619 research outputs found

    A search for energy deposition by neutrinos in matter

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    An exploratory search for an anomalous energy deposition by neutrinos in a germanium crystal was performed in the CERN high energy neutrino beam. No signal was found and a limit is set at a level of about 10^-12 of the normal dE/dx for a minimum ionizing particle.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures Paper accepted by Physics Letters B on March 4th, 199

    SuperCDMS: Recent results on low-mass WIMPs

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    We present the rst search for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) using the back- ground rejection capabilities of SuperCDMS 1. A blind analysis of data from an exposure of 577 kg-days leads to an upper limit on the spin-independent WIMP-nucleon cross section of 1:2 10????42 cm2 at 8 GeV. This result probes new parameter space for WIMP-nucleon scat- tering cross section for light WIMPs with masses < 6 GeV/c2 and is in tension with WIMP interpretations of recent experiments

    MEMPHYS:A large scale water Cerenkov detector at Fr\'ejus

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    A water \v{C}erenkov detector project, of megaton scale, to be installed in the Fr\'ejus underground site and dedicated to nucleon decay, neutrinos from supernovae, solar and atmospheric neutrinos, as well as neutrinos from a super-beam and/or a beta-beam coming from CERN, is presented and compared with competitor projects in Japan and in the USA. The performances of the European project are discussed, including the possibility to measure the mixing angle θ13\theta_{13} and the CP-violating phase δ\delta.Comment: 1+33 pages, 14 figures, Expression of Interest of MEMPHYS projec

    The Drift Chambers Of The Nomad Experiment

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    We present a detailed description of the drift chambers used as an active target and a tracking device in the NOMAD experiment at CERN. The main characteristics of these chambers are a large area, a self supporting structure made of light composite materials and a low cost. A spatial resolution of 150 microns has been achieved with a single hit efficiency of 97%.Comment: 42 pages, 26 figure

    Radioscience simulations in General Relativity and in alternative theories of gravity

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    In this communication, we focus on the possibility to test GR with radioscience experiments. We present a new software that in a first step simulates the Range/Doppler signals directly from the space time metric (thus in GR and in alternative theories of gravity). In a second step, a least-squares fit of the involved parameters is performed in GR. This software allows one to get the order of magnitude and the signature of the modifications induced by an alternative theory of gravity on radioscience signals. As examples, we present some simulations for the Cassini mission in Post-Einsteinian gravity and with the MOND External Field Effect.Comment: 4 pages; Proceedings of "Les Rencontres de Moriond 2011 - Gravitation session

    Comparison of large-angle production of charged pions with incident protons on cylindrical long and short targets

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    The HARP collaboration has presented measurements of the double-differential pi+/pi- production cross-section in the range of momentum 100 MeV/c <= p 800 MeV/c and angle 0.35 rad <= theta <= 2.15 rad with proton beams hitting thin nuclear targets. In many applications the extrapolation to long targets is necessary. In this paper the analysis of data taken with long (one interaction length) solid cylindrical targets made of carbon, tantalum and lead is presented. The data were taken with the large acceptance HARP detector in the T9 beam line of the CERN PS. The secondary pions were produced by beams of protons with momenta 5 GeV/c, 8 GeV/c and 12 GeV/c. The tracking and identification of the produced particles were performed using a small-radius cylindrical time projection chamber (TPC) placed inside a solenoidal magnet. Incident protons were identified by an elaborate system of beam detectors. Results are obtained for the double-differential yields per target nucleon d2 sigma / dp dtheta. The measurements are compared with predictions of the MARS and GEANT4 Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 43 pages, 20 figure

    Absolute Momentum Calibration of the HARP TPC

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    In the HARP experiment the large-angle spectrometer is using a cylindrical TPC as main tracking and particle identification detector. The momentum scale of reconstructed tracks in the TPC is the most important systematic error for the majority of kinematic bins used for the HARP measurements of the double-differential production cross-section of charged pions in proton interactions on nuclear targets at large angle. The HARP TPC operated with a number of hardware shortfalls and operational mistakes. Thus it was important to control and characterize its momentum calibration. While it was not possible to enter a direct particle beam into the sensitive volume of the TPC to calibrate the detector, a set of physical processes and detector properties were exploited to achieve a precise calibration of the apparatus. In the following we recall the main issues concerning the momentum measurement in the HARP TPC, and describe the cross-checks made to validate the momentum scale. As a conclusion, this analysis demonstrates that the measurement of momentum is correct within the published precision of 3%.Comment: To be published by JINS

    Dynamics in nonlocal linear models in the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric

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    A general class of cosmological models driven by a nonlocal scalar field inspired by the string field theory is studied. Using the fact that the considering linear nonlocal model is equivalent to an infinite number of local models we have found an exact special solution of the nonlocal Friedmann equations. This solution describes a monotonically increasing Universe with the phantom dark energy.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, a few misprints in Section 5 have been correcte

    The LAGUNA design study- towards giant liquid based underground detectors for neutrino physics and astrophysics and proton decay searches

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    The feasibility of a next generation neutrino observatory in Europe is being considered within the LAGUNA design study. To accommodate giant neutrino detectors and shield them from cosmic rays, a new very large underground infrastructure is required. Seven potential candidate sites in different parts of Europe and at several distances from CERN are being studied: Boulby (UK), Canfranc (Spain), Fr\'ejus (France/Italy), Pyh\"asalmi (Finland), Polkowice-Sieroszowice (Poland), Slanic (Romania) and Umbria (Italy). The design study aims at the comprehensive and coordinated technical assessment of each site, at a coherent cost estimation, and at a prioritization of the sites within the summer 2010.Comment: 5 pages, contribution to the Workshop "European Strategy for Future Neutrino Physics", CERN, Oct. 200

    Beams for European Neutrino Experiments (BENE): Midterm scientific report

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    The activities of BENE during 2004 and 2005 are reviewed. Neutrino oscillation experiments at accelerators offer the richest possibilities of precision studies of neutrino mixing and mass differences, with the potential of important discoveries including leptonic CP or T violation. Two main options for a major initiative have been studied: 1) a high-energy Neutrino Factory coupled to a large dense magnetized detector; 2) a lower energy betabeam and conventional superbeam, coupled to a very large low-density, non-magnetic, detector. Both offer signi cant scienti c breakthroughs over other planned facilities. Much remains to be done to optimize and establish the cost, performance, and feasibility of either solution so as to allow comparison and decision. The proposal of a FP7 Design Study of a Neutrino Facility to be completed by the end of the decade is being prepared. Its success will require strong support and engagement at CERN and other European laboratories and funding agencies. International contributors are already engaged in the framework of an international scoping study. The recommendations and milestones proposed by BENE towards a complete conceptual design are summarized