2010 at the ANTARES underwater neutrino telescope in the deep NW Mediterranean Sea, jointly with synchronous hydrological records. This is the longest continuous time-series of deep-sea bioluminescence ever recorded. Our record reveals several weeks long, seasonal bioluminescence blooms with light intensity up to two orders of magnitude higher than background values, which correlate to changes in the properties of deep waters. Such changes are triggered by the winter cooling and evaporation experienced by the upper ocean layer in the Gulf of Lion that leads to the formation and subsequent sinking of dense water through a process known as âopen-sea convectionâ. It episodically renews the deep water of the study area and conveys fresh organic matter that fuels the deep ecosystems. Luminous bacteria most likely are the main contributors to the observed deep-sea bioluminescence blooms. Our observations demonstrate a consistent and rapid connection between deep open-sea convection and bathypelagic biological activity, as expressed by bioluminescence. In a setting where dense water formation events are likely to decline under global warming scenarios enhancing ocean stratification, in situ observatories become essential as environmental sentinels for the monitoring and understanding of deep-sea ecosystem shifts
Deep-Sea Bioluminescence Blooms after Dense Water Formation at the Ocean Surface
<p>The deep ocean is the largest and least known ecosystem on Earth. It hosts numerous pelagic organisms, most of which are able to emit light. Here we present a unique data set consisting of a 2.5-year long record of light emission by deep-sea pelagic organisms, measured from December 2007 to June 2010 at the ANTARES underwater neutrino telescope in the deep NW Mediterranean Sea, jointly with synchronous hydrological records. This is the longest continuous time-series of deep-sea bioluminescence ever recorded. Our record reveals several weeks long, seasonal bioluminescence blooms with light intensity up to two orders of magnitude higher than background values, which correlate to changes in the properties of deep waters. Such changes are triggered by the winter cooling and evaporation experienced by the upper ocean layer in the Gulf of Lion that leads to the formation and subsequent sinking of dense water through a process known as "open-sea convection". It episodically renews the deep water of the study area and conveys fresh organic matter that fuels the deep ecosystems. Luminous bacteria most likely are the main contributors to the observed deep-sea bioluminescence blooms. Our observations demonstrate a consistent and rapid connection between deep open-sea convection and bathypelagic biological activity, as expressed by bioluminescence. In a setting where dense water formation events are likely to decline under global warming scenarios enhancing ocean stratification, in situ observatories become essential as environmental sentinels for the monitoring and understanding of deep-sea ecosystem shifts.</p>