313 research outputs found

    Effect of Oral Nutritional Supplements with Sucromalt and Isomaltulose versus Standard Formula on Glycaemic Index, Entero-Insular Axis Peptides and Subjective Appetite in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomised Cross-Over Study

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    Oral diabetes-specific nutritional supplements (ONS-D) induce favourable postprandial responses in subjects with type 2 diabetes (DM2), but they have not been correlated yet with incretin release and subjective appetite (SA). This randomised, double-blind, cross-over study compared postprandial e ects of ONS-D with isomaltulose and sucromalt versus standard formula (ET) on glycaemic index (GI), insulin, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and SA in 16 individuals with DM2. After overnight fasting, subjects consumed a portion of supplements containing 25 g of carbohydrates or reference food. Blood samples were collected at baseline and at 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 min; and SA sensations were assessed by a visual analogue scale on separate days. Glycaemic index values were low for ONS-D and intermediate for ET (p < 0.001). The insulin area under the curve (AUC0–180 min) (p < 0.02) and GIP AUC (p < 0.02) were lower after ONS-D and higher GLP-1 AUC when compared with ET (p < 0.05). Subjective appetite AUC was greater after ET than ONS-D (p < 0.05). Interactions between hormones, hunger, fullness and GI were found, but not within the ratings of SA; isomaltulose and sucromalt may have influenced these factor

    Aluminum slurry coatings to replace cadmium for aeronautic applications

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    Cadmium has been widely used as a coating to provide protection against galvanic corrosion for steels and for its natural lubricity on threaded applications. However, it is a toxic metal and a known carcinogenic agent, which is plated from an aqueous bath containing cyanide salts. For these reasons, the use of cadmium has been banned in Europe for most industrial applications. However, the aerospace industry is still exempt due to the stringent technical and safety requirements associated with aeronautical applications, as an acceptable replacement is yet to be found. Al slurry coatings have been developed as an alternative to replace cadmium coatings. The coatings were deposited on AISI 4340 steel and have been characterized by optical and electron microscopy. Testing included salt fog corrosion exposure, fluid corrosion exposure (immersion), humidity resistance, coating-substrate and paint-coating adhesion, electric conductivity, galvanic corrosion, embrittlement and fatigue. The results indicated that Al slurry coatings are an excellent alternative for Cd replacement

    Evaluación de impacto de la Jornada Escolar Completa

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    Los bajos niveles de aprendizaje de los adolescentes en el Perú demandan la identificación de políticas educativas que logren, efectivamente, mejorar estos niveles y cerrar brechas. Este reporte presenta la evaluación de impacto de una ambiciosa política educativa, la Jornada Escolar Completa (JEC), que se empezó a implementar en el año escolar del 2015 en mil escuelas secundarias de todo el país. Se encuentra que en su primer año, la JEC ha mejorado los niveles de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Utilizando la Evaluación Censal de Estudiantes del 2do año de secundaria se muestra que, en matemáticas, donde los resultados son inobjetables, la JEC aumentó el rendimiento académico entre 14% y 23% de un desvío estándar. Los resultados están por encima de los efectos hallados en intervenciones similares en América Latina y están entre los más altos encontrados a nivel mundial incluyendo intervenciones alternativas a la expansión de la jornada escolar. A partir de las reglas de selección para las escuelas de la JEC se muestra que la metodología utilizada para evaluar la intervención permite una estimación rigurosa a través de una regresión discontinua, cuyos supuestos son validados con los datos. Una serie de pruebas muestran que los efectos hallados en matemáticas son robustos más no así los de comunicación, donde también se encuentran resultados positivos, pero menores y menos estables. Los impactos son mayores en los colegios ubicados en los distritos más pobres. A nivel de alumnos, no se encuentran diferencias por sexo pero aquellos con mejores rendimientos en primaria se benefician más de la JEC. La JEC no cambió el esfuerzo de los padres ni maestros. Sin embargo, se encuentra que los alumnos tienen menos confianza en sí mismos en el área de comunicación, pero no en matemáticas

    Slicing in WiFi networks through airtime-based resource allocation

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    Network slicing is one of the key enabling technologies for 5G networks. It allows infrastructure owners to assign resources to service providers (tenants), which will afterwards use them to satisfy their end-user demands. This paradigm, which changes the way networks have been traditionally managed, was initially proposed in the wired realm (core networks). More recently, the scientific community has paid attention to the integration of network slicing in wireless cellular technologies (LTE). However, there are not many works addressing the challenges that appear when trying to exploit slicing techniques over WiFi networks, in spite of their growing relevance. In this paper we propose a novel method of proportionally distributing resources in WiFi networks, by means of the airtime. We develop an analytical model, which shed light on how such resources could be split. The validity of the proposed model is assessed by means of simulation-based evaluation over the ns-3 framework.This work has been supported in part by the European Commission and the Spanish Government (Fondo Europeo de desarrollo Regional, FEDER) by means of the EU H2020 NECOS (777067) and ADVICE (TEC2015-71329) projects, respectively

    Wireless networks and EMF-paving the way for low-EMF networks of the future: the LEXNET project

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    While, according to the World Health Organization, no adverse health effects of radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have been established to date, EMF exposure from wireless communication networks is nonetheless often cited as a major cause of public concern and is frequently given considerable media coverage. This article presents the results of a new survey on RF-EMF exposure risk perception together with a comprehensive overview of the EMF footprint of existing and emerging networks. On the basis of these findings, we then put forward the rationale for EMF-aware networking. Subsequently, we highlight the gaps in existing systems, which impede EMF-aware networking, and outline the key concepts of the recently launched European Union (EU) Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) Integrated Project Low-EMF Exposure Future Networks (LEXNET): a new, all-encompassing, population-based metric of exposure and ways it can be used for low-EMF, quality of service (QoS)-aware network optimization.This paper reports work undertaken in the context of the project LEXNET. LEXNET is a project supported by the European Commission in the 7th Framework Programme (GA n°318273). For further information, please visit www.lexnet-project.e

    Novel compound shows in vivo anthelmintic activity in gerbils and sheep infected by Haemonchus contortus

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    8 páginas, 2 figuras, 2 tablas.The control of gastrointestinal nematodes in livestock is becoming increasingly difficult due to the limited number of available drugs and the rapid development of anthelmintic resistance. Therefore, it is imperative to develop new anthelmintics that are effective against nematodes. Under this context, we tested the potential toxicity of three compounds in mice and their potential anthelmintic efficacy in Mongolian gerbils infected with Haemonchus contortus. The compounds were selected from previous in vitro experiments: two diamine (AAD-1 and AAD-2) and one benzimidazole (2aBZ) derivatives. 2aBZ was also selected to test its efficacy in sheep. In Mongolian gerbils, the benzimidazole reduced the percentage of pre-adults present in the stomach of gerbils by 95% at a dose of 200 mg/kg. In sheep, there was a 99% reduction in the number of eggs shed in faeces after 7 days at a dose of 120 mg/kg and a 95% reduction in the number of worm adults present in the abomasum. In conclusion, 2aBZ could be considered a promising candidate for the treatment of helminth infections in small ruminants. © 2022, The Author(s).Financial support came from MINECO: RETOS (AGL2016-79813-C2-1R/2R) and MICINN/AEI (PID2020- 119035RB-100). EVG was funded by FPU17/00627, FPU17/05346; VCGA, MAB, MCP and LGP are recipients of Junta de Castilla y León (JCyL) (LE082-18, LE051-18, LE135-19, LE096-20, respectively) and MMV by the Spanish “Ramon y Cajal” Programme (Ministerio de Economía y competitividad; MMV, RYC-2015-18368).Peer reviewe

    Relación entre la presencia de síntomas premenstruales y los niveles de depresión medidos con la Escala de Depresión Postnatal de Edimburgo en mujeres con menos de un año postparto.

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    Objective: To evaluate the relationship between each symptom of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and the levels of postpartum depression (PPD). Methods: A secondary analysis of a database of 321 women evaluated cross- sectionally in the first postpartum year was conducted, determining the presence of PMDD symptoms according to the DSM-IV criteria, and the levels of PPD, using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). A bivariate analysis determined the variables significantly related to the EPDS scores, while a multivariate analysis helped to configure the best predictive model. Results: According to the bivariate analysis, headache (coefficient=3,26; p=0,002) and feeling overwhelmed (coefficient=4,95; p=0,003) are associated with higher scores in the EPDS, even more so than PMDD (coefficient=2,52; p&lt;0,001) as a single variable. Other associated variables were history ofdepression (coefficient=2,42; p&lt;0,001), having a partner (coefficient=1,54; p=0,041) and abortion (coefficient=1,44; p=0,034). The multivariate model that best predicts EPDS scores includes feeling overwhelmed, headache, history of major depression, having a partner, history of abortion and age. Conclusions: The above findings are significantly related to EPDS scores, which could be used to design screening scales for pregnant women, also taking into account other risk factors, such as age and past history of depression and abortion.Objetivo: Evaluar la relación entre cada síntoma del trastorno disfórico premenstrual (TDPM) y los niveles de depresión postparto (DPP). Método: Se realizó un análisis secundario de una base de datos de 321 mujeres evaluadas transversalmente en el primer año postparto, determinando la presencia de síntomas del TDPM según los criterios del DSM-IV, y los niveles de DPP, mediante la Escala de Depresión Postnatal de Edimburgo (EPDS). Mediante un análisis bivariado se determinaron las variables relacionadas significativamente con los puntajes de la EPDS y, con un análisis multivariado, se configuró el mejor modelo predictivo. Resultados: El análisis bivariado identificó a la cefalea (coeficiente=3,26; p=0,002) y la sensación de agobio (coeficiente=4,95; p=0,003) como factores asociados a un mayor puntaje en la EPDS, más que el TDPM (coeficiente=2,52; p&lt;0,001) como variable única. Otras variables asociadas fueron antecedente de depresión (coeficiente=2,42; p&lt;0,001), presencia de pareja (coeficiente=1,54; p=0,041) y aborto (coeficiente=1,44; p=0,034). El modelo multivariado que mejor predice los puntajes de la EPDS incluye sensación de agobio, cefalea, antecedente de depresión mayor, presencia de pareja, antecedente de aborto y edad. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos arriba descritos podrían utilizarse para formular encuestas de tamizaje en gestantes, considerando además factores de riesgo tales como edad y antecedentes de depresión y aborto

    Myxoma virus jumps species to the Iberian hare

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    The study of myxoma virus (MYXV) infections in the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) has produced one of the most accepted host–pathogen evolutionary models. To date, myxomatosis has been limited to the European rabbit with sporadic reports in hares. However, reports of widespread mortalities in the Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis) with myxomatosis‐like clinical signs indicate a potential species jump has occurred. The presence of MYXV DNA was confirmed by PCR in 244 samples received from regional veterinary services, animal health laboratories, hunters or rangers over a 5‐month period. PCR analysis of 4 MYXV positive hare samples revealed a 2.8 kb insertion located within the M009 gene with respect to MYXV. The presence of this insertion was subsequently confirmed in 20 samples from 18 Spanish provinces. Sanger sequencing and subsequent analysis show that the insert contained 4 ORFs which are phylogenetically related to MYXV genes M060, M061, M064 and M065. The complete MYXV genome from hare tissue was sequenced using Ion torrent next‐generation technology and a summary of the data presented here. With the exception of the inserted region, the virus genome had no large scale modifications and 110 mutations with respect to the MYXV reference strain Lausanne were observed. The next phase in the evolution of MYXV has taken place as a host species jump from the European rabbit to the Iberian hare an occurrence which could have important effects on this naïve population.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    New constraints on elemental and Pb and Nd isotope compositions of South American and Southern African aerosol sources to the South Atlantic Ocean

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    Improving the geochemical database available for characterising potential natural and anthropogenic aerosol sources from South America and Southern Africa is a critical precondition for studies aimed at understanding trace metal controls on the marine biogeochemical cycles of the South Atlantic Ocean. We here present new elemental and isotopic data for a wide range of sample types from South America and Southern Africa that are potentially important aerosol sources. This includes road dust from Buenos Aires and lichen samples from Johannesburg, soil dust from Patagonia, volcanic ash from the Andean volcanic belt, and aerosol samples from São Paulo. All samples were investigated for major (Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Na, K, Mn) and trace element (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, REE, Sc, Th, Y, V, Zn) concentrations and Nd and Pb isotopic compositions. We show that diagrams of 208Pb/207Pb vs. εNd, 208Pb/207Pb vs. Pb/Al, 1/[Pb], Zn/Al, Cd/Al, Cu/Al, and εNd vs. Pb/Al, and 1/[Nd] are best suited to separate South American and South African source regions as well as natural and anthropogenic sources. A subset of samples from Patagonia and the Andes was additionally subjected to separation of a fine (<5 μm) fraction and compared to the composition of the bulk sample. We show that differences in the geochemical signature of bulk samples between individual regions and source types are significantly larger than between grain sizes. Jointly, these findings present an important step forward towards a quantitative assessment of aeolian trace metal inputs to the South Atlantic Ocean