48 research outputs found

    Attitudes and entrepreneurial intention of Portuguese secondary students

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    Entrepreneurship emerges as a key factor in job creation and is crucial for socioeconomic balance in the region or the country. Entrepreneurship is an effective alternative, either through the development of existing businesses or by creating new ones. It should also emphasize that the entrepreneurial ability of a society is a collective well that should be preserved and cultivated. The situation of global economic crisis has been reflected in the different economies, particularly in the declined of employment to unimaginable heights. In order to counteract this negative cycle, it becomes imperative to stimulate, maintain and cultivate an entrepreneurial attitude cross, from the youngest to the current managers, to promote the creation of new business and develop existing yet. Looking for answers about the policies and mechanisms available for the creation of new businesses and the existence of an entrepreneurial attitude in a given region are of vital importance in promoting entrepreneurship. Portugal has experienced troubled times, with marked destruction of jobs and businesses affected by the economic and financial crisis, as well as by restructuring undertaken by the government, especially after the financial rescue that Portugal was subjected. Faced with a strong future scenario of high unemployment, what attitudes and entrepreneurial intentions reveal young Portuguese students? This research work focuses on secondary students from Oliveira de Azemeis, a city and municipality in northern Portugal, heavily industrialized in several business areas and with important references on employment size and internationalization capability. Taking as a starting point a survey with 308 students, all pre-university students, the paper presents and discusses the results obtained on various issues such as entrepreneurial behavior of students’ parents, the attitude towards self-employment and perceptions of entrepreneurial intention. Results indicate a moderate entrepreneurial behavior of student’s parents. In general, the attitudes towards self-employment are lower and the analysis identified differences considering the attitudes items. The data analysis also tested and identified differences considering gender, age, course type (regular or professional), school and self-employed parents. The analysis of intention identified 48.4% of students with entrepreneurial intention, and 51.6% with no intention. Statistical tests identified an association between intention and school and between intention and self-employed parents. Finally, the analysis identified significant differences concerning attitudes by intention group. The results give a contribution to the theme of Entrepreneurship through the investigation of the entrepreneurial attitudes and intention of young adults (pre-university)

    Oprah Winfrey : a arte de comunicar

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    Tese de doutoramento, Estudos de Literatura e de Cultura (Estudos Americanos), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2015O presente estudo tem como objetivo inquirir sobre a importância de Oprah Winfrey nas suas variadas áreas de intervenção a nível da cultura dos E.U.A.. Por um lado, apresenta uma particularização de Oprah Winfrey como mulher e como afroamericana, incidindo aqui no campo do feminismo e da raça/etnicidade; por outro lado, discute-se Oprah como marca, criada por ela própria, e sublinhada pela relevância que o seu talk show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, transmitido durante vinte e cinco anos, teve no panorama da cultura e da história americanas e também fora do seu país. Esta reflexão coloca várias questões e implica várias perspetivas de análise, relacionadas com o facto de o objeto de estudo ser um ícone cultural vivo, apresentando um olhar que, à distância da minha cultura portuguesa, se interroga sobre o fenómeno cultural e comunicativo que foi e é Oprah Winfrey, em boa parte, um símbolo dos E.U.A., essencialmente do final do século XX e estendendo-se até à atualidade.This study aims to understand the importance of Oprah Winfrey in her several areas of intervention within American culture. On one hand, there is a special consideration of Oprah Winfrey as a woman and as an African-American, focusing here mainly on issues of feminism and race/ethnicity; on the other hand, it discusses Oprah as a brand, created by herself and by the relevance that her talk show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, broadcast during twenty-five years, had on the culture and even history of the U.S.A and in other world geographies. This study raises several issues and involves several perspectives of analysis, related to the fact that its object is a living cultural icon, presenting a point of view based on my Portuguese culture, and inquires on the cultural and communicative phenomenon that Oprah Winfrey was and is, as an American symbol of the late twentieth century entending into our own times


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    O objetivo com este ensaio é analisar a evolução diacrónica do conceito de representação e suas diversas áreas de influência, mais concretamente nos media. Nessa abordagem foram contempladas as questões sociais e culturais a ela inerentes, assim como os produtos televisivos em análise. Com essa contextualização delineia-se um conceito de representação específico, aliado a uma personagem televisiva que faz parte do quotidiano da sociedade americana e, também, mundial. Trata-se de Oprah Winfrey e, consequentemente, do seu talk show, The Oprah Winfrey Show. Pretendese demonstrar as várias facetas do conceito de representação, assim como sua aplicação prática a produtos televisivos como marcos de uma cultura sempre em mutação – Oprah Winfrey como um ícone cultural, comunicativo e sociológico

    What is the origin of the black film in the sculpture “Death of Cleopatra”?

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    This work arises from the need to identify the origin of a black film which is currently covering a large area of the sculpture DeathofCleopatra, promoting its disfiguration. This piece, sculpted in Carrara marble, belongs to Tropical Botanic Garden, in Lisbon. In situ works involved colorimetric measurements, adhesion tests and mapping of decay patterns. Samples of the black film were taken from the sculpture and also from black areas present in botanic species surrounding the sculpture, which were observed macro and microscopically. Individual samples of the black film were analysed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The results obtained show the collected samples possess saccharides such as sucrose, found in honeydew exemplars. Therefore, it is proposed that black film formation is due to sooty mould. This black film is responsible for aesthetic damage, as well as stone corrosion processes, which was observed by scanning electron microscopy.publishersversionpublishe

    Frondose and turf-dominated marine habitats support distinct trophic pathways: evidence from ¹⁵N and ¹³C stable isotope analyses

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    Marine vegetation plays an important structuring role, delivering key functions and services to coastal systems the extent of which depends on the foundation species and their architecture. In increasingly urbanised coastlines, turf-forming macroalgae are replacing frondose morphotypes. Trophic relationships within these systems can be studied through stable isotope analysis of the different food web compartments. In the present study, we investigated trophic pathways in two distinct macroalgal assemblages: one dominated by small brown frondose algae, and one dominated by low-lying turf-forming species. ¹⁵N and ¹³C isotopic signatures were determined for selected macroalgae and sedentary animals from distinct trophic levels, collected from two habitats on São Miguel Island (Azores, Portugal). In frondose habitats macroalgae appeared to make up the primary carbon source for the entire food web, whilst in turf-dominated habitats there was a decouple between macroalgae and higher trophic levels. Because canopy replacement by algal turf may affect the structure of the littoral food webs, coastal biodiversity conservation strategies should give priority to natural areas rich in canopy-forming algae.This research was supported by the European Commission BEST Preparatory Action, under the project “ECOSUBVEG – Changes in submersed vegetation: assessing loss in ecosystems services from frondose to depauperate systems dominated by opportunistic vegetation”, ref. 07.032700/2012/635752/SUB/B2. The research was also partially supported by Portuguese National Funds, through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within the projects UID/BIA/00329/2013, 2015 - 2018, UID/BIA/00329/2019 and UID/BIA/00329/2020-2023. Logistic support was also provided by CIRN/UAc (Centre of natural Resources of University of the Azores) and by CVARG (Centro de Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos Geológicos). GMM was supported by a post-doctoral grant awarded by FCT (SFRH/BDP/63040/2009 and SFRH/BDP/108114/2015).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Análise da ocorrência de desgaste por fretting em varetas combustíveis nucleares de Zr-1Nb-Sn-0.1Fe / Analysis of fretting wear occurrence on Zr-1Nb-1Sn-0.1Fe nuclear fuel rods

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    Estudos mostraram que o fretting, uma espécie de atrito acelerado por vibração devido ao fluxo de refrigerante, é a principal causa de falhas das varetas dos elementos combustíveis. No presente trabalho estudou-se o comportamento de varetas combustíveis fabricados a partir da liga Zr-1Nb-1Sn-0,1Fe, submetidas a ensaios físicos que visam reproduzir a ocorrência de fretting. Para isso, pretende-se realizar análises microestrutural via microscopia óptica (MO) e eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e testes de desgaste sobre tal liga nas condições como recebido em diferentes posições da grade espaçadora. Os ensaios físicos para a ocorrência de fretting foram realizados através de um protótipo disponível no laboratório de Conformação e Tratamentos Termomecânicos da EEIMVR/UFF. Esse equipamento foi operado na frequência de 30 Hz por períodos de 24 horas, induzindo deslocamentos horizontais aos tubos em relação à grade espaçadora também fabricada a partir da liga Zr-1Nb-1Sn-0,1Fe. As regiões externas da grade foram aquelas que apresentaram maior desgaste devido a rigidez imposta ao sistema nessas regiões. As imagens das regiões afetadas mostraram que o relevo apresentou regiões de crateras e picos ocasionados por arrancamento de material. Além disso, nas regiões desbastadas sem arrancamento, ficou claro que há início de propagação de trincas, que ao longo do tempo levará a fraturas por arrancamento.

    Indicadores de qualidade de solos em área de mineração e metalurgia de chumbo. I - Microrganismos.

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    Os microrganismos são os mais numerosos da fração biológica do solo e estão sujeitos a alterações em sua abundância e nas relações metabólicas em função de mudanças ambientais, como o aporte de poluentes ao solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a atividade microbiana de solos da área de mineração e metalurgia de chumbo (Pb), no município de Adrianópolis (PR), a fim de gerar indicadores biológicos da qualidade desses solos. Os solos foram amostrados (0 a 5 e 5 a 10 cm) em cinco locais e em quatro épocas do ano (maio, setembro, novembro e janeiro). Os teores totais de Pb e Zn do solo foram determinados por espectroscopia de emissão atômica com plasma acoplado indutivamente, após digestão das amostras com HF e HNO3 concentrados e H2O2 30 % (v/v) em forno de micro-ondas. Para extração de formas mais disponíveis de Pb e Zn foi empregada a solução de HNO3 0,5 mol L-1 fervente. Foram estimados os seguintes atributos microbiológicos dos solos: contagem de bactérias totais (BT); contagem de bactérias esporuláveis (BESP); percentagem de bactérias esporuláveis em relação à BT; contagem de fungos; relação entre fungos e bactérias totais; respiração microbiana; biomassa microbiana; percentagem do carbono microbiano em relação ao C orgânico total do solo; e quociente metabólico. Utilizaram-se três métodos para o tratamento estatístico dos dados: diferenciação dos solos por meio da análise de componentes principais (ACP); obtenção de índice de qualidade ambiental relativo aos atributos microbiológicos (IQAMi); e análise de correlação simples. A elevada fertilidade dos solos tornou menos expressivo o efeito prejudicial dos metais pesados sobre os microrganismos. Contudo, no mês de maior estresse climático para os organismos (maio - menor temperatura), solos com maiores teores de Pb apresentaram menor população e atividade microbiana, ou seja, nessas condições as bactérias e fungos foram bons indicadores de qualidade do solo. A maior proporção de BESP nos solos mais contaminados por Pb no mês mais frio (correlação de 0,95* para maio) pode ser interpretada como mecanismo de resistência desses organismos. O IQAMi na camada de 0 a 5 cm foi mais eficiente que a ACP na separação dos solos contaminados com metais pesados: os valores decresceram em sentido oposto ao aumento nos teores de Pb dos solos. Já na profundidade de 5 a 10 cm a ACP foi mais eficiente para esse propósito

    Fulminant Emphysematous Hepatitis – A Rare Cause of Septic Shock

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    Emphysematous hepatitis is a rare entity characterized by the replacement of hepatic parenchyma by gas, leading to acute liver failure. Often it occurs in patients with diabetes mellitus, liver disease or a recent history of abdominal surgery. We present a case of emphysematous hepatitis in a 74-year-old man with no recognizable risk factors. Despite the early broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapy and supportive care, the condition progressed to a fatal outcome, as seen in other case reports. Early recognition of this condition and rapid and aggressive management may improve patient outcomes

    Palatal mucosa derived fibroblasts present an adaptive behavior regarding cytokine secretion when grafted onto the gingival margin

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    BACKGROUND: Considering that grafted gingival tissue might have to be adapted to the receptor area and that fibroblasts have the ability to respond to bacterial stimuli through the release of various cytokines, this study investigated whether fibroblasts from the palatal mucosa behave differently when grafted onto the gingival margin regarding cytokine secretion. METHODS: Biopsies from the palatal mucosa were collected at the time of free gingival graft surgery, and after four months re-collection was performed upon surgery for root coverage. Fibroblasts were isolated by the explant technique, cultured and stimulated with Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg) and Escherichia coli (Ec) LPS for 24 or 48 h for comparative evaluation of the secretion of cytokines and chemokines, such as IL-6, IL-8/CXCL8, MIP-1α/CCL3, TGF-β, VEGF and CXCL16. Unstimulated cells were used as the control group. Cells were tested for viability through MTT assay, and secretion of cytokines and chemokines was evaluated in the cell supernatants by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). RESULTS: Fibroblasts from the palatal mucosa maintained the same secretion pattern of IL-6 when grafted onto the gingival margin. On the contrary, fibroblasts from the marginal gingival graft showed increased secretion of IL-8/CXCL8 even in the absence of stimulation. Interestingly, MIP-1α/CCL3 secretion by fibroblasts from the marginal gingival graft was significantly increased after 48 hours of stimulation with Pg LPS and after 24 h with Ec LPS. Only fibroblasts from the marginal gingival graft showed secretion of TGF-β. VEGF and CXCL16 secretion were not detected by both subsets of fibroblasts. CONCLUSION: Fibroblasts from the palatal mucosa seem to be adapted to local conditions of the site microenvironment when grafted onto the gingival marginal area. This evidence supports the effective participation of fibroblasts in the homeostasis of the marginal periodontium through secretion modulation of important inflammatory mediators

    Glial contribution to excitatory and inhibitory synapse loss in neurodegeneration

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    Synapse loss is an early feature shared by many neurodegenerative diseases, and it represents the major correlate of cognitive impairment. Recent studies reveal that microglia and astrocytes play a major role in synapse elimination, contributing to network dysfunction associated with neurodegeneration. Excitatory and inhibitory activity can be affected by glia-mediated synapse loss, resulting in imbalanced synaptic transmission and subsequent synaptic dysfunction. Here, we review the recent literature on the contribution of glia to excitatory/inhibitory imbalance, in the context of the most common neurodegenerative disorders. A better understanding of the mechanisms underlying pathological synapse loss will be instrumental to design targeted therapeutic interventions, taking in account the emerging roles of microglia and astrocytes in synapse remodeling