6 research outputs found
Work Ethic
- Publication venue
- 'The Pennsylvania State University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2003
- Field of study
Moving Stills: Images That are no Longer Immobile
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Temporal and spatial alterations in mutant swarm size of St. Louis encephalitis virus in mosquito hosts
- Author
- Alexander T. Ciota
- Baillie
- Bellamy
- Bernard
- Biebricher
- Bradford
- Brault
- Ciota
- Ciota
- Claus O. Wilke
- Darsie
- Drake
- Drummond
- Dylan J. Ehrbar
- Evan M. Koch
- Felsenstein
- Girard
- Graham G. Willsey
- Greta V.S. Jerzak
- Hardy
- Hayes
- Higgs
- Holmes
- Hom
- Jerzak
- Jerzak
- Komar
- Kosakovsky Pond
- Kramer
- Kramer
- Laura D. Kramer
- Lauren J. Davis
- Lillibridge
- Lothrop
- Lumsden
- Marra
- Martinez
- May
- McLean
- Meyer
- Novella
- Paradis
- Pond
- Pond
- Reisen
- Reisen
- Reisen
- Reisen
- Reisen
- Rios
- Ronquist
- Stamatakis
- Vignuzzi
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Macroinvertebrates Associated with Small and Medium-Sized Free-Floating Plants
- Author
- A Foggo
- A Mendoza Ruiz
- A Ohtaka
- A Oliva
- A Poi de Neiff
- A Poi de Neiff
- A Rocha-Ramírez
- A Rodrigues Capítulo
- AA Padial
- AC Ávila de
- AE Magurran
- AI Malvárez
- AJ Jentsch
- AL Cabrera
- AL Estévez
- AM Villamagna
- AO Bachmann
- AO Bachmann
- CD Sculthorpe
- CE Williamson
- CP Alexander
- DD Williams
- DM Warfe
- DM Warfe
- DP Batzer
- F Cremona
- F Laurindo da Silva
- FA Szalay de
- GA Lamberti
- GC Rossi
- Griselda N. Chaparro
- GW Minshall
- I Ezcurra de Drago
- I Izaguirre
- I O’Farrell
- I O’Farrell
- Inés O’Farrell
- J Darsie
- JA Downes
- JA Schnack
- JH Zar
- JJ Neiff
- LE Grosso
- M Archangelsky
- M Bazzanti
- M Bazzanti
- M Meerhoff
- M Meerhoff
- M Saigo
- M Scheffer
- María S. Fontanarrosa
- MC Peel
- ME Grillet
- MJ Attrill
- MJ Vanni
- MK Mustapha
- MS Fontanarrosa
- MT James
- N Ferreiro
- R Schultz
- RL Burks
- SA Wissinger
- SE Chichizola
- SM Thomaz
- SM Thomaz
- T Burgmer
- V Gosselain
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Allison
- Alstyne
- Anastasi
- Anastasi
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Arlitt
- Arsenian
- Arsenian
- Arthur
- Arthur
- Asher
- Baldwin
- Barr
- Bayley
- Bayley
- Bayley
- Bear
- Bere
- Berry
- Bickerseth
- Bigelow
- Bird
- Blackwood
- Book
- Bradford
- Bradway
- Bridges
- Brigham
- Brigham
- Brill
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Burdick
- Burks
- Burks
- Byrns
- Byrns
- Canady
- Canady
- Carl
- Cattell
- Cattell
- Cattell
- Cattell
- Chapin
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chauncey
- Coffey
- Coleman
- Collins
- Cornell
- Croft
- Cuff
- Cuff
- Darsie
- Davenport
- Davey
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Dearborn
- Dearborn
- Derrick
- Dexter
- Dodd
- Duff
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Eells
- Feder
- Feingold
- Ferguson
- Fitzgerald
- Fleming
- Frederiksen
- Frederiksen
- Freeman
- Fukuda
- Garth
- Garth
- Garth
- Garth
- Garth
- Gee
- Gerberich
- Gesell
- Gillie
- Gist
- Glass
- Goodenough
- Goodenough
- Goodenough
- Goodenough
- Goodenough
- Goodenough
- Gordon
- Grabo
- Graham
- Gray
- Haggard
- Haggerty
- Haught
- Haught
- Havighurst
- Havighurst
- Havighurst
- Havighurst
- Havighurst
- Healy
- Heilman
- Herrick
- Herskovits
- Hildreth
- Hill
- Hirsch
- Hunter
- Irion
- Jamieson
- Janke
- Jensen
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jordon
- Kellogg
- Kirkpatrick
- Klineberg
- Klineberg
- Klineberg
- Klineberg
- Kobler
- Koch
- Lawrence
- Leahy
- Leahy
- Leiter
- Leiter
- Line
- Livesay
- Livesay
- Loades
- Loevinger
- Lorimer
- MacDonald
- Mailer
- Marouse
- Mauldin
- McCormick
- McGehee
- McMurray
- Mead
- Murdock
- Murphy
- Murray
- National Society for the Study of Education
- National Society for the Study of Education
- Neff
- Nelson
- Osborn
- Paterson
- Penrose
- Peterson
- Peterson
- Phillips
- Pierce-Jones
- Pintner
- Pintner
- Pintner
- Pintner
- Pintner
- Pintner
- Pintner
- Portenier
- Pressey
- Pressey
- Pressey
- Pyle
- Raven
- Raven
- Roberts
- Rowe
- Rulon
- Russell
- Saltzman
- Sandiford
- Sanford
- Schulman
- Schwesinger
- Seagoe
- Seltzer
- Seneur
- Seymour
- Shakow
- Sheldon
- Shimberg
- Shuttleworth
- Sims
- Sirkin
- Skeels
- Skodak
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Sorokin
- Spencer
- Spoerl
- Squires
- Stephenson
- Stephenson
- Stoddard
- Stoke
- Stoke
- Stroud
- Stroud
- Sánchez
- Sánohez
- Taussig
- Terman
- Terman
- Terman
- Terman
- Thomson
- Tilton
- Tireman
- Turnbull
- Walker
- Wang
- Warner
- Weintrob
- Wellman
- Wheeler
- Wheeler
- Williams
- Witty
- Yerkes
- Yeung
- Yoakum
- Young
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study