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    Estrutura de assembléias de peixes em uma área de exploração petrolífera na Amazônia (Bacia do Rio Urucu, Amazonas, Brasil).

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    The objective of this study was to characterize fish assemblages of the Urucu River in areas of close proximity to oil and natural gas exploration, and to investigate whether there was any impact on the assemblages associated with these activities. The collections were made in an area upstream of the ports, for control (PCONT) (4 ° 51 '20.7''S - 65 º 20' 53.2''W), also held collections downstream (500 meters ) port Urucu (PJU) (4 ° 50 '59.3''S - 65 º 20' 37.4''W) (Figure 3). The collections were also held in front of the port Evandro 2 (PPE2) (4 ° 45 '47.9''S - 65 º 02' 46.6''W), 90 km equidistant urucu the port and the amount (PME2) (4 º 45 '42''S - 65 º 20' 37.4''W) and downstream (PJE2) of the same port (4 ° 45 '26.4''S - 65 º 02' 38.7''W), also captures were performed in front of the port Evandro 1 (PPE1) (4 ° 45 '18.1''S - 65 º 02' 40.9''W) and downstream of that point (PJE1) (4 ° 45 '02.2'' S - 65 º 02 '42.6''W) is located on all these points Urucu river in the city of Coari, Amazonas, Brazil. In total, 923 fish specimens from 7 orders, 23 families and 82 species were collected, with a total biomass of 166.82 kg. Characiformes were the predominant group followed by Siluriformes, while Clupeiformes, Osteoglossiformes, Perciformes, Beloniformes and Pleuronectiformes together amounted to less than 10% of the total capture. The Characidae family (30%), and sub-families Serrasalminae (15%) and Osteoglossidae (13%) were the most abundant during the low water period, while the Characidae (42%) and Callichthydae (16%) families, and sub-families Serrasalmidade (14%) and Pristigateridae (11%) were the most abundant during high water. The most abundant families per collection point during high water were: Characidae at PCONT (43%), PJU (48%), PME2 (34%) and PJE1 (52%) e PJE1 (51%), Osteoglossidae at PPE2 (42%) and Hemiodontidae at PJE2 (24%). During low water the most abundant families were: Characidae at PPE2 (54%), PME2 (38%), PCONT (45%), PJU (37%) and PJE2 (24%), and Callichthyidae at PJE1 (40%). The piranha species Serrasalmus rhombeus presented the highest abundance (11%) and occorrence frequency (91%), followed by Bryconops alburnoides, Dianema urostriatum and Osteoglossum bicirrhosum. Fish abundance, CPUE, biomass, species richness, Shannon diversity index, uniformity and dominance all varied between the two hydrological periods. The high water period presented 489 specimens and the dry period 439. The largest ratio of abundance/biomass was encountered at PJE1 during the high water period (n=122/15.17 g) and the smallest at Pcontrol during low water (n=32/5.95 g). CPUE based on abundance was largest during high water (0.33) and lowest during low water (0.30). PJE1 presented the highest CPUE (0.50; high water) and PCONT the lowest (0.13; low water). The highest and lowest species richness, respectively, were encountered at PJE1 during high water (35) and at Pcontrol during low water (12). The highest (4.22) and lowest (0.80) levels of diversity, calculated by the Shannon Index, were encountered at PJU during high and low water, respectively. PJU and PJE1 presented the highest values of uniformity during low water (J'=0.90), while PJU presented a much lower value at high water (J'=0.20). The largest dominance was encountered at PPE2 during high water (0.19) and the lowest at PJU during low water (0.07). The dominant species per collection point were: Dianema urostriatum at PJE1 and PJE2, Bryconops alburnoides at PPE2, Chalceus erythrurus at PJU and Serrasalmus rhombeus at Pcontrol and PME2. In terms of petroleum contamination, sampling point PCONT was classified as Stage I, which is associated with some physiological stress for aquatic fauna coping with moderate levels of pollution. Based on ABC curves and numerical indexes, it’s not possible to clearly determine if points downstream from PCONT were being impacted from petroleum exploration in the region. However, for PJU, which was classified as very polluted and is located immediately downstream from Port Urucu, this argument makes sense. Significant levels of aliphatic hydrocarbons indicate that contamination from sources petrogênicas were not detected by chemical analysis of water taken. The highest concentrations of n-alcanes (n-C29 during low water and n-C31 during high water) were found to be derivatives of vegetable matter combustion. From all of the environmental variables analyzed, stream width separated the collection points into two groups, with one formed by PCONT, for both hydrological periods, and the other made up of the rest of the collection points. An increase in width going downstream is consistent with the River Continuum Concept, which explains how diverse changes in hydrology occur from the headwaters to the mouth of a stream or river. Width, depth, temperature and alyphatic hydrocarbon concentrations were the principal structured variables of the studied assemblages.O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar as assembléias de peixes do rio Urucu, nas proximidades de áreas portuárias de uma base de exploração de gás natural e petróleo, que poderia estar sendo impactada por esta atividade. As coletas foram realizadas em uma área a montante dos portos, para fins de controle (PCONT) (4º 51’ 20,7’’S - 65º 20’ 53,2’’O), sendo também realizadas coletas a jusante (500 metros) do porto Urucu (PJU) (4º 50’ 59,3’’ S - 65º 20’ 37,4’’ O) (Figura 3). As coletas foram também realizadas a frente do porto Evandro 2 (PPE2) (4º 45’ 47,9’’ S - 65º 02’ 46,6’’ O), eqüidistante 90 km do porto urucu, assim como a montante (PME2) (4º 45’ 42’’ S - 65º 20’ 37,4’’ O) e a jusante (PJE2) deste mesmo porto (4º 45’ 26,4’’ S - 65º 02’ 38,7’’ O), também foram realizadas capturas a frente do porto Evandro 1 (PPE1) (4º 45’ 18,1’’ S - 65º 02’ 40,9’’ O) e a jusante deste mesmo ponto (PJE1) (4º 45’ 02,2’’ S - 65º 02’ 42,6’’ O) sendo todos estes pontos localizados no rio Urucu, no município de Coari, Amazonas, Brasil. Foram coletados 923 indivíduos distribuídos em 7 ordens, 23 famílias e 82 espécies perfazendo uma biomassa total de 166.819g. Os Characiformes foram o grupo predominante seguido pelos Siluriformes, sendo as ordens Clupeiformes, Osteoglossiformes, Perciformes, Beloniformes e Pleuronectiformes com menos de 10% do total capturado. As famílias Characidae (30%), sub-família Serrasalminae (15%) e Osteoglossidae (13%) foram as mais abundantes no período da seca enquanto que na cheia as famílias Characidae (42%), Callichthydae (16%), sub-familia Serrasalmidade (14%) e Pristigateridae (11%) foram as mais representativas. As famílias mais representativas por ponto de coleta na cheia foram: Characidae no PCONT (43%), PJU (48%), PME2 (34%) e PJE1 (52%) e PJE1 (51%), Osteoglossidae no PPE2 (42%) e Hemiodontidae no PJE2 (24%) e na seca foram: Characidae no PPE2 (54%), PME2 (38%), PCONT (45%), PJU (37%) e PJE2 (24%) e a familia Callichthyidae no PJE1 (40%). A piranha Serrasalmus rhombeus apresentou a maior abundância (11%) e freqüência de ocorrência (91%), seguida pelas espécies Bryconops alburnoides, Dianema urostriatum e Osteoglossum bicirrhosum. A abundância de peixes, CPUE, biomassa, riqueza, diversidade de Shannon, Uniformidade e dominância variaram entre os períodos do ciclo hidrológico. A cheia apresentou 489 exemplares e a seca 439. A maior e menor abundância/biomassa foi encontrada no PJE1 na cheia (n=122/15.170g) e Pcontrole na seca (n=32/5.950g), respectivamente. A CPUE baseada na abundância foi maior na cheia (0.33) e menor na seca (0.30), o PJE1 (0.50/cheia) apresentou a maior CPUE e o PCONT (0.13/seca) a menor. A maior e a menor riqueza, respectivamente, foram encontradas no PJE1 na cheia (35) e Pcontrole na seca (12). A maior (4.22) e menor (0.80) diversidade, calculada pelo Índice de Shannon, foi encontrada no PJU na seca e na cheia, respectivamente. O PJU e o PJE1 apresentaram-se mais uniformes na seca (J'=0.90) e o PJU menos na cheia (J'=0,20). A maior dominância foi encontrada no PPE2 na cheia (0.19) e a menor no PJU na seca (0.07). As espécies dominantes por ponto de coleta foram: Dianema urostriatum no PJE1 e PJE2, Bryconops alburnoides no PPE2, Chalceus erythrurus no PJU e Serrasalmus rhombeus no Pcontrole e PME2. O PCONT foi classificado como em um 1ª estágio de poluição ou com influência de estresse decorrente de poluição em nível moderado. Não se pôde chegar a uma conclusão clara, com base nas análises das curvas ABC e índice numérico, de que os pontos a jusante do PCONT estavam sendo realmente impactados pelas atividades portuárias neste rio, exceto para o PJU, que foi classificado como ”poluído” e esteve localizado imediatamente a jusante do Porto Urucu. Níveis significativos de hidrocarbonetos alifáticos que apontassem contaminação proveniente de fontes petrogênicasnao não foram detectados pelas análises químicas de água realizadas. Os n-alcanos de maior concentração (n-C29 (seca) e n-C31 (cheia)) foram oriundos de combustão de material vegetal. Dentre todas as variáveis ambientais analisadas, a variável largura separou os pontos de coleta em dois grupos, sendo um grupo formado somente pelo PCONT, em ambos os períodos, e outro grupo pelos demais pontos de coleta. O padrão de aumento em largura na direção montante-jusante é explicado pelo conceito de Zonação ou Continuum, que descreve a ocorrência de diversas mudanças no corpo hídrico desde a nascente até a foz. A largura, profundidade, temperatura e concentração de hidrocarbonetos alifáticos foram as principais variáveis estruturadoras da assembléia estudada


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    Na Amazônia há uma forte pressão ambiental causada por diversas atividades, dentre elas a exploração de minérios como petróleo e ouro. Rios desta região são alterados físico-química e biologicamente por serem os principais coletores dos contaminantes produzidos pela atividade humana. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar as assembléias de peixes do rio Urucu nas proximidades de áreas portuárias de uma base de exploração de petróleo e gás natural, sendo estas possivelmente impactadas por esta atividade explorativa. As coletas foram realizadas nos períodos de cheia e seca, em seis pontos: jusante do porto Evandro1 (PJE1), jusante do porto Evandro2 (PJE2), porto Evandro2 (PPE2), montante do porto Evandro2 (PME2), jusante do porto Urucu (PJU) e montante do porto Urucu (Pcontrole), em um trecho de 94,5 Km do rio Urucu, Coari / Amazonas / Brasil. Na cheia, foram coletados 489 exemplares e na seca, 439; sendo distribuídos em 82 espécies, com maior representatividade de Characiformes seguido dos Siluriformes. A maior e menor abundância foram encontradas no PJE1 na cheia (n = 122) e no Pcontrole na seca (n = 32), respectivamente. A maior e a menor riqueza, respectivamente, foram encontradas no PJE1 na cheia e Pcontrole na seca. O PJU e o PJE1 apresentaram-se mais uniformes na seca e o PJU menos na cheia. A piranha Serrasalmus rhombeus foi a espécie de maior abundância e freqüência de ocorrência quando comparada às outras espécies. As assembléias de peixes do trecho estudado em ambos os períodos do ciclo hidrológico, não foram alteradas pela atividade portuária local. Todavia, o intenso tráfego de balsas na área pode promover mudanças nas margens do rio, resultando em impactos de baixa magnitude, porém cumulativos, que podem gerar efeitos somente detectados com estudos a médio e longo prazo.Palavras-chave: ecologia, ictiofauna, impacto Ambiental, Amazônia, petróleo.ABSTRACTStructure of the assemblage of fish in an area of oil exploration in the Amazon (river basin Urucu, Amazonas, Brazil)In the Amazon there is a strong environmental pressure caused by various activities, including the exploitation of gold and oil. Rivers of this region are main collectors of contaminants produced by human activity, so their physic-chemical and biological characteristics are changed. The objective of this study was to characterize the fish assemblages of River Urucu, close of port areas at the exploitation’s basis of oil and natural gas, which one could be impacted by this activity. The samples were made in low and high water level in six points: downstream port Evandro1 (PJE1), downstream port Evandro2 (PJE2), port Evandro2 (PPE2), amount port Evandro2 (PME2), downstream port Urucu (PJU) and amount port Urucu (Pcontrole) in a stretch of 94.5 km of River Urucu, Coari / Amazon / Brazil. In wet season, 489 individuals were captured and in the dry season, 439; belonging to 82 species, with Characiformes as the most representative order followed by Siluriformes. The highest and lowest abundance was found in PJE1 in full (n = 122) and in dry Pcontrole (n = 32), respectively. The highest and lowest wealth, respectively, were found in PJE1 in the flood and drought in Pcontrole. The PJU and PJE1 had become more uniform at least in dry and PJU full. The piranha Serrasalmus rhombeus had the higher frequency of occurrence and abundance than all the other species. The fish assemblage of words studied in both periods of the hydrological cycle, were not altered by the local port activity. However, the heavy traffic of barges in the area can promote changes in the river, resulting in impacts of low, but cumulative, effects that can generate only detected with studies in the medium and long term.Key-words: ecology, ichthyofauna, environmental impact, Amazon, oil

    Caracterização da dieta de Melanosuchus niger (Spix, 1825) e Caiman crocodilus (Linnaeus, 1758) na Resex Lago do Cuniã, Rondônia

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    e aim of this study was to characterize the diet of male individuals of Melanosuchus niger and Caiman crocodilus in a lake at the Reserva Extrativista do Lago do Cuniã, Rondônia. We collected guts of the animals in November/2016, rainy season, provided by the local Cooperative (COOPCuniã). Caimans abdominal cavities were opened and their stomach were removed, aer the gut contents were stored in 70% alcohol, and food items were analyzed. We analyzed 82 stomachs, 42 of M. niger and 40 of C. crocodilus. Food items such as fragments of birds, amphibians, crustaceans, insects, and plant material were ingered by the species studied. However, the most representative items in the diet of M. niger and C. crocodilus were fishes from the Characifomes and Siluriformes order of no commercial importance. .O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a dieta de indivíduos machos de Melanosuchus niger e Caiman crocodilus em um lago da Reserva Extrativista do Lago do Cuniã, Rondônia. Foram coletados intestinos dos animais em novembro/2016, estação chuvosa, fornecidos pela Cooperativa local (COOPCuniã). As cavidades abdominais dos jacarés foram abertas e seu estômago foi retirado e armazenado em álcool a 70%, e os alimentos foram analisados. Foram analisados 82 estômagos, 42 de M. niger e 40 de C. crocodilus. Alimentos como fragmentos de aves, anfíbios, crustáceos, insetos e material vegetal foram ingeridos pelas espécies estudadas. No entanto, os itens mais representativos na dieta de M. niger e C. crocodilus foram peixes da ordem Characifomes e Siluriformes sem importância comercial

    Relação peso-comprimento de peixes do rio Tarumã, drenagem do rio Machado, Rondônia, Norte do Brasil

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    The present work provides the estimates of morphometric relationships for 13 freshwater fish species collected in tarumã River, Jaru Biological Reserve, in May and September 2015 using gill nets. New length–weight relationships for 2 species, new maximum weight for 4 species and maximum sizes recorded for 3 species of the Amazonian basin.O presente trabalho fornece as estimativas de relações morfométricas para 13 espécies de peixes de água doce coletadas no rio tarumã, Reserva Biológica do Jaru, em maio e setembro de 2015, utilizando malhadeiras. São apresentadas novas relações comprimento-peso para 2 espécies, novo peso máximo para 4 espécies e tamanhos máximos registrados para 3 espécies da bacia amazônica

    Perfil epidemiológico de pacientes com Sepse em Alagoas: uma análise de 2016-2020

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    Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo traçar o perfil epidemiológico de pacientes com sepse entre os anos de 2016 a 2020 em Maceió, Alagoas. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo epidemiológico, realizado em Maceió, a partir do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do Sistema Único de Saúde (SIH/SUS), no período de 2016 a 2020, e das seguintes variáveis: Cor/raça, sexo e idade. Resultados: Foram realizadas tabelas para facilitar a análise e comparação dos dados. Infere-se que a maioria das internações por sepse em Alagoas foram realizadas em Maceió, sendo majoritariamente em indivíduos de idade inferior a cinco anos, pardos e homens; com exceção de 2020, em que a população feminina internada superou a masculina.  Conclusão: Tendo em mente que a maioria dos casos tanto em Alagoas como na sua capital são de crianças e idosos do sexo masculino e pardos, medidas poderão ser tomadas para prevenção de novos casos e para o direcionamento da conduta intra-hospitalar

    Technical Design Report - TDR CYGNO-04/INITIUM

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    The aim of this Technical Design Report is to illustrate the technological choices foreseen to be implemented in the construction of the CYGNO-04 demonstrator, motivate them against the experiment physics goals of CYGNO-30 and demonstrate the financial sustainability of the project. CYGNO-04 represents PHASE 1 of the long term CYGNO roadmap, towards the development of large high precision tracking gaseous Time Projection Chamber (TPC) for directional Dark Matter searches and solar neutrino spectroscopy. The CYGNO project1 peculiarities reside in the optical readout of the light produced during the amplification of the primary ionization electrons in a stack of triple Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs), thanks to the nice scintillation properties of the chosen He:CF4 gas mixture. To this aim, CYGNO is exploiting the fast progress in commercial scientific Active Pixel Sensors (APS) development for highly performing sCMOS cameras, whose high granularity and sensitivity allow to significantly boost tracking, improve particle identification and lower the energy threshold. The X-Y track project obtained from the reconstruction of the sCMOS images is combined with a PMT measurement to obtain a full 3D track reconstruction. In addition, several synergic R&Ds based on the CYGNO experimental approach are under development in the CYGNO collaboration (see Sec 2) to further enhance the light yield by means of electro luminescence after the amplification stage, to improve the tracking performances by exploiting negative ion drift operation within the INITIUM ERC Consolidator Grant, and to boost the sensitivity to O(GeV) Dark Matter masses by employing hydrogen rich target towards the development of PHASE 2 (see Sec. 1.2). While still under optimization and subject to possible significant improvements, the CYGNO experimental approach performances and capabilities demonstrated so far with prototypes allow to foresee the development of an O(30) m3 experiment by 2026 for a cost of O(10) MEUROs. A CYGNO-30 experiment would be able to give a significant contribution to the search and study of Dark Matter with masses below 10 GeV/c2 for both SI and SD coupling. In case of a Dark Matter observation claim by other experiments, the information provided by a directional detector such as CYGNO would be fundamental to positively confirm the galactic origin of the allegedly detected Dark Matter signal. CYGNO-30 could furthermore provide the first directional measurement of solar neutrinos from the pp chain, possibly extending to lower energies the Borexino measurement2. In order to reach this goal, the CYGNO project is proceeding through a staged approach. The PHASE 0 50 L detector (LIME, recently installed underground LNGS) will validate the full performances of the optical readout via APS commercial cameras and PMTs and the Montecarlo simulation of the expected backgrounds. The full CYGNO-04 demonstrator will be realized with all the technological and material choices foreseen for CYGNO-30, to demonstrate the scalability of the experimental approach and the potentialities of the large PHASE 2 detector to reach the expected physics goals. The first PHASE 1 design anticipated a 1 m3 active volume detector with two back-to-back TPCs with a central cathode and 500 mm drift length. Each 1 m2 readout area would have been composed by 9 + 9 readout modules having the LIME PHASE 0 dimensions and layout. Time (end of INITIUM project by March 2025) and current space availability at underground LNGS (only Hall F) forced the rescaling of the PHASE 1 active volume and design to a 0.4 m3, hence CYGNO-04. CYGNO-04 will keep the back-to-back double TPC layout with 500 mm drift length each, but with an 800 x 500 mm2 readout area covered by a 2 + 2 modules based on LIME design. The reduction of the detector volume has no impact on the technological objectives of PHASE 1, since the modular design with central cathode, detector materials and shieldings and auxiliary systems are independent of the total volume. The physics reach (which is a byproduct of PHASE 1 and NOT an explicit goal) will be only very partially reduced (less than a factor 2 overall) since a smaller detector volume implies also a reduced background from internal materials radioactivity. In addition, the cost reduction of CYGNO-04 of about 1⁄3 with respect to CYGNO-1 illustrated in the CDR effectively makes the overall project more financially sustainable (see CBS in the last section). In summary this document will explain: the physical motivation of the CYGNO project and the technical motivations of the downscale of the PHASE 1 to CYGNO-04, 400 liters of active volume, with respect to the demonstrator presented in the CDR; the results of R&D and the Montecarlo expectations for PHASE 0; the technical choices, procedures and the executive drawings of CYGNO-04 in the Hall F of the LNGS; safety evaluations and the interference/request to the LNGS services; Project management, WBS/WBC, WP, GANTT, ec

    The Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment: Exploring Fundamental Symmetries of the Universe

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    The preponderance of matter over antimatter in the early Universe, the dynamics of the supernova bursts that produced the heavy elements necessary for life and whether protons eventually decay --- these mysteries at the forefront of particle physics and astrophysics are key to understanding the early evolution of our Universe, its current state and its eventual fate. The Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment (LBNE) represents an extensively developed plan for a world-class experiment dedicated to addressing these questions. LBNE is conceived around three central components: (1) a new, high-intensity neutrino source generated from a megawatt-class proton accelerator at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, (2) a near neutrino detector just downstream of the source, and (3) a massive liquid argon time-projection chamber deployed as a far detector deep underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility. This facility, located at the site of the former Homestake Mine in Lead, South Dakota, is approximately 1,300 km from the neutrino source at Fermilab -- a distance (baseline) that delivers optimal sensitivity to neutrino charge-parity symmetry violation and mass ordering effects. This ambitious yet cost-effective design incorporates scalability and flexibility and can accommodate a variety of upgrades and contributions. With its exceptional combination of experimental configuration, technical capabilities, and potential for transformative discoveries, LBNE promises to be a vital facility for the field of particle physics worldwide, providing physicists from around the globe with opportunities to collaborate in a twenty to thirty year program of exciting science. In this document we provide a comprehensive overview of LBNE's scientific objectives, its place in the landscape of neutrino physics worldwide, the technologies it will incorporate and the capabilities it will possess.Comment: Major update of previous version. This is the reference document for LBNE science program and current status. Chapters 1, 3, and 9 provide a comprehensive overview of LBNE's scientific objectives, its place in the landscape of neutrino physics worldwide, the technologies it will incorporate and the capabilities it will possess. 288 pages, 116 figure

    LIME -- a gas TPC prototype for directional Dark Matter search for the CYGNO experiment

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    The CYGNO experiment aims at the development of a large gaseous TPC with GEM-based amplification and an optical readout by means of PMTs and scientific CMOS cameras for 3D tracking down to O(keV) energies, for the directional detection of rare events such as low mass Dark Matter and solar neutrino interactions. The largest prototype built so far towards the realisation of the CYGNO experiment demonstrator is the 50 L active volume LIME, with 4 PMTs and a single sCMOS imaging a 33×\times33 cm\textsuperscript{2} area for 50 cm drift, that has been installed in underground Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in February 2022. We will illustrate LIME performances as evaluated overground in Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati by means of radioactive X-ray sources, and in particular the detector stability, energy response and energy resolution. We will discuss the MC simulation developed to reproduce the detector response and show the comparison with actual data. We will furthermore examine the background simulation worked out for LIME underground data taking and illustrate the foreseen expected measurement and results in terms of natural and materials intrinsic radioactivity characterisation and measurement of the LNGS underground natural neutron flux. The results that will be obtained by underground LIME installation will be paramount in the optimisation of the CYGNO demonstrator, since this is foreseen to be composed by multiple modules with the same LIME dimensions and characteristics

    Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for extraversion:Findings from the Genetics of Personality Consortium

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    Extraversion is a relatively stable and heritable personality trait associated with numerous psychosocial, lifestyle and health outcomes. Despite its substantial heritability, no genetic variants have been detected in previous genome-wide association (GWA) studies, which may be due to relatively small sample sizes of those studies. Here, we report on a large meta-analysis of GWA studies for extraversion in 63,030 subjects in 29 cohorts. Extraversion item data from multiple personality inventories were harmonized across inventories and cohorts. No genome-wide significant associations were found at the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) level but there was one significant hit at the gene level for a long non-coding RNA site (LOC101928162). Genome-wide complex trait analysis in two large cohorts showed that the additive variance explained by common SNPs was not significantly different from zero, but polygenic risk scores, weighted using linkage information, significantly predicted extraversion scores in an independent cohort. These results show that extraversion is a highly polygenic personality trait, with an architecture possibly different from other complex human traits, including other personality traits. Future studies are required to further determine which genetic variants, by what modes of gene action, constitute the heritable nature of extraversion