217 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of agouti-induced obesity : effects on adipocyte metabolism and interaction with insulin

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    Dominant mutations at the agouti locus such as viable yellow (Avy) cause a syndrome of marked obesity and diabetes in addition to a characteristic yellow coat color. Recent studies indicate that agouti acts both centrally and peripherally to induce obesity.We hypothesized that agouti modulation of adipocyte metabolism may account for part of the yellow mouse obesity. Studies from our laboratory indicated that agouti increases adipocyte de novo lipogenesis and triglyceride levels in a calcium (Ca2+)-dependent manner. However, the precise molecular mechanisms that are involved in agouti regulation of adipocyte metabolism, have not been determined. The objective of this work is to determine the mechanisms of agouti action on adipocyte metabolism using two specific markers of adiposity: (1) leptin, the product of the obesity gene, ob which is secreted by fat cells in amounts that are positively correlated with adiposity, and (2) fatty acid synthase (FAS), a key de novo lipogenic enzyme which is highly responsive to hormonal and nutritional changes. We investigated effects of agouti and its interaction with insulin on leptin synthesis and secretion in cultured adipocytes as well as in transgenic mice overexpressing agouti in adipose tissue (under the control of adipocyte specific promoter aP2). We also investigated whether transcription rate of the FAS gene in cultured adipocytes is altered via agouti specific response elements in the FAS promoter. Results from this study demonstrated that agouti significantly increase intracellular and plasma leptin levels in aP2 transgenic mice relative to control mice. Further,administration of insulin (1 unit/day) increased intracellular leptin levels without any significant effect on plasma leptin. The lack of insulin effect on plasma leptin levels were further confirmed by in vitro assays; media collected from 3T3-L1 adipocytes that were treated with 100 nM insulin showed no effect on leptin secreted into the culture media. These results suggest that agouti increases leptin synthesis and secretion while insulin only modulates leptin synthesis. Agouti may increase leptin levels as a result of its effect on triglyceride storage. Alternatively, agouti may directly regulate leptin synthesis and secretion by altering ob gene expression. However, further studies are required to determine mechanisms of agouti and insulin regulation of leptin. In addition to agouti regulation of leptin, our study demonstrate that both agouti and insulin upregulate FAS gene transcription. Furthermore, agouti and insulin exert additive effects on FAS gene transcription. Using transfection assays, we demonstrated that transcriptional regulation of the FAS gene by agouti was mediated by novel agouti response elements within the FAS promoter. This agouti responsive region mapped to a region distinct from the previously identified insulin responsive region. We confirmed the specificity of adipocyte nuclear factor(s) binding to this response region by electrophoretic gel mobility-shift assays. Interestingly, agouti response elements appeared to be also responsive to intracellular calcium.In summary, the results from this study indicate that agouti effects on adipocyte may contribute to yellow mouse obesity. We demonstrated that agouti effects adipocyte metabolism by (1) inducing synthesis and secretion of leptin levels, and (2) by increasingFAS transcription rate via novel agouti responsive elements that are distinct from the previously mapped insulin response element. Results from this investigation are relevant to human obesity. Unlike mice, humans normally express agouti in adipose tissue. As shown in aP2 transgenic mice, high levels of insulin (especially in hyperinsulinemic type II diabetic patients) combined with agouti expression in adipose tissue may contribute to increased adiposity. Therefore, modulation of agouti expression/action may be a potential target in therapeutic intervention to treat obesity and diabetes

    Ca2+ Entry via TRPC1 is Essential for Cellular Differentiation and Modulates Secretion via the SNARE Complex

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    Adipocyte functionality, including adipocyte differentiation and adipokine secretion, is essential in obesity-associated metabolic syndrome. Here, we provide evidence that Ca2+ influx in primary adipocytes, especially upon store-depletion, plays an important role in adipocyte differentiation, functionality, and subsequently metabolic regulation. The endogenous Ca2+ entry channel in both subcutaneous and visceral adipocytes was dependent on TRPC1-STIM1 and blocking Ca2+ entry with SKF-96365 or TRPC1-/- derived adipocytes inhibited adipocyte differentiation. Additionally, TRPC1-/- mice have decreased organ weight, but increased adipose deposition and reduced serum adiponectin and leptin concentrations, without affecting total adipokine expression. Mechanistically, TRPC1- mediated Ca2+ entry regulated SNARE complex formation and agonist –mediated secretion of adipokine loaded vesicles was inhibited in TRPC1-/- adipose. These results suggest an unequivocal role of TRPC1 in adipocytes differentiation and adiponectin secretion, and loss of TRPC1 disturbs metabolic homeostasis

    n3 and n6 polyunsaturated fatty acids differentially modulate prostaglandin E secretion but not markers of lipogenesis in adipocytes

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    A dramatic rise in the incidence of obesity in the U.S. has accelerated the search for interventions that may impact this epidemic. One recently recognized target for such intervention is adipose tissue, which secretes a variety of bioactive substances including prostaglandins. Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) has been shown to decrease lipolysis in adipocytes, but limited studies have explored alternative mechanisms by which PGE2 might impact obesity, such as adipogenesis or lipogenesis. Studies conducted on ApcMin/+ mice indicated that selective inhibition of the cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 enzyme led to significant reductions in fatty acid synthase (FAS) activity in adipose tissue suggesting lipogenic effects of PGE2. To further investigate whether these lipid mediators directly regulate lipogenesis, we used 3T3-L1 adipocytes to determine the impact of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and celecoxib on PGE2 formation and FAS used as a lipogenic marker. Both arachidonic acid (AA) and EPA dose-dependently increased PGE secretion from adipocytes. AA was expectedly more potent and exhibiting at 150 uM dose a 5-fold increase in PGE2 secretion over EPA. Despite higher secretion of PGE by EPA and AA compared to control, neither PUFA significantly altered FAS activity. By contrast both AA and EPA significantly decreased FAS mRNA levels. Addition of celecoxib, a selective COX-2 inhibitor, significantly decreased PGE2 secretion (p < 0.05) versus control, and also significantly decreased FAS activity (p < 0.05). Unexpectedly, the combination of exogenous PGE2 and celecoxib further decreased the FAS activity compared to PGE2 alone or untreated controls. In conclusion, EPA-mediated inhibition of AA metabolism did not significantly alter FAS activity while both AA and EPA significantly decreased FAS mRNA expression. COX-2 inhibition significantly decreased PGE2 production resulting in a decrease in FAS activity and expression that was not reversed with the addition of exogenous PGE2, suggesting an additional mechanism that is independent of COX-2

    Effects of prenatal low protein and postnatal high fat diets on visceral adipose tissue macrophage phenotypes and IL-6 expression in Sprague Dawley rat offspring

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    Adipose tissue macrophages (ATM) are implicated in adipose tissue inflammation and obesity-related insulin resistance. Maternal low protein models result in fetal programming of obesity. The study aims to answer whether maternal undernutrition by protein restriction affects the ATM M1 or M2 phenotype under postnatal high fat diet in F1 offspring. Using a rat model of prenatal low protein (LP, 8% protein) diet followed by a postnatal high fat energy diet (HE, 45% fat) or low fat normal energy diet (NE, 10% fat) for 12 weeks, we investigated the effects of these diets on adiposity, programming of the offspring ATM phenotype, and the associated inflammatory response in adipose tissue. Fat mass in newborn and 12-week old LP fed offspring was lower than that of normal protein (20%; NP) fed offspring; however, the adipose tissue growth rate was higher compared to the NP fed offspring. While LP did not affect the number of CD68+ or CD206+ cells in adipose tissue of NE offspring, it attenuated the number of these cells in offspring fed HE. In offspring fed HE, LP offspring had a lower percentage of CD11c+CD206+ ATMs, whose abundancy was correlated with the size of the adipocytes. Noteworthy, similar to HE treatment, LP increased gene expression of IL-6 within ATMs. Two-way ANOVA showed an interaction of prenatal LP and postnatal HE on IL-6 and IL-1β transcription. Overall, both LP and HE diets impact ATM phenotype by affecting the ratio of CD11c+CD206+ ATMs and the expression of IL-6

    Shopping externalities and retail concentration:Evidence from dutch shopping streets

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    Why do shops cluster in shopping streets? We argue that retail firms benefit from shopping externalities. We identify these externalities for the main Dutch shopping streets by estimating the effect of footfall – the number of pedestrians that pass by – and the number of shops in the vicinity on store owners’ rental income. We address endogeneity issues by exploiting spatial variation within shopping streets combined with historic long-lagged instruments. Our estimates imply an elasticity of rental income with respect to footfall as well as number of shops in the vicinity of (at least) 0.25. We show that these shopping externalities are unlikely to be internalised. It follows that substantial subsidies to shop owners are welfare improving, seemingly justifying current policies. Finally, we find limited evidence for heterogeneity between retail firms located in shopping streets in their willingness to pay for shopping externalities

    IGF2 stimulates fetal growth in a sex- and organ-dependent manner

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    BackgroundInsulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) is a key determinant of fetal growth, and the altered expression of IGF2 is implicated in fetal growth disorders and maternal metabolic derangements including gestational diabetes. Here we studied how increased levels of IGF2 in late pregnancy affect fetal growth.MethodsWe employed a rat model of repeated intrafetal IGF2 administration in late pregnancy, i.e., during GD19-GD21, and measured the consequences on fetal organ weight and expression of insulin/IGF-axis components.ResultsIGF2 treatment tended to increase fetal weight, but only weight increase of the fetal stomach reached significance (+33±9%; P<0.01). Sex-dependent data analysis revealed a sexual dimorphism of IGF2 action. In male fetuses, IGF2 administration significantly increased fetal weight (+13±3%; P<0.05) and weight of fetal stomach (+42±10%; P<0.01), intestine (+26±5%; P<0.05), liver (+13±4%; P<0.05), and pancreas (+25±8%; P<0.05). Weights of heart, lungs, and kidneys were unchanged. In female fetuses, IGF2 increased only stomach weight (+26±9%; P<0.05). Furthermore, gene expression of insulin/IGF axis in the heart, lungs, liver, and stomach was more sensitive toward IGF2 treatment in male than in female fetuses.ConclusionData suggest that elevated circulating IGF2 in late pregnancy predominantly stimulates organ growth of the digestive system, and male fetuses are more susceptible toward the IGF2 effects than female fetuses.Fil: White, Verónica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos; ArgentinaFil: Jawerbaum, Alicia Sandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos; ArgentinaFil: Mazzucco, María Belén. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y Botánicos; ArgentinaFil: Gauster, Martin. Medizinische Universität Graz; AustriaFil: Desoye, Gernot. Medizinische Universität Graz; AustriaFil: Hiden, Ursula. Medizinische Universität Graz; Austri

    Agouti Revisited: Transcript Quantification of the ASIP Gene in Bovine Tissues Related to Protein Expression and Localization

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    Beside its role in melanogenesis, the agouti signaling protein (ASIP) has been related to obesity. The potentially crucial role in adipocyte development makes it a tempting candidate for economic relevant, fat related traits in farm animals. The objective of our study was to characterize the mRNA expression of different ASIP transcripts and of putative targets in different bovine tissues, as well as to study consequences on protein abundance and localization. ASIP mRNA abundance was determined by RT-qPCR in adipose and further tissues of cattle representing different breeds and crosses. ASIP mRNA was up-regulated more than 9-fold in intramuscular fat of Japanese Black cattle compared to Holstein (p<0.001). Further analyses revealed that a transposon-derived transcript was solely responsible for the increased ASIP mRNA abundance. This transcript was observed in single individuals of different breeds indicating a wide spread occurrence of this insertion at the ASIP locus in cattle. The protein was detected in different adipose tissues, skin, lung and liver, but not in skeletal muscle by Western blot with a bovine-specific ASIP antibody. However, the protein abundance was not related to the observed ASIP mRNA over-expression. Immuno-histochemical analyses revealed a putative nuclear localization of ASIP additionally to the expected cytosolic signal in different cell types. The expression of melanocortin receptors (MCR) 1 to 5 as potential targets for ASIP was analyzed by RT-PCR in subcutaneous fat. Only MC1R and MC4R were detected indicating a similar receptor expression like in human adipose tissue. Our results provide evidence for a widespread expression of ASIP in bovine tissues at mRNA and, for the first time, at protein level. ASIP protein is detectable in adipocytes as well as in further cells of adipose tissue. We generated a basis for a more detailed investigation of ASIP function in peripheral tissues of various mammalian species

    Adipokines: Linking metabolic syndrome, the immune system, and arthritic diseases

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    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) represents a cluster of metabolic and cardiovascular complications, including obesity and visceral adiposity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia and hypertension, which directly increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2). Patients with arthritic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, have a higher incidence of CVD. Although recent advances in the treatment of arthritic diseases, the incidence of CVD remains elevated, and MetS has been identified as a possible link between CVD and arthritic diseases. Chronic low-grade inflammation associated with obesity has been established as a significant contributing factor to the increased prevalence of MetS. Adipokines, which play important physiological roles in metabolic activities contributing to the pathogenesis of MetS, are also involved in the regulation of autoimmune and/or inflammatory processes associated with arthritic diseases. Therefore, MetS and dysregulated secretion of pro-inflammatory adipokines have been recognized as a molecular link between CVD and arthritis diseases. In the present paper, we review recent evidence supporting the role played by adipokines, in particular leptin, adiponectin, and lipocalin-2, in the modulation of the immune system, MetS and arthritic diseases. The underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms are discussed, as well as potential new therapeutic strategies.Acknowledgments: OG and FL are Staff Personnel of Xunta de Galicia (Servizo Galego de Saude, SERGAS) through a research-staff stabilization contract (ISCIII/SERGAS). VF is a “Sara Borrell” Researcher funded by ISCIII and FEDER (CD16/00111). RG is a “Miguel Servet” Researcher funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and FEDER. CRF is a pre-doctoral research scholar funded by ISCIII and FEDER (Exp.18/00188). OG, MAGG, and RG are members of RETICS Programme, RD16/0012/0014 (RIER: Red de Investigación en Inflamación y Enfermedades Reumáticas) via Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and FEDER. FL is a member of CIBERCV (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares). The work of OG and JP (PI17/00409), RG (PI16/01870 and CP15/00007) and FL (PI15/00681 PI18/00821 and CB16/11/00226) were funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III and FEDER. OG is a beneficiary of a project funded by Research Executive Agency of the European Union in the framework of MSCA-RISE Action of the H2020 Programme (Project number 734899). RG is beneficiary of a project funded by Mutua Madrileña 2018. AM wishes to acknowledge financial support from the European Structural and Social Funds through the Research Council of Lithuania (Lietuvos Mokslo Taryba) according to the activity ‘Improvement of researchers’ qualification by implementing world-class R&D projects’ of Measure No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 (grant application code: 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-01-0157, agreement No. DOTSUT-215) and the new funding programme: Attracting Foreign Researchers for Research Implementation (2018–2022). The funders had no role in study design, data collection, and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Obesity, Fat Mass and Immune System: Role for Leptin

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    Obesity is an epidemic disease characterized by chronic low-grade inflammation associated with a dysfunctional fat mass. Adipose tissue is now considered an extremely active endocrine organ that secretes cytokine-like hormones, called adipokines, either pro- or anti-inflammatory factors bridging metabolism to the immune system. Leptin is historically one of most relevant adipokines, with important physiological roles in the central control of energy metabolism and in the regulation of metabolism-immune system interplay, being a cornerstone of the emerging field of immunometabolism. Indeed, leptin receptor is expressed throughout the immune system and leptin has been shown to regulate both innate and adaptive immune responses. This review discusses the latest data regarding the role of leptin as a mediator of immune system and metabolism, with particular emphasis on its effects on obesity-associated metabolic disorders and autoimmune and/or inflammatory rheumatic diseases.OG is Staff Personnel of Xunta de Galicia (Servizo Galego de Saude, SERGAS) through a research-staff stabilization contract (ISCIII/SERGAS). VF is a “Sara Borrell” Researcher funded by ISCIII and FEDER. RG is a “Miguel Servet” Researcher funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and FEDER. OG, MG-G, and RG are members of RETICS Program, RD16/0012/0014 (RIER: Red de Investigación en Inflamación y Enfermedades Reumáticas) via Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and FEDER. The work of OG and JP (PIE13/00024 and PI14/00016, PI17/00409), and RG (PI16/01870 and CP15/00007) was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III and FEDER. OG is a beneficiary of a project funded by Research Executive Agency of the European Union in the framework of MSCA-RISE Action of the H2020 Program (Project No. 734899). The funders had no role in study design, data collection, and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript