5,771 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the power frequency magnetic field generated by three-core armored cables through 3D finite element simulations

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    The great expansion in offshore power plants is raising the concern regarding the cumulative effect of the electromagnetic field emissions caused by submarine power cables. In this sense, owners are required to predict these emissions during the permitting and consenting process of new power plants. This is a challenging task, especially in the case of HVAC three-core armored cables due to their complex geometry. Customarily, 2D approaches based on the finite element method (FEM) have been employed for evaluating the magnetic field emissions caused by these cables. However, inaccurate results are obtained since the phase conductors and armor twisting is omitted. This work develops, for the first time in the literature, an in-depth analysis of the magnetic field caused by this type of cable through an ultra-shortened 3D-FEM model, which is also faced to experimental measurements taken on an actual 132 kV, 800 mm2 three-core armored cable. Relevant conclusions are derived regarding the impact of the cable design on the magnetic field emissions, including material properties, as well as single and double-layer armors, presenting the proposed model not only as a valuable tool for predicting purposes, but also for optimizing cable design in terms of magnetic field emissions

    Multimedia means for professional guidance

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    El contexto de cambio en que nos ha tocado vivir plantea considerables retos a los procesos educativos y formativos. La orientación pretende aportar en esta situación un proceso de ayuda técnica que dote al individuo de los instrumentos y herramientas necesarias para hacer frente a dichas demandas. Con este propósito hemos abordado el diseño de una herramienta telemática para la formación de los orientadores, que presentamos en este trabajoThe changing context in which we are living raises considerable challenges in the educational and formative processes. Vocational guidance tries to bring the technical assistance that provides the individuals with the instrument and tools which are necessary to face these demands. With this intention, the authors have designed a telematic tool for the formation of the guiders, which they present in this paper

    The registry of home artificial nutrition and ambulatory of the Spanish society of parenteral and enteral nutrition: Swot analysis

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    Objetivo: Evidenciar mediante un análisis DAFO-R realizado por consenso de expertos las características más acuciantes del registro de Nutrición Artificial Domiciliaria y Ambulatoria. Material y método: Análisis DAFO-R por consenso de expertos. Se solicitó la participación de los miembros del grupo NADYA activos en los últimos 5 años bajo la premisa de estructurar el DAFO-R sobre las características del registro NADYA desde su inicio. Resultados: Han participado 18 expertos de diferentes hospitales de la geografía española. El análisis interno se inclina positivamente presentando al registro con recursos importantes. En el análisis externo no son numerosas las amenazas, hay factores de gran potencia, “la voluntariedad del registro” y la “dependencia externa de financiación”. Las oportunidades identificadas son importantes. Las recomendaciones se dirigen a la estabilización del sistema disminuyendo las amenazas como foco principal de las estrategias a desarrollar al mismo tiempo que se debe potenciar los puntos identificados en oportunidades y fortalezas. Conclusiones: El registro NADYA se muestra en el análisis con gran potencialidad de mejora. Las recomendaciones propuestas deberán estructurarse para continuar la tendencia de desarrollo y perfeccionamiento de la calidad que ha caracterizado al registro NADYA desde su inicio.Objective: To evidence by means of a SWOT-R analysis performed by an expert consensus the most worrying characteristics of the register on Home-based and Outpatient Artificial Nutrition. Material and methods: SWOT-R analysis with expert consensus. We requested the participation of the active members of the NADYA group within the last 5 years with the premise of structuring the SWOT-R based on the characteristics of the NADYA registry from its beginning. Results: 18 experts from hospitals all over Spain have participated. The internal analysis seems to be positive, presenting the registry as having important resources. The external analysis did not show a great number of threats, there are very potent factors, “the voluntariness” of the registry and the “dependence on external financing”. The opportunities identified are important. The recommendations are aimed at stabilizing the system by decreasing the threats as one of the main focus of the strategies to develop as well as promoting the items identified as opportunities and strengths. Conclusions: The analysis shows that the NADYA register shows a big potentiality for improvement. The proposed recommendations should be structured in order to stay on the track of development and quality improvement that has characterized the NADYA register from the beginnin

    Registro español de nutrición enteral domiciliaria del año 2009; Grupo NADYA-SENPE

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    Objetivo: Describir las características de la Nutrición Enteral Domiciliaria (NED) en España, registrada por el grupo NADYA-SENPE durante el año 2009. Material y métodos: Recopilación y análisis descriptivo de los datos del registro de NED del grupo NADYASENPE desde el 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre de 2009. Resultados: Se registraron 6.540 pacientes, 5,11% más que en el año anterior y 6.649 episodios de NED (3.135 en mujeres, 47,93%) pertenecientes a 32 centros hospitalarios. Siendo 6.238 (95,38%) mayores de 14 años. La edad media en los menores de 14 años fue de 3,67 ± 2,86 y de 72,10 ± 16,89 en los mayores de 14 años. La enfermedad de base que se registró con más frecuencia fue la neurológica en 2.732 (41,77%) ocasiones, seguida de la neoplasia en 1838; 28,10%. La vía de acceso se registró en 1.123 (17,17%) de los episodios, siendo más frecuente la administración por sonda nasogástrica 562 (50,04%). El tiempo medio de tratamiento nutricional fue de 323 días (10,77 meses). Finalizaron 606 episodios de NED, siendo el motivo más frecuentes el fallecimiento del enfermo, lo que aconteció en 295 (48,68%) ocasiones y el paso a alimentación oral en 219 (36,14%). Los pacientes mantenían una actividad normal en 2162 episodios de NED (32,55%) y en 2468 (37,13%) hacían vida “cama-sillón”. El grado de dependencia fue “total” en 2598 (39,07%) de los episodios registrado. El suministro de la fórmula nutricional se realizó desde el hospital en 4.183 (62,91%) casos y por la farmacia de referencia en 2.262 (el 34,02%) y el material fungible se suministró desde el hospital en 3.531 (53,11%) de los casos. Conclusiones: El número de pacientes con NED registrados es superior al del año 2008, continuando con el incremento progresivo desde el inicio del registro. Las características de los mismos mantiene el mismo perfil que en años anteriores con pequeñas variaciones.Objective: To describe the Home Enteral Nutrition Characteristics (HEN) recorded by the group NADYASENPE during 2009. Material and methods: collection and analysis of the data voluntary recorded in the HEN registry from the NADYASENPE group from January 1st to December 31st. Results: 6.540 HEN patients were registered, 5.11% more than the previous year and 6,649 episodes (3,135 in women, 47,93%) from 32 different hospitals. 6,238 of them (95,38%) were over 14 years. The mean age of the patients under 14 yr was 3,67 ± 2,86 and it was 72,10 ± 16,89 in those over 14 yr group. The base illness registered more frequently was the neurological disorders in 2,732 (41,77%) patients, followed by cancer patients in 1,838; 28,10%. The enteral access route was registered in 1,123 (17,17%) of the episodes, being more frequent the administration by nasogastric tube 562 (50,04%). The mean length of nutritional treatment by episode was 323 days (10,77 months). 606 episodes of HEN ended, being the principal reasons for discontinuing treatment the patient death in 295 (48,68%) occasions. The transition to oral feeding occurred in 219 (36,14%) cases. Patients maintained normal activity in 2162 (32,55%) HEN episodes and 2,468 (37,13%) cases were living “bedcouch”. The level of dependence was “total” in 2,598 (39,07%) of the episodes recorded. The nutritional formula was provided by the hospital in 4,183 (62,91%) cases and by the reference pharmacy in 2,262 (el 34,02%). Consumables were provided by the hospital in 3,531 (53,11%) cases. Conclusions: The number of HEN patients recorded increased from the year 2008, continuing the gradual growth increase since the start of registration. The characteristics of the patients remain in the same profile as in previous years

    Activating Transcription Factor 4 Modulates TGFβ-Induced Aggressiveness in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer via SMAD2/3/4 and mTORC2 Signaling

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    Purpose: On the basis of the identified stress-independent cellular functions of activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4), we reported enhanced ATF4 levels in MCF10A cells treated with TGFβ1. ATF4 is overexpressed in patients with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), but its impact on patient survival and the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. We aimed to determine ATF4 effects on patients with breast cancer survival and TNBC aggressiveness, and the relationships between TGFβ and ATF4. Defining the signaling pathways may help us identify a cell signaling-tailored gene signature.Experimental Design: Patient survival data were determined by Kaplan-Meier analysis. Relationship between TGFβ and ATF4, their effects on aggressiveness (tumor proliferation, metastasis, and stemness), and the underlying pathways were analyzed in three TNBC cell lines and in vivo using patient-derived xenografts (PDX).Results: ATF4 overexpression correlated with TNBC patient survival decrease and a SMAD-dependent crosstalk between ATF4 and TGFβ was identified. ATF4 expression inhibition reduced migration, invasiveness, mammosphere-forming efficiency, proliferation, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, and antiapoptotic and stemness marker levels. In PDX models, ATF4 silencing decreased metastases, tumor growth, and relapse after chemotherapy. ATF4 was shown to be active downstream of SMAD2/3/4 and mTORC2, regulating TGFβ/SMAD and mTOR/RAC1-RHOA pathways independently of stress. We defined an eight-gene signature with prognostic potential, altered in 45% of 2,509 patients with breast cancer.Conclusions: ATF4 may represent a valuable prognostic biomarker and therapeutic target in patients with TNBC, and we identified a cell signaling pathway-based gene signature that may contribute to the development of combinatorial targeted therapies for breast cancer

    Seed storage conditions change the germination pattern of clonal growth plants in Mediterranean salt marshes.

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    8 páginas, 4 tablas, 8 figuras.The effect of salinity level and extended exposure to different salinity and flooding conditions on germination patterns of three saltmarsh clonal growth plants (Juncus subulatus, Scirpus litoralis, and S. maritimus) was studied. Seed exposure to extended flooding and saline conditions significantly affected the outcome of the germination process in a different, though predictable, way for each species, after favorable conditions for germination were restored. Tolerance of the germination process was related to the average salinity level measured during the growth/germination season at sites where established individuals of each species dominated the species cover. No relationship was found between salinity tolerance of the germination process and seed response to extended exposure to flooding and salinity conditions. The salinity response was significantly related to the conditions prevailing in the habitats of the respective species during the unfavorable (nongrowth/nongermination) season. Our results indicate that changes in salinity and hydrology while seeds are dormant affect the outcome of the seed-bank response, even when conditions at germination are identical. Because these environmental-history-dependent responses differentially affect seed germination, seedling density, and probably sexual recruitment in the studied and related species, these influences should be considered for wetland restoration and managementFinancial support from the Spanish Ministry of the Environment (MMA, project 05/99) and the Junta de Andalucía (research group 4086)enabled us to carry out the present work.Peer reviewe

    Seed storage conditions change the germination pattern of clonal growth plants in Mediterranean salt marshes.

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    8 páginas, 4 tablas, 8 figuras.The effect of salinity level and extended exposure to different salinity and flooding conditions on germination patterns of three saltmarsh clonal growth plants (Juncus subulatus, Scirpus litoralis, and S. maritimus) was studied. Seed exposure to extended flooding and saline conditions significantly affected the outcome of the germination process in a different, though predictable, way for each species, after favorable conditions for germination were restored. Tolerance of the germination process was related to the average salinity level measured during the growth/germination season at sites where established individuals of each species dominated the species cover. No relationship was found between salinity tolerance of the germination process and seed response to extended exposure to flooding and salinity conditions. The salinity response was significantly related to the conditions prevailing in the habitats of the respective species during the unfavorable (nongrowth/nongermination) season. Our results indicate that changes in salinity and hydrology while seeds are dormant affect the outcome of the seed-bank response, even when conditions at germination are identical. Because these environmental-history-dependent responses differentially affect seed germination, seedling density, and probably sexual recruitment in the studied and related species, these influences should be considered for wetland restoration and managementFinancial support from the Spanish Ministry of the Environment (MMA, project 05/99) and the Junta de Andalucía (research group 4086)enabled us to carry out the present work.Peer reviewe

    Compressed representation of a partially defined integer function over multiple arguments

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    In OLAP (OnLine Analitical Processing) data are analysed in an n-dimensional cube. The cube may be represented as a partially defined function over n arguments. Considering that often the function is not defined everywhere, we ask: is there a known way of representing the function or the points in which it is defined, in a more compact manner than the trivial one

    Combined search for the quarks of a sequential fourth generation

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    Results are presented from a search for a fourth generation of quarks produced singly or in pairs in a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5 inverse femtobarns recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2011. A novel strategy has been developed for a combined search for quarks of the up and down type in decay channels with at least one isolated muon or electron. Limits on the mass of the fourth-generation quarks and the relevant Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements are derived in the context of a simple extension of the standard model with a sequential fourth generation of fermions. The existence of mass-degenerate fourth-generation quarks with masses below 685 GeV is excluded at 95% confidence level for minimal off-diagonal mixing between the third- and the fourth-generation quarks. With a mass difference of 25 GeV between the quark masses, the obtained limit on the masses of the fourth-generation quarks shifts by about +/- 20 GeV. These results significantly reduce the allowed parameter space for a fourth generation of fermions.Comment: Replaced with published version. Added journal reference and DO

    Measurement of the t t-bar production cross section in the dilepton channel in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV

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    The t t-bar production cross section (sigma[t t-bar]) is measured in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV in data collected by the CMS experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.3 inverse femtobarns. The measurement is performed in events with two leptons (electrons or muons) in the final state, at least two jets identified as jets originating from b quarks, and the presence of an imbalance in transverse momentum. The measured value of sigma[t t-bar] for a top-quark mass of 172.5 GeV is 161.9 +/- 2.5 (stat.) +5.1/-5.0 (syst.) +/- 3.6(lumi.) pb, consistent with the prediction of the standard model.Comment: Replaced with published version. Included journal reference and DO