190 research outputs found

    Testing Einstein's time dilation under acceleration using M\"ossbauer spectroscopy

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    The Einstein time dilation formula was tested in several experiments. Many trials have been made to measure the transverse second order Doppler shift by M\"{o}ssbauer spectroscopy using a rotating absorber, to test the validity of this formula. Such experiments are also able to test if the time dilation depends only on the velocity of the absorber, as assumed by Einstein's clock hypothesis, or the present centripetal acceleration contributes to the time dilation. We show here that the fact that the experiment requires Îł\gamma-ray emission and detection slits of finite size, the absorption line is broadened; by geometric longitudinal first order Doppler shifts immensely. Moreover, the absorption line is non-Lorenzian. We obtain an explicit expression for the absorption line for any angular velocity of the absorber. The analysis of the experimental results, in all previous experiments which did not observe the full absorption line itself, were wrong and the conclusions doubtful. The only proper experiment was done by K\"{u}ndig (Phys. Rev. 129 (1963) 2371), who observed the broadening, but associated it to random vibrations of the absorber. We establish necessary conditions for the successful measurement of a transverse second order Doppler shift by M\"{o}ssbauer spectroscopy. We indicate how the results of such an experiment can be used to verify the existence of a Doppler shift due to acceleration and to test the validity of Einstein's clock hypothesis.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Unusual Response to a Localized Perturbation in a Generalized Elastic Model

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    The generalized elastic model encompasses several physical systems such as polymers, membranes, single file systems, fluctuating surfaces and rough interfaces. We consider the case of an applied localized potential, namely an external force acting only on a single (tagged) probe, leaving the rest of the system unaffected. We derive the fractional Langevin equation for the tagged probe, as well as for a generic (untagged) probe, where the force is not directly applied. Within the framework of the fluctuation-dissipation relations, we discuss the unexpected physical scenarios arising when the force is constant and time periodic, whether or not the hydrodynamic interactions are included in the model. For short times, in case of the constant force, we show that the average drift is linear in time for long range hydrodynamic interactions and behaves ballistically or exponentially for local hydrodynamic interactions. Moreover, it can be opposite to the direction of external disturbance for some values of the model's parameters. When the force is time periodic, the effects are macroscopic: the system splits into two distinct spatial regions whose size is proportional to the value of the applied frequency. These two regions are characterized by different amplitudes and phase shifts in the response dynamics

    On the theory of astronomical maser. I. Statistics of maser radiation

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    In this paper we re-analyse the amplification process of broadband continuum radiation by astronomical masers in one-dimensional case. The basic equations appropriate for the scalar maser and the random nature of the maser radiation field are derived from basic physical principles. Comparision with the standard radiation transfer equation allows us to examine the underlying assumptions involved in the current theory of astronomical masers. Simulations are carried out to follow the amplification of different realisations of the broadband background radiation by the maser. The observable quantities such as intensity, spectral line profile are obtained by averaging over an ensemble of the emerging radiation corresponding to the amplified background radiation field. Our simulations show that the fluctuations of the radiation field inside the astronomical maser deviates significantly from Gaussian statistics even when the maser is only partially saturated. Coupling between different frequency modes and the population pulsing are shown to have increasing importance in the transport of maser radiation as the maser approaches saturation. Our results suggest that the standard formulation of radiation transfer provides a satisfactory description of the intensity and the line narrowing effect in the unsaturated and partially saturated masers within the framework of one-dimensional model. Howerver, the application of the same formulation to the strong saturation regime should be considered with caution.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, to appear on MNRA

    Correlations in a Generalized Elastic Model: Fractional Langevin Equation Approach

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    The Generalized Elastic Model (GEM) provides the evolution equation which governs the stochastic motion of several many-body systems in nature, such as polymers, membranes, growing interfaces. On the other hand a probe (\emph{tracer}) particle in these systems performs a fractional Brownian motion due to the spatial interactions with the other system's components. The tracer's anomalous dynamics can be described by a Fractional Langevin Equation (FLE) with a space-time correlated noise. We demonstrate that the description given in terms of GEM coincides with that furnished by the relative FLE, by showing that the correlation functions of the stochastic field obtained within the FLE framework agree to the corresponding quantities calculated from the GEM. Furthermore we show that the Fox HH-function formalism appears to be very convenient to describe the correlation properties within the FLE approach

    Modification of special relativity and local structures of gravity-free space and time

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    Besides two fundamental postulates, (i) the principle of relativity and (ii) the constancy of the speed of light in all inertial frames of reference, special relativity uses the assumption about the Euclidean structures of gravity-free space and time in the usual inertial coordinate system. Introducing the so-called primed inertial coordinate system, in addition to the usual inertial coordinate system, for each inertial frame of reference, we assume the Euclidean structures of gravity-free space and time in the primed inertial coordinate system and their generalized Finslerian structures in the usual inertial coordinate system. We combine this assumption with the two postulates (i) and (ii) to modify special relativity.Comment: 7 pages, no figur

    Space-Time Approach to Scattering from Many Body Systems

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    We present scattering from many body systems in a new light. In place of the usual van Hove treatment, (applicable to a wide range of scattering processes using both photons and massive particles) based on plane waves, we calculate the scattering amplitude as a space-time integral over the scattering sample for an incident wave characterized by its correlation function which results from the shaping of the wave field by the apparatus. Instrument resolution effects - seen as due to the loss of correlation caused by the path differences in the different arms of the instrument are automatically included and analytic forms of the resolution function for different instruments are obtained. The intersection of the moving correlation volumes (those regions where the correlation functions are significant) associated with the different elements of the apparatus determines the maximum correlation lengths (times) that can be observed in a sample, and hence, the momentum (energy) resolution of the measurement. This geometrical picture of moving correlation volumes derived by our technique shows how the interaction of the scatterer with the wave field shaped by the apparatus proceeds in space and time. Matching of the correlation volumes so as to maximize the intersection region yields a transparent, graphical method of instrument design. PACS: 03.65.Nk, 3.80 +r, 03.75, 61.12.BComment: Latex document with 6 fig

    A Derivation of Three-Dimensional Inertial Transformations

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    The derivation of the transformations between inertial frames made by Mansouri and Sexl is generalised to three dimensions for an arbitrary direction of the velocity. Assuming lenght contraction and time dilation to have their relativistic values, a set of transformations kinematically equivalent to special relativity is obtained. The ``clock hypothesis'' allows the derivation to be extended to accelerated systems. A theory of inertial transformations maintaining an absolute simultaneity is shown to be the only one logically consistent with accelerated movements. Algebraic properties of these transformations are discussed. Keywords: special relativity, synchronization, one-way velocity of light, ether, clock hypothesis.Comment: 16 pages (A5), Latex, one figure, to be published in Found. Phys. Lett. (1997

    Was Einstein Right? Testing Relativity at the Centenary

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    We review the experimental evidence for Einstein's special and general relativity. A variety of high precision null experiments verify the weak equivalence principle and local Lorentz invariance, while gravitational redshift and other clock experiments support local position invariance. Together these results confirm the Einstein Equivalence Principle which underlies the concept that gravitation is synonymous with spacetime geometry, and must be described by a metric theory. Solar system experiments that test the weak-field, post-Newtonian limit of metric theories strongly favor general relativity. The Binary Pulsar provides tests of gravitational-wave damping and of strong-field general relativity. Recently discovered binary pulsar systems may provide additional tests. Future and ongoing experiments, such as the Gravity Probe B Gyroscope Experiment, satellite tests of the Equivalence principle, and tests of gravity at short distance to look for extra spatial dimensions could constrain extensions of general relativity. Laser interferometric gravitational-wave observatories on Earth and in space may provide new tests of gravitational theory via detailed measurements of the properties of gravitational waves.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, to be published in "100 Years of Relativity: Spacetime Structure - Einstein and Beyond", ed. Abhay Ashtekar (World Scientific, Singapore
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