59 research outputs found

    Rational Design of Temperature-Sensitive Alleles Using Computational Structure Prediction

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    Temperature-sensitive (ts) mutations are mutations that exhibit a mutant phenotype at high or low temperatures and a wild-type phenotype at normal temperature. Temperature-sensitive mutants are valuable tools for geneticists, particularly in the study of essential genes. However, finding ts mutations typically relies on generating and screening many thousands of mutations, which is an expensive and labor-intensive process. Here we describe an in silico method that uses Rosetta and machine learning techniques to predict a highly accurate “top 5” list of ts mutations given the structure of a protein of interest. Rosetta is a protein structure prediction and design code, used here to model and score how proteins accommodate point mutations with side-chain and backbone movements. We show that integrating Rosetta relax-derived features with sequence-based features results in accurate temperature-sensitive mutation predictions

    Analysis of the interaction with the hepatitis C virus mRNA reveals an alternative mode of RNA recognition by the human La protein

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    Human La protein is an essential factor in the biology of both coding and non-coding RNAs. In the nucleus, La binds primarily to 3′ oligoU containing RNAs, while in the cytoplasm La interacts with an array of different mRNAs lacking a 3′ UUUOH trailer. An example of the latter is the binding of La to the IRES domain IV of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA, which is associated with viral translation stimulation. By systematic biophysical investigations, we have found that La binds to domain IV using an RNA recognition that is quite distinct from its mode of binding to RNAs with a 3′ UUUOH trailer: although the La motif and first RNA recognition motif (RRM1) are sufficient for high-affinity binding to 3′ oligoU, recognition of HCV domain IV requires the La motif and RRM1 to work in concert with the atypical RRM2 which has not previously been shown to have a significant role in RNA binding. This new mode of binding does not appear sequence specific, but recognizes structural features of the RNA, in particular a double-stranded stem flanked by single-stranded extensions. These findings pave the way for a better understanding of the role of La in viral translation initiation

    A bona fide La protein is required for embryogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Searches in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome using the La motif as query revealed the presence of eight La or La-like proteins. Using structural and phylogenetic criteria, we identified two putative genuine La proteins (At32 and At79) and showed that both are expressed throughout plant development but at different levels and under different regulatory conditions. At32, but not At79, restores Saccharomyces cerevisiae La nuclear functions in non-coding RNAs biogenesis and is able to bind to plant 3′-UUU-OH RNAs. We conclude that these La nuclear functions are conserved in Arabidopsis and supported by At32, which we renamed as AtLa1. Consistently, AtLa1 is predominantly localized to the plant nucleoplasm and was also detected in the nucleolar cavity. The inactivation of AtLa1 in Arabidopsis leads to an embryonic-lethal phenotype with deficient embryos arrested at early globular stage of development. In addition, mutant embryonic cells display a nucleolar hypertrophy suggesting that AtLa1 is required for normal ribosome biogenesis. The identification of two distantly related proteins with all structural characteristics of genuine La proteins suggests that these factors evolved to a certain level of specialization in plants. This unprecedented situation provides a unique opportunity to dissect the very different aspects of this crucial cellular activity

    Comparative whole genome sequencing reveals phenotypic tRNA gene duplication in spontaneous Schizosaccharomyces pombe La mutants

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    We used a genetic screen based on tRNA-mediated suppression (TMS) in a Schizosaccharomyces pombe La protein (Sla1p) mutant. Suppressor pre-tRNASerUCA-C47:6U with a debilitating substitution in its variable arm fails to produce tRNA in a sla1-rrm mutant deficient for RNA chaperone-like activity. The parent strain and spontaneous mutant were analyzed using Solexa sequencing. One synonymous single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), unrelated to the phenotype, was identified. Further sequence analyses found a duplication of the tRNASerUCA-C47:6U gene, which was shown to cause the phenotype. Ninety percent of 28 isolated mutants contain duplicated tRNASerUCA-C47:6U genes. The tRNA gene duplication led to a disproportionately large increase in tRNASerUCA-C47:6U levels in sla1-rrm but not sla1-null cells, consistent with non-specific low-affinity interactions contributing to the RNA chaperone-like activity of La, similar to other RNA chaperones. Our analysis also identified 24 SNPs between ours and S. pombe 972h- strain yFS101 that was recently sequenced using Solexa. By including mitochondrial (mt) DNA in our analysis, overall coverage increased from 52% to 96%. mtDNA from our strain and yFS101 shared 14 mtSNPs relative to a ‘reference’ mtDNA, providing the first identification of these S. pombe mtDNA discrepancies. Thus, strain-specific and spontaneous phenotypic mutations can be mapped in S. pombe by Solexa sequencing

    Integrity of SRP RNA is ensured by La and the nuclear RNA quality control machinery

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    The RNA component of signal recognition particle (SRP) is transcribed by RNA polymerase III, and most steps in SRP biogenesis occur in the nucleolus. Here, we examine processing and quality control of the yeast SRP RNA (scR1). In common with other pol III transcripts, scR1 terminates in a U-tract, and ma-ture scR1 retains a U4–5 sequence at its 3 ′ end. In cells lacking the exonuclease Rex1, scR1 terminates in a longer U5–6 tail that presumably represents the primary transcript. The 3 ′ U-tract of scR1 is protected from aberrant processing by the La homologue, Lhp1 and overexpressed Lhp1 apparently competes with both the RNA surveillance system and SRP assem-bly factors. Unexpectedly, the TRAMP and exosome nuclear RNA surveillance complexes are also impli-cated in protecting the 3 ′ end of scR1, which accu-mulates in the nucleolus of cells lacking the activities of these complexes. Misassembled scR1 has a pri-mary degradation pathway in which Rrp6 acts early, followed by TRAMP-stimulated exonuclease degra-dation by the exosome. We conclude that the RNA surveillance machinery has key roles in both SRP biogenesis and quality control of the RNA, poten-tially facilitating the decision between these alterna-tive fates

    Native-state hydrogen-exchange studies of a fragment complex can provide structural information about the isolated fragments

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    Ordered protein complexes are often formed from partially ordered fragments that are difficult to structurally characterize by conventional NMR and crystallographic techniques. We show that concentration-dependent hydrogen exchange studies of a fragment complex can provide structural information about the solution structures of the isolated fragments. This general methodology can be applied to any bimolecular or multimeric system. The experimental system used here consists of Ribonuclease S, a complex of two fragments of Ribonuclease A. Ribonuclease S and Ribonuclease A have identical three-dimensional structures but exhibit significant differences in their dynamics and stability. We show that the apparent large dynamic differences between Ribonuclease A and Ribonuclease S are caused by small amounts of free fragments in equilibrium with the folded complex, and that amide exchange rates in Ribonuclease S can be used to determine corresponding rates in the isolated fragments. The studies suggest that folded RNase A and the RNase S complex exhibit very similar dynamic behavior. Thus cleavage of a protein chain at a single site need not be accompanied by a large increase in flexibility of the complex relative to that of the uncleaved protein

    Thermodynamic characterization of monomeric and dimeric forms of CcdB (controller of cell division or death B protein).

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    The protein CcdB (controller of cell division or death B) is an F-plasmid-encoded toxin that acts as an inhibitor of Escherichia coli DNA gyrase. The stability and aggregation state of CcdB have been characterized as a function of pH and temperature. Size-exclusion chromatography revealed that the protein is a dimer at pH 7.0, but a monomer at pH 4.0. CD analysis and fluorescence spectroscopy showed that the monomer is well folded, and has similar tertiary structure to the dimer. Hence intersubunit interactions are not required for folding of individual subunits. The stability of both forms was characterized by isothermal denaturant unfolding and calorimetry. The free energies of unfolding were found to be 9.2 kcal x mol(-1) (1 cal approximately 4.184 J) and 21 kcal x mol(-1) at 298 K for the monomer and dimer respectively. The denaturant concentration at which one-half of the protein molecules are unfolded (C(m)) of the dimer is dependent on protein concentration, whereas the C(m) of the monomer is independent of protein concentration, as expected. Although thermal unfolding of the protein in aqueous solution is irreversible at neutral pH, it was found that thermal unfolding is reversible in the presence of GdmCl (guanidinium chloride). Differential scanning calorimetry in the presence of low concentrations of GdmCl in combination with isothermal denaturation melts as a function of temperature were used to derive the stability curve for the protein. The value of Delta C (p) (representing the change in excess heat capacity upon protein denaturation) is 2.8+/-0.2 kcal x mol(-1) x K(-1) for unfolding of dimeric CcdB, and only has a weak dependence on denaturant concentration

    The La protein functions redundantly with tRNA modification enzymes to ensure tRNA structural stability

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    Although the La protein stabilizes nascent pre-tRNAs from nucleases, influences the pathway of pre-tRNA maturation, and assists correct folding of certain pre-tRNAs, it is dispensable for growth in both budding and fission yeast. Here we show that the Saccharomyces cerevisiae La shares functional redundancy with both tRNA modification enzymes and other proteins that contact tRNAs during their biogenesis. La is important for growth in the presence of mutations in either the arginyl tRNA synthetase or the tRNA modification enzyme Trm1p. In addition, two pseudouridine synthases, PUS3 and PUS4, are important for growth in strains carrying a mutation in tRNA(Arg)(CCG) and are essential when La is deleted in these strains. Depletion of Pus3p results in accumulation of the aminoacylated mutant tRNA(Arg)(CCG) in nuclei, while depletion of Pus4p results in decreased stability of the mutant tRNA. Interestingly, the degradation of mutant unstable forms of tRNA(Arg)(CCG) does not require the Trf4p poly(A) polymerase, suggesting that yeast cells possess multiple pathways for tRNA decay. These data demonstrate that La functions redundantly with both tRNA modifications and proteins that associate with tRNAs to achieve tRNA structural stability and efficient biogenesis