238 research outputs found

    Представництво меншин у румунському парламенті: поточні проблеми

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    Presented article is prepared within the Research Project “Law of Political Parties” held by the faculty of Law and International Relations of Georgian Technical University. Тhe purpose of the article is to analyze the main mechanisms that guarantees the parliamentary representation of national and ethnic minorities in Romania. Authors review in detail the correlation of concept of equality principle and positive discrimination in regard with national and ethnic minorities. Clear distinction is given between Hungarian minority, as a successfully political movement and all other minorities, which were able to gain mandates only through positive discrimination. In conclusion authors underline some advantages of Romanian electoral system, but also refer to weaknesses, which should be eliminated and suggest some recommendations for possible improvements.Данная статья подготовлена в рамках исследовательского проекта «Право политических партий», который реализуется факультетом права и международных отношений Грузинского технического университета. Основной целью статьи является анализ механизмов, гарантирующих представительство национальных и этнических меньшинств в парламенте Румынии. Авторы подробно рассматривают соотношение концепции равенства и позитивной дискриминации по отношению к национальным и этническим меньшинствам. Четкое различие проводится между венгерским меньшинством, как успешным политическим движением и всеми другими меньшинствами, которые смогли получить мандаты только благодаря позитивной дискриминации. Отмечены определенные преимущества румынской избирательной системы, а также выделены недостатки, требующие устранения, а также предложены рекомендации, направленные на улучшение этой системы.Статтю підготовлено в рамках дослідницького проекту «Право політичних партій», який реалізується факультетом права і міжнародних відносин Грузинського технічного університету. Основною метою публікації є аналіз механізмів, що гарантують представництво національних і етнічних меншин у парламенті Румунії. Докладно розглянуто співвідношення концепції рівності і позитивної дискримінації по відношенню до національних та етнічних меншин. Чітке розмежування проводиться між угорською меншиною як успішним політичним рухом і всіма іншими меншинами, які змогли отримати мандати тільки завдяки позитивній дискримінації. Зазначено певні переваги румунської виборчої системи, а також окреслено недоліки, які потребують усунення. Сформульовано рекомендації, спрямовані на поліпшення цієї системи

    Співвідношення принципів гласності рішень Конституційного Суду і захист персональних даних (практика Конституційного Суду Грузії)

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    Presented paper concerns to the issue of proper perception of the state in establishing the distinction between personal data protection and principles of publicity.  The idea that the information protected by public institutions is a public good is nowadays reinforced by domestic and international legal documents. The aim of the research is to study abovementioned issue in regard with the practice of Georgian Constitutional Court and based on the results, to define the main problems identifying the main line between personal data and principles of publicity. According to case study, it’s clear that individuals are not aware how they can protect their personal data. Data processing organizations themselves violate the requirements of Georgian Law on Personal Data Protection. Current judicial practice makes it possible to believe that violations of abovementioned rights will not only decrease, but will define the proper line between personal data protection and Publicity principles concerning court decisions. Рассматривается проблема надлежащего восприятия государством установления границ между защитой персональных данных и принципами гласности. Идея о том, что информация, которую защищают государственные учреждения, является общественным благом, сейчас подкрепляется внутренними и международными правовыми документами.Цель публикации – осветить вышеупомянутый вопрос с точки зрения практики Конституционного Суда Грузии и на основе полученных результатов выявить основные проблемы установления границы между защитой персональных данных и свободой информации.Констатируется, что люди не знают, как они могут защитить свои личные данные. Сами организации, обрабатывающие такие данные, часто нарушают требования закона Грузии о защите персональных данных. Изучение судебной практики дает основания предположить, что со временем количество нарушений права на защиту персональных данных будет уменьшаться, а судебные решения помогут установить требуемые границы между принципом гласности и защитой персональных данных.Розглянуто проблему належного сприйняття державою встановлення меж між захистом персональних даних та принципами гласності. Ідея про те, що інформація, захищувана державними установами, є суспільним благом, нині підкріплюється внутрішніми і міжнародними правовими документами.Мета статті – висвітлити вищезазначене питання на підставі практики Конституційного Суду Грузії й на основі отриманих результатів окреслити основні проблеми щодо встановлення межі між захистом персональних даних та свободою інформації.Виявлено, що люди не знають, як вони можуть захистити свої особисті дані. Самі організації, що обробляють такі дані, часто порушують вимоги закону Грузії про захист персональних даних. Вивчення судової практики дає підстави припустити, що з часом кількість порушень права на захист персональних даних буде зменшуватися, а судові рішення допоможуть установити необхідну межу між принципом гласності і захистом персональних даних

    Variance Components Models for Analysis of Big Family Data of Health Outcomes in the Lifelines Cohort Study

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    Large multigenerational cohort studies offer powerful ways to study the hereditary effects on various health outcomes. However, accounting for complex kinship relations in big data structures can be methodologically challenging. The traditional kinship model is computationally infeasible when considering thousands of individuals. In this article, we propose a computationally efficient alternative that employs fractional relatedness of family members through a series of founding members. The primary goal of this study is to investigate whether the effect of determinants on health outcome variables differs with and without accounting for family structure. We compare a fixed-effects model without familial effects with several variance components models that account for heritability and shared environment structure. Our secondary goal is to apply the fractional relatedness model in a realistic setting. Lifelines is a three-generation cohort study investigating the biological, behavioral, and environmental determinants of healthy aging. We analyzed a sample of 89,353 participants from 32,452 reconstructed families. Our primary conclusion is that the effect of determinants on health outcome variables does not differ with and without accounting for family structure. However, accounting for family structure through fractional relatedness allows for estimating heritability in a computationally efficient way, showing some interesting differences between physical and mental quality of life heritability. We have shown through simulations that the proposed fractional relatedness model performs better than the standard kinship model, not only in terms of computational time and convenience of fitting using standard functions in R, but also in terms of bias of heritability estimates and coverage

    Mucocele of the appendix presenting as an exacerbated chronic tubo-ovarian abscess: A case report and comprehensive review of the literature.

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    Appendiceal mucocele is a rare entity of mucinous cystic dilatation of the appendix. It has no typical clinical presentation and is considered a potentially premalignant condition. We present a case of accidental intraoperative finding of an appendiceal mucocele in a 54-year old woman that clinically presented with an exacerbated chronic tubo-ovarian abscess. Trans-vaginal ultrasonography showed an encapsulated, oval, unilocular mass above the uterus with a heteroechogenic structure, homogeneous fluid content, and smooth regular walls without inner proliferation. The histopathologic diagnosis was consistent with an appendiceal cystadenoma. The patient underwent a simple appendectomy. There were no clinical, biochemical or imaging signs of the disease recurrence at 6 months follow up. To our knowledge, this is the only well-documented case of appendiceal mucocele mimicking exacerbated chronic tubo-ovarian abscess reported in the literature. Awareness of a rare entity such as an appendiceal mucocele, which is frequently misdiagnosed as a potential cause of acute abdomen, is necessary for the appropriate management strategy in order to prevent complications

    A proposal for a CT driven classification of left colon acute diverticulitis

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    Computed tomography (CT) imaging is the most appropriate diagnostic tool to confirm suspected left colonic diverticulitis. However, the utility of CT imaging goes beyond accurate diagnosis of diverticulitis; the grade of severity on CT imaging may drive treatment planning of patients presenting with acute diverticulitis. The appropriate management of left colon acute diverticulitis remains still debated because of the vast spectrum of clinical presentations and different approaches to treatment proposed. The authors present a new simple classification system based on both CT scan results driving decisions making management of acute diverticulitis that may be universally accepted for day to day practice

    The LIFE TRIAD of emergency general surgery

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    Emergency General Surgery (EGS) was identified as multidisciplinary surgery performed for traumatic and non-traumatic acute conditions during the same admission in the hospital by general emergency surgeons and other specialists. It is the most diffused surgical discipline in the world. To live and grow strong EGS necessitates three fundamental parts: emergency and elective continuous surgical practice, evidence generation through clinical registries and data accrual, and indications and guidelines production: the LIFE TRIAD.Peer reviewe

    Source control in emergency general surgery: WSES, GAIS, SIS-E, SIS-A guidelines

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    Intra-abdominal infections (IAI) are among the most common global healthcare challenges and they are usually precipitated by disruption to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Their successful management typically requires intensive resource utilization, and despite the best therapies, morbidity and mortality remain high. One of the main issues required to appropriately treat IAI that differs from the other etiologies of sepsis is the frequent requirement to provide physical source control. Fortunately, dramatic advances have been made in this aspect of treatment. Historically, source control was left to surgeons only. With new technologies non-surgical less invasive interventional procedures have been introduced. Alternatively, in addition to formal surgery open abdomen techniques have long been proposed as aiding source control in severe intra-abdominal sepsis. It is ironic that while a lack or even delay regarding source control clearly associates with death, it is a concept that remains poorly described. For example, no conclusive definition of source control technique or even adequacy has been universally accepted. Practically, source control involves a complex definition encompassing several factors including the causative event, source of infection bacteria, local bacterial flora, patient condition, and his/her eventual comorbidities. With greater understanding of the systemic pathobiology of sepsis and the profound implications of the human microbiome, adequate source control is no longer only a surgical issue but one that requires a multidisciplinary, multimodality approach. Thus, while any breach in the GI tract must be controlled, source control should also attempt to control the generation and propagation of the systemic biomediators and dysbiotic influences on the microbiome that perpetuate multi-system organ failure and death. Given these increased complexities, the present paper represents the current opinions and recommendations for future research of the World Society of Emergency Surgery, of the Global Alliance for Infections in Surgery of Surgical Infection Society Europe and Surgical Infection Society America regarding the concepts and operational adequacy of source control in intra-abdominal infections

    Knowledge, awareness, and attitude towards infection prevention and management among surgeons: identifying the surgeon champion

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    Abstract Despite evidence supporting the effectiveness of best practices of infection prevention and management, many surgeons worldwide fail to implement them. Evidence-based practices tend to be underused in routine practice. Surgeons with knowledge in surgical infections should provide feedback to prescribers and integrate best practices among surgeons and implement changes within their team. Identifying a local opinion leader to serve as a champion within the surgical department may be important. The “surgeon champion” can integrate best clinical practices of infection prevention and management, drive behavior change in their colleagues, and interact with both infection control teams in promoting antimicrobial stewardship.https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145433/1/13017_2018_Article_198.pd