3,505 research outputs found

    Pipe connections in mechatronics

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    Cijevne spojnice, cijevi, brtve, te drugi cijevni elementi, se u mehatronici, osim transporta medija upotrebljavaju za prijenos tlaka ili topline posredovanjem medija koji se u njima nalazi. Cijevi se povezuju međusobno cijevnim spojnicama, a mogu biti rastavljivo ili nerastavljivo spojene. NajčeŔće spojnice su; zavarivani spojevi, prirubnice, naglavci (kolčaci), navoji i sl. Trajni spojevi su lemljeni i vareni. Cijevi su ā€œÅ”upljiā€œ elementi, najčeŔće kružna presjeka, razmjerno tankih stijenki, debljine viÅ”estruko veće od Å”irine. Upotrebljavaju se za transport kapljevina, tekućina, plina, pare i sipkih materijala. Cijevi mogu biti krute ili savitljive. Elementi cjevovoda, a isto tako i cijevni spojevi, mogu biti izrađeni od različitih vrsta materijala; željeza, čelika, bakra, olova, keramike, stakla, plastike, gume... Čelični cijevni spojevi su čvrsti i podnose najveće tlakove, a neki su otporni na koroziju. Oblici i veličine cijevnih spojnica mogu biti različiti, s obzirom na svrhu koriÅ”tenja. Brtve su bitni dijelovi cijevnog spoja da bi zatvorile cijevni vod, i tako spriječile prolazak medija na spojevima cijevi. Statička brtva je za viÅ”edijelne posude pod tlakom ispunjenog sredstvom, odnosno za brtvljenje rastavljivog spoja cijevi. Brtva je od mekÅ”eg materijala od onoga s kojim je u dodiru. Može biti metalna ili nemetalna a materijal brtve mora biti otporan na utjecaj medija. Prilikom konstrukcije cjevovoda treba obratiti pažnju na pravovaljane norme. One daju gotova rjeÅ”enja i temelj za daljnju upotrebu. Za elemente cjevovoda su ā€žnominirane poprečne dimenzijeā€œ i kakvoća materijala


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    U ovom radu prikazan je koncept hibridne robotske kosilice. Razmotrene su komponente sustava pri čemu je naglasak stavljen na kompatibilnost, a cilj je pravilno odabrati komponente u svrhu postizanja funkcionalnosti prototipa kosilice. Analizom troÅ”kova, utvrđeno je da je moguće izvesti prototip koji je jeftiniji od komercijalnih robotskih kosilica za primjenu koÅ”nje većih povrÅ”ina. Prikazan je princip rada robota s diferencijalnom konfiguracijom pogona i osnovni parametri modela. Temeljem odabranih komponenti i konfiguracije pogona, provedeno je projektiranje sustava i konstruiranje dijelova sustava. Za odabrane komponente konstruirani su ključni mehanizmi za prijenos energije koji se sastoje od remenskog prijenosa za prijenos energije na reduktor s nožem te istovremeno pokretanje generatora sustava, te lančanog prijenosa diferencijalne konfiguracije. U fazi prototipiranja kosilice, konstruirani dijelovi omogućuju izradu i sastavljanje prototipa.This paper presents the concept of a hybrid robotic lawnmower. The system components are considered with an emphasis on compatibility, and the goal is to properly select the components in order to achieve the functionality of the mower prototype. Cost analysis has shown that it is possible to design a prototype that is cheaper than commercial robotic lawnmowers for mowing larger areas. The principle of operation of differential drive configuration robots and basic model parameters are presented. Based on the selected components and drive configuration, the system design and construction of system parts were performed. For selected components, key energy transmission mechanisms have been constructed, consisting of a belt transmission for energy transmission to the reducer with a knife and the simultaneous start of the system generator, and a chain transmission of the differential configuration. In the prototyping phase of the robotic mower, the constructed parts enable the production and assembly of prototypes

    Menelaah Pola Detache dalam Violin Sonata No 3 in F Major

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    Pembelajaran biola di perguruan tinggi merupakan suatu praktik eksploratif berkelanjutan yang melekat dengan upaya untuk mencapai produksi suara yang memadai secara utuh dan otonom. Diantara teknik produksi suara instrumen biola, terdapat salah satu pola gesekan yang sangat penting yaitu detache. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji karakteristik dan penempatan teknik detache pada Sonata No 3 in F Major dalam Mata Kuliah Studi Instrumen Biola II di Prodi Musik FSP ISI Yogyakarta. Terdapat pemaknaan yang berbeda dalam istilah detache secara praktikal, terkhusus praktik instrumen biola, dan secara teoretikal. Disamping itu, kelangkaan kajian repertoar musik biola merupakan fokus dari penelitian ini. Sonata No 3 in F Major adalah karya musik instrumental yang disusun oleh G. F. Handel, komposer era barok yang mahsyur di Britania Raya. Kajian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan analitik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penempatan pola detache pada Sonata No 3 in F Major, yaitu pada pengesek bagian tengah. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan bagi pelajar instrumen biola, khususnya mahasiswa instrumen biola, guna mempelajari karya ini serta untuk dapat mengembangkan pada repertoar lainnya.AbstractStudying the Detache Pattern in Violin Sonata No 3 in F. Studying the violin in universities is a continuous exploratory practice that is inherent in efforts to achieve an adequate and autonomous sound production. Among the violin sound production techniques, there is one very important friction pattern, namely detache. This study aims to examine the characteristics and placement of the detache technique on Sonata No. 3 in F Major in the Study of Violin Instruments II at the Music Study Program, FSP ISI Yogyakarta. There are different meanings in the term detache practically, especially the practice of the violin instrument, and theoretically. In addition, the scarcity of the study of violin music repertoire is the focus of this research. Sonata No 3 in F Major is an instrumental piece of music composed by G. F. Handel, the renowned British Baroque composer. This study uses a qualitative method with an analytical approach. The results showed that the detachment pattern was placed on Sonata No. 3 in F Major, namely in the middle bow position. The results of the research are expected to be a reference for students of violin instruments, especially students of violin instruments, to study this work and to be able to develop it in other repertoires.Keywords: detache, violin; Violin Sonata No 3 in F Major; G. F. Hande

    Pendalaman Teknik Detache Pada Sonata No. 3 in F Major Sebagai Kualifikasi Pembelajaran Biola Tingkat Menengah

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    Pelaksanaan MBKM yang digagas Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi membuka peluang bagi mahasiswa di seluruh nusantara untuk studi musik di perguruan tinggi seni manapun, tak terkecuali Prodi Musik FSP ISI Yogyakarta. Sebagai konsekuensinya, perombakan kurikulum dilaksanakan dengan mengubah tingkatan Studi Instrumen Biola tingkat menegah dan tingkat lanjut dari 6 tingkatan menjadi 3 tingkatan. Telaah terkait perubahan tingkatan mata kuliah Studi Instrumen Biola patut ditindaklanjuti, terutama berkenaan dengan pelaksanaan perkuliahan praktik instrumen dan kajian repertoar guna mengaktualisasikan pembelajaran instrumen biola berbasis kajian, sesuai dengan wilayah studi Prodi Musik FSP ISI Yogyakarta. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan teknik detache sebagai kualifikasi permaian biola tingkat menengah melalui pembelajaran repertoar yaitu Sonata No 3 in F Major yang disusun oleh George Frideric Handel. Detache adalah teknik menggesek biola pada not-not yang tersambung satu dengan yang lain dengan gerakan secara teratur dan selaras melalui pemahaman distribusi bowing yang kompleks, kususnya di tingkat menengah. Penguasaan teknik detache yang baik merupakan capaian pembelajaran yang penting dalam pembelajaran instrumen biola, terutama dalam mempersiapkan suatu repertoar. Sonata No 3 in F Major memiliki signifikansi dalam pembelajaran detache, terutama pada bagian ke-2 yaitu Allegro. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan musikologis. Penelitian dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan yaitu studi pustaka, observasi, wawancara, dan analisis. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memperluas khasanah literasi musik biola, baik secara teknis maupun teoretis

    A microseismic study in a low seismicity area of Italy: the CittĆ  di Castello 2000-2001 experiment

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    Recent seismological studies contribute to better understand the first order characteristics of earthquake occurrence in Italy, identifying the potential sites for moderate to large size earthquakes. Ad hoc passive seismic experiments performed in these areas provide information to focus on the location and geometry of the active faults more closely. This information is relevant for assessing seismic hazard and for accurately constraining possible ground shaking scenarios. The area around the CittĆ  di Castello Basin, in the Northern Apennines (Central Italy), is characterized by the absence of instrumental seismicity (M > 2.5), it is adjacent to faults ruptured by recent and historical earthquakes. To better understand the tectonics of the area, we installed a dense network of seismic stations equipped with broadband and short period seismometers collecting data continuously for 8 months (October 2000-May 2001). The processing of ~ 900 Gbyte of data revealed a consistent background seismicity consisting of very low magnitude earthquakes (ML < 3.2). Preliminary locations of about 2200 local earthquakes show that the area can be divided into two regions with different seismic behaviour: an area to the NW, in between Sansepolcro and CittĆ  di Castello, where seismicity is not present. An area toward the SE, in between CittĆ  di Castello, Umbertide and Gubbio, where we detected a high microseismicity activity. These findings suggest a probable different mechanical behaviour of the two regions. In the latter area, the seismicity is confined between 0 and 8 km of depth revealing a rather well defined east-dipping, low angle fault 35 km wide that cuts through the entire upper crust down to 12-15 km depth. Beside an apparent structural complexity, fault plane solutions of background seismicity reveal a homogeneous pattern of deformation with a clear NE-SW extension

    Lepton Flavour Violation in a Supersymmetric Model with A4 Flavour Symmetry

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    We compute the branching ratios for mu-> e gamma, tau-> mu gamma and tau -> e gamma in a supersymmetric model invariant under the flavour symmetry group A4 X Z3 X U(1)_{FN}, in which near tri-bimaximal lepton mixing is naturally predicted. At leading order in the small symmetry breaking parameter u, which is of the same order as the reactor mixing angle theta_{13}, we find that the branching ratios generically scale as u^2. Applying the current bound on the branching ratio of mu -> e gamma shows that small values of u or tan(beta) are preferred in the model for mass parameters m_{SUSY} and m_{1/2} smaller than 1000 GeV. The bound expected from the on-going MEG experiment will provide a severe constraint on the parameter space of the model either enforcing u approx 0.01 and small tan(beta) or m_{SUSY} and m_{1/2} above 1000 GeV. In the special case of universal soft supersymmetry breaking terms in the flavon sector a cancellation takes place in the amplitudes and the branching ratios scale as u^4, allowing for smaller slepton masses. The branching ratios for tau -> mu gamma and tau -> e gamma are predicted to be of the same order as the one for mu -> e gamma, which precludes the possibility of observing these tau decays in the near future.Comment: 44 page

    LHC Predictions from a Tevatron Anomaly in the Top Quark Forward-Backward Asymmetry

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    We examine the implications of the recent CDF measurement of the top-quark forward-backward asymmetry, focusing on a scenario with a new color octet vector boson at 1-3 TeV. We study several models, as well as a general effective field theory, and determine the parameter space which provides the best simultaneous fit to the CDF asymmetry, the Tevatron top pair production cross section, and the exclusion regions from LHC dijet resonance and contact interaction searches. Flavor constraints on these models are more subtle and less severe than the literature indicates. We find a large region of allowed parameter space at high axigluon mass and a smaller region at low mass; we match the latter to an SU(3)xSU(3)/SU(3) coset model with a heavy vector-like fermion. Our scenario produces discoverable effects at the LHC with only 1-2 inverse femtobarns of luminosity at 7-8 TeV. Lastly, we point out that a Tevatron measurement of the b-quark forward-backward asymmetry would be very helpful in characterizing the physics underlying the top-quark asymmetry.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures, 4 table

    Massive Spin-2 States as the Origin of the Top Quark Forward-Backward Asymmetry

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    We show that the anomalously large top quark forward-backward asymmetry observed by CDF and D\O\, can naturally be accommodated in models with flavor-violating couplings of a new massive spin-2 state to quarks. Regardless of its origin, the lowest-order couplings of a spin-2 boson to fermions are analogous to the coupling of the graviton to energy/momentum, leading to strong sensitivity of the effects associated with its virtual exchange to the energy scales at hand. Precisely due to this fact, the observed dependence of the asymmetry on the ttĖ‰t\bar t invariant mass fits nicely into the proposed framework. In particular, we find a vast parameter space which can lead to the central value for the observed forward-backward asymmetry in the high mass bin, while being in accord with all of the existing experimental constraints.Comment: added discussion of differential observables at the LHC, matches version accepted for publication in JHE

    A microseismic study in a low seismicity area of Italy: the CittĆ  di Castello 2000-2001 experiment

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    Recent seismological studies contribute to better understand the first order characteristics of earthquake occurrence in Italy, identifying the potential sites for moderate to large size earthquakes. Ad hoc passive seismic experiments performed in these areas provide information to focus on the location and geometry of the active faults more closely. This information is relevant for assessing seismic hazard and for accurately constraining possible ground shaking scenarios. The area around the CittĆ  di Castello Basin, in the Northern Apennines (Central Italy), is characterized by the absence of instrumental seismicity (M > 2.5), it is adjacent to faults ruptured by recent and historical earthquakes. To better understand the tectonics of the area, we installed a dense network of seismic stations equipped with broadband and short period seismometers collecting data continuously for 8 months (October 2000-May 2001). The processing of ~ 900 Gbyte of data revealed a consistent background seismicity consisting of very low magnitude earthquakes (ML < 3.2). Preliminary locations of about 2200 local earthquakes show that the area can be divided into two regions with different seismic behaviour: an area to the NW, in between Sansepolcro and CittĆ  di Castello, where seismicity is not present. An area toward the SE, in between CittĆ  di Castello, Umbertide and Gubbio, where we detected a high microseismicity activity. These findings suggest a probable different mechanical behaviour of the two regions. In the latter area, the seismicity is confined between 0 and 8 km of depth revealing a rather well defined east-dipping, low angle fault 35 km wide that cuts through the entire upper crust down to 12-15 km depth. Beside an apparent structural complexity, fault plane solutions of background seismicity reveal a homogeneous pattern of deformation with a clear NE-SW extension

    From Flavour to SUSY Flavour Models

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    If supersymmetry (SUSY) will be discovered, successful models of flavour not only have to provide an explanation of the flavour structure of the Standard Model fermions, but also of the flavour structure of their scalar superpartners. We discuss aspects of such "SUSY flavour" models, towards predicting both flavour structures, in the context of supergravity (SUGRA). We point out the importance of carefully taking into account SUSY-specific effects, such as 1-loop SUSY threshold corrections and canonical normalization, when fitting the model to the data for fermion masses and mixings. This entangles the flavour model with the SUSY parameters and leads to interesting predictions for the sparticle spectrum. We demonstrate these effects by analyzing an example class of flavour models in the framework of an SU(5) Grand Unified Theory with a family symmetry with real triplet representations. For flavour violation through the SUSY soft breaking terms, the class of models realizes a scheme we refer to as "Trilinear Dominance", where flavour violation effects are dominantly induced by the trilinear terms.Comment: 44 pages, 10 figures, version published in Nuclear Physics
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