84 research outputs found

    Three-dimensionality of space and the quantum bit: an information-theoretic approach

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    It is sometimes pointed out as a curiosity that the state space of quantum two-level systems, i.e. the qubit, and actual physical space are both three-dimensional and Euclidean. In this paper, we suggest an information-theoretic analysis of this relationship, by proving a particular mathematical result: suppose that physics takes place in d spatial dimensions, and that some events happen probabilistically (not assuming quantum theory in any way). Furthermore, suppose there are systems that carry "minimal amounts of direction information", interacting via some continuous reversible time evolution. We prove that this uniquely determines spatial dimension d=3 and quantum theory on two qubits (including entanglement and unitary time evolution), and that it allows observers to infer local spatial geometry from probability measurements.Comment: 13 + 22 pages, 9 figures. v4: some clarifications, in particular in Section V / Appendix C (added Example 39

    Net‐Zero CO 2 Germany - A Retrospect From the Year 2050

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    Germany 2050: For the first time Germany reached a balance between its sources of anthropogenic CO2 to the atmosphere and newly created anthropogenic sinks. This backcasting study presents a fictional future in which this goal was achieved by avoiding (∌645 Mt CO2), reducing (∌50 Mt CO2) and removing (∌60 Mt CO2) carbon emissions. This meant substantial transformation of the energy system, increasing energy efficiency, sector coupling, and electrification, energy storage solutions including synthetic energy carriers, sector-specific solutions for industry, transport, and agriculture, as well as natural-sink enhancement and technological carbon dioxide options. All of the above was necessary to achieve a net-zero CO2 system for Germany by 2050

    26th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2017): Part 3 - Meeting Abstracts - Antwerp, Belgium. 15–20 July 2017

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    This work was produced as part of the activities of FAPESP Research,\ud Disseminations and Innovation Center for Neuromathematics (grant\ud 2013/07699-0, S. Paulo Research Foundation). NLK is supported by a\ud FAPESP postdoctoral fellowship (grant 2016/03855-5). ACR is partially\ud supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)

    Dose Escalation of Antidepressants in Unipolar Depression: A Meta-Analysis of Double-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trials

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    Background: As many patients with unipolar depression do not respond sufficiently to initial antidepressant monotherapy, a dose increase of the current administered antidepressant (dose escalation, high-dose treatment) is frequently carried out as next treatment measure. Methods: We conducted a meta-analysis which included all double-blind randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing a dose increase of antidepressants directly to continuation of standard-dose treatment in unipolar depressive patients who were non-responders to standard-dose pharmacotherapy. A mean change in the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D) total score was the primary outcome. Secondary outcomes were response rates and discontinuation rates due to any reason, inefficacy, and adverse effects. Hedges g and risk ratios were calculated as effect sizes. Results: Seven double-blind RCTs (8 study arms) representing 1,208 participants were included. Fluoxetine (N [number of studies] = 2, n [number of patients] = 448), sertraline (N = 2, n = 272), paroxetine (N = 2, n = 146), duloxetine (N = 1, n = 255), and maprotiline (N = 1, n = 87) were investigated. Dose escalation was not more efficacious in HAM-D total score reduction than maintaining standard-dose treatment, neither for the pooled antidepressant group (N = 7, n = 999; Hedges g = -0.04, 95% CI: -0.20 to 0.12; p = 0.63) nor the individual antidepressants. No differences could be determined for response rates, all-cause discontinuation, and drop-outs due to inefficacy. Significantly more patients in the dose escalation group dropped out due to adverse effects than in the standard-dose continuation group. The metaregressions indicate no influence of baseline symptom severity or amounts of dose increments on effect sizes. Conclusions: According to our meta-analytic findings, dose escalation after initial non-response to standard-dose pharmacotherapy cannot be regarded as general evidence-based treatment option in unipolar depression. (C) 2017 S. Karger AG, Base

    SystÚmes de monitoring et de feedback en psychothérapie

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    Im Rahmen der Psychotherapieforschung wurden mehrere elektronisch gestĂŒtzte Monitoring- und FeedbackSysteme entwickelt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollen zwei Methoden vorgestellt werden, die sich vor allem durch eine unterschiedliche engmaschige Betrachtung des Therapieverlaufes, im Umfang der FunktionalitĂ€ten und im theoretischen Hintergrund unterscheiden: Zuerst wird das wöchentlich auszufĂŒllende Hand-held-basierte Outcome Questionnaire-45 (OQ-45) vorgestellt, dessen EffektivitĂ€t von allen verfĂŒgbaren Monitoring- und Feedback-Systemen am umfangreichsten untersucht und publiziert wurde. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse dieser Studien werden im Hinblick auf die positiven Auswirkungen auf das Ergebnis der Psychotherapie und der Therapiedauer dargelegt und diskutiert. Des Weiteren wird das internet-basierte Synergetic Navigation System (SNS) am Beispiel eines Therapieprozessbogens (TPB) erörtert, welcher auf der Theorie der Synergetik, der Selbstorganisation nichtlinearer Systeme, beruht und den Therapieverlauf tĂ€glich durch eine SelbsteinschĂ€tzung des Patienten evaluiert. Die mittels des SNS verfĂŒgbaren umfangreichen Zeitreihenanalysen werden vorgestellt. Abschließend werden sowohl Hinweise auf diejenigen Punkte gegeben, die einer Implementierung von Monitoring- und Feedback-Systemen in der psychotherapeutischen Routineversorgung gegenwĂ€rtig noch entgegenstehen als auch zukĂŒnftige ForschungsansĂ€tze aufgezeigt.SchlĂŒsselwörter Psychotherapie; Feedback; Therapieprozessmonitoring; QualitĂ€tssicherung; nichtlinearer Psychotherapieverlauf.Several electronically assisted monitoring and feedback systems have been developed in the context of psychotherapy research. The purpose of this paper is to present three methods that differ mainly in their ways of observing the progress of therapy at closely-spaced time intervals, in their scope of functionalities and in their theoretical background: the handheld-based Outcome Questionnaire-45 (OQ-45) completed weekly is presented first. Of all the available monitoring and feedback systems, this is the one whose effectiveness has been studied and published most compre-hensively. The most important results of these studies are explai-ned and discussed with regard to their positive effects on the outcome ofthe psychotherapy and on the duration oftherapy. Next the Internet-based Synergetic Navigation System (SNS) is examined, taking as an example a Therapy Process Questionnaire (TPQ) which is based on the theory of synergetics, the self-organization of nonlinear systems, and evaluates the progress of therapy daily via the patient’s self-assessment. The extensive time series analyses available through the use ofthe SNS are presented. In conclusion, information is given about those points that currently still stand in the way of implementing monitoring and feedback systems in routine psychotherapeutic care, and future research strategies are also indicated.Keywords Psychotherapy; feedback; therapy process monitoring; quality assurance; non-linear psychotherapy progress.Plusieurs systĂšmes de monitoring et de feedback utilisant des logiciels informatiques ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ©s pour garantir la qualitĂ© des traitements psychothĂ©rapeutiques. En suivant systĂ©matiquement le dĂ©roulement du traitement, le thĂ©rapeute mais aussi le patient peuvent recevoir un retour sur celui-ci, alors mĂȘme qu’il est encore en cours. Ces informations peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es pour mieux ajuster la psychothĂ©rapie aux besoins du patient.Dans le prĂ©sent travail, nous prĂ©sentons deux systĂšmes de monitoring et de feedback : l’Outcome Questionnaire-45 (OQ-45), qui permet d’évaluer une fois par semaine le dĂ©roulement de la thĂ©rapie, et le Synergetic Navigation System (SNS), qui utilise l’Internet.Concernant l’OQ-45, des Ă©tudes de type alĂ©atoire-sous contrĂŽle menĂ©es auprĂšs de plus de 4000 patients et de plus de 200 thĂ©rapeutes, ont dĂ©montrĂ© que ce sont avant tout les patients de type potentiellement non-responder qui bĂ©nĂ©ficient de ce systĂšme. En ce qui concerne les patients pour lesquels l’OQ-45, administrĂ© en dĂ©but de traitement, faisait prĂ©dire un Ă©chec thĂ©rapeutique, la thĂ©rapie a rĂ©ussi pour un nombre nettement plus Ă©levĂ© que celui trouvĂ© dans le groupe de contrĂŽle, pour lequel le thĂ©rapeute ne disposait d’aucun feedback.Le Synergetic Navigation System (SNS), qui utilise l’Internet, est fondĂ© sur la thĂ©orie des synergies, de l’auto-organisation des systĂšmes non linĂ©aires ; il permet d’évaluer le dĂ©roulement de la thĂ©rapie sur la base d’une Ă©valuation de soi que le patient doit effectuer au quotidien. Des analyses trĂšs dĂ©taillĂ©es des sĂ©ries acquises par le biais du SNS sont prĂ©sentĂ©es dans le prĂ©sent travail.Les deux systĂšmes de monitoring et de feedback prĂ©sentĂ©s contribuent considĂ©rablement Ă  amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© des traitements psychothĂ©rapeutiques et permettent d’acquĂ©rir des donnĂ©es qui intĂ©resseront sans doute les chercheurs. En plus d’aider Ă  mieux comprendre comment les thĂ©rapies agissent, ces systĂšmes rendent possible la construction de ponts vers la pratique, le monitoring des processus thĂ©rapeutiques amĂ©liorant nettement les rĂ©sultats des traitements.Un point important en rapport avec l’implĂ©mentation de systĂšmes de ce type dans le cadre de l’offre psychothĂ©rapeutique de base demeure ouvert: les patients ne sont pas tous suffisamment motivĂ©s pour remplir les questionnaires (hebdomadaires ou quotidiens). Il est possible de contrer ce problĂšme en menant Ă  intervalles rĂ©guliers des entretiens avec eux, jusqu’au moment oĂč ils se rendent compte que leur propre thĂ©rapie n’est pas sans rapport avec les contenus des questionnaires

    International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology / Antipsychotic Augmentation of Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors in Treatment-Resistant Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder : An Update Meta-Analysis of Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trials

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    Background: Many patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder do not respond adequately to serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Augmentation with antipsychotic drugs can be beneficial in this regard. However, since new relevant randomized controlled trials evaluating new antipsychotics were conducted, a recalculation of the effect sizes appears necessary. Methods: We meta-analyzed all double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials comparing augmentation of serotonin reuptake inhibitors with antipsychotics to placebo supplementation in treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder. The primary outcome was mean change in the Yale-Brown ObsessiveCompulsive Scale total score. Secondary outcomes were obsessions, compulsions, response rates, and attrition rates. The data collection process was conducted independently by 2 authors. Hedgess g and risks ratios were calculated as effect sizes. In preplanned meta-regressions, subgroup analyses, and sensitivity analyses, we examined the robustness of the results and explored reasons for potential heterogeneity. Results: Altogether, 14 double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials (n=491) investigating quetiapine (N=4, n=142), risperidone (N=4, n=132), aripiprazole (N=2, n=79), olanzapine (N=2, n=70), paliperidone (N=1, n=34), and haloperidol (N=1, n=34) were incorporated. Augmentation with antipsychotics was significantly more efficacious than placebo in Yale-Brown ObsessiveCompulsive Scale total reduction (N=14, n=478; Hedgess g=-0.64, 95% CI: -0.87 to -0.41; P=<.01). Aripiprazole (Hedgess g=-1.35), haloperidol (Hedgess g=-0.82), and risperidone (Hedgess g=-0.59) significantly outperformed placebo. Antipsychotics were superior to placebo in treating obsessions, compulsions, and achieving response. There was no between-group difference concerning all-cause discontinuation. The nonsignificant meta-regressions suggest no influence of the antipsychotic dose or baseline symptom severity on the meta-analytic results. Conclusions: According to our findings, antipsychotic augmentation of serotonin reuptake inhibitors can be regarded as an evidence-based measure in treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder.(VLID)458101
