78 research outputs found

    Global proteomic characterization of microdissected estrogen receptor positive breast tumors

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    We here describe two proteomic datasets deposited in ProteomeXchange via PRIDE partner repository [1] with dataset identifiers PXD000484 (defined as "training") and PXD000485 (defined as "test") that have been used for the development of a tamoxifen outcome predictive signature [2]. Both datasets comprised 56 fresh frozen estrogen receptor (ER) positive primary breast tumor specimens derived from patients who received tamoxifen as first line therapy for recurrent disease. Patient groups were defined based on time to progression (TTP) after start of tamoxifen therapy (6 months cutoff): 32 good and 24 poor treatment outcome patients were comprised in the training set, respectively. The test set included 41 good and 15 poor treatment outcome patients. All specimens were subjected to laser capture microdissection (LCM) to enrich for epithelial tumor cells prior to high resolution mass spectrometric (MS) analysis. Protein identificat

    Phosphoserine aminotransferase 1 is associated to poor outcome on tamoxifen therapy in recurrent breast cancer

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    In a previous study, we detected a significant association between phosphoserine aminotransferase 1 (PSAT1) hyper-methylation and mRNA levels to outcome to tamoxifen treatment in recurrent disease. We here aimed to study the association of PSAT1 protein levels to outcome upon tamoxifen treatment and to obtain more insight in its role in tamoxifen resistance. A cohort of ER positive, hormonal therapy naïve primary breast carcinomas was immunohistochemically (IHC) stained for PSAT1. Staining was analyzed for association with patient's time to progression (TTP) and overall response on first-line tamoxifen for recurrent disease. PSAT1 mRNA levels were also assessed by reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR; n = 161) and Affymetrix GeneChip (n = 155). Association of PSAT1 to biological pathways on tamoxifen outcome were assessed by global test. PSAT1 protein and mRNA levels were significantly associated to poor outcome to tamoxifen treatment. When comparing PSAT1

    Proteogenomics decodes the evolution of human ipsilateral breast cancer

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    Ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence (IBTR) is a clinically important event, where an isolated in-breast recurrence is a potentially curable event but associated with an increased risk of distant metastasis and breast cancer death. It remains unclear if IBTRs are associated with molecular changes that can be explored as a resource for precision medicine strategies. Here, we employed proteogenomics to analyze a cohort of 27 primary breast cancers and their matched IBTRs to define proteogenomic determinants of molecular tumor evolution. Our analyses revealed a relationship between hormonal receptors status and proliferation levels resulting in the gain of somatic mutations and copy number. This in turn re-programmed the transcriptome and proteome towards a highly replicating and genomically unstable IBTRs, possibly enhanced by APOBEC3B. In order to investigate the origins of IBTRs, a second analysis that included primaries with no recurrence pinpointed proliferation and immune infiltration as predictive of IBTR. In conclusion, our study shows that breast tumors evolve into different IBTRs depending on hormonal status and proliferation and that immune cell infiltration and Ki-67 are significantly elevated in primary tumors that develop IBTR. These results can serve as a starting point to explore markers to predict IBTR formation and stratify patients for adjuvant therapy

    4-protein signature predicting tamoxifen treatment outcome in recurrent breast cancer

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    Estrogen receptor (ER) positive tumors represent the majority of breast malignancies, and are effectively treated with hormonal therapies, such as tamoxifen. However, in the recurrent disease resistance to tamoxifen therapy is common and a major cause of death. In recent years, in-depth proteome analyses have enabled identification of clinically useful biomarkers, particularly, when heterogeneity in complex tumor tissue was reduced using laser capture microdissection (LCM). In the current study, we performed high resolution proteomic analysis on two cohorts of ER positive breast tumors derived from patients who either manifested good or poor outcome to tamoxifen treatment upon recurrence. A total of 112 fresh frozen tumors were collected from multiple medical centers and divided into two sets: an in-house training and a multi-center test set. Epithelial tumor cells were enriched with LCM and analyzed by nano-LC Orbitrap mass spectrometry (MS), which yielded >3000 and >4000 quantified proteins in the training and test sets, respectively. Raw data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifiers PXD000484 and PXD000485. Statistical analysis showed differential abundance of 99 proteins, of which a subset of 4 proteins was selected through a multivariate step-down to develop a predictor for tamoxifen treatment outcome. The 4-protein signature significantly predicted poor outcome patients in the test set, independent of predictive histopathological characteristics (hazard ratio [HR] = 2.17; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.15 to 4.17; multivariate Cox regression p value = 0.017). Immunohistochemical (IHC) staining of PDCD4, one of the signature proteins, on an independent set of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumor tissues provided and independent technical validation (HR = 0.72; 95% CI = 0.57 to 0.92; multivariate Cox regression p value = 0.009). We hereby report the first validated protein predictor for tamoxifen treatment outcome in recurrent ER-positive breast cancer. IHC further showed that PDCD4 is an independent marker

    Prognostic significance of nuclear expression of UMP-CMP kinase in triple negative breast cancer patients

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    We have previously identified UMP-CMP kinase (CMPK1) as a prognostic marker for triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) by mass spectrometry (MS). In this study we evaluated CMPK1 association to prognosis in an independent set of samples by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and assessed biological pathways associated to its expression through gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA). A total of 461 TNBC paraffin-embedded tissues were collected from different academic hospitals in Europe, incorporated into tissue micro-arrays (TMA), and stained for CMPK1 expression. We also collected gene expression data of 60 samples, which were also present in the TMA, for GSEA correlation analysis. CMPK1 IHC staining showed both cytoplasmic and nuclear components. While cytoplasmic CMPK1 did not show any association to metastasis free survival (MFS), nuclear CMPK1 was associated to poor prognosis independently from other prognostic factors in stratified Cox regression analyses. GSEA correlation analysis of the nuclear CMPK1-stratified gene expression dataset showed a significant enrichment of extracellular matrix (ECM; positive correlation) and cell cycle (negative correlation) associated genes. We have shown here that nuclear CMPK1 is indicative of poor prognosis in TNBCs and that its expression may be related to dysregulation of ECM and cell cycle molecules

    Study of the neutron-rich region in the vicinity of 208Pb via multinucleon transfer reactions

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    The multinucleon transfer reaction mechanism was employed to populate isotopes around the doubly- magic 208 Pb nucleus. We used an unstable 94 Rb beam on 208 Pb targets of different thickness. Transfer channels were studied via the fragment-γ and γ-γ coincidences, by using MINIBALL γ spectrometer coupled to a particle detector. Gamma transitions associated to the different Pb isotopes, populated by the neutron transfers, are discussed in terms of excitation energy and spin. Fragment angular distributions were extracted, andcompared with the reaction model

    SIAMOC position paper on gait analysis in clinical practice: General requirements, methods and appropriateness. Results of an Italian consensus conference

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    Gait analysis is recognized as a useful assessment tool in the field of human movement research. However, doubts remain on its real effectiveness as a clinical tool, i.e. on its capability to change the diagnostic-therapeutic practice. In particular, the conditions in which evidence of a favorable cost-benefit ratio is found and the methodology for properly conducting and interpreting the exam are not identified clearly. To provide guidelines for the use of Gait Analysis in the context of rehabilitation medicine, SIAMOC (the Italian Society of Clinical Movement Analysis) promoted a National Consensus Conference which was held in Bologna on September 14th, 2013. The resulting recommendations were the result of a three-stage process entailing i) the preparation of working documents on specific open issues, ii) the holding of the consensus meeting, and iii) the drafting of consensus statements by an external Jury. The statements were formulated based on scientific evidence or experts' opinion, when the quality/quantity of the relevant literature was deemed insufficient. The aim of this work is to disseminate the consensus statements. These are divided into 13 questions grouped in three areas of interest: 1) General requirements and management, 2) Methodological and instrumental issues, and 3) Scientific evidence and clinical appropriateness. SIAMOC hopes that this document will contribute to improve clinical practice and help promoting further research in the field

    Development of a questionnaire specifically for patients with Ileal Orthotopic Neobladder (IONB)

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    The ileal orthotopic neobladder (IONB) is often used in patients undergoing radical cystectomy. The IONB allows to void avoiding the disadvantages of the external urinary diversion.In IONB patients the quality of life (QoL) appears compromised by the need to urinate voluntarily. The patients need to wake up at night interrupting the sleep-wake rhythm with consequences on social and emotional life.At present the QoL in IONB patients is evaluated by generic questionnaires. These are useful when IONB patients are compared with patients with different urinary diversions but they are less effective when only IONB patients are evaluated. To address this problem a specific questionnaire-the IONB-PRO-was developed. METHODS: A) Based on a conceptual framework, narrative-based interviews were conducted on 35 IONB patients. A basic pool of 43 items was produced and organized throughout two clinical and four QoL dimensions. An additional 15 IONB patients were interviewed for face validity testing.B) Psychometric testing was conducted on 145 IONB patients. Both classic test strategy and Rasch analysis were applied. Psychometric properties of the resulting scales were comparatively tested against other QoL-validated scales. RESULTS: The IONB-PRO questionnaire includes two sections: one on the QoL and a second section on the capability of the patient to manage the IONB. For evaluation of the QoL, three versions were delivered: 1) a basic 23-item QoL version (3 domains 23-items; alpha 0.86÷ 9.69), 2) a short-form 12-item QoL scale (alpha = 0.947), and 3) a short-form 15-item Rasch QoL scale (alpha = 0.967). Correlations of the long version scales with the corresponding dimensions of the EORTC-QLQ C30 and the EORTC-BLM30 were significant. The short forms exhibited significant correlations with the global health dimension of the EORTC-QLQ and with the urinary subscales of the EORTC-BLM30. The effect size was approximately 1.00 between patients at the 1-year follow-up period and those with 3, 5, and > 5-year follow-up periods for all scales. No relevant differences were observed between the 12-item short-form and the Rasch scale. CONCLUSIONS: The IONB-PRO long and short-forms demonstrated a high level of internal consistency and reliability with an excellent discriminanting validity
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