25 research outputs found

    Context-aware prioritization of information: an architecture for real-time in-vehicle information management

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    Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs) are the communication devices between in-vehicle applications and the driver. Frequently, independent HMIs are used for different applications which may cause information overload situations at the driver. Hence, a common HMI design that determines the application interface with an HMI Manager that provides rules for prioritizing information from different applications is needed. The design takes into account: application transparency, driver situation awareness, driver workload and surrounding external influences. By reducing distraction, especially when the situation requires more attention of the driver, the need for controlling the information flow emerges. This paper presents a driver-centred unified approach for in-vehicle information managemen

    Trust in a multi-tenant, logistics, data sharing infrastructure:Opportunities for blockchain technology

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    In support of the trend towards ever more complex supply chain collaboration for the physical Internet, a trusted, multi-tenant (and interoperable) data sharing infrastructure has to be enabled. Trust is a condition sine qua non organizations may not be prepared to share potentially competitive sensitive information. As such, trust has to be an essential design aspect for any multi-tenant data sharing infrastructure for the data sharing stakeholders To overcome the challenges for trusted data sharing, various reference architectures for a trusted, multi-tenant, data sharing infrastructure are being developed. As such, the Industrial Data Space (IDS) initiative is currently gaining attention. It’s based on the architectural principles of keeping the data owner in control over his data and keeping data, data processing and data distribution at the source. Its reference architecture is strongly grounded on a role / stakeholder model for the intermediary trusted roles to enable peer-to-peer data sharing over a controlled and trusted connector infrastructure. The intermediary trusted roles may contain and process meta-data on the data sources, the data transactions and/or on the identities of the parties involved in the data sharing. This paper focuses on the role of blockchain technology for improving trust levels for such intermediary trusted roles

    The observers' view of (very) long X-ray bursts: they are super!

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    In many X-ray point sources on the sky, the X-ray emission arises because hydrogen and/or helium is accreted onto a neutron star from a nearby donor star. When this matter settles on the neutron star surface, it will undergo nuclear fusion. For a large range of physical parameters the fusion is unstable. The resulting thermo-nuclear explosions last from seconds to minutes. They are observed as short flares in X-rays and are called `type I X-ray bursts'. Recently, hours-long X-ray flares have been found in seven X-ray burst sources with the BeppoSAX/WFC, RXTE/ASM and RXTE/PCA. They have similar properties to the usual X-ray bursts, except they last for two or three orders of magnitude longer (hence they are referred to as `superbursts'). This can not be understood in the context of the standard nuclear-fusion picture mentioned above. Instead, the superbursts are thought to be related to the unstable burning of the leftovers from the hydrogen and/or helium fusion. I will discuss the observational properties of these superbursts.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures; to appear in Proc. of the 2nd BeppoSAX Meeting: "The Restless High-Energy Universe" (Amsterdam, May 5-8, 2003), E.P.J. van den Heuvel, J.J.M. in 't Zand, and R.A.M.J. Wijers (Eds), Nucl. Physics B. Suppl. Ser., Elsevie

    Gene-expression of metastasized versus non-metastasized primary head and neck squamous cell carcinomas: A pathway-based analysis

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    Background: Regional lymph node metastasis is an important prognostic factor in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) and plays a decisive role in the choice of treatment. Here, we present an independent gene expression validation study of metastasized versus non-metastasized HNSCC. Methods: We used a dataset recently published by Roepman et al. as reference dataset and an independent gene expression dataset of 11 metastasized and 11 non-metastasized HNSCC tumors as validation dataset. Reference and validation studies were performed on different microarray platforms with different probe sets and probe content. In addition to a supervised gene-based analysis, a supervised pathway-based analysis was performed, evaluating differences in gene expression for predefined tumorigenesis- and metastasis related gene sets. Results: The gene-based analysis showed 26 significant differentially expressed genes in the reference dataset, 21 of which were present on the microarray platform used in the validation study. 7 of these genes appeared to be significantly expressed in the validation dataset, but failed to pass the correction for multiple testing. The pathway-based analysis revealed 23 significant differentially expressed gene sets, 7 of which were statistically validated. These gene sets are involved in extracellular matrix remodeling (MMPs, MMP regulating pathways and the uPA system), hypoxia and angiogenesis (HIF1α regulated angiogenic factors and HIF1α regulated invasion). Conclusion: Pathways that are differentially expressed between metastasized and non-metastasized HNSCC are involved in the processes of extracellular matrix remodeling, hypoxia and angiogenesis. A supervised pathway-based analysis enhances the understanding of the biological context of the results, the comparability of results across different microarray studies, and reduces multiple testing problems by focusing on a limited number of pathways of interest instead of analyzing the large number of probes available on the microarray

    BeppoSAX-WFC monitoring of the Galactic Center region

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    We review the results obtained with the Galactic center campaigns of the BeppoSAX Wide Field X-ray Cameras (WFCs). This pertains to the study of luminous low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs). When pointed at the Galactic center, the WFC field of view contains more than half of the Galactic LMXB population. The results exemplify the excellent WFC capability to detect brief X-ray transients. Firstly, the WFCs expanded the known population of Galactic thermonuclear X-ray bursters by 50%. At least half of all LMXBs are now established to burst and, thus, to contain a neutron star as compact accretor rather than a black hole candidate. We provide a complete list of all 76 currently known bursters, including the new case 1RXS J170854.4-321857. Secondly, the WFCs have uncovered a population of weak transients with peak luminosities up to ~10^37 erg/s and durations from days to weeks. One is the first accretion-powered millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658. Thirdly, the WFCs contributed considerably towards establishing that nearly all (12 out of 13) luminous low-mass X-ray binaries in Galactic globular clusters contain neutron stars rather than black holes. Thus, the neutron star to black hole ratio in clusters differs from that in the Galactic disk at a marginal confidence level of 97%.Comment: 10 pages 6 figures, to appear in Proc. "The Restless High-Energy Universe" (2nd BeppoSAX Symposium), eds. E.P.J. van den Heuvel, J.J.M. in 't Zand & R.A.M.J. Wijers, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B Suppl. Se

    Similar gene expression profiles of sporadic, PGL2-, and SDHD-linked paragangliomas suggest a common pathway to tumorigenesis

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    Contains fulltext : 81540.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Paragangliomas of the head and neck are highly vascular and usually clinically benign tumors arising in the paraganglia of the autonomic nervous system. A significant number of cases (10-50%) are proven to be familial. Multiple genes encoding subunits of the mitochondrial succinate-dehydrogenase (SDH) complex are associated with hereditary paraganglioma: SDHB, SDHC and SDHD. Furthermore, a hereditary paraganglioma family has been identified with linkage to the PGL2 locus on 11q13. No SDH genes are known to be located in the 11q13 region, and the exact gene defect has not yet been identified in this family. METHODS: We have performed a RNA expression microarray study in sporadic, SDHD- and PGL2-linked head and neck paragangliomas in order to identify potential differences in gene expression leading to tumorigenesis in these genetically defined paraganglioma subgroups. We have focused our analysis on pathways and functional gene-groups that are known to be associated with SDH function and paraganglioma tumorigenesis, i.e. metabolism, hypoxia, and angiogenesis related pathways. We also evaluated gene clusters of interest on chromosome 11 (i.e. the PGL2 locus on 11q13 and the imprinted region 11p15). RESULTS: We found remarkable similarity in overall gene expression profiles of SDHD -linked, PGL2-linked and sporadic paraganglioma. The supervised analysis on pathways implicated in PGL tumor formation also did not reveal significant differences in gene expression between these paraganglioma subgroups. Moreover, we were not able to detect differences in gene-expression of chromosome 11 regions of interest (i.e. 11q23, 11q13, 11p15). CONCLUSION: The similarity in gene-expression profiles suggests that PGL2, like SDHD, is involved in the functionality of the SDH complex, and that tumor formation in these subgroups involves the same pathways as in SDH linked paragangliomas. We were not able to clarify the exact identity of PGL2 on 11q13. The lack of differential gene-expression of chromosome 11 genes might indicate that chromosome 11 loss, as demonstrated in SDHD-linked paragangliomas, is an important feature in the formation of paragangliomas regardless of their genetic background.1 p

    The Large Observatory for x-ray timing

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    The Large Observatory For x-ray Timing (LOFT) was studied within ESA M3 Cosmic Vision framework and participated in the final down-selection for a launch slot in 2022-2024. Thanks to the unprecedented combination of effective area and spectral resolution of its main instrument, LOFT will study the behaviour of matter under extreme conditions, such as the strong gravitational field in the innermost regions of accretion flows close to black holes and neutron stars, and the supra-nuclear densities in the interior of neutron stars. The science payload is based on a Large Area Detector (LAD, 10 m2 effective area, 2-30 keV, 240 eV spectral resolution, 1° collimated field of view) and a WideField Monitor (WFM, 2-50 keV, 4 steradian field of view, 1 arcmin source location accuracy, 300 eV spectral resolution). The WFM is equipped with an on-board system for bright events (e.g. GRB) localization. The trigger time and position of these events are broadcast to the ground within 30 s from discovery. In this paper we present the status of the mission at the end of its Phase A study

    Modelling business process redesign strategies for improved reverse logistics in an aircraft component supply chain: A case study at KLM Engineering & Maintenance Component Services

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    Within aircraft component MRO industry, companies providing availability contracts are challenged by inherently unpredictable demand patterns and complex time crucial operations. Most prevailing academic literature within the MRO industry has focused on availability models or operations management in repair shops in the past. This study focuses on one of the most critical, and often neglected parts of the MRO supply chain. The reverse logistic flow of aircraft components. A research methodology was constructed by integrating the adapted DMADE (Define, Measure, Analyse, Design, Evaluate) structure from Lean Six Sigma and a number of different business process improvement methodologies from the literature in combination with a simulation study. The aim of the study is to identify a methodology with practical design criteria on how to redesign the reverse logistical processes of a component MRO provider, in order to improve the performance from an integral supply chain perspective. For this purpose a case study is performed and the current state of the closed loop supply chain of KLM E&M was measured and analysed. By analysing this current state, design criteria for redesign are determined. A new automated logistic handling area is introduced by separating the physical and administrative handling operations. The proposed redesign is evaluated using discrete event simulation. Through optimisation modelling the optimal balance between inventory, resources and time required to handle the volatile demand pattern to achieve a desired service level, is determined. By optimising the capacity in handling the total time in the supply chain can be shortened. The redesign was evaluated using different levels of proactive repair order creation and skill configurations. Results from the case study showed the relationship between process efficiency, available capacity in terms of manpower, inventory, service level, and handling time. By separating the physical from the administrative flow, reducing handovers and transactions, generating repair orders in advance and shifting from inventory buffers to capacity buffers the reverse logistic flow of component MRO providers can be drastically improved.Transport, Infrastructure and Logistic

    Real-time context aware reasoning in on-board intelligent traffic systems: An Architecture for Ontology-based Reasoning using Finite State Machines

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    In-vehicle information management is vital in intelligent traffic systems. In this paper we motivate an architecture for ontology-based context-aware reasoning for in-vehicle information management. An ontology is essential for system standardization and communication, and ontology-based reasoning allows context-awareness, inference and advanced reasoning capabilities. However, the amount of computational power it requires often conflicts with the computational limitations of on-board units, as well as the high demand for timeliness and safety. Our approach uses ontology-based reasoning and a finite state machine (FSM). By combining ontology and FSM, we illustrate how a heavy-weight reasoning-solution could be applied in a light-weight computational environment

    A lifestyle monitoring system to support (in)formal caregivers of people with dementia: Analysis of users need, benefits, and concerns

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    Introduction Dementia is a syndrome that predominantly affects people in old age. Many older people with mild to moderate dementia live at home alone. When dementia poses problems, they must rely on informal caregivers, who have lives of their own in other places, as well as on professional home care organized by case managers. Assistive technologies, such as lifestyle monitoring, are being developed to assist informal caregivers and case managers by making remote caregiving possible. In a study conducted in the northern Netherlands, people with dementia were provided with a lifestyle monitoring system consisting of activity sensors in the home connected to an online platform. This study is intended to generate insight into needs, benefits, and concerns relating to a lifestyle-monitoring system to help informal caregivers and case managers provide care to people with dementia who are living alone. The key research questions are as follows: Which needs, benefits, and concerns are reported by informal caregivers and case managers who use lifestyle monitoring? What does the collected information indicate about the adoption of lifestyle monitoring? Methodology In the study, 63 lifestyle-monitoring systems were installed in 63 homes of people with mild to moderate dementia who were living alone. We guaranteed that the system could be used without charge until the end of the trial. We conducted telephone interviews with informal caregivers (50) near the date on which the system was installed, and again when it had been in use for approximately 300 days (41). We also interviewed case managers (13) at the beginning and at the end of the project (7). Each interview lasted about 30 minutes and consisted of closed and open questions about topics including expectations, experiences, quality of life, and care. The study took place in the rural area of the northern Netherlands from February 2015 to June 2016. Four homecare organizations provided lists of participants to include in the study. Results/conclusion The results indicate that informal caregivers perceive lifestyle monitoring as a support tool that fills a need in the provision of care for people with dementia and that its benefits outweigh the concerns. Lifestyle monitoring makes it possible to expand the informal care network such that care duties can be shared among more people, thereby relieving informal caregivers of a sense of constant responsibility