4,637 research outputs found

    Notes on formal smoothness

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    The definition of an S-category is proposed by weakening the axioms of a Q-category introduced by Kontsevich and Rosenberg. Examples of Q- and S-categories and (co)smooth objects in such categories are given.Comment: 11 page

    Towers of corings

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    The notion of a Frobenius coring is introduced, and it is shown that any such coring produces a tower of Frobenius corings and Frobenius extensions. This establishes a one-to-one correspondence between Frobenius corings and extensions.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX; uses xypic; Prop 2.9 replaced by a remar

    On modules associated to coalgebra Galois extensions

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    For a given entwining structure (A,C)ψ(A,C)_\psi involving an algebra AA, a coalgebra CC, and an entwining map ψ:CβŠ—Aβ†’AβŠ—C\psi: C\otimes A\to A\otimes C, a category \M_A^C(\psi) of right (A,C)ψ(A,C)_\psi-modules is defined and its structure analysed. In particular, the notion of a measuring of (A,C)ψ(A,C)_\psi to (\tA,\tC)_\tpsi is introduced, and certain functors between \M_A^C(\psi) and \M_\tA^\tC(\tpsi) induced by such a measuring are defined. It is shown that these functors are inverse equivalences iff they are exact (or one of them faithfully exact) and the measuring satisfies a certain Galois-type condition. Next, left modules EE and right modules EΛ‰\bar{E} associated to a CC-Galois extension AA of BB are defined. These can be thought of as objects dual to fibre bundles with coalgebra CC in the place of a structure group, and a fibre VV. Cross-sections of such associated modules are defined as module maps Eβ†’BE\to B or EΛ‰β†’B\bar{E}\to B. It is shown that they can be identified with suitably equivariant maps from the fibre to AA. Also, it is shown that a CC-Galois extension is cleft if and only if A=B\tens C as left BB-modules and right CC-comodules. The relationship between the modules EE and EΛ‰\bar{E} is studied in the case when VV is finite-dimensional and in the case when the canonical entwining map is bijective.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX, uses amscd and amssymb. Some changes in Section 3. Version to appear in J. Algebr

    Deformation of Algebra Factorisations

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    A general deformation theory of algebras which factorise into two subalgebras is studied. It is shown that the classification of deformations is related to the cohomology of a certain double complex reminiscent of the Gerstenhaber-Schack complex of a bialgebra.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, uses amscd; proof of Theorem 3.1 corrected, new examples and references added; final version to appear in Commun. Algebr
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