49 research outputs found


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    El presente trabajo lleva por título análisis de la aplicación de las teorías del Modelo Educativo Constructivista que los docentes de la asignatura de Historia de Nicaragua de la UNAN FAREM Matagalpa incorporan en el desarrollo del proceso aprendizaje, en las carreras de Ingeniera Industrial e inglés, segundo semestre 2015. Y tiene como propósito analizar la aplicación de las teorías del modelo educativo, que los docentes aplican en el desarrollo de la asignatura de Historia de Nicaragua, en la FAREM, Matagalpa. La metodología aplicada para este trabajo fue, teórica y empírico porque nos apoyamos de los diferentes aportes bibliográficos, además de las diferentes técnicas. De acuerdo al análisis e interpretación de los resultados obtenidos se concluye que el docente indaga sobre los conocimientos previos, realiza preguntas introductorias y lluvias de ideas; la zona de desarrollo próxima se propicia a través del trabajo en equipo y debates; el aprendizaje significativo es potencializado a través de los trabajos cooperativos. Existe desinterés por los estudiantes por aprender, apatía, poca participación, inasistencia, otros ignoran la explicación del docente. No existen medios de enseñanza para incorporar el modelo educativo constructivista, las mayorías de las clases se desarrollan teóricamente. Se recomienda indagar los conocimientos previos al inicio de la temática, dedicar más tiempo al estudio de la asignatura, destacar la importancia y motivación de la asignatura para el futuro profesional, además de vincular la clase con situaciones de la vida real. Palabras claves: Modelo Educativo Constructivista, conocimientos previos, Zona de desarrollo próximo, aprendizaje significativo, Proceso de Aprendizaj

    Estudio de factibilidad para la concesión del servicio de parqueadero del aeropuerto internacional Cotopaxi, provincia de Cotopaxi

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    El objetivo principal de la presente investigación fue realizar un estudio de factibilidad para la concesión del servicio de parqueadero en el Aeropuerto Internacional Cotopaxi. La investigación para el presente trabajo se desarrolló mediante la metodología cuali-cuantitativo con un nivel de investigación exploratoria que fue ejecutada a través de un levantamiento de información de campo para determinar la situación actual de las zonas de parqueadero del aeropuerto en sustento del uso de técnicas como; fichas de observación en base a la normativa NTE INEN 2248-2016 para accesibilidad de las personas al medio (Estacionamientos) y los reglamentos RTE INEN 004-1 / 004-2 para señalética vertical y horizontal, el aforo vehicular en base a la metodología del Manual de Modelación de Demanda para Carreteras y la entrevista semiestructura al Administrador Aeroportuario. Los resultados que se obtuvieron son de 91 plazas de estacionamiento como oferta para vehículos tipo M1/N1 y señalizaciones mínimas requeridas por la normativa vigente, adicionalmente, una demanda potencial semanal de 917 vehículos que ingresan a las zonas de estacionamiento. Previo a un estudio económico-financiero, se obtuvo la información de cotización por parte de la empresa OLE SMART SPACE dando así desarrollo a los Estados Financieros necesarios para posteriormente aplicar los indicadores financieros que dieron un VAN de 4.372,89quepermitioˊvisualizarganancias,unTIRdel29 4.372,89 que permitió visualizar ganancias, un TIR del 29% que supera al 18% de la Tasa de Descuento por lo que el resultado es viable y con un beneficio-costo que supera con 0,62 sobre la unidad concluyendo que el presente trabajo de titulación es factible para la concesión del servicio de parqueadero del Aeropuerto Internacional Cotopaxi generando rentabilidad. Como recomendación en una posible ejecución de la concesión sujetarse al reglamento de arriendo de bienes y espacios pertenecientes o bajo la administración de la DGAC según resolución Nro. DGAC-YA-2018-0158-R.The main objective of the present research was to carry out a feasibility study for the concession of the parking service at the Cotopaxi International Airport. The research for the present work was developed through a field information survey to determine the current situation at the airport parking areas in support of the use of techniques such as: observation files based on the NTE INEN 2248-2016 regulation for accessibility of regular people (parking lots) and the RTE INEN 004-1 / 004-2 regulations for vertical and horizontal signage, the vehicle capacity based on the methodology of the Demand Modeling Manual for Roads and the semi-structured interview with the administrator airport. The results obtained were 91 parking spaces as an offer for M1 / N1 type vehicles and minimum signs required by current regulations, additionally, a weekly potential demand of 917 vehicles that enter the parking areas. Previous of an economic-financial study, the quotation information was obtained by the company OLE SMART SPACE, thus developing the necessary financial statements after the application of the financial indicators that gave a NPV of 4,372.89 that allowed to visualize profits, an IRR of 29% that exceeds 18% of the Discount Rate, so the result is viable and with a benefit-cost that exceeds 0.62 on the unit. It is concluded that the concession of the parking service of the Cotopaxi International Airport is feasible since it generates profitability. It is recommended in a possible execution of the concession to be subject to the regulations for the rental of goods and spaces belonging to or under the administration of the DGAC according to resolution No. DGAC-YA-2018-0158-R

    Camera-based Prospective Motion Correction in Paediatric Epilepsy Patients Enables EEG-fMRI Localization Even in High-motion States

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    BACKGROUND: EEG-fMRI is a useful additional test to localize the epileptogenic zone (EZ) particularly in MRI negative cases. However subject motion presents a particular challenge owing to its large effects on both MRI and EEG signal. Traditionally it is assumed that prospective motion correction (PMC) of fMRI precludes EEG artifact correction. METHODS: Children undergoing presurgical assessment at Great Ormond Street Hospital were included into the study. PMC of fMRI was done using a commercial system with a Moiré Phase Tracking marker and MR-compatible camera. For retrospective EEG correction both a standard and a motion educated EEG artefact correction (REEGMAS) were compared to each other. RESULTS: Ten children underwent simultaneous EEG-fMRI. Overall head movement was high (mean RMS velocity < 1.5 mm/s) and showed high inter- and intra-individual variability. Comparing motion measured by the PMC camera and the (uncorrected residual) motion detected by realignment of fMRI images, there was a five-fold reduction in motion from its prospective correction. Retrospective EEG correction using both standard approaches and REEGMAS allowed the visualization and identification of physiological noise and epileptiform discharges. Seven of 10 children had significant maps, which were concordant with the clinical EZ hypothesis in 6 of these 7. CONCLUSION: To our knowledge this is the first application of camera-based PMC for MRI in a pediatric clinical setting. Despite large amount of movement PMC in combination with retrospective EEG correction recovered data and obtained clinically meaningful results during high levels of subject motion. Practical limitations may currently limit the widespread use of this technology

    Fluctuación poblacional de moscas de las frutas (Díptera: Tephritidae) en Nicaragua, basado en el sistema de vigilancia fitosanitaria, 2017

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    The fruit fl y complex (Diptera: Tephritidae) represents one of the main phytosanitary problems for fruit production in Nicaragua. The present study was carried out with the determination of knowing the fl uctuation of the fruit fl y complex in Nicaragua, based on the phytosanitary surveillance system, in 2017, in a total of 17 trapping routes nationwide corresponding to the same number of departments. The traps received inspections and maintenance every 15 days by specialists from the Institute of Protection and Agricultural Health (IPSA). The data have been subjected to an analysis of descriptive statistics. The variables were analyzed, after transformation ( x + 0.5 ), by means of an analysis of the variance (ANDEVA) of repeated measures. To observe the diff erences between the paired measurements, a Tukey multiple range test was performed. The number of adults captured, number of males and females captured was evaluated. The fruit fl y complex in Nicaragua is made up of 10 species, mainly of the Anastrepha (Nine species) and Ceratitis genera, which are present throughout the country, giving the highest catches of adult females. The population fl uctuation is variable in the departments of the country, being the departments of Carazo, Jinotega and Nueva Segovia where the largest numbers of adult specimens were reported, in the months of April, March and October. The most prevalent species were Anastrepha obliqua, Anastrepha serpentina, and Ceratitis capitata, in all sampling routes in the diff erent months of the year and period evaluatedEl complejo de moscas de las frutas (Diptera: Tephritidae) representa uno de los principales problemas fi tosanitarios a la producción frutícola de Nicaragua. Se efectuó el presente estudio con la fi nalidad de conocer la fl uctuación del complejo de moscas de las frutas en Nicaragua, basado en el sistema de vigilancia fi tosanitaria, en el periodo 2017, en un total de 17 rutas de trampeo a nivel nacional correspondiente a igual número de departamentos. Las trampas recibieron inspecciones y mantenimiento cada 15 días por especialistas del Instituto de Protección y Sanidad Agropecuaria (IPSA). Los datos se sometieron a análisis de estadística descriptivos. Las variables se analizaron, previa transformación ( x + 0.5 ), mediante un análisis de la varianza (ANDEVA) de medidas repetidas. Para observar las diferencias entre las medidas pareadas se realizó un test de rangos múltiples de Tukey. Se evaluó número de adultos capturados, número de machos y hembras capturadas. El complejo de moscas de las frutas en Nicaragua está conformado por 10 especies, principalmente de los géneros Anastrepha (Nueve especies) y Ceratitis, las cuales están presente en todo el país, dándose las mayores capturas de hembras adultas. La fl uctuación poblacional es variable en los departamentos del país, siendo los departamentos de Carazo, Jinotega y Nueva Segovia donde se reportaron las mayores cantidades de especímenes adultos, en los meses de abril, marzo y octubre. Las especies con mayor predominancia fue Anastrepha obliqua, Anastrepha serpentina, y Ceratitis capitata, en todas las rutas de muestreo en los diferentes meses del año y periodo evaluado.&nbsp

    Estudio de prefactibilidad para la construcción de una planta de tratamiento de agua potable en la Comarca de Presillas

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    Presenta un estudio de prefactibilidad para la construcción de una planta de tratamiento de agua potable que garantice la purificación y almacenamiento del vital líquido beneficiando a los pobladores del sector Este de la comarca de Presillas municipio Muelle de los Bueyes. Determina los efectos ambientales durante el proceso de construcción y funcionamiento de la planta para definir medidas de mitigación de los posibles impactos que se puedan producir durante la ejecución del proyecto

    Microorganismos Fijadores De Nitrógeno Y Su Acción Complementaria A La Fertilización Química En El Cultivos De Coffea arabica L.

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen's fixers complementaries to the chemical fertilization in the coffe groing. Ten treatments were used and three repetitions in plots of twenty-five plants, which were distributed in a complete blocks design at random. For the evaluation of averages were used the Tukey test at 95% confidence. During the cycle of the crop was evaluated: plant height, stalk diameter per plant, number of branches per plant, number of grains per plant, weight of 100 grains, yield per hectare of gold coffee and an economic analysis of the treatments. As a result of the experiment, it was noticed that the biofertilizers impacted on the development and performance of coffee cultivation, there was also an increase performance with higher values to the witness. The highest performance was submitted with the application of Micro-Asp (Azospirillium brsilense) in a dose of 6 l/ha in combination with a program of fertilization (160 kg N, 60 kg P, 75 kg K, 30 kg S, 20 kg Mg, 0.4 kg B, 0.2 kg Zn) based on the analysis of soil, achieving 1118.75 kg/ha of gold coffee, the same that is 4.29 times greater than the witness (260,7 kg/ha of gold coffee)

    Malate plays a crucial role in starch metabolism, ripening, and soluble solid content of tomato fruit and affects postharvest softening

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    Despite the fact that the organic acid content of a fruit is regarded as one of its most commercially important quality traits when assessed by the consumer, relatively little is known concerning the physiological importance of organic acid metabolism for the fruit itself. Here, we evaluate the effect of modifying malate metabolism in a fruit-specific manner, by reduction of the activities of either mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase or fumarase, via targeted antisense approaches in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). While these genetic perturbations had relatively little effect on the total fruit yield, they had dramatic consequences for fruit metabolism, as well as unanticipated changes in postharvest shelf life and susceptibility to bacterial infection. Detailed characterization suggested that the rate of ripening was essentially unaltered but that lines containing higher malate were characterized by lower levels of transitory starch and a lower soluble sugars content at harvest, whereas those with lower malate contained higher levels of these carbohydrates. Analysis of the activation state of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase revealed that it correlated with the accumulation of transitory starch. Taken together with the altered activation state of the plastidial malate dehydrogenase and the modified pigment biosynthesis of the transgenic lines, these results suggest that the phenotypes are due to an altered cellular redox status. The combined data reveal the importance of malate metabolism in tomato fruit metabolism and development and confirm the importance of transitory starch in the determination of agronomic yield in this species.Fil: Centeno, Danilo C.. Max Planck Institute Of Molecular Plant Physiology; AlemaniaFil: Osorio, Sonia. Max Planck Institute Of Molecular Plant Physiology; AlemaniaFil: Nunes Nesi, Adriano. Max Planck Institute Of Molecular Plant Physiology; AlemaniaFil: Bertolo, Ana L. F.. Cornell University; Estados UnidosFil: Carneiro, Raphael T.. Cornell University; Estados UnidosFil: Araújo, Wagner L.. Max Planck Institute Of Molecular Plant Physiology; AlemaniaFil: Steinhauser, Marie Caroline. Max Planck Institute Of Molecular Plant Physiology; AlemaniaFil: Michalska, Justyna. Max Planck Institute Of Molecular Plant Physiology; AlemaniaFil: Rohrmann, Johannes. Max Planck Institute Of Molecular Plant Physiology; AlemaniaFil: Geigenberger, Peter. Technische Universitat München; AlemaniaFil: Oliver, Sandra N.. Max Planck Institute Of Molecular Plant Physiology; AlemaniaFil: Stitt, Mark. Max Planck Institute Of Molecular Plant Physiology; AlemaniaFil: Carrari, Fernando Oscar. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Biotecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Rose, Jocelyn K. C.. Cornell University; Estados UnidosFil: Fernie, Alisdair R.. Max Planck Institute Of Molecular Plant Physiology; Alemani

    Information Processing in the Orbitofrontal Cortex and the Ventral Striatum in Rats Performing an Economic Decision-Making Task

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. August 2015. Major: Neuroscience. Advisor: David Redish. 1 computer file (PDF); vi, 144 pages.The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and ventral striatum (vStr) are key brain structures that represent information about value during decision-making tasks. Despite their very different anatomical properties, numerous studies have found similar patterns of value-related signaling in these structures. In particular, both structures are intimately involved in delay-discounting tasks, which involve a tradeoff between reward magnitude and delay to reward. However, the overlapping activity profiles of these brain regions makes it difficult to tease apart their specific contributions to delay-discounting behavior, and to economic decision-making more generally. In order to better understand the contributions of these two regions to value-based choice, we made simultaneous recordings in the OFC and vStr in rats performing a spatial variant of a traditional delay-discounting task. This allowed us to compare OFC and vStr activity directly in the same subjects while they engaged in a prototypical economic decision-making task, and additionally it allowed us to leverage the tools of spatial decoding analysis to measure non-local reward signaling. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to current theories of OFC and vStr function within the decision-making literature, in particular contrasting the concepts of neuroeconomics with the multiple decision-making systems framework. Chapter 2 describes the methods used in this thesis, including the design of the spatial delay-discounting task and the analysis of the neural data. Chapter 3 presents the results of single-unit and Bayesian decoding analyses from this dataset. We found that activity in the OFC and vStr was quite similar at the single-unit level, and inconsistent with the neuroeconomic account of value signaling in a common currency. Instead, when we looked specifically at moments of deliberative decision-making (as emphasized by the multiple systems account), we found important differences between the OFC and vStr. Both the OFC and the vStr showed covert reward signaling during deliberative, vicarious trial-and-error (VTE) behaviors. But vStr signals emerged earlier, before the moment of choice, while covert reward coding in the OFC appeared after the rats had committed to their decision. These analyses were extended to the level of local field potentials (LFPs), recorded from the same dataset. Local field potentials are a useful tool for studying local processing and interactions between brain regions. Chapter 4 describes the LFP results. Important among these was the finding that the vStr led the OFC at the LFP level (again showing temporal precedence), and furthermore, that the vStr was a stronger driver of OFC activity than vice versa, particularly during VTE. The implications of these results, along with those from the single-unit and Bayesian decoding analyses, are discussed in Chapter 5. Emphasis is placed on our emerging understanding of the role of the vStr in flexible behavior, and how the OFC and the vStr might cooperate to influence value-based choice

    Reconstructing the Deep Population History of Central and South America

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    We report genome-wide ancient DNA from 49 individuals forming four parallel time transects in Belize, Brazil, the Central Andes, and the Southern Cone, each dating to at least 9,000 years ago. The common ancestral population radiated rapidly from just one of the two early branches that contributed to Native Americans today. We document two previously unappreciated streams of gene flow between North and South America. One affected the Central Andes by 4,200 years ago, while the other explains an affinity between the oldest North American genome associated with the Clovis culture and the oldest Central and South Americans from Chile, Brazil, and Belize. However, this was not the primary source for later South Americans, as the other ancient individuals derive from lineages without specific affinity to the Clovis-associated genome, suggesting a population replacement that began at least 9,000 years ago and was followed by substantial population continuity in multiple regions