169 research outputs found

    From tadpole to adult frog locomotion

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    Funding: Work in the Sillar lab is currently funded by BBSRC grant ref: BB/T015705/ 1.The transition from larval to adult locomotion in the anuran, Xenopus laevis, involves a dramatic switch from axial to appendicular swimming including intermediate stages when the tail and hindlimbs co-exist and contribute to propulsion. Hatchling tadpole swimming is generated by an axial central pattern generator (CPG) which matures rapidly during early larval life. During metamorphosis, the developing limbs are controlled by a de novo appendicular CPG driven initially by the axial system before segregating to allow both systems to operate together or independently. Neuromodulation plays important roles throughout, but key modulators switch their effects from early inhibitory influences to facilitating locomotion. Temperature affects the construction and operation of locomotor networks and global changes in environmental temperature place aquatic poikilotherms, like amphibians, at risk. The locomotor control strategy of anurans differs from other amphibian groups such as salamanders, where evolution has acted upon the thyroid hormone pathway to sculpt different developmental outcomes.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Metamorphosis-Induced Changes in the Coupling of Spinal Thoraco-Lumbar Motor Outputs During Swimming in Xenopus laevis

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    International audienceBeyeler A, Métais C, Combes D, Simmers J, Le Ray D. Metamorphosis induced changes in the coupling of spinal thoraco-lumbar motor outputs during swimming in Xenopus laevis. Anuran metamorphosis includes a complete remodeling of the animal's biomechanical apparatus, requiring a corresponding functional reorganization of underlying central neural circuitry. This involves changes that must occur in the coordination between the motor outputs of different spinal segments to harmonize locomotor and postural functions as the limbs grow and the tail regresses. In premetamorphic Xenopus laevis tadpoles, axial motor output drives rostrocaudally propagating segmental myotomal contractions that generate propulsive body undulations. During metamorphosis, the anterior axial musculature of the tadpole progressively evolves into dorsal muscles in the postmetamorphic froglet in which some of these back muscles lose their implicit locomotor function to serve exclusively in postural control in the adult. To understand how locomotor and postural systems interact during locomotion in juvenile Xenopus, we have investigated the coordination between postural back and hindlimb muscle activity during free forward swimming. Axial/ dorsal muscles, which contract in bilateral alternation during undulatory swimming in premetamorphic tadpoles, change their left-right coordination to become activated in phase with bilaterally synchronous hindlimb extensions in locomoting juveniles. Based on in vitro electrophysiologi-cal experiments as well as specific spinal lesions in vivo, a spinal cord region was delimited in which propriospinal interactions are directly responsible for the coordination between leg and back muscle contractions. Our findings therefore indicate that dynamic postural adjustments during adult Xenopus locomotion are mediated by local intraspinal pathways through which the lumbar generator for hindlimb propulsive kicking provides caudorostral commands to thoracic spinal circuitry controlling the dorsal trunk musculature

    Stress polishing demonstrator for ELT M1 segments and industrialisation

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    After two years of research and development under ESO support, LAM and Thales SESO present the results of their experiment for the fast and accurate polishing under stress of ELT 1.5 meter segments as well as the industrialization approach for mass production. Based on stress polishing, this manufacturing method requires the conception of a warping harness able to generate extremely accurate bending of the optical surface of the segments during the polishing. The conception of the warping harness is based on finite element analysis and allowed a fine tuning of each geometrical parameter of the system in order to fit an error budget of 25nm RMS over 300μm of bending peak to valley. The optimisation approach uses the simulated influence functions to extract the system eigenmodes and characterise the performance. The same approach is used for the full characterisation of the system itself. The warping harness has been manufactured, integrated and assembled with the Zerodur 1.5 meter segment on the LAM 2.5meter POLARIS polishing facility. The experiment consists in a cross check of optical and mechanical measurements of the mirrors bending in order to develop a blind process, ie to bypass the optical measurement during the final industrial process. This article describes the optical and mechanical measurements, the influence functions and eigenmodes of the system and the full performance characterisation of the warping harness

    Asymptotic behaviour of the spectrum of a waveguide with distant perturbations

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    We consider the waveguide modelled by a nn-dimensional infinite tube. The operator we study is the Dirichlet Laplacian perturbed by two distant perturbations. The perturbations are described by arbitrary abstract operators ''localized'' in a certain sense, and the distance between their ''supports'' tends to infinity. We study the asymptotic behaviour of the discrete spectrum of such system. The main results are a convergence theorem and the asymptotics expansions for the eigenvalues. The asymptotic behaviour of the associated eigenfunctions is described as well. We also provide some particular examples of the distant perturbations. The examples are the potential, second order differential operator, magnetic Schroedinger operator, curved and deformed waveguide, delta interaction, and integral operator

    Features of radio-detected Extensive Air Shower with CODALEMA

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    Some performances of the present CODALEMA experiment, set up to analyse radio-detected Extensive Air Shower (EAS) events, are presented. Characteristics of the EAS electric field distribution sampled on a 600~m long axis are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, proceeding des rencontres de l'astrophysique francaise, Strasbourg, 200

    Low lying spectrum of weak-disorder quantum waveguides

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    We study the low-lying spectrum of the Dirichlet Laplace operator on a randomly wiggled strip. More precisely, our results are formulated in terms of the eigenvalues of finite segment approximations of the infinite waveguide. Under appropriate weak-disorder assumptions we obtain deterministic and probabilistic bounds on the position of the lowest eigenvalue. A Combes-Thomas argument allows us to obtain so-called 'initial length scale decay estimates' at they are used in the proof of spectral localization using the multiscale analysis.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Statistical Physics http://www.springerlink.com/content/0022-471

    Curr Biol

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    Efference copies are neural replicas of motor outputs used to anticipate the sensory consequences of a self-generated motor action or to coordinate neural networks involved in distinct motor behaviors. An established example of this motor-to-motor coupling is the efference copy of the propulsive motor command, which supplements classical visuo-vestibular reflexes to ensure gaze stabilization during amphibian larval locomotion. Such feedforward replica of spinal pattern-generating circuits produces a spino-extraocular motor coupled activity that evokes eye movements, spatiotemporally coordinated to tail undulation independently of any sensory signal. Exploiting the developmental stages of the frog, studies in metamorphing Xenopus demonstrated the persistence of this spino-extraocular motor command in adults and its developmental adaptation to tetrapodal locomotion. Here, we demonstrate for the first time the existence of a comparable locomotor-to-ocular motor coupling in the mouse. In neonates, ex vivo nerve recordings of brainstem-spinal cord preparations reveal a spino-extraocular motor coupled activity similar to the one described in Xenopus. In adult mice, trans-synaptic rabies virus injections in lateral rectus eye muscle label cervical spinal cord neurons closely connected to abducens motor neurons. Finally, treadmill-elicited locomotion in decerebrated preparations evokes rhythmic eye movements in synchrony with the limb gait pattern. Overall, our data are evidence for the conservation of locomotor-induced eye movements in vertebrate lineages. Thus, in mammals as in amphibians, CPG-efference copy feedforward signals might interact with sensory feedback to ensure efficient gaze control during locomotion.Corrélats neurophysiologiques de l'évolution et du développement des stratégies de stabilisation du regard pendant la locomotion chez les vertébrésUniversité de Pari

    A behaviorally related developmental switch in nitrergic modulation of locomotor rhythmogenesis in larval Xenopus tadpoles

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    Supported by PICS (Projet International de Coopération Scientifique) of the French CNRS and a LabEx BRAIN Visiting Professorship to KTS. SPC was a BBSRC research student. NWS was an MPhil student supported in part by the E & RS Research Fund of the University of St Andrews.Locomotor control requires functional flexibility to support an animal's full behavioral repertoire. This flexibility is partly endowed by neuromodulators, allowing neural networks to generate a range of motor output configurations. In hatchling Xenopus tadpoles, before the onset of free-swimming behavior, the gaseous modulator nitric oxide (NO) inhibits locomotor output, shortening swim episodes and decreasing swim cycle frequency. While populations of nitrergic neurons are already present in the tadpole's brain stem at hatching, neurons positive for the NO-synthetic enzyme, NO synthase, subsequently appear in the spinal cord, suggesting additional as yet unidentified roles for NO during larval development. Here, we first describe the expression of locomotor behavior during the animal's change from an early sessile to a later free-swimming lifestyle and then compare the effects of NO throughout tadpole development. We identify a discrete switch in nitrergic modulation from net inhibition to overall excitation, coincident with the transition to free-swimming locomotion. Additionally, we show in isolated brain stem-spinal cord preparations of older larvae that NO's excitatory effects are manifested as an increase in the probability of spontaneous swim episode occurrence, as found previously for the neurotransmitter dopamine, but that these effects are mediated within the brain stem. Moreover, while the effects of NO and dopamine are similar, the two modulators act in parallel rather than NO operating serially by modulating dopaminergic signaling. Finally, NO's activation of neurons in the brain stem also leads to the release of NO in the spinal cord that subsequently contributes to NO's facilitation of swimming.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Sea ice diatom contributions to Holocene nutrient utilization in East Antarctica

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    Combined high-resolution Holocene δ30Sidiat and δ13Cdiat paleorecords are presented from theSeasonal Ice Zone, East Antarctica. Both data sets reflect periods of increased nutrient utilization by diatomsduring the Hypsithermal period (circa 7800 to 3500 calendar years (cal years) B.P.), coincident with a higherabundance of open water diatom species (Fragilariopsis kerguelensis), increased biogenic silica productivity(%BSi), and higher regional summer temperatures. The Neoglacial period (after circa 3500 cal years B.P.) isreflected by an increase in sea ice indicative species (Fragilariopsis curta and Fragilariopsis cylindrus,upto50%) along with a decrease in %BSi and δ13Cdiat(< 18‰ to 23‰). However, over this period, δ30Sidiatdata show an increasing trend, to some of the highest values in the Holocene record (average of +0.43‰).Competing hypotheses are discussed to account for the decoupling trend in utilization proxies including ironfertilization, species-dependent fractionation effects, and diatom habitats. Based on mass balance calculations,we highlight that diatom species derived from the semi-enclosed sea ice environment may have a confoundingeffect upon δ30Sidowncorecompositions of the seasonal sea ice zone. A diatom composition, with approximately28% of biogenic silica derived from the sea ice environment (diat-SI) can account for the increased averagecompo sition of δ30Sidiatduring the Neoglacial. These data highlight the significant role sea ice diatoms can playwith relation to their export in sediment records, which has implications on productivity reconstructions fromthe seasonal ice zone