24 research outputs found

    Seafloor seismicity, Antarctic ice-sounds, cetacean vocalizations and long-term ambient sound in the Indian Ocean basin

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    International audienceThis paper presents the results from the Deflo-hydroacoustic experiment in the Southern Indian Ocean using three autonomous underwater hydrophones, complemented by two permanent hydroacoustic stations. The array monitored for 14 months, from November 2006 to December 2007, a 3000 x 3000 km wide area, encompassing large segments of the three Indian spreading ridges that meet at the Indian Triple Junction. A catalogue of 11 105 acoustic events is derived from the recorded data, of which 55 per cent are located from three hydrophones, 38 per cent from 4, 6 per cent from five and less than 1 per cent by six hydrophones. From a comparison with land-based seismic catalogues, the smallest detected earthquakes are m(b) 2.6 in size, the range of recorded magnitudes is about twice that of land-based networks and the number of detected events is 5-16 times larger. Seismicity patterns vary between the three spreading ridges, with activity mainly focused on transform faults along the fast spreading Southeast Indian Ridge and more evenly distributed along spreading segments and transforms on the slow spreading Central and ultra-slow spreading Southwest Indian ridges; the Central Indian Ridge is the most active of the three with an average of 1.9 events/100 km/month. Along the Sunda Trench, acoustic events mostly radiate from the inner wall of the trench and show a 200-km-long seismic gap between 2 degrees S and the Equator. The array also detected more than 3600 cryogenic events, with different seasonal trends observed for events from the Antarctic margin, compared to those from drifting icebergs at lower (up to 50 degrees S) latitudes. Vocalizations of five species and subspecies of large baleen whales were also observed and exhibit clear seasonal variability. On the three autonomous hydrophones, whale vocalizations dominate sound levels in the 20-30 and 100 Hz frequency bands, whereas earthquakes and ice tremor are a dominant source of ambient sound at frequencies < 20 Hz

    Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome associated with COVID-19: An Emulated Target Trial Analysis.

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    RATIONALE: Whether COVID patients may benefit from extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) compared with conventional invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) remains unknown. OBJECTIVES: To estimate the effect of ECMO on 90-Day mortality vs IMV only Methods: Among 4,244 critically ill adult patients with COVID-19 included in a multicenter cohort study, we emulated a target trial comparing the treatment strategies of initiating ECMO vs. no ECMO within 7 days of IMV in patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (PaO2/FiO2 <80 or PaCO2 ≥60 mmHg). We controlled for confounding using a multivariable Cox model based on predefined variables. MAIN RESULTS: 1,235 patients met the full eligibility criteria for the emulated trial, among whom 164 patients initiated ECMO. The ECMO strategy had a higher survival probability at Day-7 from the onset of eligibility criteria (87% vs 83%, risk difference: 4%, 95% CI 0;9%) which decreased during follow-up (survival at Day-90: 63% vs 65%, risk difference: -2%, 95% CI -10;5%). However, ECMO was associated with higher survival when performed in high-volume ECMO centers or in regions where a specific ECMO network organization was set up to handle high demand, and when initiated within the first 4 days of MV and in profoundly hypoxemic patients. CONCLUSIONS: In an emulated trial based on a nationwide COVID-19 cohort, we found differential survival over time of an ECMO compared with a no-ECMO strategy. However, ECMO was consistently associated with better outcomes when performed in high-volume centers and in regions with ECMO capacities specifically organized to handle high demand. This article is open access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Écart conjoncturels et croissance dans six économies de l'OCDE

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    Konjunkturabweichungen und Wachstum in sechs Volkswirtschaften der OECD, von Jean Chateau und Pierre-Yves Hénin. Die Aufgliederung des BIP in zyklische und wachstumsspezifische Komponenten ist seit mehreren Jahren Gegenstand zahlreicher Arbeiten. Verschiedene Zweifel sind jedoch hinsichtlich der Aufgliederungen geäußert worden, die nach einer rein statistischen Méthode erfolgen. In diesem Artikel hat man als Grundlage die Aufgliederung gewählt, die von der OECD zwischen potentiellem Sozialprodukt und konjunktureller Abweichung vorgeschlagen wird, urn ihr eine bivariate Modellierung zuzordnen. Vorgeschlagen wird in dieser Untersuchung eine statistische Bewertung der BIP-Dynamik in sechs Volkswirtschaften der OECD, die das Ergebnis zweier orthogonaler Impulsquellen darstellt; und zwar der Wachstums- und der Konjunkturschocks, die durch kurz- oder langfristige Einschränkungen ihrer jeweiligen Beiträge im Rahmen eines semistrukturellen VAR-Modells identifiziert werden. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen nicht die Schlußfolgerung von Nelson und Plosser (1982), sondern eher eine dichotomische Sichtweise, bei der die Wachstumsimpulse nur geringfügig zur konjunkturellen Abweichung beitragen.Economie Deviations and Growth in Six OECD Economies, by Jean Chateau and Pierre-Yves Hénin. A number of studies in recent years have broken down GDP into cyclical and growth components. Yet various questions have been raised about breakdowns made using a purely statistical approach. This article chooses to use the OECD breakdown between potential product and economic deviation in order to include it in bivariate modelling. The study proposes a statistical evaluation of GDP dynamics in six OECD economies as resulting from two orthogonal impulse sources: growth shocks and economic shocks, which are identified by the short- and long-run restrictions on their contributions within the framework of a semi-structural VAR. The results do not corroborate the Nelson and Plosser conclusion (1982), but rather support a dichotomous vision whereby growth impulses contribute very little to economic deviation.Écarts conjoncturels et croissance dans six économies de l'OCDE, par Jean Chateau et Pierre- Yves Hénin. La décomposition du PIB en composantes cycliques et de croissance a fait l'objet de nombreux travaux depuis quelques années. Toutefois, différents doutes se sont exprimés sur les décompositions opérées selon une démarche purement statistique. L'on choisit ici de partir de la décomposition proposée par l'OCDE entre produit potentiel et écart conjoncturel pour lui associer une modélisation bivariée. L'étude propose une évaluation statistique de la dynamique du PIB, dans six économies de l'OCDE, comme résultant de deux sources orthogonales d'impulsions : des chocs de croissance et des chocs conjoncturels, qui sont identifiés par des restrictions à court ou à long terme de leurs contributions dans le cadre d'un VAR semi-structurel. Les résultats ne corroborent pas la conclusion de Nelson et Plosser (1982), mais plutôt une vision dichotomique, où les impulsions de croissance ne contribuent que faiblement à l'écart conjoncturel.Diferencias coyunturales y crecimiento en seis economías de la OCDE, por Jean Chateau y Pierre-Yves Hénin. Desde hace ya algunos años, el desglose del PIB en componentes cíclicos y de crecimiento viene siendo objeto de numerosos trabajos. No obstante, se han manifestado algunas dudas acerca de los desgloses llevados a cabo según un enfoque meramente estadístico. En el caso présente se opta por tomar como punto de partida el desglose propuesto por la OCDE entre producto potencial y diferencia coyuntural para asociarle una modelización œn dos variables. El estudio propone una evaluación estadistica de la dínamica del PIB, en seis economías de la OCDE, así como resultan de dos fuentes ortogonales de impulsos : impactos de crecimiento e impulsos coyunturales, que se identifican por restricciones a corto y a largo plazo de sus contribuciones en el marco de un VAR semiestructural. Los resultados no corroboran la conclusión de Nelson y Plosser (1982), sino mejor aún, una vision dicotómica, en la cual los impulsos de crecimiento únicamente contríbuyen de forma muy reducida en la diferencia coyuntural.Chateau Jean, Hénin Pierre-Yves. Écart conjoncturels et croissance dans six économies de l'OCDE. In: Économie & prévision, n°112, 1994-1. pp. 1-18

    Real-time cell population analysis in bioreactors using deep learning-enabled in situ microscopy

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    International audienceDuring a biotechnological production process using living cells, a substantial number of cells can enter physiological routes which are undesirable, directly lowering the productivity of the process or/and the product quality, whatever the product of interest is. When these cell cultures are performed in bioreactors, there are several critical key parameters of the process that can be monitored to better control the process and prevent cells from deviations. Indeed, cells are subjected to different types of environmental stress, such as hydrodynamic shearing or concentration gradients, exposing them to varying external conditions of dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide, pH, nutrients and by-products that affect their physiology, which can be amplified when the operation is carried out in large-scale bioreactors (Paul and Herwig, 2020). It must be pointed out that the parameters involving cells represent mean values that do not express the behavior and the heterogeneity at the individual cell level. Extrinsic heterogeneity triggered by process parameters should also be completed with the insights obtained on the intrinsic heterogeneity caused by the stochasticity of both gene expression and metabolic reactions, at single-cell level (Delvigne et al., 2014). As heterogeneity globally affects the performance, it raises the importance of developing new methods for bioprocess development and monitoring, which correlate cell cultivation and cell-to-cell analysis, preferably in real-time (Schmitz et al., 2019). According to the regulatory boundaries set by the European EMA or the U.S. FDA, monitoring is also necessary to document repeatability as quality control and ensure a proper operation regime. For these purposes, numerous process analytical tools exist (Rathore et al., 2021). But the state-of-the-art shows that cell population analysis techniques do not provide real-time information with respect to morphological heterogeneity of cells during cultivation in bioreactors, neither at the industrial scale nor for R&amp;D purposes.Here we report the development of an artificial intelligence-based tool applied to high-resolution online in situ microscopy images, aiming to provide accurate cell population analysis according to well-known cellular morphological features within biopharmaceuticals and bioenergy processes

    Microevolutionary relationships between phylogeographical history, climate change and morphological variability in the common vole (Microtus arvalis) across France.

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    15 pagesInternational audienceAim In this study, we analyse microevolutionary processes in common voles (Microtus arvalis) through the investigation of tooth morphological structure, in order to assess the relative impact of climate and phylogeographical history. Microevolutionary studies have shown that climate change may play a role in both population phylogeography and phenotypic differentiation. However, relatively little is known about the precise relationship between phylogeography and phenotypic variability and about how organisms respond to climate change. Location France, from sea level to the Alps (5 to > 2300 m a.s.l.). Methods This morphological analysis is based on first lower molar measurements from 16 geographically distinct common vole populations. Size and shape components are assessed separately. Population structure patterns are characterized using canonical variate analysis. We use phylogenetic analyses of two regions of mitochondrial DNA (the control region and the cytochrome b gene) to infer genetic structure. We calculate climate parameters from temperature and precipitation data. We investigate the influence of climate, geography and phylogeographical history on the phenotype using (1) multiple regression tests, (2) pairwise comparison of observation-by-variable matrices, and (3) a correlation method designed to compare three matrices. Results All populations were clearly structured, whatever the dataset. Neither size nor shape variation was correlated with climate parameters, but tooth shape was strongly correlated with both genetic structure and geographical distance. Main conclusions In French Microtus arvalis populations, molar shape differentiation is clearly associated with both phylogeographical history and geographical distance. Population phylogeographical history has a greater relevance than climate in accounting for variation in tooth morphology

    SynopsX A Lightweight Xquery-Based Framework to Easily Publish and Expose XML Corpora

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    International audienceVarious approaches have been proposed to publish TEI corpora on line, but no standard software solution has emerged yet. As a possible next step after the markup of an edition, publication is still a difficult issue for many projects in Digital humanities. Initiated by the Digital humanities network of ENS Lyon (Atelier des Humanités Numériques), SynopsX is a lightweight framework which aimed is to easily publish and expose XML corpora. It’s a full XQuery web application built with the native XML database BaseX. The sources of the project are published under GNU on GitHub (https://github.com/ahn-ens-lyon/synopsx). SynopsX has been conceived as a scalable and easily customizable solution for XML publication of TEI files. It allows full control on the URL scheme to build real REST applications and we are planning to use it to expose XML corpora in the Linked Open Data. The software brings a templating system for various renderings of resources according to predefined or customized mappings from XML data to output formats. As different partners were involved in the development, three principles have guided the conception of the software : collaboration, mutualization and genericization. At least from this point of view, we can say that SynopsX is a fruitful exemple of non-institutionnal collaboration around the building of an open source software in the field of the TEI