24 research outputs found

    Industrial Relations Experiments in China: Balancing Equity and Efficiency the Chinese Way

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    China should build socialism by "crossing the river by feeling for stones" (Deng Xiaoping). Chinese industrial relations are changing accordingly. Local union experiments have implemented local-level changes experimenting with institutional reforms that address efficiency and equity imbalances. Local union leaders have exercised autonomy to develop multi-employer “community unions” in Changchun’s Chaoyang District to represent peasant migrant workers employed by small firms by targeting small geographic zones and hiring union presidents as organizers, aggregating union members into amalgamated units. While the union’s role still includes social harmonization, unions have undertaken an additional representative role. Similar efforts elsewhere have given the union representation experience. Unions have organized multi-employer federations across industries. Unions also have collaborated with local governments on innovative structures to ensure that companies in some industries, such as construction, post a “bond” to guarantee end-of-year compensation. Finally, this paper discusses the role of the new Labor Contract Law in institutionalizing these changes. The LCL defines more precisely employment relationships and workers’ legal rights and seems to increase unions’ legal authority to ensure that employers respect individual workers’ rights, supports the extension of collective contracts to more enterprises, and appears to give unions greater authority to represent workers within the employment relationship and before legal authorities. These changes may provide a material basis for balancing efficiency with equity. We think these experiments have political foundations, whether it is “harmonious society” or simply to extend the union’s organizing maintain political status. Further research will determine whether these experiments are successful

    日本少女まんがにおける擬態語(2) : 意味・形態的特徴を中心に

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    日本語学習者にとって日本語の擬態語は学習しにくい課題である。しかし、辞書に載っている擬態語、文学作品などにおける擬態語、また少女まんがにおける擬態語は同じものだろうか。少女マンガの擬態語は独特な表現方法と機能を持っており、辞書に載っている擬態語や文学作品などの擬態語とは異なっている。本稿では調査研究を行い、少女まんがにおける擬態語の形態的・意味的特徴を把握し、少女まんがを日本語の擬態語の学習に用いる場合、どういう点に注意すべきかを把握する。はじめに / 1. 研究目的 / 2. 調査方法 / 3. 調査項目 / 4. 分析結果 / 4.1 位置による特徴 / 4.2 形態的特徴 / 4.2.1 拍からみる擬態語 / 4.2.2 語末が「っ」、「ん」、「り」で終わる擬態語の使用率 / 4.2.3 擬態語の派生 / 4.2.4 語形 / 4.3 意味的特徴 / 4.4 まとめ / 今後の課