1,408 research outputs found

    Collective cognition and decision-making in humans and fish

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    Das Zusammenleben in Gruppen ist im Tierreich ein weit verbreitetes Phänomen. Einer der Vorteile des Gruppenlebens könnte die sogenannte „Schwarmintelligenz“ sein, das heißt die Fähigkeit von Gruppen kognitive Probleme zu lösen, die die Problemlösekompetenz einzelner Individuen übersteigt. In der vorliegenden Dissertation untersuchte ich, ob die Gruppengröße beim Menschen und bei Fischen mit einer verbesserten Entscheidungsfindung einhergeht. Beim Menschen analysierte ich zunächst das Abschneiden von Einzelpersonen, die später als Teil einer Gruppe getestet wurden, in einfachen Einschätzungsaufgaben sowie komplizierteren Satz-Rekonstruktionstests. Meine Frage war, ob es Individuen in Gruppen gelingt bessere Entscheidungen zutreffen als das einem durchschnittlichen Individuum der Gruppe alleine möglich wäre und ob Gruppen sogar die Leistung ihres besten Mitglieds in den individuellen Tests überbieten könnten. Tatsächlich konnte ich zeigen, dass Gruppen die Leistung des besten Mitglieds übertreffen, wenn die Problemstellung für Einzelpersonen zu komplex ist oder sich häufig wiederholt. Weiterhin gelang mir zu zeigen, dass Gruppen von Menschen bei einer simulierten Prädationssituation, ähnlich wie es bereits für andere Tierarten beschrieben wurde, anhand von so genannten „Quorum“-Regeln durch non-verbale Kommunikation entscheiden, ob sie bleiben oder flüchten. Dabei dienen einfache Bewegungsmuster als Schlüsselreiz. Individuen einer Gruppe erhöhen durch diesen Mechanismus gleichzeitig ihre echt positiven und verringern ihre falsch positiven Entscheidungen. Beim Guppy, einem Süßwasserfisch aus Trinidad, untersuchte ich in deren natürlichem Habitat, ob die Fähigkeit einzelner Individuen zwischen einer genießbaren und einer ungenießbaren Futterquelle zu unterscheiden, mit der Gruppengröße ansteigt. Meine Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Guppys mit größerer Wahrscheinlichkeit eine genießbare Futterquelle identifizierten, sobald sie Teil einer größeren Gruppe waren.Group living is a widespread phenomenon. One of its assumed advantages is collective cognition, the ability of groups to solve cognitive problems that are beyond single individuals’ abilities. In this thesis, I investigated whether decision-making improves with group size in both humans and fish, thus using the strengths of each system. In humans, I tested individual performance in simple quantity estimation tasks and a more difficult sentence reconstruction task first alone and then as part of a group. My question was whether groups were able to improve not only on average individual decisions, but also to beat their best members. Indeed, when a given problem is recurrent or too complex for individuals, groups were able to outperform their best members in different contexts. Furthermore, I showed that in a simulated predation experiment, groups of humans decided to stay or to escape using quorum thresholds based on movement behaviour without verbal communication, as has been shown in other animals. This simple movement mechanism allowed individuals in groups to simultaneously increase true positives and decrease false positives. In the guppy, a freshwater fish from Trinidad, I tested in their natural environment whether individuals’ ability to distinguish between an edible and a non-edible food item increases with group size. My results indicate that guppies had better chances to identify the edible food item when part of bigger groups. By investigating several populations with different ecological backgrounds, in particular differing in predation levels, I found that, despite a lower sampling activity in high predation habitats, predation did not affect the improvement of decisions in groups

    A cross-species comparison of escape from X inactivation in Eutheria: implications for evolution of X chromosome inactivation

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    Sex chromosome dosage compensation in both eutherian and marsupial mammals is achieved by X chromosome inactivation (XCI)—transcriptional repression that silences one of the two X chromosomes in the somatic cells of females. We recently used RNA fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to show, in individual nuclei, that marsupial X inactivation (in the absence of XIST) occurs on a gene-by-gene basis, and that escape from inactivation is stochastic and independent of gene location. In the absence of similar data from fibroblast cell lines of eutherian representatives, a meaningful comparison is lacking. We therefore used RNA-FISH to examine XCI in fibroblast cell lines obtained from three distantly related eutherian model species: African savannah elephant (Loxodonta africana), mouse (Mus musculus) and human (Homo sapiens). We show that, unlike the orthologous marsupial X, inactivation of the X conserved region (XCR) in eutherians generally is complete. Two-colour RNA-FISH on female human, mouse and elephant interphase nuclei showed that XCR loci have monoallelic expression in almost all nuclei. However, we found that many loci located in the evolutionarily distinct recently added region (XAR) displayed reproducible locus-specific frequencies of nuclei with either one or two active X alleles. We propose that marsupial XCI retains features of an ancient incomplete silencing mechanism that was augmented by the evolution of the XIST gene that progressively stabilized the eutherian XCR. In contrast, the recently added region of the eutherian X displays an incomplete inactivation profile similar to that observed on the evolutionarily distinct marsupial X and the independently evolved monotreme X chromosomes

    Forecasting the spatial and seasonal dynamic of Aedes albopictus oviposition activity in Albania and Balkan countries

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    The increasing spread of the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, in Europe and US raises public health concern due to the species competence to transmit several exotic human arboviruses, among which dengue, chikungunya and Zika, and urges the development of suitable modeling approach to forecast the spatial and temporal distribution of the mosquito. Here we developed a dynamical species distribution modeling approach forecasting Ae. albopictus eggs abundance at high spatial (0.01 degree WGS84) and temporal (weekly) resolution over 10 Balkan countries, using temperature times series of Modis data products and altitude as input predictors. The model was satisfactorily calibrated and validated over Albania based observed eggs abundance data weekly monitored during three years. For a given week of the year, eggs abundance was mainly predicted by the number of eggs and the mean temperature recorded in the preceding weeks. That is, results are in agreement with the biological cycle of the mosquito, reflecting the effect temperature on eggs spawning, maturation and hatching. The model, seeded by initial egg values derived from a second model, was then used to forecast the spatial and temporal distribution of eggs abundance over the selected Balkan countries, weekly in 2011, 2012 and 2013. The present study is a baseline to develop an easy-handling forecasting model able to provide information useful for promoting active surveillance and possibly prevention of Ae. albopictus colonization in presently non-infested areas in the Balkans as well as in other temperate regions

    Effects of incorporation levels of Pueraria phaseoloides leaf flour on carcass characteristics and chemical composition of meat from local rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in South-East Gabon

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    The objective of this study was to contribute in improving knowledge on rabbit feeding in Gabon. This work was conducted with the aim of studying carcass characteristics and chemical composition of meat from rabbit induced by feeds containing P. phaseoloides. To that effect, 20 young female rabbits from local breed, weighing averagely 611 ± 33.20 g and aged about 6 weeks were randomly distributed in 4 groups of 5 animals each. The groups R0, R15, R20 and R25 were fed rations containing respectively 0%, 15%, 20% and 25% of P. phaseoloides. At the end of the trial, animals were slaughtered then eviscerated in order to evaluate carcass characteristics. Muscles were taken, ground and mixed for chemical analysis. No matter the ration, carcass characteristics showed no significant difference (p > 0.05). Highest protein contents in meat were recorded in animals from R15 (23.90% DM) and R20 (22.46% DM). The lowest fat content (5.41% DM) was that of animals from R25, followed by that from R20 (6.67% DM). Based on these results obtained, the ration containing 20% Pueraria phaseolides (R20) could be recommended

    Use of Non-Amplified RNA Samples for Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression

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    Demand for high quality gene expression data has driven the development of revolutionary microarray technologies. The quality of the data is affected by the performance of the microarray platform as well as how the nucleic acid targets are prepared. The most common method for target nucleic acid preparation includes in vitro transcription amplification of the sample RNA. Although this method requires a small amount of starting material and is reported to have high reproducibility, there are also technical disadvantages such as amplification bias and the long, laborious protocol. Using RNA derived from human brain, breast and colon, we demonstrate that a non-amplification method, which was previously shown to be inferior, could be transformed to a highly quantitative method with a dynamic range of five orders of magnitude. Furthermore, the correlation coefficient calculated by comparing microarray assays using non-amplified samples with qRT-PCR assays was approximately 0.9, a value much higher than when samples were prepared using amplification methods. Our results were also compared with data from various microarray platforms studied in the MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC) project. In combination with micro-columnar 3D-Geneâ„¢ microarray, this non-amplification method is applicable to a variety of genetic analyses, including biomarker screening and diagnostic tests for cancer

    The discovery, distribution and diversity of DNA viruses associated with Drosophila melanogaster in Europe

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    International audienceDrosophila melanogaster is an important model for antiviral immunity in arthropods, but very few DNA viruses have been described from the family Drosophilidae. This deficiency limits our opportunity to use natural host-pathogen combinations in experimental studies, and may bias our understanding of the Drosophila virome. Here we report fourteen DNA viruses detected in a metagenomic analysis of approximately 6500 pool-sequenced Drosophila, sampled from 47 European locations between 2014 and 2016. These include three new nudiviruses, a new and divergent entomopoxvirus, a virus related to Leptopilina boulardi filamentous virus, and a virus related to Musca domestica salivary gland hypertrophy virus. We also find an endogenous genomic copy of galbut virus, a dsRNA partitivirus, segregating at very low frequency. Remarkably, we find that Drosophila Vesanto virus, a small DNA virus previously described as a bidnavirus, may be composed of up to 12 segments and thus represent a new lineage of segmented DNA viruses. Two of the DNA viruses, Drosophila Kallithea nudivirus and Drosophila Vesanto virus are relatively common, found in 2% or more of wild flies. The others are rare, with many likely to be represented by a single infected fly. We find that virus prevalence in Europe reflects the prevalence seen in publicly-available datasets, with Drosophila Kallithea nudivirus and Drosophila Vesanto virus the only ones commonly detectable in public data from wild-caught flies and large population cages, and the other viruses being rare or absent. These analyses suggest that DNA viruses are at lower prevalence than RNA viruses in D. melanogaster, and may be less likely to persist in laboratory cultures. Our findings go some way to redressing an earlier bias toward RNA virus studies in Drosophila, and lay the foundation needed to harness the power of Drosophila as a model system for the study of DNA viruses

    ALIED: Humans as adaptive lie detectors

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    People make for poor lie detectors. They have accuracy rates comparable to a coin toss, and come with a set of systematic biases that sway the judgment. This pessimistic view stands in contrast to research showing that people make informed decisions that adapt to the context they operate in. The current article proposes a new theoretical direction for lie detection research. I argue that lie detectors make informed, adaptive judgments in a low-diagnostic world. This Adaptive Lie Detector (ALIED) account is outlined by drawing on supporting evidence from across various psychological literatures. The account is contrasted with longstanding and more recent accounts of the judgment process, which propose that people fall back on default ways of thinking. Limitations of the account are considered, and future research directions are outlined

    Parallel Germline Infiltration of a Lentivirus in Two Malagasy Lemurs

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    Retroviruses normally infect the somatic cells of their host and are transmitted horizontally, i.e., in an exogenous way. Occasionally, however, some retroviruses can also infect and integrate into the genome of germ cells, which may allow for their vertical inheritance and fixation in a given species; a process known as endogenization. Lentiviruses, a group of mammalian retroviruses that includes HIV, are known to infect primates, ruminants, horses, and cats. Unlike many other retroviruses, these viruses have not been demonstrably successful at germline infiltration. Here, we report on the discovery of endogenous lentiviral insertions in seven species of Malagasy lemurs from two different genera—Cheirogaleus and Microcebus. Combining molecular clock analyses and cross-species screening of orthologous insertions, we show that the presence of this endogenous lentivirus in six species of Microcebus is the result of one endogenization event that occurred about 4.2 million years ago. In addition, we demonstrate that this lentivirus independently infiltrated the germline of Cheirogaleus and that the two endogenization events occurred quasi-simultaneously. Using multiple proviral copies, we derive and characterize an apparently full length and intact consensus for this lentivirus. These results provide evidence that lentiviruses have repeatedly infiltrated the germline of prosimian species and that primates have been exposed to lentiviruses for a much longer time than what can be inferred based on sequence comparison of circulating lentiviruses. The study sets the stage for an unprecedented opportunity to reconstruct an ancestral primate lentivirus and thereby advance our knowledge of host–virus interactions

    Structural mechanism of JH delivery in hemolymph by JHBP of silkworm, Bombyx mori

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    Juvenile hormone (JH) plays crucial roles in many aspects of the insect life. All the JH actions are initiated by transport of JH in the hemolymph as a complex with JH-binding protein (JHBP) to target tissues. Here, we report structural mechanism of JH delivery by JHBP based upon the crystal and solution structures of apo and JH-bound JHBP. In solution, apo-JHBP exists in equilibrium of multiple conformations with different orientations of the gate helix for the hormone-binding pocket ranging from closed to open forms. JH-binding to the gate-open form results in the fully closed JHBP-JH complex structure where the bound JH is completely buried inside the protein. JH-bound JHBP opens the gate helix to release the bound hormone likely by sensing the less polar environment at the membrane surface of target cells. This is the first report that provides structural insight into JH signaling
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