2,328 research outputs found

    Propuesta de entorno computacional como apoyo a la enseñanza de las matemáticas

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    El cálculo diferencial e integral, es materia obligada en gran parte del currículo escolar y piedra angular en el desarrollo de la matemática. A pesar de ello en escuelas tanto a nivel medio como superior, los reportes de problemas en su enseñanza aprendizaje son frecuentes. Esta materia presenta un alto índice de reprobación, inclusive con alumnos que recursan. Este estudio muestra una fuerte tendencia, en la educación, a visualizar el cálculo como un patrón de fórmulas y procedimientos algebraicos, dejando fuera los aspectos conceptuales. En el mismo sentido Dreyfus (1990, 124), reporta que las investigaciones en Francia exhiben la tendencia de los estudiantes a los aspectos de procedimiento algorítmicos, dejando fuera los conceptuales

    Cronologia comentada de la cristal·lografia i la química estructural

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    Podeu consultar la versió en castellà a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/120607 i la versió en anglès a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/120608Amb motiu de l’Any Internacional de la Cristal·lografia, i del centenari de la concessió dels premis Nobel relacionats amb el descobriment de la difracció de raigs X, la Biblioteca de Física i Química de la Universitat de Barcelona organitzà l'any 2014 una exposició sobre el desenvolupament històric i el fons editorial de la biblioteca d'aquests dos grans temes estretament relacionats. Aquesta cronologia, que està lluny de pretendre ser exhaustiva, és la base conceptual de l’exposició aportant dates, autors i fites

    Transcript Profiling of Different Arabidopsis thaliana Ecotypes in Response to Tobacco etch potyvirus Infection

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    The use of high-throughput transcript profiling techniques has opened the possibility of identifying, in a single experiment, multiple host mRNAs whose levels of accumulation are altered in response to virus infection. Several studies have used this approach to analyze the response of Arabidopsis thaliana to the infection by different RNA and DNA viruses. However, the possible differences in response of genetically heterogeneous ecotypes of the plant to the same virus have never been addressed before. Here we have used a strain of Tobacco etch potyvirus (TEV) experimentally adapted to A. thaliana ecotype Ler-0 and a set of seven plant ecotypes to tackle this question. Each ecotype was inoculated with the same amount of the virus and the outcome of infection characterized phenotypically (i.e., virus infectivity, accumulation, and symptoms development). Using commercial microarrays containing probes for more than 43,000 A. thaliana transcripts, we explored the effect of viral infection on the plant transcriptome. In general, we found that ecotypes differ in the way they perceive and respond to the virus. Some ecotypes developed strong symptoms and accumulated large amounts of viral genomes, while others only developed mild symptoms and accumulated less virus. At the transcriptomic level, ecotypes could be classified into two groups according to the particular genes whose expression was altered upon infection. Moreover, a functional enrichment analyses showed that the two groups differed in the nature of the altered biological processes. For the group constituted by ecotypes developing milder symptoms and allowing for lower virus accumulation, genes involved in abiotic stresses and in the construction of new tissues tend to be up-regulated. For those ecotypes in which infection was more severe and productive, defense genes tend to be up-regulated, deviating the necessary resources from building new tissues

    Commented chronology of crystallography and structural chemistry

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    Podeu consultar la versió en català a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/116604 i la versió en castellà a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/120607On the occasion of the International Year of Crystallography, and of the centennial of the award of Nobel prizes related with the discovery of X-ray diffraction, the Library of Physics and Chemistry (Biblioteca de Física i Química) of the University of Barcelona organized in 2014 an exhibition on the historical evolution and the bibliographic holdings of these two closely related subjects. This chronology, far from being comprehensive, provided the conceptual basis for the exhibition, collecting dates, authors and main achievements

    Estudi per a la mesura i modelització de l'aïllament térmic amb paret vegetada vertical WETWALL

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    Estudiar la idoneitat de la paret vegetada WETWALL per a l'aïllament tèrmic en edificis ja construits. El projecte acabarà amb la instal·lació i mesura d'un prototip automatitzat a la planta actualment en funcionament pel projecte ECORKWASTE a les instal·lacions de Codorniu

    Experimental evolution of an emerging plant virus in host genotypes that differ in their susceptibility to infection

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    This study evaluates the extent to which genetic differences among host individuals from the same species condition the evolution of a plant RNA virus. We performed a threefold replicated evolution experiment in which Tobacco etch potyvirus isolate At17b (TEV-At17b), adapted to Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Ler-0, was serially passaged in five genetically heterogeneous ecotypes of A. thaliana. After 15 passages we found that evolved viruses improved their fitness, showed higher infectivity and stronger virulence in their local host ecotypes. The genome of evolved lineages was sequenced and putative adaptive mutations identified. Host-driven convergent mutations have been identified. Evidences supported selection for increased translational efficiency. Next, we sought for the specificity of virus adaptation by infecting all five ecotypes with all 15 evolved virus populations. We found that some ecotypes were more permissive to infection than others, and that some evolved virus isolates were more specialist/generalist than others. The bipartite network linking ecotypes with evolved viruses was significantly nested but not modular, suggesting that hard-to-infect ecotypes were infected by generalist viruses whereas easy-to-infect ecotypes were infected by all viruses, as predicted by a gene-for-gene model of infection.We acknowledge grant BFU2012–30805 from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad to SFE. JMC was supported by a JAE-doc contract from CSIC. JH was supported by a pre-doctoral fellowship from Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadPeer reviewe

    Intra-specific variability and biological relevance of P3N-PIPO protein length in potyviruses

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    BackgroundPipo was recently described as a new ORF encoded within the genome of the Potyviridae family members (PNAS 105:5897–5902, 2008). It is embedded within the P3 cistron and is translated in the +2 reading frame relative to the potyviral long ORF as the P3N-PIPO fusion protein. In this work, we first collected pipo nucleotide sequences available for different isolates of 48 Potyvirus species. Second, to determine the biological implications of variation in pipo length, we measured infectivity, viral accumulation, cell-to-cell and systemic movements for two Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) variants with pipo alleles of different length in three different susceptible host species, and tested for differences between the two variants.ResultsIn addition to inter-specific variation, there was high variation in the length of the PIPO protein among isolates within species (ranging from 1 to 89 amino acids). Furthermore, selection analyses on the P3 cistron did not account for the existence of stop codons in the pipo ORF, but showed that positive selection was significant in the overlapping region for Potato virus Y (PVY) and TuMV. In some cases, variability in length was associated with host species, geographic provenance and/or other strain features. We found significant empirical differences among the phenotypes associated with TuMV pipo alleles, though the magnitude and sign of the effects were host-dependent.ConclusionsThe combination of computational molecular evolution analyses and experiments stemming from these analyses provide clues about the selective pressures acting upon the different-length pipo alleles and show that variation in length may be maintained by host-driven selection

    Interaction of Eu-isotopes with saponite as a component of the engineered barrier

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    Bentonite is accepted as the best clay material in the engineered barrier of deep geological repositories (DGRs) for radioactive waste disposal. In recent years, the interactions between a wide range of rare-earth (REE) cations and smectites have been studied. A combined study of stable europium and radioactive isotopes is reported here. Saponite was subjected to hydrothermal reactions with stable and radioactive (152Eu) europium ions under subcritical conditions. The structural changes of saponite were evaluated by XRD and SEM. The effect of temperature and reaction time on the changes was quantified by measuring 152Eu through gamma spectrometry. The reaction between europium and saponite was a first-order reaction. The presence of Eu in the precipitate in an amount much higher than the cation exchange capacity of saponite confirmed participation of chemical reactions or surface adsorption in the europium immobilization, even at temperatures as low as 150°C. The reaction rate constant indicated that an 8- to 9-month period was needed for the completion, without significant changes, of the europium/saponite chemical reaction under the subcritical conditions of 200°C and 350°C.Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino 300/PC08/3-01.1Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica CTQ2010-1487