11,205 research outputs found

    The eclipsing X-ray pulsar X-7 in M33

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    Using our extensive ROSAT X-ray observations of M33, we confirm a 3.45 day eclipse period for the Einstein source X-7 (Larson & Schulman, 1997) and discover evidence for a 0.31-s pulse period. The orbital period, pulse period and observed X-ray luminosity are remarkably similar to SMC X-1. We therefore suggest M33 X-7 is a neutron star high mass X-ray binary with a 15-40 Msol O/B companion and a binary separation of 25-33 Rsol if the companion is almost filling its Roche lobe.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    A metamorphic inorganic framework that can be switched between eight single-crystalline states

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    The design of highly flexible framework materials requires organic linkers, whereas inorganic materials are more robust but inflexible. Here, by using linkable inorganic rings made up of tungsten oxide (P8W48O184) building blocks, we synthesized an inorganic single crystal material that can undergo at least eight different crystal-to-crystal transformations, with gigantic crystal volume contraction and expansion changes ranging from −2,170 to +1,720 Å3 with no reduction in crystallinity. Not only does this material undergo the largest single crystal-to-single crystal volume transformation thus far reported (to the best of our knowledge), the system also shows conformational flexibility while maintaining robustness over several cycles in the reversible uptake and release of guest molecules switching the crystal between different metamorphic states. This material combines the robustness of inorganic materials with the flexibility of organic frameworks, thereby challenging the notion that flexible materials with robustness are mutually exclusive

    Chandra ACIS Survey of M33 (ChASeM33): A First Look

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    We present an overview of the Chandra ACIS Survey of M33 (ChASeM33): A Deep Survey of the Nearest Face-on Spiral Galaxy. The 1.4 Ms survey covers the galaxy out to R \approx 18\arcmin (\approx 4 kpc). These data provide the most intensive, high spatial resolution assessment of the X-ray source populations available for the confused inner regions of M33. Mosaic images of the ChASeM33 observations show several hundred individual X-ray sources as well as soft diffuse emission from the hot interstellar medium. Bright, extended emission surrounds the nucleus and is also seen from the giant \hii regions NGC 604 and IC 131. Fainter extended emission and numerous individual sources appear to trace the inner spiral structure. The initial source catalog, arising from \sim~2/3 of the expected survey data, includes 394 sources significant at the 3σ3\sigma confidence level or greater, down to a limiting luminosity (absorbed) of \sim1.6\ergs{35} (0.35 -- 8.0 keV). The hardness ratios of the sources separate those with soft, thermal spectra such as supernova remnants from those with hard, non-thermal spectra such as X-ray binaries and background active galactic nuclei. Emission extended beyond the Chandra point spread function is evident in 23 of the 394 sources. Cross-correlation of the ChASeM33 sources against previous catalogs of X-ray sources in M33 results in matches for the vast majority of the brighter sources and shows 28 ChASeM33 sources within 10\arcsec of supernova remnants identified by prior optical and radio searches. This brings the total number of such associations to 31 out of 100 known supernova remnants in M33.Comment: accepted for publication ApJS, full resolution images and complete tables available at http://hea-www.harvard.edu/vlp_m33_public

    Relationships between plant traits, soil properties and carbon fluxes differ between monocultures and mixed communities in temperate grassland

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    1. The use of plant traits to predict ecosystem functions has been gaining growing attention. Above‐ground plant traits, such as leaf nitrogen (N) content and specific leaf area (SLA), have been shown to strongly relate to ecosystem productivity, respiration and nutrient cycling. Furthermore, increasing plant functional trait diversity has been suggested as a possible mechanism to increase ecosystem carbon (C) storage. However, it is uncertain whether below‐ground plant traits can be predicted by above‐ground traits, and if both above‐ and below‐ground traits can be used to predict soil properties and ecosystem‐level functions. 2. Here, we used two adjacent field experiments in temperate grassland to investigate if above‐ and below‐ground plant traits are related, and whether relationships between plant traits, soil properties and ecosystem C fluxes (i.e. ecosystem respiration and net ecosystem exchange) measured in potted monocultures could be detected in mixed field communities. 3. We found that certain shoot traits (e.g. shoot N and C, and leaf dry matter content) were related to root traits (e.g. root N, root C:N and root dry matter content) in monocultures, but such relationships were either weak or not detected in mixed communities. Some relationships between plant traits (i.e. shoot N, root N and/or shoot C:N) and soil properties (i.e. inorganic N availability and microbial community structure) were similar in monocultures and mixed communities, but they were more strongly linked to shoot traits in monocultures and root traits in mixed communities. Structural equation modelling showed that above‐ and below‐ground traits and soil properties improved predictions of ecosystem C fluxes in monocultures, but not in mixed communities on the basis of community‐weighted mean traits. 4. Synthesis. Our results from a single grassland habitat detected relationships in monocultures between above‐ and below‐ground plant traits, and between plant traits, soil properties and ecosystem C fluxes. However, these relationships were generally weaker or different in mixed communities. Our results demonstrate that while plant traits can be used to predict certain soil properties and ecosystem functions in monocultures, they are less effective for predicting how changes in plant species composition influence ecosystem functions in mixed communities

    T cell responses induced by adenoviral vectored vaccines can be adjuvanted by fusion of antigen to the oligomerization domain of C4b-binding protein.

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    Viral vectored vaccines have been shown to induce both T cell and antibody responses in animals and humans. However, the induction of even higher level T cell responses may be crucial in achieving vaccine efficacy against difficult disease targets, especially in humans. Here we investigate the oligomerization domain of the α-chain of C4b-binding protein (C4 bp) as a candidate T cell "molecular adjuvant" when fused to malaria antigens expressed by human adenovirus serotype 5 (AdHu5) vectored vaccines in BALB/c mice. We demonstrate that i) C-terminal fusion of an oligomerization domain can enhance the quantity of antigen-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell responses induced in mice after only a single immunization of recombinant AdHu5, and that the T cells maintain similar functional cytokine profiles; ii) an adjuvant effect is observed for AdHu5 vectors expressing either the 42 kDa C-terminal domain of Plasmodium yoelii merozoite surface protein 1 (PyMSP1(42)) or the 83 kDa ectodomain of P. falciparum strain 3D7 apical membrane antigen 1 (PfAMA1), but not a candidate 128kDa P. falciparum MSP1 biallelic fusion antigen; iii) following two homologous immunizations of AdHu5 vaccines, antigen-specific T cell responses are further enhanced, however, in both BALB/c mice and New Zealand White rabbits no enhancement of functional antibody responses is observed; and iv) that the T cell adjuvant activity of C4 bp is not dependent on a functional Fc-receptor γ-chain in the host, but is associated with the oligomerization of small (<80 kDa) antigens expressed by recombinant AdHu5. The oligomerization domain of C4 bp can thus adjuvant T cell responses induced by AdHu5 vectors against selected antigens and its clinical utility as well as mechanism of action warrant further investigation

    The effect of review writing on learning engagement in channel partner relationship management

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    To develop the knowledge and skill sets of channel partner firms, firms increasingly introduce learning programs as part of their relationship management strategies. Yet, the engagement of channel partners in these programs tends to be low though. The current research, conducted in collaboration with a Fortune 100 information technology company, examines ways to strengthen learning engagement. In accordance with self-regulated learning theory, the authors propose and demonstrate that when channel partners write reviews of a learning module that they attended, beyond providing ratings,they are better able to reflect on the relevance of their learning experience and they are further engaged in learning activities. The audience and focus of these written reviews determine the engagement of the channel partner sales personnel. Therefore, review writing is a valuable, informal mechanism to motivate them. These effects are moderated by characteristics of both the channel partner (learning orientation of the salesperson, identification with the manufacturer) and the relationship with the manufacturer (length and exclusivity)

    A Lyman-alpha-only AGN from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey has discovered a z=2.4917 radio-loud active galactic nucleus (AGN) with a luminous, variable, low-polarization UV continuum, H I two-photon emission, and a moderately broad Lyman-alpha line (FWHM = 1430 km/s) but without obvious metal-line emission. SDSS J113658.36+024220.1 does have associated metal-line absorption in three distinct, narrow systems spanning a velocity range of 2710 km/s. Despite certain spectral similarities, SDSS J1136+0242 is not a Lyman-break galaxy. Instead, the Ly-alpha and two-photon emission can be attributed to an extended, low-metallicity narrow-line region. The unpolarized continuum argues that we see SDSS J1136+0242 very close to the axis of any ionization cone present. We can conceive of two plausible explanations for why we see a strong UV continuum but no broad-line emission in this `face-on radio galaxy' model for SDSS J1136+0242: the continuum could be relativistically beamed synchrotron emission which swamps the broad-line emission; or, more likely, SDSS J1136+0242 could be similar to PG 1407+265, a quasar in which for some unknown reason the high-ionization emission lines are very broad, very weak, and highly blueshifted.Comment: AJ, in press, 10 pages emulateapj forma

    Drought soil legacy overrides maternal effects on plant growth

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    Maternal effects (i.e. trans-generational plasticity) and soil legacies generated by drought and plant diversity can affect plant performance and alter nutrient cycling and plant community dynamics. However, the relative importance and combined effects of these factors on plant growth dynamics remain poorly understood. We used soil and seeds from an existing plant diversity and drought manipulation field experiment in temperate grassland to test maternal, soil drought and diversity legacy effects, and their interactions, on offspring plant performance of two grassland species (Alopecurus pratensis and Holcus lanatus) under contrasting glasshouse conditions. Our results showed that drought soil legacy effects eclipsed maternal effects on plant biomass. Drought soil legacy effects were attributed to changes in both abiotic (i.e. nutrient availability) and biotic soil properties (i.e. microbial carbon and enzyme activity), as well as plant root and shoot atom 15N excess. Further, plant tissue nutrient concentrations and soil microbial C:N responses to drought legacies varied between the two plant species and soils from high and low plant diversity treatments. However, these diversity effects did not affect plant root or shoot biomass. These findings demonstrate that while maternal effects resulting from drought occur in grasslands, their impacts on plant performance are likely minor relative to drought legacy effects on soil abiotic and biotic properties. This suggests that soil drought legacy effects could become increasingly important drivers of plant community dynamics and ecosystem functioning as extreme weather events become more frequent and intense with climate change. A plain language summary is available for this article.</p

    A CRISPR-Cas9-engineered mouse model for GPI anchor deficiency mirrors human phenotype and shows hippocampal synaptic dysfunctions

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    Pathogenic germline mutations in PIGV lead to glycosylphosphatidylinositol biosynthesis deficiency. Individuals with pathogenic biallelic mutations in genes of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor pathway show cognitive impairments, a motor delay and in many cases epilepsy. Thus far, the pathophysiology underlying the disease remains unclear and suitable rodent models that mirror human pathophysiology have not been available. We therefore generated a mouse model using CRISPR-Cas9 to introduce the most prevalent hypomorphic missense mutation in European patients, at a site that is also conserved in mice, Pigv:c.1022C>A (p.A341E). Reflecting the human pathology mutant Pigv(341E) mice showed deficits in motor coordination and cognitive impairment with poorer long-term spatial memory than wild-type mice, as well as alterations in sociability and sleep patterns. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry showed decreased synaptophysin-immunoreactivity and electrophysiology recordings demonstrated reduced hippocampal synaptic transmission in Pigv(341E) mice that may underlie impaired memory formation. To gain a deeper and broader molecular understanding of the consequences of glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor deficiency, we performed single-cell RNA sequencing on acutely isolated hippocampal cells of Pigv(341E) and wild-type mice. We found that hippocampal cells from adult Pigv(341E) mice exhibited changes in gene expression, most prominently in a subtype of microglia and subicular neurons. A significant reduction of Abl1 transcripts in several cell clusters suggests a link to the signaling pathway of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored ephrins. We also observed increased levels of Hdc that might affect histamine metabolism with consequences in circadian rhythm. In summary, we present here the first mouse model with a patient-specific hypomorphic mutation that mirrors the human phenotype and shows a hippocampal synaptic defect. This new mouse model will not only open the doors for further investigation into the pathophysiology of glycosylphosphatidylinositol biosynthesis deficiency in future studies, but will also deepen our understanding in the role of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchor related pathways in brain development

    Inhibiting ERK Activation with CI-1040 Leads to Compensatory Upregulation of Alternate MAPKs and Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 following Subtotal Nephrectomy with No Impact on Kidney Fibrosis

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    Extracellular-signal regulated kinase (ERK) activation by MEK plays a key role in many of the cellular processes that underlie progressive kidney fibrosis including cell proliferation, apoptosis and transforming growth factor β1-mediated epithelial to mesenchymal transition. We therefore assessed the therapeutic impact of ERK1/2 inhibition using a MEK inhibitor in the rat 5/6 subtotal nephrectomy (SNx) model of kidney fibrosis. There was a twentyfold upregulation in phospho-ERK1/2 expression in the kidney after SNx in Male Wistar rats. Rats undergoing SNx became hypertensive, proteinuric and developed progressive kidney failure with reduced creatinine clearance. Treatment with the MEK inhibitor, CI-1040 abolished phospho- ERK1/2 expression in kidney tissue and prevented phospho-ERK1/2 expression in peripheral lymphocytes during the entire course of therapy. CI-1040 had no impact on creatinine clearance, proteinuria, glomerular and tubular fibrosis, and α-smooth muscle actin expression. However, inhibition of ERK1/2 activation led to significant compensatory upregulation of the MAP kinases, p38 and JNK in kidney tissue. CI-1040 also increased the expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), a key inhibitor of plasmin-dependent matrix metalloproteinases. Thus inhibition of ERK1/2 activation has no therapeutic effect on kidney fibrosis in SNx possibly due to increased compensatory activation of the p38 and JNK signalling pathways with subsequent upregulation of PAI-1