712 research outputs found

    Echoes of romanticism and fantastic literature in psychoanalysis

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    This paper maps the historical, aesthetic, and epistemic processes of the 18th and 19th centuries that associate romanticism, fantastic literature and psychoanalysis. We argue that fantastic is an important vector through which elements of Romanticism were incorporated into the psychoanalytic model of the psyche. Assuming that such Romantic influences were assimilated selectively and creatively, we highlight some points of contention and compromise between romanticism and the Enlightenment that were later resumed and transformed by fantastic literature and psychoanalysis: the themes of love, madness, sexuality, superstitions and myths; the relationship between reality and its representations and between thought and consciousness; and the rhetorical use of irony. Finally, the text points to the psychoanalytic approach of the uncanny (Unheimliche) as the most sensitive moment of such exchange.Mapeiam-se os processos históricos, estéticos e epistêmicos dos séculos XVIII e XIX que associam romantismo, literatura fantástica e psicanálise. Defende-se que o fantástico constitui um importante vetor por meio do qual elementos do romantismo foram incorporados ao modelo psicanalítico de aparelho psíquico. Parte-se da perspectiva de que a assimilação da influência romântica realizou-se de forma seletiva e criativa. Destacam-se alguns pontos de tensões e compromissos entre romantismo e o iluminismo, que foram retomados e transformados pelo fantástico e a psicanálise: as temáticas do amor, da loucura, da sexualidade, das superstições e dos mitos; o questionamento da relação entre o real e suas representações e entre pensamento e consciência; e a valorização do uso retórico da ironia. Aponta-se a abordagem psicanalítica do infamiliar (Unheimliche) como o momento mais sensível dessa interlocução

    AKT inhibition generates potent polyfunctional clinical grade AUTO1 CAR T-cells, enhancing function and survival

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    BACKGROUND: AUTO1 is a fast off-rate CD19-targeting chimeric antigen receptor (CAR), which has been successfully tested in adult lymphoblastic leukemia. Tscm/Tcm-enriched CAR-T populations confer the best expansion and persistence, but Tscm/Tcm numbers are poor in heavily pretreated adult patients. To improve this, we evaluate the use of AKT inhibitor (VIII) with the aim of uncoupling T-cell expansion from differentiation, to enrich Tscm/Tcm subsets. METHODS: VIII was incorporated into the AUTO1 manufacturing process based on the semiautomated the CliniMACS Prodigy platform at both small and cGMP scale. RESULTS: AUTO1 manufactured with VIII showed Tscm/Tcm enrichment, improved expansion and cytotoxicity in vitro and superior antitumor activity in vivo. Further, VIII induced AUTO1 Th1/Th17 skewing, increased polyfunctionality, and conferred a unique metabolic profile and a novel signature for autophagy to support enhanced expansion and cytotoxicity. We show that VIII-cultured AUTO1 products from B-ALL patients on the ALLCAR19 study possess superior phenotype, metabolism, and function than parallel control products and that VIII-based manufacture is scalable to cGMP. CONCLUSION: Ultimately, AUTO1 generated with VIII may begin to overcome the product specific factors contributing to CD19+relapse

    Fatigue and microgap behaviour of a three-unit implant-fixed dental prosthesis combining conventional and dynamic abutments

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    This is an in vitro study composed by a fatigue test followed by an optical microscopy analysis. Dynamic abutments concept, recently introduced on screw-retained implant dental prosthesis, consists on the screw channel customisation according to the individual needs of each rehabilitation. Geometry and tightening torque differences advise the assessment of their mechanical performance. Clarify whether the combination of dynamic and conventional abutments in a three-unit implant-fixed prosthesis has detrimental effects either on the mechanical performance under cyclic loading or on the implant-abutment microgap dimensions. The fatigue test was performed in agreement with the ISO standard 14801. Then on the samples that resisted 5 million cycles, the implant-abutment microgap was measured on dynamic and conventional abutments using optical microscopy. Two unloaded samples were used as control group. The samples supported a load of 1050 N. The implant-abutment microgap measurement did not show statistically significant differences (p=.086) between loaded and unloaded groups, but the loaded conventional abutments showed a significant lower implant-abutment microgap (p=.05) than the loaded dynamic abutments. The combination of conventional and dynamic abutments do not seem to produce a decrease in fatigue resistance to a level below the mastication forces or an increase in the joint dimensions.The study was supported in part by SciTech - Science and Technology for Competitive and Sustainable Industries, and the R&D project was cofinanced by the North Portugal Regional Operational Program ("NORTE2020") and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)

    Composição florística, estrutura e relação solo-vegetação em três áreas de campinarana na Amazônia central

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    The Amazonian white-sand vegetation presents a set of unique features, such as the dominance of a few species, high endemism and low species richness, which differentiate it from other Amazonian forests. Soil parameters have long been recognized as the main drivers of white-sand vegetation (WSV) characteristics. However, how they influence the composition, richness and structure of this vegetation type is still poorly understood. In this study we investigated the variation in floristic composition between patches and the soil-vegetation relations in three central Amazonian WSV patches. We tested whether slight differences in soil properties are linked with differences in floristic composition, species richness and forest structure in adjacent patches. In each patch three plots of 50 x 50 m were sampled (a total of 2.25 ha). Soil samples were collected for each plot. The sampling cutoff for arboreal individuals was DBH ≥ 5 cm. We sampled a total of 3956 individuals belonging to 40 families and 140 species. In each patch only a few species were dominant, but the dominant species varied among patches. Differences among patches were significant, but plots in the same patch tended to have similar species composition. The variable sum of bases (SB) was directly related to species composition, however, species richness and forest structure were not related to soil parameters. Even small variations in soil parameters can change species composition in WSV, although these variations do not necessarily influence the richness and other structural parameters. © 2018, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia. All rights reserved

    Differences in management of eosinophilic esophagitis in Europe : an assessment of current practice

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    Objectives:The aim of the study was to assess differences in the diagnosis and management of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) by European pediatric (PG) and adult gastroenterologists (AG), and their self-reported adherence to guidelines. Methods:A multiple-choice questionnaire gauged the diagnostic and management strategies of gastroenterologists treating children or adults in 14 European countries and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Results:Questionnaires were completed by 465 PG and 743 AG. PG were significantly more likely to take biopsies in patients with symptoms of esophageal dysfunction (86.2% PG vs 75.4% AG, P<0.001) and to perform endoscopic follow-up (86.3% PG vs 80.6% AG, P<0.001). After failure of proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs), topical steroids were the preferred second-line therapy; however, PG opted more frequently for elimination diets (47.5% PG vs 13.7% AG, P<0.001). More PG than AG indicated having read recent guidelines (89.4% PG vs 58.2% AG, P<0.001). Geographic differences in practice were reported, with respondents from the United Kingdom, Portugal, and Spain more often adhering to recommended biopsy protocols. Physicians in the UAE, France, Lithuania, and Poland tended to opt for steroid therapy or elimination diets as first-line therapy, in contrast to most other countries. Conclusions:Significant differences in general practice between PG and AG were demonstrated with notable divergence from consensus guidelines. International practice variations are also apparent. Among other strategies, educational activities to highlight current recommendations may help harmonize and optimize clinical practice

    The Astropy Problem

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    The Astropy Project (http://astropy.org) is, in its own words, "a community effort to develop a single core package for Astronomy in Python and foster interoperability between Python astronomy packages." For five years this project has been managed, written, and operated as a grassroots, self-organized, almost entirely volunteer effort while the software is used by the majority of the astronomical community. Despite this, the project has always been and remains to this day effectively unfunded. Further, contributors receive little or no formal recognition for creating and supporting what is now critical software. This paper explores the problem in detail, outlines possible solutions to correct this, and presents a few suggestions on how to address the sustainability of general purpose astronomical software

    Scandium complexes bearing bis(oxazolinylphenyl)amide ligands: an analysis of their reactivity, solution-state structures and photophysical properties

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    The coordination chemistry of scandium supported by bis(oxazolinylphenyl)amide (R-BOPA) ligands is reported. The R-BOPA ligand is too sterically demanding to afford bis(amide) complexes [Sc(R-BOPA){N(SiMe3)2}2], but reaction of the protio-ligand with [Sc{N(SiMe3)2}2Cl(THF)] (1) afforded the mixed amido-chloride complexes [Sc(R-BOPA){N(SiMe3)2}Cl] (2). The selective reaction of the amido and chloride co-ligands in 2 has been investigated; whilst the chloride ligand can be removed cleanly by metathesis, protonation of the N(SiMe3)2 ligand results in competitive protonation of the R-BOPA ligand. The complexes [Sc(R-BOPA)(CH2SiMe2Ph)2] (5) have been synthesised. Each R-BOPA-containing complex exists in two isomeric forms. The equilibrium has been investigated both experimentally and computationally, and the data suggest that a concerted rotation of the phenyl rings interconverts the two diastereomeric isomers. All of the R-BOPA complexes were found to be luminescent; an analysis of the photophysics, aided by TD-DFT calculations, suggests ligand-centred luminescence with distinct emission lifetimes for each isomer