1,532 research outputs found

    Fluid physics under reduced gravity : an overview

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    Problems related to several fluid physics experiments the case of two experiemnts to be performed under reduced gravity, onboard Space- temperatures,lab (1st Mission), are discussed. Special attention is placed on parallel and preparatory work on erth, wich could throw some light on the opportunity, present interest and limitations of these experiments. The need for strong supporting fundamental research and, in particular, a more precise determination of the paremeters involved, is stressed

    Direito à Comunicação: Contribuições Para a Definição de um Conceito

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    Resumo O presente trabalho visa apresentar as tentativas teóricas doutrinárias, nacionais e estrangeiras, de definição do termo direito à comunicação, considerando que a ausência de uma definição precisa e consensual pode constituir-se em um obstáculo para a sua compreensão. Para cumprir os objetivos propostos pesquisou-se teorias, nacionais e estrangeiras, bem como as produções dos pesquisadores vinculados ao GP – Políticas e Estratégias de Comunicação, da Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação – INTERCOM, apresentados nos congressos nacionais da INTERCOM no período de 2003 a 2013. Em sede de conclusão propõe-se uma definição conceitual para o termo.   Palavras-chave: Direito à comunicação; Definição; Políticas e estratégias de comunicação; INTERCOM.   RESUMEN El presente trabajo pretende presentar las tentativas teóricas doctrinarias, nacionales y extranjeras, de definición del término derecho a la comunicación, considerando que la ausencia de una definición precisa y consensual puede constituirse en un obstáculo para su comprensión. Para cumplir los objetivos propuestos se investigaron las teorías, nacionales y extranjeras, así como los trabajos de los investigadores vinculados al Grupo de Investigación  – Políticas y Estrategias de Comunicación, de la Sociedad Brasileña de Estudios Interdisciplinares de la Comunicación – INTERCOM, presentados en los congresos nacionales de INTERCOM en el periodo de 2003 al 2013. A forma de conclusión se propone una definición conceptual para el término.  Palabras-clave: Derecho a la comunicación; Definición; Políticas y estrategias de comunicación; INTERCOM   ABSTRACT This article aims to present the doctrinal theoretical attempts, national and foreign, about the definition of the right to communication term, considering that the absence of a precise and consensus definition may constitute an obstacle to its understanding. To fulfill the proposed objectives of this paper, national and foreign theories were researched, as well the productions of researchers associated at Research Group – Policies and Communication Strategies, of the Brazilian Association of Interdisciplinary Studies in Communication – INTERCOM, presented at the national congresses of the INTERCOM, from 2003 to 2013. In conclusion was proposed a conceptual definition for the term. Keywords: Rights to communication; Definition; Policies and communication strategies; INTERCOM

    Macrofauna invertebrada do solo em cultivos de mandioca com diferentes coberturas vegetais.

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do cultivo da mandioca em plantio direto sob diferentes coberturas vegetais na densidade e diversidade da macrofauna edáfica. Tais parâmetros foram avaliados também em sistema sob preparo convencional (aração e gradagem) e sistema natural (mata nativa), para comparação. Os estudos foram conduzidos no Município de Glória de Dourados, MS, num Argissolo Vermelho distrófico, de textura arenosa.bitstream/item/38776/1/BP200422.pd

    Properties of Intra-group Stars and Galaxies in Galaxy Groups: "Normal" versus "Fossil" Groups

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    Cosmological LCDM simulations of 12 M_vir~10^14 Msun galaxy groups have been performed, invoking star formation, chemical evolution with non-instantaneous recycling, metallicity dependent radiative cooling, strong star-burst driven galactic super-winds and effects of a meta-galactic UV field. At z=0, intra-group light (IGL) fractions are found to be 12-45%. Low values refer to groups with only a small difference between the R-band magnitudes of the first and second ranked group galaxy, large are typical of "fossil" groups (FGs). The IG stars in the 4 FGs are 0.3-0.5 Gyr older than in the 8 nonFGs. For the IGL, B-R=~1.4, in good agreement with observations. For FGs/nonFGs the iron abundance of the IG stars is slightly sub-solar in the central parts (r~100 kpc) decreasing to about 40% solar at about 0.5 r_vir The IG stars are alpha-element enhanced with [O/Fe] increasing with r, and an overall [O/Fe]~0.45, indicating predominant SNII enrichment. The velocity distributions of the IG stars and group galaxies are, at r>~30 kpc, significantly more radially anisotropic for FGs than for nonFGs. So a characteristic of FG formation, apart from formation time (D'Onghia et al.), may be the "initial" velocity distribution of the group galaxies. For FGs one can dynamically infer the (dark matter dominated) mass distribution of the groups all the way to r_vir, from the kinematics of the IG stars or group galaxies. For the nonFGs this method overestimates the group mass at r>~200 kpc, by up to a factor of two at r_vir. This is interpreted as FGs being, in general, more relaxed than nonFGs. Finally, FGs of the above M_vir should host ~500 planetary nebulae at projected distances between 100 and 1000 kpc from the first ranked galaxy. All results appear consistent with the FG formation scenario of D'Onghia et al.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, Accepted for MNRAS, Printing in colour recommende

    Diffuse light and building history of the galaxy cluster Abell 2667

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    We have searched for diffuse intracluster light in the galaxy cluster Abell 2667 (z=0.233) from HST images in three filters. We have applied to these images an iterative multi-scale wavelet analysis and reconstruction technique, which allows to subtract stars and galaxies from the original images. We detect a zone of diffuse emission south west of the cluster center (DS1), and a second faint object (ComDif), within DS1. Another diffuse source (DS2) may be detected, at lower confidence level, north east of the center. These sources of diffuse light contribute to 10-15% of the total visible light in the cluster. Whether they are independent entities or are part of the very elliptical external envelope of the central galaxy remains unclear. VLT VIMOS integral field spectroscopy reveals a faint continuum at the positions of DS1 and ComDif but do not allow to compute a redshift. A hierarchical substructure detection method reveals the presence of several galaxy pairs and groups defining a similar direction as the one drawn by the DS1-central galaxy-DS2 axis. The analysis of archive XMM-Newton and Chandra observations shows X-ray emission elongated in the same direction. The X-ray temperature map shows the presence of a cool core, a broad cool zone stretching from north to south and hotter regions towards the north east, south west and north west. This possibly suggests shock fronts along these directions produced by infalling material. These various data are consistent with a picture in which diffuse sources are concentrations of tidal debris and harassed matter expelled from infalling galaxies by tidal stripping and undergoing an accretion process onto the central cluster galaxy; as such, they are expected to be found along the main infall directions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Microscopic Image Segmentation to Quantification of Leishmania Infection in Macrophages

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    The determination of infection rate parameter from in vitro macrophages infected by Leishmania amastigotes is fundamental in the study of vaccine candidates and new drugs for the treatment of leishmaniasis. The conventional method that consists in the amastigotes count inside macrophages, normally is done by a trained microscope technician, which is liable to misinterpretation and sampling. The objective of this work is to develop a method for the segmentation of images to enable the automatic calculation of the infection rate by amastigotes. Segmentation is based on mathematical morphology in the context of a computer vision system. The results obtained by computer vision system presents a 95% accuracy in comparison to the conventional method. Therefore, the proposed method can contribute to the speed and accuracy of analysis of infection rate, minimizing errors from the traditional methods, especially in situations where exhaustive repetitions of the procedure are required from the technician.A determinação de parâmetros como taxa de infecção em monocultura de macrófagos cultivados in vitro com Leishmania é fundamental no estudo de candidatos vacinais e novos fármacos para o tratamento de leishmanioses. O método convencional que consiste na contagem de amastigotas no interior de macrófagos, normalmente é realizada por um especialista treinado em microscopia óptica, o que está sujeito a erros de interpretação e amostragem. O objetivo do trabalho é desenvolver um método para a segmentação de imagens como etapa preliminar para o cálculo automático da taxa de infecção por amastigotas. A segmentação é baseada em morfologia matemática no contexto de um sistema de visão computacional. Os resultados obtidos pelo método computacional demonstraram acerto de 95% quando comparados ao método convencional. Conclui-se que a metodologia computacional baseada na segmentação de imagem como pré-requisito para o cálculo de taxa de infecção, pode contribuir para a rapidez e a precisão na obtenção dos resultados e na minimização de erros cometidos no método tradicional, especialmente em situações em que exaustivas repetições do procedimento são exigidas ao observador

    How the extinction of extragalactic background light affects surface photometry of galaxies, groups and clusters

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    The faint regions of galaxies, groups and clusters hold important clues about how these objects formed, and surface photometry at optical and near-infrared wavelengths represents a powerful tool for studying such structures. Here, we identify a hitherto unrecognized problem with this technique, related to how the night sky flux is typically measured and subtracted from astronomical images. While most of the sky flux comes from regions between the observer and the target object, a small fraction - the extragalactic background light (EBL) - comes from behind. We argue that since this part of the sky flux can be subject to extinction by dust present in the galaxy/group/cluster studied, standard reduction procedures may lead to a systematic oversubtraction of the EBL. Even very small amounts of extinction can lead to spurious features in radial surface surface brightness profiles and colour maps of extended objects. We assess the likely impact of this effect on a number of topics in extragalactic astronomy where very deep surface photometry is currently attempted, including studies of stellar halos, starburst host galaxies, disc truncations and diffuse intragroup/intracluster light. We argue that EBL extinction may provide at least a partial explanation for the anomalously red colours reported for the halos of disc galaxies and the hosts of local starburst galaxies. EBL extinction effects also mimic truncations in discs with unusually high dust opacities, but are unlikely to be the cause of such features in general. Failure to account for EBL extinction can also give rise to a non-negligible underestimate of intragroup and intracluster light at the faintest surface brightness levels currently probed. (Abridged)Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Cross Taxon Congruence Between Lichens and Vascular Plants in a Riparian Ecosystem

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    Despite that congruence across taxa has been proved as an effective tool to provide insights into the processes structuring the spatial distribution of taxonomic groups and is useful for conservation purposes, only a few studies on cross-taxon congruence focused on freshwater ecosystems and on the relations among vascular plants and lichens. We hypothesized here that, since vascular plants could be good surrogates of lichens in these ecosystems, it would be possible to assess the overall biodiversity of riparian habitats using plant data only. In this frame, we explored the relationship between (a) species richness and (b) community composition of plants and lichens in a wetland area located in central Italy to (i) assess whether vascular plants are good surrogates of lichens and (ii) to test the congruence of patterns of species richness and composition among plants and lichens along an ecological gradient. The general performance of plant species richness per se, as a biodiversity surrogate of lichens, had poor results. Nonetheless, the congruence in compositional patterns between lichens and vascular plants varied across habitats and was influenced by the characteristics of the vegetation. In general, we discussed how the strength of the studied relationships could be influenced by characteristics of the data (presence/absence vs. abundance), by the spatial scale, and by the features of the habitats. Overall, our data confirm that the more diverse and structurally complex the vegetation is, the more diverse are the lichen communities it hosts

    Diffuse Light in Hickson Compact Groups: The Dynamically Young System HCG 44

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    Compact groups are associations of a few galaxies in which the environment plays an important role in galaxy evolution. The low group velocity dispersion favors tidal interactions and mergers, which may bring stars from galaxies to the diffuse intragroup light. Numerical simulations of galaxy clusters in hierarchical cosmologies show that the amount of the diffuse light increases with the dynamical evolution of the cluster. We search for diffuse light in the galaxy group HCG 44 in order to determine its luminosity and luminosity fraction. Combining with literature data, we aim to constrain the dynamical status of Hickson compact groups. We use Intra Group planetary nebulae (IGPNe) as tracers of diffuse light. These are detected by the so-called on band-off band technique. We found 12 emission line objects in HCG 44, none of them associated with the galaxies of the group. 6/12 emission line objects are consistent with being IGPNe in HCG 44, but are also consistent with being Lyα\alpha background galaxies. Thus we derive an upper limit to the diffuse light fraction in HCG 44 of 4.7%. We find a correlation between the fraction of elliptical galaxies and the amount of diffuse light in Hickson compact groups. Those with large fraction of diffuse light are those with large fractions in number and luminosity of E/S0 galaxies. We propose an evolutionary sequence for Hickson compact groups in which the amount of diffuse light increases with the dynamical evolution of the group.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication at A&