66 research outputs found

    Bir köpekte trahea rupturu ve generalize subkutan amfizemin tedavisi

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    Potentially life-threatening tracheal injuries are not commonly observed in dogs and usually occur due to bite wounds, gunshot wounds, and collar-chain injuries that form on the cervical part of the trachea, and are an important type of wound that requires surgical intervention. The defect in the trachea should be repaired with surgical interventions. If this defect is not repaired, secondary subcutaneous emphysema occurs. The subcutaneous emphysema that develops may be limited to the perithracheal region only or spread to all body subcutaneous areas. This case report presents the diagnosis and treatment of a dog with tracheal rupture and generalized emphysema, associated with dog fight.Potansiyel olarak hayati risk taşıyan trahea yırtıkları köpeklerde yaygın olarak gözlenmez ve genellikle traheanın servikal kısmında şekillenen ısırık yaraları, ateşli silah yaralanmaları ve tasma-zincir yaralanmalarına bağlı olarak ortaya çıkar ve cerrahi müdahale gerektiren önemli bir yara çeşididir. Traheadaki defekt operatif müdahaleler ile onarılmalıdır. Bu defekt onarılmaz ise sekonder olarak subkutanöz amfizem meydana gelir. Şekillenen subkutanöz amfizem sadece peritraheal bölgede sınırlı kalabilir ya da vücudun bütün subkutanöz alanlarına yayılabilir. Bu vaka takdimi köpek kavgası ilişkili traheal ruptur ve generalize amfizem tespit edilen bir köpeğin tanısı ve tedavisini ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılmıştır

    Evaluation of Intraperitoneal and Incisional Bupivacaine or Levobupivacaine for Postoperative Analgesia in Ovariohysterectomized Dogs

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    Background: Ovariohysterectomy (OHE) is the most commonly performed elective surgical procedure in companion animals. OHE offers benefits of control of population and decreased risk of potentially life-threatening diseases such as mammarian tumours and pyometra.  Traditional OHE intervention causes inflammation and pain due to trauma during organ manipulation. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of intraperitoneal and incisional administration of bupivacaine (BP) or levobupivacaine (LP) on postoperative analgesia in dogs undergoing the OHE procedure.Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 24 mix-breed bitches aged between 1 - 3 years and weighed 19 - 20 kg were used in this study. The animals were divided into three groups as control (n = 8), BP (n = 8) and LP group (n = 8). The animals were kept under surveillance at the hospitalisation unit of the animal hospital for one day before the elective OHE. The dogs were fasted for 12 h before the surgery, with adlib water consumption. Atropine sulphate 0.045 mg/kg was administered subcutaneously approximately 30 min before general anaesthesia. Midazolam (0.3 mg/kg) was intravenously injected into all dogs for pre-anaesthetic medication. After sedation, anaesthesia was induced with propofol (4 mg/kg, IV) and then the dogs were orotracheally intubated using cuffed endotracheal tubes. General anaesthesia was maintained by administration of 2% isoflurane. The ventral abdomen was prepared aseptically for OHE following the general anaesthesia. All animals were operated on by the same surgeon. During surgery, sprayed bupivacaine 0.5% (4.4 mg/kg) with an equal volume of saline in BP group, levobupivacaine 0.5% (4.4 mg/kg) with an equal volume of saline in LP were then applied over the ovaries, uterine broad ligaments and cervix uteri. After removal of the uterine body, either LP or BP was sprayed to left and right, or cranial and caudal parts of the abdominal cavity. Finally, the incision line was sprayed before closing the skin. The control group received only sprayed saline.  The pain evaluation was carried out with modified Melbourne pain scoring scale. To determine cortisol concentrations, blood samples were taken before anaesthesia induction (baseline) and postoperative 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 12 and 24 h. Postoperative pain scores were higher in the control group than BP and LP groups following surgery at 30 min, 1st, 4th, and 6th h. In all groups, cortisol levels increased postoperatively, whereas they decreased more rapidly in BP and LP groups. There was a steady increase at postoperative 0 min, 30 min, 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th h in the control group and at postoperative 0 min, 30 min and 1 h in BP and LP groups (P < 0.05).Discussion: Intraperitoneal and incisional bupivacaine shows significantly superior postoperative pain management benefits after the closure of skin, compared to untreated dogs and it is also superior to lidocaine treatment at 0.5 h following the visual analogy pain assessment system. In the present study, the observation of lower pain scores in BP group at 0.5, 1, 4 and 6 h as compared to the control group was similar to findings of other studies. LP group also showed decreased pain scores at above-mentioned h without any significant difference. However, only in LP group, pain scores at 24 h were lower than postoperative pain scores. In conclusion, it is suggested that sprayed intraperitoneal and incisional BP and LP are very effective for preventing postoperative pain ovariohysterectomized dogs

    Morphology and volume measurement of pecten oculi by stereology in merlin (Falco columbarius)

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    Corpus vitreum içerisinde yer alan pecten oculi yüksek damarlaşma ve pigmentasyona sahiptir. Retinanın beslenmesinde ve hareket eden objelerin iyi görülmesi için yardımcı bir aygıt olduğundan gündüz avlanan kuşlar için büyük önem taşır. Araştırmada 5 adet ergin erkek bozdoğanın (Falco columbarius) pecten oculi’sinin morfolojik ve stereolojik incelemeleri yapılmıştır. Morfolojik incelemeler sonucu bozdoğan pecten oculi’sinin plikalı tipte ve 17-18 adet kıvrıma sahip olduğu, şeklinin çeşitkenar yamuğa benzediği saptandı. Bu yapıların ortalama uzunlukları ise 12.26 ± 0,21 mm (bazal), 7.97 ± 0,08 mm (apikal), 5.83 mm ± 0,12 (bazal-apikal arası) olarak tespit edildi. Stereolojik hacmi ise ortalama 17.28 ± 0,28 mm3 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Bozdoğanda pecten oculi’nin morfolojik yapısı ortaya konarak stereolojik metotla hacmi hesaplanmış olup, tür ayrımında birçok çalışmaya kaynak olabileceği düşünüldü.Pecten oculi seeded in corpus vitreum poses high vascularisation and pigmentation. It very important for day-time hunter birds because it is involved in retinal nutrition and contributes for better vision to moving objects. In this study, morphologic and stereologic evaluation of pecten oculi in 5 Merlin (Falco columbarius) was carried out. It was observed that pecten oculi of merlin was plicated type with 17-18 convulations and resembled scalene trapezium in shape. Average lenght of these structures were 12.26 ± 0,21 (basal), 7.97 ± 0,08 mm (apical) and, 5.83 mm ± 0,12 (basal and apical intermission). The avarage stereological volume was 17.28 ± 0,28 mm3. It was concluded that morphology and the volume of pecten oculi by stereological approach were determined and the data generated here may be useful for the differentiation of species

    Contact dermatitis due to ecg electrodes in critical care unit (a case report)

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    Elektrokardiyografi (EKG) monitörizasyonu sırasında kullanılan elektrotlara ait alerjik kontakt dermatit görülebilir. Bu olgu sunumunda EKG elektroduna baglı kontakt dermatit gelişen, atopik olmayan iki hasta bildirilmektedir.ECGelectrodes can cause allergic contact dermatitis.We report two unusual cases of allergic contact dermatitis to ECGelectrodes

    Morphology and volume measurement of Bursa fabricius by stereology in merlin (falco columbarius)

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    Bursa fabricius (Bursa cloacalis veya Bursa fabricii) kanatlıların lenfoepitelial bir organı olup kanatlıların primer lenfoid organı organı olarak görev yapmaktadır. B lenfositlerinin gelişim ve farklılaşmasının yanında immunoglobulin izotip değişminden de sorumludur. Bursa fabricius cloaca’ya açılan kanalında küçük bir T lenfosit kümesi bulunduğundan dolayı aynı zamanda sekonder lenfoid organ olarak da görülmektedir ancak erken dönemde organın gelişimi gerilemektedir. Bu çalışmada 5 adet ergin bozdoğandan (Falco columbarius) elde edilen bursa fabricius’lar üzerinde morfolojik ve stereolojik incelemeler yapıldı. Morfolojik incelemeler sonucunda bozdoğan’larda bursa fabricius’un cloaca üzerinde bulunduğu, bir kanal vasıtasıyla proctodeum’a açıldığı, şeklinin oval olduğu ve lümeninde mukoza katmanı tarafından yapılmış plikalar bulunduğu gözlemlendi. Bu yapıların boyu 15,62 ± 1,41 mm, eni en uzun bölgede 10.14 ± 0,66 mm en kısa bölgede ise 0.98 ± 0,07 mm olarak saptandı. Stereolojik yöntemle yapılan hesaplamalarda hacmi 0.190 ± 0,008 cm3 olarak tespit edildi. Bozdoğanda bursa fabricius’un morfolojik yapısı ortaya konarak stereolojik metotla hacmi hesaplanmış olup, kanatlılarda tür ayrımında ileride yapılacak çalışmalara kaynak olabileceği düşünüldü.Bursa fabricius (Bursa cloacalis or Bursa fabricii) is a lymphoepithelial organ of poultry and serves as the primary lymphoid organ. In addition to the development and differentiation of Bursa Fabricius B lymphocytes, immunoglobulin is also responsible for isotype change. Bursa fabricius is also seen as a secondary lymphoid organ due to the presence of a small T-lymphocyte cluster in the channel opening to cloaca, but early development of the organ is delayed. In this study, morphological and stereological examinations were performed on bursa fabricius obtained from 5 adult Merlin (Falco columbarius). Our morphological studies have shown that the bursa fabricius of merlin is located on the cloaca and that it is opened to proctodeum through a canal. We saw that it was oval shaped and had plums made by the mucosa layer in the lumen. The size of these structures was found to be 15,62 ± 1,41 mm, 10.14 ± 0,66 mm in the widest area and 0.98 ± 0,07 mm in the shortest area. The volume we calculated by the stereological methods was 0.190 ± 0,008 cm3. The morphological structure of bursa fabricius in merlin was determined and the volume was calculated by stereological method and it was thought that it might be the source of future studies in the species differentiation in poultry

    Clinical Characteristics and Visual Outcomes of Pediatric Optic Neuritis: A Single Center Experience

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    INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to describe the clinical characteristics, visual outcomes of pediatric patients presenting with first-episode of optic neuritis. METHODS: We reviewed medical records of the patients newly diagnosed with optic neuritis younger than 18 years between January 2014 and December 2018 retrospectively. RESULTS: Twenty-eight patients were included to this study. The mean age at first onset of optic neuritis was 13.2+-3.1 years (range 6.2-17.3 years). The mean follow-up period was 4.2+-3.2 (range 0.6-13.08) years. 7 of 28 (25%) patients had recurrent optic neuritis. Optic neuritis involvement was unilateral in 17 of 28 (60%) patients. Forty percent of the patients had idiopathic optic neuritis. Of the six patients with demyelinating lesions in cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at the first admission, three were diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) at the time of first optic neuritis attack, and three were diagnosed within 13.4+-4.8 months after the first episode. Eight of 21 optic neuritis patients (38%) had oligoclonal band positivity and the incidence of MS was significantly higher in these patients (p=0.014). The mean visual acuity at nadir was 0.48+-0.27 at admission. Whereas it was 0.74+-0.31 and 0.76+-0.33 at 1 and 6 months respectively. There was a strong correlation between first and sixth-month visual acuity (r=0.98, p=0.00). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrated that poor visual acuity (worse than 0.5) at 1 month can predict poor vision at 6 months. The patients with demyelinating lesions in cranial MRI at their first optic neuritis episode, are more likely to develop MS during the follow-up

    “The Lolelaplap (Marshall Islands) in Us: Sailing West to East (Ralik→Ratak) to These Our Atolls (Aelon Kein Ad) Ad Jolet Jen Anij (Our Blessed Inheritance from God)”

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    This paper discusses the expansion of Oceania through a Marshallese indigenous lens as a focal point. It explains that decolonizing methodologies allows reclaiming of space for mental liberation and reassurement of constitutional rights. It highlights similar occurrences of decolonization practices meeting resistance in the 21st century all while strengthening the human right argument that no human deserves any less than their fellow human brothers and sisters. It argues that an indigenous imagery can only be viewed through an indigenous lens where the researches’ level of purity is retained and unfiltered. It nevertheless argues that Marshallese ethnolinguistics reveal the same cultural practices in America, Judeo-Christianity, and Oceania thus dictating the reality that “we are the same not withstanding one stays here and one there (Bedbedjin Bedbedjen, Bedbedjinma wot Kwe)”. It further explains the importance in these similarities and how Marshallese spirituality predates introduced American Judeo-Christianity despite the latter attempting to marginalize the former. It concludes by stating that Marshallese contributions on the global stage are rooted in that culture of love (IaKwe) which is echoed by the custom(s) revealing the significance of Marshallese validation academically, spiritually, economically, & socially to prevent institutionalized discrimination. This paper ends stating that the agency to know one’s self and how one should fit in the world, is a human right in itself and Marshallese are entitled to this sense of self worth through knowing thy self by thy self where real thinking takes place in one’s own mind as we all live our own lives

    Bir köpekte metastazik seminoma

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    A 12 year-old, male, mixed breed dog was referred to our clinic suffering from enlarged testicle. The testicle had became extensively larger within last 6 months. The dog was emaciated and showed a small ulcerated lesion on the right scrotum. The testicular area was quite sensitive to touch especially in milieu of enlarged testicle. Abdominal and thoracal radiography was taken. Because of the nature of the enlarged testicle it was decided to perform bilateral orchiectomy (included sound testicle). A cauliflower like growth was observed within preputium adhered to the midway of the shaft of the penis. Therefore partial amputation of penis including the growth was also achieved. To observe whether the tumor metastazed to the nearest lymp node, right superficial inguinal lymhp node was removed for histopathological examination. The mass was 14X9 cm in size and weighed 550 g. The case was determined to be a metastatic seminoma in histopathological evaluation. X-ray images showed that the tumor metastazed to the lungs. Two weeks postoperatively Cisplatin chemotheraphy protocol was initiated at a dosage of 60 mg/m2 (diluted in 370 ml of saline) intravenously. After 1 month the dog was brighter. Apetite and activity level of the dog increased. No surgical complication or medication was observed at the final control (at the 18th month of postsurgery).Oniki yaşında erkek, melez bir köpek testislerinde büyümeye bağlı ağrıdan dolayı kliniğimize getirildi. Testisin son 6 ayda aşırı büyüdüğü bildirildi. Köpeğin aşırı zayıflamış ve sağ skrotum üzerinde küçük ülseratif lezyonların bulunduğu gözlendi. Testiste büyümenin olduğu bölge dokunmaya oldukça duyarlıydı. Abdominal ve torakal radyografi çekildi. Testisin yapı olarak çok büyüdüğünden bilateral orşiektomi’ye (sağlam testisle birlikte) karar verildi. Penisin ortasına kadar uzanan prepusyuma yapışmış karnıbahar benzeri üremeler görüldü. Bu yüzden büyümeleride içermek kaydıyla penis kısmi penis amputasyonu yapıldı. En yakın lenf nodulüne metastaz yapıp yapmadığını görmek için sağ ln inguinalis superficialis dextra histopatolojik inceleme amacıyla uzaklaştırıldı. Kitle 14x9 cm boyutunda ve 550 g ağırlığındaydı. Histopatolojik muayenede olgunun mestastazik seminoma olduğu tespit edildi. Radyografik görüntü tümörün akciğerlere metastaz yaptığını gösterdi. 60 mg/m2 (370 ml serum fizyolojikte dilüe edilerek) dozunda intravenöz yolla Cisplatin kemoterapi protokolü başlatıldı. Bir ay sonraki kontrolde köpek daha canlıydı. İştah ve aktivite artmıştı. Son kontrolde (postoperatif 18. ay) herhangi bir cerrahi ve ilaçla sağaltımıyla ilgili komplikasyon gözlenmedi