1,041 research outputs found

    The changing practice and teaching in psychiatric nursing

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    RESUMO No atual contexto de transformações no campo da assistência à saúde mental no Brasil, a Universidade tem a responsabilidade de redirecionar a qualificação profissional da força de trabalho em saúde. Este artigo versa sobre a experiência de um Programa de Integração Docente-Assistencial envolvendo a Secretaria de Estado de Saúde e a Universidade de São Paulo. Particulariza a experiência de estudantes de enfermagem cursando a disciplina de enfermagem psiquiátrica. A análise da avaliação dos alunos do programa teórico-prático desenvolvido na unidade, ancorado nos pressupostos da Reabilitação Psicossocial indica, ao mesmo tempo, que o modelo de atenção interfere diretamente na qualificação das práticas e, simultaneamente, desenvolve nos alunos atitudes e conhecimentos que os qualificam para desempenhar de forma coerente suas funções.ABSTRACT In the context of recent changes that are taking place in the field of mental health care in Brazil, the University has the responsibility to redimensioning human, resources qualification of mental health workers: At the Mental Health Care and Educational Program of the University of São Paulo and São Paulo Health Office (São Paulo/Brazil), an experience still in course, the nursing students attending to psychiatric nurse training evaluated that theoretical practical education, dealing with health care issues in the field of Psychosocial Rehabilitation purpose, at the same time that directly interferes in the qualification of practices, simultaneously develops the students attitudes and knowledge that qualify them to perform coherent practices in accordance with rehabilitation models of care

    In vitro Digestibility of Whole Forage Re-Shoots from Two New Sugar Cane Cultivars (Saccharum spp. C97-366 and C99-374).

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    In vitro digestibility of two new sugar cane cultivars for animal forage was determined. Three runs were made using gas from cattle feces as inoculum. The plant's integral fraction was studied at 6, 8, and 11 months of re-shoot. Forage cultivar My5514 was used as witness. The Ørskov and McDonald´s model (1979), transformed by Correa (2004), was used to determine the parameters. Simple variance analyses were carried out, and the differences between the means for P < 0.05, were determined by Tukey. The results showed that the two new cultivars produced similar in vitro gas volumes, and even higher (8 and 11 months of age) than the My5514 forage cultivar. At 8 months, the new cultivars had the best in vitro gas production values. The values achieved for the in vitro gas production, speed (0.011 h -1-0.033h -1), and gas production potential (32.7 ml-52.1 ml), were high. Moreover, the lag had low values (2.10 h-4.57 h)

    What seems to explain suicidality in Yucatan Mexican young adults? findings from an app-based mental health screening test using the SMART-SCREEN protocol

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    The relationship between suicidality, depression, anxiety, and well-being was explored in young adults (median age 20.7 years) from the State of Yucatan (Mexico), which has a suicide rate double that of other Mexican states. A cross-sectional study was carried out in 20 universities in Yucatan and 9,366 students were surveyed using validated questionnaires built into a smartphone app, applying partial least squares structural equation models. High suicide risk was assessed in 10.8% of the sample. Clinically relevant depression and anxiety levels were found in 6.6% and 10.5% of the sample, respectively, and 67.8% reported high well-being. Comparably higher levels of suicide risk, depression and anxiety, and lower well-being were found in women, who were also somewhat older than men in our study. Furthermore, path analysis in the structural equation model revealed that depression was the main predictor of suicidal behaviour as well as of higher anxiety levels and lower self-perceived well-being in the total sample and in both genders. Our findings draw attention to the association between suicidality, depression, anxiety, and well-being in Yucatan young adults and gender differences with this regard. Mental health screening via smartphone might be a useful tool to reach large populations and contribute to mental health policies, including regional suicide prevention effortsOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. No funding was received for this stud

    Anais do 1º Encontro de Iniciação Científica e de Extensão da Unila: "Conhecer e Transformar"

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    Anais do I Encontro de Iniciação Científica e de Extensão da Unila. Unila-Centro, Foz do Iguaçu, Estado do Paraná, 04 e 05 de junho de 2012A indissocialibidade entre as ações de ensino, pesquisa e extensão, cuja unidade caracteriza o processo pedagógico no ensino superior tem, neste evento, a manifestação da sua aplicabilidade. Os planos de trabalho e projetos de estudantes e orientadores de iniciação científica e extensão demarcam os processos formadores da capacidade de pensamento crítico dos futuros profissionais egressos de uma universidade inovadora. Neste processo, a iniciação científica tem a missão de aperfeiçoar a formação acadêmica e profissional de estudantes de graduação, que são introduzidos nos diferentes campos do Saber pelas disciplinas e projetos de pesquisa docente para serem capacitados a refletir sobre limitações das sociedades, formular e testar hipóteses, resolver problemas e situações colocadas tanto pela simples curiosidade humana de conhecer quanto pela necessidade social de transformar. Constitui-se na formulação de questionamentos, na aprendizagem da elaboração do objeto de pesquisa, escolha dos referenciais epistemológicos e metodológicos, busca de informações, sistematização da argumentação e produção de conhecimento. A extensão é, por natureza, de vocação transformadora da realidade social, cultural e ambiental. Demanda uma ação de pesquisa, que pode ser chamada de pesquisa-ação ou de observação. Envolve a todos, comunidade universitária e comunidade onde está inserida a Universidade, num processo de troca de saberes. Os saberes e conhecimentos adquiridos, bem como as tecnologias produzidas, fomentam resultados coletivos sempre e quando são transferidos sob os princípios da responsabilidade, cooperação, solidariedade, racionalidade e da inclusão. Espera-se que cada estudante desenvolva atitudes críticas e habilidades de pesquisador, tais como dedicação, criatividade, honestidade, ética e compromisso com a transformação da realidade. O I Encontro de Iniciação Científica e de Extensão da Unila colabora para a avaliação e a exposição pública dos resultados dos projetos. Será realizada uma conferência de abertura composta pelo Magnífico Reitor Pro tempore da Unila, Hélgio Trindade, pelo Pró-Reitor de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação, Andrea Ciacchi, pela Pró-Reitora de Extensão, Luisa Maria de Moura e Silva e pelo pesquisador Flávio Bortolozzi, para expor ao público o tema “Pesquisa no Meio Acadêmico e suas Oportunidades”. O evento contará ainda com a palestra da pesquisadora Laura Tavares Ribeiro Soares com o título “A Pesquisa na Extensão”.Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA

    Surgical site infections in Italian Hospitals: a prospective multicenter study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Surgical site infections (SSI) remain a major clinical problem in terms of morbidity, mortality, and hospital costs. Nearly 60% of SSI diagnosis occur in the postdischarge period. However, literature provides little information on risk factors associated to in-hospital and postdischarge SSI occurrence. A national prospective multicenter study was conducted with the aim of assessing the incidence of both in-hospital and postdisharge SSI, and the associated risk factors.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In 2002, a one-month, prospective national multicenter surveillance study was conducted in General and Gynecological units of 48 Italian hospitals. Case ascertainment of SSI was carried out using standardized surveillance methodology. To assess potential risk factors for SSI we used a conditional logistic regression model. We also reported the odds ratios of in-hospital and postdischarge SSI.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>SSI occurred in 241 (5.2%) of 4,665 patients, of which 148 (61.4%) during in-hospital, and 93 (38.6%) during postdischarge period. Of 93 postdischarge SSI, sixty-two (66.7%) and 31 (33.3%) were detected through telephone interview and questionnaire survey, respectively. Higher SSI incidence rates were observed in colon surgery (18.9%), gastric surgery (13.6%), and appendectomy (8.6%). If considering risk factors for SSI, at multivariate analysis we found that emergency interventions, NNIS risk score, pre-operative hospital stay, and use of drains were significantly associated with SSI occurrence. Moreover, risk factors for total SSI were also associated to in-hospital SSI. Additionally, only NNIS, pre-operative hospital stay, use of drains, and antibiotic prophylaxis were associated with postdischarge SSI.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our study provided information on risk factors for SSI in a large population in general surgery setting in Italy. Standardized postdischarge surveillance detected 38.6% of all SSI. We also compared risk factors for in-hospital and postdischarge SSI, thus providing additional information to that of the current available literature. Finally, a large amount of postdischarge SSI were detected through telephone interview. The evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of the telephone interview as a postdischarge surveillance method could be an issue for further research.</p

    Digestibilidad in vitro de rebrote del forraje integral de dos nuevos cultivares de caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp. C97-366 y C99-374).

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    Se determinó la digestibilidad in vitro de dos nuevos cultivares de caña de azúcar para forraje. Se desarrollaron tres corridas con la técnica de producción de gases con heces vacunas como inóculo. Se estudió la fracción integral de la planta de 6; 8 y 11 meses de edad de rebrote. Se utilizó como testigo el cultivar forrajero My5514 y, para determinarlos parámetros, el modelo de Ørskov y McDonald (1979) modificado por Correa (2004). Se realizaron análisis de varianza simple y se determinaron las diferencias entre medias por la prueba de Tukey para P &lt; 0,05. Los resultados mostraron que los dos nuevos cultivares produjeron volúmenes de gas in vitro similares e, incluso, superiores a los 8 y 11 meses de edad, al cultivar forrajero My5514. A los 8 meses los nuevos cultivares mostraron los mayores valores de producción de gas in vitro. Los valores obtenidos para los parámetros de producción de gas in vitro, velocidad(0,011 h-1-0,033 h-1) y potencial de producción de gas (32,7 ml-52,1 ml) fueron altos; por su parte el lag mostró valores bajos (2,10 h-4,57 h).In vitro Digestibility of Whole Forage Shoots from Two New Sugar Cane Cultivars (Saccharumspp. C97-366 y C99-374) ABSTRACTIn vitro digestibility of two new sugar cane cultivars for forage was determined. Three runs were performed using gas from cattle gases as inoculum. The integral fraction of the plant at 6; 8 and 11 months of reshoot were studied. Forage cultivar My5514 was used as witness, and to determine the parameters, the Ørskov and McDonald (1979) model modified by Correa (2004) was used. Simple variance analyses were made and the differences were determined by the Tukey test for P &lt; 0.05. The results showed that the two new cultivars produced similar in vitro gas volumes to My5514 forage cultivar, and were even higher at 8 and 11 months of age. Eight months later, the new cultivars produced the highest in vitro gas values. The values achieved for the production parameters of in vitro gas, speed (0.011 h-1-0.033 h-1) and potential for gas production (32.7 ml-52.1 ml) were high; on its turn, lag had low values (2.10 h-4.57 h)

    Timing of host feeding drives rhythms in parasite replication

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    Circadian rhythms enable organisms to synchronise the processes underpinning survival and reproduction to anticipate daily changes in the external environment. Recent work shows that daily (circadian) rhythms also enable parasites to maximise fitness in the context of ecological interactions with their hosts. Because parasite rhythms matter for their fitness, understanding how they are regulated could lead to innovative ways to reduce the severity and spread of diseases. Here, we examine how host circadian rhythms influence rhythms in the asexual replication of malaria parasites. Asexual replication is responsible for the severity of malaria and fuels transmission of the disease, yet, how parasite rhythms are driven remains a mystery. We perturbed feeding rhythms of hosts by 12 hours (i.e. diurnal feeding in nocturnal mice) to desynchronise the hosts' peripheral oscillators from the central, light-entrained oscillator in the brain and their rhythmic outputs. We demonstrate that the rhythms of rodent malaria parasites in day-fed hosts become inverted relative to the rhythms of parasites in night-fed hosts. Our results reveal that the hosts' peripheral rhythms (associated with the timing of feeding and metabolism), but not rhythms driven by the central, light-entrained circadian oscillator in the brain, determine the timing (phase) of parasite rhythms. Further investigation reveals that parasite rhythms correlate closely with blood glucose rhythms. In addition, we show that parasite rhythms resynchronise to the altered host feeding rhythms when food availability is shifted, which is not mediated through rhythms in the host immune system. Our observations suggest that parasites actively control their developmental rhythms. Finally, counter to expectation, the severity of disease symptoms expressed by hosts was not affected by desynchronisation of their central and peripheral rhythms. Our study at the intersection of disease ecology and chronobiology opens up a new arena for studying host-parasite-vector coevolution and has broad implications for applied bioscience

    CIBERER : Spanish national network for research on rare diseases: A highly productive collaborative initiative

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    Altres ajuts: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.CIBER (Center for Biomedical Network Research; Centro de Investigación Biomédica En Red) is a public national consortium created in 2006 under the umbrella of the Spanish National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII). This innovative research structure comprises 11 different specific areas dedicated to the main public health priorities in the National Health System. CIBERER, the thematic area of CIBER focused on rare diseases (RDs) currently consists of 75 research groups belonging to universities, research centers, and hospitals of the entire country. CIBERER's mission is to be a center prioritizing and favoring collaboration and cooperation between biomedical and clinical research groups, with special emphasis on the aspects of genetic, molecular, biochemical, and cellular research of RDs. This research is the basis for providing new tools for the diagnosis and therapy of low-prevalence diseases, in line with the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) objectives, thus favoring translational research between the scientific environment of the laboratory and the clinical setting of health centers. In this article, we intend to review CIBERER's 15-year journey and summarize the main results obtained in terms of internationalization, scientific production, contributions toward the discovery of new therapies and novel genes associated to diseases, cooperation with patients' associations and many other topics related to RD research

    Quantitative differential proteomics of yeast extracellular matrix: there is more to it than meets the eye

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    Background: Saccharomyces cerevisiae multicellular communities are sustained by a scaffolding extracellular matrix, which provides spatial organization, and nutrient and water availability, and ensures group survival. According to this tissue-like biology, the yeast extracellular matrix (yECM) is analogous to the higher Eukaryotes counterpart for its polysaccharide and proteinaceous nature. Few works focused on yeast biofilms, identifying the flocculin Flo11 and several members of the HSP70 in the extracellular space. Molecular composition of the yECM, is therefore mostly unknown. The homologue of yeast Gup1 protein in high Eukaryotes (HHATL) acts as a regulator of Hedgehog signal secretion, therefore interfering in morphogenesis and cell-cell communication through the ECM, which mediates but is also regulated by this signalling pathway. In yeast, the deletion of GUP1 was associated with a vast number of diverse phenotypes including the cellular differentiation that accompanies biofilm formation. Methods: S. cerevisiae W303-1A wt strain and gup1Δ mutant were used as previously described to generate biofilmlike mats in YPDa from which the yECM proteome was extracted. The proteome from extracellular medium from batch liquid growing cultures was used as control for yECM-only secreted proteins. Proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE and 2DE. Identification was performed by HPLC, LC-MS/MS and MALDI-TOF/TOF. The protein expression comparison between the two strains was done by DIGE, and analysed by DeCyder Extended Data Analysis that included Principal Component Analysis and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis. Results: The proteome of S. cerevisiae yECM from biofilm-like mats was purified and analysed by Nano LC-MS/MS, 2D Difference Gel Electrophoresis (DIGE), and MALDI-TOF/TOF. Two strains were compared, wild type and the mutant defective in GUP1. As controls for the identification of the yECM-only proteins, the proteome from liquid batch cultures was also identified. Proteins were grouped into distinct functional classes, mostly Metabolism, Protein Fate/Remodelling and Cell Rescue and Defence mechanisms, standing out the presence of heat shock chaperones, metalloproteinases, broad signalling cross-talkers and other putative signalling proteins. The data has been deposited to the ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD001133.Conclusions: yECM, as the mammalian counterpart, emerges as highly proteinaceous. As in higher Eukaryotes ECM, numerous proteins that could allow dynamic remodelling, and signalling events to occur in/and via yECM were identified. Importantly, large sets of enzymes encompassing full antagonistic metabolic pathways, suggest that mats develop into two metabolically distinct populations, suggesting that either extensive moonlighting or actual metabolism occurs extracellularly. The gup1Δ showed abnormally loose ECM texture. Accordingly, the correspondent differences in proteome unveiled acetic and citric acid producing enzymes as putative players in structural integrity maintenance.This work was funded by the Marie Curie Initial Training Network GLYCOPHARM (PITN-GA-2012-317297), and by national funds from FCT I.P. through the strategic funding UID/BIA/04050/2013. Fábio Faria-Oliveira was supported by a PhD scholarship (SFRH/BD/45368/2008) from FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia). We thank David Caceres and Montserrat MartinezGomariz from the Unidad de Proteómica, Universidad Complutense de Madrid – Parque Científico de Madrid, Spain for excellent technical assistance in the successful implementation of all proteomics procedures including peptide identification, and Joana Tulha from the CBMA, Universidade do Minho, Portugal, for helping with the SDS-PAGE experiments, and the tedious and laborious ECM extraction procedures. The mass spectrometry proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium, via the PRIDE partner repository, with the dataset identifier PXD001133. We would like to thank the PRIDE team for all the help and support during the submission process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Subsequent Event Risk in Individuals with Established Coronary Heart Disease:Design and Rationale of the GENIUS-CHD Consortium

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    BACKGROUND: The "GENetIcs of sUbSequent Coronary Heart Disease" (GENIUS-CHD) consortium was established to facilitate discovery and validation of genetic variants and biomarkers for risk of subsequent CHD events, in individuals with established CHD. METHODS: The consortium currently includes 57 studies from 18 countries, recruiting 185,614 participants with either acute coronary syndrome, stable CHD or a mixture of both at baseline. All studies collected biological samples and followed-up study participants prospectively for subsequent events. RESULTS: Enrollment into the individual studies took place between 1985 to present day with duration of follow up ranging from 9 months to 15 years. Within each study, participants with CHD are predominantly of self-reported European descent (38%-100%), mostly male (44%-91%) with mean ages at recruitment ranging from 40 to 75 years. Initial feasibility analyses, using a federated analysis approach, yielded expected associations between age (HR 1.15 95% CI 1.14-1.16) per 5-year increase, male sex (HR 1.17, 95% CI 1.13-1.21) and smoking (HR 1.43, 95% CI 1.35-1.51) with risk of subsequent CHD death or myocardial infarction, and differing associations with other individual and composite cardiovascular endpoints. CONCLUSIONS: GENIUS-CHD is a global collaboration seeking to elucidate genetic and non-genetic determinants of subsequent event risk in individuals with established CHD, in order to improve residual risk prediction and identify novel drug targets for secondary prevention. Initial analyses demonstrate the feasibility and reliability of a federated analysis approach. The consortium now plans to initiate and test novel hypotheses as well as supporting replication and validation analyses for other investigators