194 research outputs found

    Les glycosaminoglycannes : implication dans la régénération tissulaire après ischémie et utilisation de mimétiques comme agents potentialisateurs des progéniteurs endothéliaux humains pour la régénération vasculaire

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    Glycosaminoglycans: involvement in tissue regeneration after ischemia and use of mimetic molecules as potentiating agents of human endothelial progenitor cells for vascular regenerationScientific background: Vascular diseases are the leading causes of death in the world. Among them, critical limb ischemia often leads to amputation of the limb and potential mortality. Current therapies including life style management, pharmacological control of risk factors and surgical revascularization do not completely reverse the pathology. Late-outgrowth endothelial colony-forming cells (ECFC) display high proliferative potential, form vessels in vivo and are incorporated into pre-existing vascular networks. Thus, these cells are considered as a promising therapeutic tools for vascular repair. However, the use of ECFC in cell therapy is limited by their rarity in blood. In addition, clinical trials using cell therapy have demonstrated promising results, but there are still a significant problem with poor cell retention and survival. This underlines the relevance to better knowing the microenvironment on which therapeutic cells are transplanted. Microenvironment is in part composed by sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAG), such as Heparan Sulfate (HS) or Chondroitin Sulfate (CS). GAG interact with proteins to strengthen the structure and stability of the extracellular matrix. GAG have also functional roles since they regulate numerous biological processes through their abilities to interact with heparin-binding growth factors (HBGF).Objectives: The aim of this thesis was (1) to improve production of ECFC and optimize their endothelial properties in vitro using a GAG mimetic molecule, (2) to characterize structurally and functionally endogenous GAG, especially HS and CS species, in ischemic muscle.Results: (1) We demonstrate that the addition of a GAG mimetic molecule, namely the [OTR4131] compound, during the isolation process of ECFC from cord blood induces a 4 fold increase the number of colonies. Moreover, addition of [OTR4131] to cell culture media improves adhesion, proliferation, migration and self-renewal of ECFC. (2) Ischemia induces modifications of expression of GAG biosynthetic enzymes in muscle, leading to changes in HS and CS structures in distinct ways. These changes are correlated with functional modifications of GAG to bind HBGF and to modulate cell activity. Moreover, CS constitute a persistent hallmark of injury after ischemia.Conclusion & Perspectives: (1) The [OTR4131] GAG mimetic should enable optimization of the expansion capacity and the endothelial properties of ECFC for further therapeutic applications. (2) Intense GAG remodeling follows ischemia and disrupts growth factors activities. The control of CS is a promising new therapeutic approach for the treatment of skeletal muscle injury.Keywords: angiogenesis, endothelial progenitor cell, glycosaminoglycans, heparin binding growth factor, ischemia, muscle regeneration, vascular repairLes glycosaminoglycannes : implication dans la régénération tissulaire après ischémie et utilisation de mimétiques comme agents potentialisateurs des progéniteurs endothéliaux humains pour la régénération vasculaire. Contexte scientifique : Les pathologies vasculaires représentent la première cause de décès dans le monde. Parmi elles, l'ischémie chronique des membres inférieurs conduit fréquemment à une amputation du membre et est associé à une forte mortalité. Les thérapies actuelles, incluant un meilleur mode de vie, les traitements prophylactiques et les interventions chirurgicales ne permettent pas de soigner définitivement les patients. Les progéniteurs endothéliaux circulants (PEC) présentent une capacité de prolifération très élevée, forme des vaisseaux in vivo et s'intègre naturellement à des réseaux vasculaires préexistants. C'est pourquoi, ces cellules sont actuellement considérées comme un outil thérapeutique prometteur pour la réparation vasculaire. Cependant, l'utilisation des PEC en clinique est limitée par leur rareté dans le sang. De plus, les essais cliniques en thérapie cellulaire ont jusqu'à maintenant démontré des résultats prometteurs mais systématiquement limités dans le temps, à cause d'une faible rétention et d'une mort accrue des cellules après injection. Ceci souligne l'importance d'une meilleure compréhension du microenvironnement dans lequel les cellules thérapeutiques sont injectées. Le microenvironnement est en partie constitué par des glycosaminoglycannes (GAG) sulfatés, tels que les Héparanes Sulfates (HS) ou les Chondroïtines Sulfates (CS). Les GAG interagissent avec des partenaires protéiques afin de structurer et de stabiliser la matrice extracellulaire. Les GAG ont également un rôle fonctionnel puisqu'ils régulent de nombreux processus biologiques grâce à leur capacité d'interaction avec des facteurs liant l'héparine.Objectifs: Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient (1) d'améliorer l'isolement des PEC et d'optimiser leurs fonctionnalités endothéliales in vitro à l'aide d'un mimétique de GAG, (2) de caractériser d'un point de vue structurel et fonctionnel les GAG endogènes, et en particulier les HS et les CS, dans le muscle ischémié.Résultats: (1) Nous avons démontrés que l'ajout d'un mimétique de GAG, et plus précisément le composé [OTR4131], pendant les phases d'isolement des PEC à partir du sang de cordon induisait un enrichissement par 4 du nombre de colonies. De plus, l'ajout de ce mimétique dans le milieu de culture permet d'optimiser l'adhérence, la prolifération, la migration ainsi que l'auto-renouvellement des PEC. (2) L'ischémie induit une modification de l'expression des gènes de biosynthèse des GAG, conduisant à des modifications structurelles distinctes des HS et CS. Ces modifications sont corrélées avec des changements dans la capacité des GAG à lier certains facteurs et à moduler l'activité cellulaire. De plus, les CS forment une marque cicatricielle après ischémie.Conclusion & Perspectives: (1) Le mimétique de GAG [OTR4131] devrait permettre d'optimiser les capacités d'expansion des PEC et leurs propriétés endothéliales pour une application thérapeutique. (2) Un intense remodelage des GAG suit l'accident ischémique et perturbe l'activité des facteurs de croissance. Le contrôle des CS constitue une nouvelle approche thérapeutique pour le traitement des lésions du muscle squelettique.Mots-clés : angiogenèse, progéniteurs endothéliaux circulants, glycosaminoglycannes, facteurs liant l'héparine, ischémie, régénération musculaire, réparation vasculair

    MicroRNAs in the Functional Defects of Skin Aging

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    Humankind has always been intrigued by death, as illustrated by the eternal quest for the fountain of youth. Aging is a relentless biological process slowly progressing as life cycle proceeds. Indeed, aging traduces an accumulation of physiological changes over time that render organisms more likely to die. Thus, despite our mastery of advanced technologies and robust medical knowledge, defining the molecular basis of aging to control lifespan is still currently one of the greatest challenges in biology. In mammals, the skin is the ultimate multitasker vital organ, protecting organisms from the world they live in. As a preferential interface with the environment, the skin is reflecting the internal physiological balances. The maintenance of these balances, called homeostasis, depends on the concurrent assimilation of diversified signals at the cellular level. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are noncoding RNAs that regulate gene expression by mRNAs degradation or translational repression. Their relatively recent discovery in 2000 provided new insights into the understanding of the gene regulatory networks. In this chapter, we focused on the role of three miRNA families, namely miR-30, miR-200, and miR-181, playing a key role in the progression of the skin aging process, with particular input in mechanistic considerations related to autophagy, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial homeostasis

    La osmoregulación como factor potencial de la distribución diferencial de dos especies crípticas de góbido, Pomatoschistus microps y P. marmoratus, en las lagunas mediterráneas francesas

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    This study was aimed at the detection of potential differences in the osmoregulatory capacity of two cryptic species of gobies, Pomatoschistus microps (Krøyer, 1838) and P. marmoratus (Risso, 1810), that have different distributions in French Mediterranean lagoons characterised by different salinity regimes. Specimens of both species were experimentally exposed to different salinities, their salinity tolerance was evaluated and their blood osmolality was measured. Both species are strong osmoregulators over a wide range of salinities but P. microps showed higher performances of hyper-regulation at very low salinities (10 and 40 mosm/kg, i.e. freshwater 0.3 and 1.4) and of hypo-regulation at high salinities (1500 mosm/kg, 51). Only P. microps was able to tolerate freshwater exposure over 4 days. We conclude that the high osmoregulatory capacity found in P. microps is linked to its better survival at very low salinities and is a physiological requirement for living in areas such as the Mauguio lagoon where salinity is highly variable. In contrast, as osmoregulation of P. marmoratus is less efficient at extreme salinities, this species cannot colonise such environments and is restricted to habitats where salinity is more stable, such as the Thau lagoon.Este estudio tuvo por objeto la detección de diferencias potenciales en la capacidad osmorreguladora de dos especies crípticas de góbido, Pomatoschistus microps (Krøyer, 1838) y P. marmoratus (Risso, 1810), que presentan diferentes áreas de distribución en lagunas mediterráneas francesas caracterizadas por regímenes de salinidad distintos. Especímenes de ambas especies fueron expuestos experimentalmente a diferentes salinidades, evaluándose su tolerancia a la salinidad y midiéndose su osmolalidad sanguínea. Ambas especies tienen una amplia capacidad osmoreguladora en un amplio rango de salinidades. Sin embargo, en comparación con P. marmoratus, P. microps mostró mayores rendimientos hiper-regulatorios a salinidades muy bajas (10 y 40 mosm/kg, es decir agua dulce 0.3 y 1.4) e hipo-regulatorios a salinidades altas (1500 mosm/kg, 51). Sólo P. microps fue capaz de tolerar la exposición al agua dulce durante 4 días. Podemos concluir que la gran capacidad osmoreguladora encontrada en P. microps está ligada a su mayor supervivencia a salinidades muy bajas, siendo un requerimiento fisiológico para vivir en áreas tales como la laguna de Mauguio, donde la salinidad es muy variable. Por el contrario, puesto que la osmoregulación de P. marmoratus es menos eficiente en salinidades extremas, esta especie no puede colonizar tales ambientes y se ve restringida a hábitats donde la salinidad es más estable, como la laguna de Tha

    Hot on the Trail of Skin Inflammation: Focus on TRPV1/TRPV3 Channels in Psoriasis

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    Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid (TRPV) channels are expressed in various skin cells, including non-neuronal cell types such as epidermal keratinocytes. They are polymodal sensors of the environment, regulating physiological function in response to a wide variety of stimuli. Indeed, in addition to their significant role in thermal responses and thermoregulation, TRPV channels are also implicated in local skin inflammation processes. Thus, these calcium permeable channels are associated to multiples skin diseases with inflammation, such as atopic dermatitis or psoriasis. In this chapter, we will mainly focus on TRPV1 and TRPV3 channels, as emerging pivotal targets for maintaining skin homeostasis in psoriasis-related inflammation

    Association between the PPP3CC gene, coding for the calcineurin gamma catalytic subunit, and bipolar disorder

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Calcineurin is a neuron-enriched phosphatase that regulates synaptic plasticity and neuronal adaptation. Activation of calcineurin, overall, antagonizes the effects of the cyclic AMP activated protein/kinase A. Thus, kinase/phosphatase dynamic balance seems to be critical for transition to long-term cellular responses in neurons, and disruption of this equilibrium should induce behavioral impairments in animal models. Genetic animal models, as well as post-mortem studies in humans have implicated calcineurin dependent calcium and cyclic AMP regulated phosphorylation/dephosphorylation in both affective responses and psychosis. Recently, genetic association between schizophrenia and genetic variation of the human calcineurin A gamma subunit gene (PPP3CC) has been reported.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Based on the assumption of the common underlying genetic factor in schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder (BPAD), we performed association analysis of CC33 and CCS3 polymorphisms of the PPP3CC gene reported to be associated with schizophrenia in a French sample of 115 BPAD patients and 97 healthy controls.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Carrying 'CT' or 'TT' genotypes of the PPP3CC-CC33 polymorphism increased risk to develop BPAD comparing to carry 'CC' genotype (OR = 1.8 [1.01–3.0]; p = 0.05). For the PPP3CC-CCS3 polymorphism, 'AG' or 'GG' carriers have an increased risk to develop BPAD than 'AA' carriers (OR = 2.8 [1.5–5.2]). The CC33 and CCS3 polymorphisms were observed in significant linkage disequilibrium (D' = 0.91, r<sup>2 </sup>= 0.72). Haplotype frequencies were significantly different in BPAD patients than in controls (p = 0.03), with a significant over-transmission of the 'TG' haplotype in BPAD patients (p = 0.001).</p> <p><b>Conclusion:</b></p> <p>We suggest that the PPP3CC gene might be a susceptibility gene for BPAD, in accordance with current neurobiological hypotheses that implicate dysregulation of signal-transduction pathways, such as those regulated by calcineurin, in the etiology of affective disorders.</p

    Assessment of health claims in the field of bone: a view of the Group for the Respect of Ethics and Excellence in Science (GREES)

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    Health claims for food products in Europe are permitted if the nutrient has been shown to have a beneficial nutritional or physiological effect. This paper defines health claims related to bone health and provides guidelines for the design and the methodology of clinical studies to support claims

    Asymmetric DNA requirements in Xer recombination activation by FtsK

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    In bacteria with circular chromosomes, homologous recombination events can lead to the formation of chromosome dimers. In Escherichia coli, chromosome dimers are resolved by the addition of a crossover by two tyrosine recombinases, XerC and XerD, at a specific site on the chromosome, dif. Recombination depends on a direct contact between XerD and a cell division protein, FtsK, which functions as a hexameric double stranded DNA translocase. Here, we have investigated how the structure and composition of DNA interferes with Xer recombination activation by FtsK. XerC and XerD each cleave a specific strand on dif, the top and bottom strand, respectively. We found that the integrity and nature of eight bottom-strand nucleotides and three top-strand nucleotides immediately adjacent to the XerD-binding site of dif are crucial for recombination. These nucleotides are probably not implicated in FtsK translocation since FtsK could translocate on single stranded DNA in both the 5′–3′ and 3′–5′ orientation along a few nucleotides. We propose that they are required to stabilize FtsK in the vicinity of dif for recombination to occur because the FtsK–XerD interaction is too transient or too weak in itself to allow for XerD catalysis

    Mycolactone Diffuses into the Peripheral Blood of Buruli Ulcer Patients - Implications for Diagnosis and Disease Monitoring.

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    BACKGROUND: Mycobacterium ulcerans, the causative agent of Buruli ulcer (BU), is unique among human pathogens in its capacity to produce a polyketide-derived macrolide called mycolactone, making this molecule an attractive candidate target for diagnosis and disease monitoring. Whether mycolactone diffuses from ulcerated lesions in clinically accessible samples and is modulated by antibiotic therapy remained to be established. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDING: Peripheral blood and ulcer exudates were sampled from patients at various stages of antibiotic therapy in Ghana and Ivory Coast. Total lipids were extracted from serum, white cell pellets and ulcer exudates with organic solvents. The presence of mycolactone in these extracts was then analyzed by a recently published, field-friendly method using thin layer chromatography and fluorescence detection. This approach did not allow us to detect mycolactone accurately, because of a high background due to co-extracted human lipids. We thus used a previously established approach based on high performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. By this means, we could identify structurally intact mycolactone in ulcer exudates and serum of patients, and evaluate the impact of antibiotic treatment on the concentration of mycolactone. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our study provides the proof of concept that assays based on mycolactone detection in serum and ulcer exudates can form the basis of BU diagnostic tests. However, the identification of mycolactone required a technology that is not compatible with field conditions and point-of-care assays for mycolactone detection remain to be worked out. Notably, we found mycolactone in ulcer exudates harvested at the end of antibiotic therapy, suggesting that the toxin is eliminated by BU patients at a slow rate. Our results also indicated that mycolactone titres in the serum may reflect a positive response to antibiotics, a possibility that it will be interesting to examine further through longitudinal studies

    Multiple glacial refugia and contemporary dispersal shape the genetic structure of an endemic amphibian from the Pyrenees

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    Historical factors (colonization scenarios, demographic oscillations) and contemporary processes (population connectivity, current population size) largely contribute to shaping species’ present-day genetic diversity and structure. In this study, we use a combination of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers to understand the role of Quaternary climatic oscillations and present-day gene flow dynamics in determining the genetic diversity and structure of the newt Calotriton asper (Al. Dugès, 1852), endemic to the Pyrenees. Mitochondrial DNA did not show a clear phylogeographic pattern and presented low levels of variation. In contrast, microsatellites revealed five major genetic lineages with admixture patterns at their boundaries. Approximate Bayesian computation analyses and linear models indicated that the five lineages likely underwent separate evolutionary histories and can be tracked back to distinct glacial refugia. Lineage differentiation started around the Last Glacial Maximum at three focal areas (western, central and eastern Pyrenees) and extended through the end of the Last Glacial Period in the central Pyrenees, where it led to the formation of two more lineages. Our data revealed no evidence of recent dispersal between lineages, whereas borders likely represent zones of secondary contact following expansion from multiple refugia. Finally, we did not find genetic evidence of sex-biased dispersal. This work highlights the importance of integrating past evolutionary processes and present-day gene flow and dispersal dynamics, together with multilocus approaches, to gain insights into what shaped the current genetic attributes of amphibians living in montane habitats.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cytoklepty in the plankton: A host strategy to optimize the bioenergetic machinery of endosymbiotic algae

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    Endosymbioses have shaped the evolutionary trajectory of life and remain ecologically important. Investigating oceanic photosymbioses can illuminate how algal endosymbionts are energetically exploited by their heterotrophic hosts and inform on putative initial steps of plastid acquisition in eukaryotes. By combining three-dimensional subcellular imaging with photophysiology, carbon flux imaging, and transcriptomics, we show that cell division of endosymbionts (Phaeocystis) is blocked within hosts (Acantharia) and that their cellular architecture and bioenergetic machinery are radically altered. Transcriptional evidence indicates that a nutrient-independent mechanism prevents symbiont cell division and decouples nuclear and plastid division. As endosymbiont plastids proliferate, the volume of the photosynthetic machinery volume increases 100-fold in correlation with the expansion of a reticular mitochondrial network in close proximity to plastids. Photosynthetic efficiency tends to increase with cell size, and photon propagation modeling indicates that the networked mitochondrial architecture enhances light capture. This is accompanied by 150-fold higher carbon uptake and up-regulation of genes involved in photosynthesis and carbon fixation, which, in conjunction with a ca.15-fold size increase of pyrenoids demonstrates enhanced primary production in symbiosis. Mass spectrometry imaging revealed major carbon allocation to plastids and transfer to the host cell. As in most photosymbioses, microalgae are contained within a host phagosome (symbiosome), but here, the phagosome invaginates into enlarged microalgal cells, perhaps to optimize metabolic exchange. This observation adds evidence that the algal metamorphosis is irreversible. Hosts, therefore, trigger and benefit from major bioenergetic remodeling of symbiotic microalgae with potential consequences for the oceanic carbon cycle. Unlike other photosymbioses, this interaction represents a so-called cytoklepty, which is a putative initial step toward plastid acquisition