52 research outputs found

    O impacto das pastilhas elásticas na área orofacial

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Universitário Egas MonizA mastigação de produtos não alimentares é um hábito que já existe há milénios. Actualmente, este fenómeno encontra-se através da mastigação de pastilhas elásticas que se tornou uma prática popular. Mas este hábito, às vezes considerado como um hábito parafuncional, têm consequências a nível orofacial dos consumidores. O uso frequente de pastilhas elásticas pode ser considerado como um fator de risco na amplificação de algumas patologias articulares, mas, por outro lado, a mastigação regularizada destas pastilhas pode ser incluída num esquema terapêutico das dores oraofaciais. O objetivo é de realizar um state of the art das repercuções da mastigação de pastilhas elásticas; avaliar a influência das pastilhas elásticas na área orofacial, os seus benefícios e os seus danos provocados. O consumo de pastilhas elásticas permite também aumentar a secreção de saliva pelo fenómeno de estimulação mecânica e gustativa. Uma saliva estimulada neutraliza os ácidos produzidos pelos microrganismos acidogénicos da placa bacteriana e permite reduzir o risco de cárie. Também ocorre uma modificação da composição salivar com aumento da concentração dos iões constituintes do cristais de hidroxiapatita, o que facilita a remineralização do esmalte e previne desmineralização. Esta estimulação da secreção salivar pela mastigação das pastilhas elásticas permite proteger os dentes contra a desmineralização erosiva A mastigação regular de pastilhas elásticas sem açúcar permite também a redução do número de compostos sulfurados volátéis, refrescando assim o hálito. Permite também reduzir a coloração extrínseca dos dentes. Os fármacos podem ser incorporados na pastilha elástica que representa neste sentido uma alternativa aos outros sistemas de administração oral de medicamento. O consumo de pastilhas elásticas sem açúcar pode ser uma ajuda para superar aos inconvenientes do tratamento ortodôntico fixo mas nunca poderá substituir a escovagem dos dentes.Chewing non-food products is a habit that has been around for millennia. Today, this phenomenon is found through chewing gum, which has become a popular practice. But this habit, sometimes considered a parafunctional habit, has orofacial consequences for consumers. The frequent use of chewing gum can be considered a risk factor in the amplification of some joint pathologies, but, on the other hand, the regularized chewing of these chewing gum can be included in a therapeutic scheme of oraofacial pain. The objective is to conduct a state of the art of the repercutions of mastication of chewing gum; assess the influence of chewing gum on the orofacial area, its benefits and damage. The consumption of chewing gum also allows increasing the secretion of saliva by the phenomenon of mechanical and gustatory stimulation. A stimulated saliva neutralizes the acids produced by the acidogenic microorganisms of plaque and reduces the risk of caries. There is also a modification of the salivary composition with an increase in the concentration of the constituent ions of the hydroxyapatite crystals, which facilitates the remineralization of the enamel and prevents demineralization. This stimulation of salivary secretion by chewing gum protects the teeth against erosive demineralisation. Regular chewing of sugar-free chewing gum also reduces the number of volatile sulfur compounds, thus refreshing the breath. It also reduces the extrinsic staining of the teeth. The drugs can be incorporated into the chewing gum, which in this sense represents an alternative to other systems of oral administration of medication. The consumption of sugar-free chewing gum can also be an aid to overcome the inconveniences of fixed orthodontic treatment but can never replace tooth brushing

    Use of the 3D radon transform to examine the properties of oceanic Rossby waves

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    One of the most successful applications of satellite-borne radar altimeter data over the oceans in recent years has been the extraction of information about long-wavelength baroclinic Rossby (or planetary) waves, which play a significant role in ocean circulation and climate dynamics. These waves cross ocean basins from east to west at speeds of few centimetres per second at mid-latitudes. The cross-basin propagation time may therefore be several months or even years and an accurate estimation of the speed of the waves is important. We review the methods for obtaining information on Rossby wave velocity from altimetry data, particularly the two-dimensional Radon transform. Unfortunately the use of longitude-time plots, although it allows the estimation of the zonal phase speeds, does not give any information on the speed vector when the propagation of the waves is not purely zonal (east-west). We show how the two-dimensional Radon Transform can be generalised to three dimensions, enabling not only the true propagation velocity component to be determined, but also the direction of the waves and thus any deviation from the pure-westward case. As examples of the application of this extended technique, we show maps of direction, speed and energy of Rossby waves in the North Atlantic Ocean

    Demonstration of two-beam acceleration in CTF II

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    The second phase of the Compact LInear Collider (CLIC) Test Facility (CTF II) at CERN has demon-strated the feasibility of two-beam acceleration at 30 GHz using a high-charge drive beam, running paral lel to the main beam, as the RF power source. To date accelerating gradients of 59 MV/m at 30 GHz have been achieved. In CTF II, the two beams are generated by 3 GHz RF photo-injectors and are acceler ated in 3 GHz linacs, before injection into the 30 GHz modules. The drive beam linac has to accelerate a 16 ns long train of 48 bunches, each with a nominal charge of 13.4 nC. To cope with the very su bstantial beam-loading special accelerating structures are used (running slightly off the bunch repetition frequency). A magnetic chicane compresses the bunches to less than 5 ps fwhm, this is needed for efficient 30 GHz power generation. The 30 GHz modules are fully-engineered representative sections of CLIC, they include a 30 GHz decelerator for the drive beam, a 30 GHz accelerator for the main beam, high resolution BPM's and a wire-based active align-ment system. The performance achieved so far, as well as the operational experience with the first accelerator of this type, are reported

    Results from the CLIC Test Facility

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    In order to study the principle of the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) based on the Two Beam Acceleration (TBA) scheme at high frequency, a CLIC Test Facility (CTF) has been set-up at CERN. After four years of successful running, the experimental programme is now fully completed and all its objectives reached, particularly the generation of a high intensity drive beam with short bunches by a photo-injector, the production of 30 GHz RF power and the acceleration of a probe beam by 30 GHz structures. A summary of the CTF results and their impact on linear collider design is given. This covers 30 GHz high power testing, study of intense, short single bunches; as well as RF-Gun, photocathode and beam diagnostic developments. A second phase of the test facility (CTF2) is presently being installed to demonstrate the feasibility of the TBA scheme by constructing a fully engineered, 10 m long, test section very similar to the CLIC drive and main linacs, producing up to 480 MW of peak RF power at 30 GHz and accelerating the beam up to 320 MeV. The present status of CTF2 is reported

    L’animal : une source d’inspiration dans les arts

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    L’animal a toujours représenté pour l’homme une source d’inspiration féconde dans le domaine artistique ; tous les arts font appel à lui, dans des statuts et relations à l’homme qui ont largement varié selon les époques et les disciplines. De nombreux exemples en témoignent, qu’il s’agisse des arts visuels, des formes littéraires, de la musique ou de la danse. L’examen de ces œuvres constitue une matière riche pour l’étude de la relation entre l’animal et l’homme dans son évolution au fil du temps


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    LYON1-BU Santé (693882101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocPARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A Reconfigurable Multi-core cryptoprocessor for Multi-channel Communication Systems

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    International audienceThis paper presents a reconfigurable Multi-Core Crypto-Processor (MCCP) especially designed to secure multichannel and multi-standard communication systems. Such component meets many constraints like high throughput and flexibility. In contrast, a classical mono-core approach either provides limited throughput or does not allow simple management of multi-channel streams. Nevertheless, parallelism is not sufficient for a multi-standard radio. It is therefore essential to increase MCCP flexibility. To achieve these results, our work takes advantage of the Xilinx FPGA hardware reconfiguration. The proposed MCCP can reach a maximum throughput of 1.7 Gbps at 190 MHz with several AES cipher modes. It uses about 4000 slices on a Virtex 4 FPGA

    Software radio and dynamic reconfiguration on a DSP/FPGA platform

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    This paper discusses the implementation of modulation chains for multi-standard communications on a dynamically and partially reconfigurable heterogeneous platform. Implementation results highlight the benefit of considering a DSP/FPGA platform instead of a multi-DSP platform since the FPGA supports efficiently intensive computation components, which reduces the DSP load. Furthermore, partial dynamic reconfiguration increases the overall performance as compared to total dynamic reconfiguration since there is 45% of bitstream size reduction, which leads to a 45% decrease of the whole reconfiguration time. The implementation of modulation chains for multi-standard communications proves the availability of new technology to support efficiently Software Defined Radio