218 research outputs found

    Local Behavior of Sparse Analysis Regularization: Applications to Risk Estimation

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    In this paper, we aim at recovering an unknown signal x0 from noisy L1measurements y=Phi*x0+w, where Phi is an ill-conditioned or singular linear operator and w accounts for some noise. To regularize such an ill-posed inverse problem, we impose an analysis sparsity prior. More precisely, the recovery is cast as a convex optimization program where the objective is the sum of a quadratic data fidelity term and a regularization term formed of the L1-norm of the correlations between the sought after signal and atoms in a given (generally overcomplete) dictionary. The L1-sparsity analysis prior is weighted by a regularization parameter lambda>0. In this paper, we prove that any minimizers of this problem is a piecewise-affine function of the observations y and the regularization parameter lambda. As a byproduct, we exploit these properties to get an objectively guided choice of lambda. In particular, we develop an extension of the Generalized Stein Unbiased Risk Estimator (GSURE) and show that it is an unbiased and reliable estimator of an appropriately defined risk. The latter encompasses special cases such as the prediction risk, the projection risk and the estimation risk. We apply these risk estimators to the special case of L1-sparsity analysis regularization. We also discuss implementation issues and propose fast algorithms to solve the L1 analysis minimization problem and to compute the associated GSURE. We finally illustrate the applicability of our framework to parameter(s) selection on several imaging problems

    Symptoms of depression and cardiovascular reactions to acute psychological stress: Evidence from a population study

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    Depression and exaggerated cardiovascular reactivity are considered risk factors for cardiovascular disease, possibly as a result of common antecedents, such as altered autonomic nervous system function. We examined the association between depressive symptomatology and cardiovascular reactions to psychological stress in 1608 adults (875 women) comprising three distinct age cohorts: 24-, 44-, and 63-year olds. Depression was assessed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Blood pressure and heart rate were measured at baseline and during the paced auditory serial arithmetic test. Depression scores were negatively associated with systolic blood pressure and heart rate reactions, after adjustment for likely confounders such as sex, cohort, occupational status, body mass index, stress task performance score, baseline cardiovascular activity, antidepressant and antihypertensive medication. The direction of association was opposite to that which would be expected if excessive reactivity were to mediate the association between depression and cardiovascular disease outcomes or if they shared common antecedents

    Hexagonal and Square Flux Line Lattices in CeCoIn5

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    Using small-angle neutron scattering, we have imaged the magnetic flux line lattice (FLL) in the d-wave heavy-fermion superconductor CeCoIn5. At low fields we find a hexagonal FLL. Around 0.6 T this undergoes what is very likely a first-order transition to square symmetry, with the nearest neighbors oriented along the gap node directions. This orientation of the square FLL is consistent with theoretical predictions based on the d-wave order parameter symmetry.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figs (1 color

    Frequency of GP communication addressing the patient's resources and coping strategies in medical interviews: a video-based observational study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is increasing focus on patient-centred communicative approaches in medical consultations, but few studies have shown the extent to which patients' positive coping strategies and psychological assets are addressed by general practitioners (GPs) on a regular day at the office. This study measures the frequency of GPs' use of questions and comments addressing their patients' coping strategies or resources.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty-four GPs were video-recorded in 145 consultations. The consultations were coded using a modified version of the Roter Interaction Analysis System. In this study, we also developed four additional coding categories based on cognitive therapy and solution-focused therapy: attribution, resources, coping, and solution-focused techniques.</p> <p>The reliability between coders was established, a factor analysis was applied to test the relationship between the communication categories, and a tentative validating exercise was performed by reversed coding.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Cohen's kappa was 0.52 between coders. Only 2% of the utterances could be categorized as resource or coping oriented. Six GPs contributed 59% of these utterances. The factor analysis identified two factors, one task oriented and one patient oriented.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The frequency of communication about coping and resources was very low. Communication skills training for GPs in this field is required. Further validating studies of this kind of measurement tool are warranted.</p

    Genome-wide survey of parent-of-origin effects on DNA methylation identifies candidate imprinted loci in humans

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    Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic mechanism leading to parent-of-origin silencing of alleles. So far, the precise number of imprinted regions in humans is uncertain. In this study, we leveraged genome-wide DNA methylation in whole blood measured longitudinally at 3 time points (birth, childhood and adolescence) and GWAS data in 740 Mother-Child duos from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children to identify candidate imprinted loci. We reasoned that cis-meQTLs at genomic regions that were imprinted would show strong evidence of parent-of-origin associations with DNA methylation, enabling the detection of imprinted regions. Using this approach, we identified genome-wide significant cis-meQTLs that exhibited parent-of-origin effects (POEs) at 82 loci, 34 novel and 48 regions previously implicated in imprinting (3.7-10< P
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