549 research outputs found

    Real-time on-board pedestrian detection using generic single-stage algorithms and on-road databases

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    [EN] Pedestrian detection is a particular case of object detection that helps to reduce accidents in advanced driver-assistance systems and autonomous vehicles. It is not an easy task because of the variability of the objects and the time constraints. A performance comparison of object detection methods, including both GPU and non-GPU implementations over a variety of on-road specific databases, is provided. Computer vision multi-class object detection can be integrated on sensor fusion modules where recall is preferred over precision. For this reason, ad hoc training with a single class for pedestrians has been performed and we achieved a significant increase in recall. Experiments have been carried out on several architectures and a special effort has been devoted to achieve a feasible computational time for a real-time system. Finally, an analysis of the input image size allows to fine-tune the model and get better results with practical costs.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was supported by PRYSTINE project which had received funding within the Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking (ECSEL JU) in collaboration with the European Union's H2020 Framework Programme and National Authorities, under grant agreement no. 783190. It was also funded by Generalitat Valenciana through the Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial (IVACE).Ortiz, V.; Del Tejo Catala, O.; Salvador Igual, I.; Perez-Cortes, J. (2020). Real-time on-board pedestrian detection using generic single-stage algorithms and on-road databases. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 17(5). https://doi.org/10.1177/1729881420929175S175Zhang, S., Benenson, R., Omran, M., Hosang, J., & Schiele, B. (2018). Towards Reaching Human Performance in Pedestrian Detection. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 40(4), 973-986. doi:10.1109/tpami.2017.2700460Viola, P., Jones, M. J., & Snow, D. (2005). Detecting Pedestrians Using Patterns of Motion and Appearance. International Journal of Computer Vision, 63(2), 153-161. doi:10.1007/s11263-005-6644-8Dollar, P., Appel, R., Belongie, S., & Perona, P. (2014). Fast Feature Pyramids for Object Detection. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 36(8), 1532-1545. doi:10.1109/tpami.2014.2300479Dollar, P., Wojek, C., Schiele, B., & Perona, P. (2012). Pedestrian Detection: An Evaluation of the State of the Art. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 34(4), 743-761. doi:10.1109/tpami.2011.155Munder, S., & Gavrila, D. M. (2006). An Experimental Study on Pedestrian Classification. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 28(11), 1863-1868. doi:10.1109/tpami.2006.217Enzweiler, M., & Gavrila, D. M. (2009). Monocular Pedestrian Detection: Survey and Experiments. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 31(12), 2179-2195. doi:10.1109/tpami.2008.260He, K., Zhang, X., Ren, S., & Sun, J. (2015). Spatial Pyramid Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 37(9), 1904-1916. doi:10.1109/tpami.2015.2389824McGehee, D. V., Mazzae, E. N., & Baldwin, G. H. S. (2000). Driver Reaction Time in Crash Avoidance Research: Validation of a Driving Simulator Study on a Test Track. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 44(20), 3-320-3-323. doi:10.1177/15419312000440202

    The Instability Strip for Pre--Main-Sequence Stars

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    We investigate the pulsational properties of Pre--Main-Sequence (PMS) stars by means of linear and nonlinear calculations. The equilibrium models were taken from models evolved from the protostellar birthline to the ZAMS for masses in the range 1 to 4 solar masses. The nonlinear analysis allows us to define the instability strip of PMS stars in the HR diagram. These models are used to constrain the internal structure of young stars and to test evolutionary models. We compare our results with observations of the best case of a pulsating young star, HR~5999, and we also identify possible candidates for pulsational variability among known Herbig Ae/Be stars which are located within or close to the instability strip boundaries.Comment: 14 pages, three postscript figures, accepted for publication on the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Interactions of the magnetospheres of stars and close-in giant planets

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    Since the first discovery of an extrasolar planetary system more than a decade ago, hundreds more have been discovered. Surprisingly, many of these systems harbor Jupiter-class gas giants located close to the central star, at distances of 0.1 AU or less. Observations of chromospheric 'hot spots' that rotate in phase with the planetary orbit, and elevated stellar X-ray luminosities,suggest that these close-in planets significantly affect the structure of the outer atmosphere of the star through interactions between the stellar magnetic field and the planetary magnetosphere. Here we carry out the first detailed three-dimensional MagnetoHydroHynamics (MHD) simulation containing the two magnetic bodies and explore the consequences of such interactions on the steady-state coronal structure. The simulations reproduce the observable features of 1) increase in the total X-ray luminosity, 2) appearance of coronal hot spots, and 3) phase shift of these spots with respect to the direction of the planet. The proximate cause of these is an increase in the density of coronal plasma in the direction of the planet, which prevents the corona from expanding and leaking away this plasma via a stellar wind. The simulations produce significant low temperature heating. By including dynamical effects, such as the planetary orbital motion, the simulation should better reproduce the observed coronal heating

    The relation between stellar magnetic field geometry and chromospheric activity cycles – II The rapid 120-day magnetic cycle of <i>τ</i> Bootis

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    One of the aims of the BCool programme is to search for cycles in other stars and to understand how similar they are to the Sun. In this paper, we aim to monitor the evolution of τ Boo’s large-scale magnetic field using high-cadence observations covering its chromospheric activity maximum. For the first time, we detect a polarity switch that is in phase with τ Boo’s 120-day chromospheric activity maximum and its inferred X-ray activity cycle maximum. This means that τ Boo has a very fast magnetic cycle of only 240 days. At activity maximum τ Boo’s large-scale field geometry is very similar to the Sun at activity maximum: it is complex and there is a weak dipolar component. In contrast, we also see the emergence of a strong toroidal component which has not been observed on the Sun, and a potentially overlapping butterfly pattern where the next cycle begins before the previous one has finished

    Minimizing follow-up for space-based transit surveys using full lightcurve analysis

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    One of the biggest challenges facing large transit surveys is the elimination of false-positives from the vast number of transit candidates. We investigate to what extent information from the lightcurves can identify blend scenarios and eliminate them as planet candidates, to significantly decrease the amount of follow-up observing time required to identify the true exoplanet systems. If a lightcurve has a sufficiently high signal-to-noise ratio, a distinction can be made between the lightcurve of a stellar binary blended with a third star and the lightcurve of a transiting exoplanet system. We perform simulations to determine what signal-to-noise level is required to make the distinction between blended and non-blended systems as function of transit depth and impact parameter. Subsequently we test our method on real data from the first IRa01 field observed by the CoRoT satellite, concentrating on the 51 candidates already identified by the CoRoT team. About 70% of the planet candidates in the CoRoT IRa01 field are best fit with an impact parameter of b>0.85, while less than 15% are expected in this range considering random orbital inclinations. By applying a cut at b<0.85, meaning that ~15% of the potential planet population would be missed, the candidate sample decreases from 41 to 11. The lightcurves of 6 of those are best fit with such low host star densities that the planet-to-star size ratii imply unrealistic planet radii of R>2RJup. Two of the five remaining systems, CoRoT1b and CoRoT4b, have been identified as planets by the CoRoT team, for which the lightcurves alone rule out blended light at 14% (2sigma) and 31% (2sigma). We propose to use this method on the Kepler database to study the fraction of real planets and to potentially increase the efficiency of follow-up.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    The LSM1-7 Complex Differentially Regulates Arabidopsis Tolerance to Abiotic Stress Conditions by Promoting Selective mRNA Decapping

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    This work was supported by Grants BIO2010-17545 and BIO2013-47788-R from MINECO to J.S., GA14-34792S from CSFtoO.N., andMCB-1022435 fromtheNationalScience Foundation to L.S. R.C. is supported by a JAE-DOCcontract fromtheCSIC, andC.C.-L. is a recipient of a FPI fellowship from MINECO.International audienceIn eukaryotes, the decapping machinery is highly conserved and plays an essential role in controlling mRNA stability, a key step in the regulation of gene expression. Yet, the role of mRNA decapping in shaping gene expression profiles in response to environmental cues and the operating molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we provide genetic and molecular evidence that a component of the decapping machinery, the LSM1-7 complex, plays a critical role in plant tolerance to abiotic stresses. Our results demonstrate that, depending on the stress, the complex from Arabidopsis thaliana interacts with different selected stress-inducible transcripts targeting them for decapping and subsequent degradation. This interaction ensures the correct turnover of the target transcripts and, consequently, the appropriate patterns of downstream stress-responsive gene expression that are required for plant adaptation. Remarkably, among the selected target transcripts of the LSM1-7 complex are those encoding NCED3 and NCED5, two key enzymes in abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis. We demonstrate that the complex modulates ABA levels in Arabidopsis exposed to cold and high salt by differentially controlling NCED3 and NCED5 mRNA turnover, which represents a new layer of regulation in ABA biosynthesis in response to abiotic stress. Our findings uncover an unanticipated functional plasticity of the mRNA decapping machinery to modulate the relationship between plants and their environment

    Concerted Transport and Phosphorylation of Diacylglycerol at ER-PM Contacts Sites Regulates Phospholipid Dynamics During Stress

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    A universal response of plants to environmental stresses is the activation of plasma membrane (PM) phospholipase C (PLC) that hydrolyzes phosphatidylinositol phosphate (PIP) to produce soluble inositol phosphate (IP) and diacylglycerol (DAG). DAG produced in this way can be either phosphorylated by PM diacylglycerol kinases (DGKs) to produce the second messenger phosphatidic acid (PA) or transferred to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by the Synaptotagmin 1 (SYT1) protein at ER-PM Contact Sites (CS). In Arabidopsis, the clearance of DAG at the PM (avoiding deleterious accumulation) by the transfer activity of SYT is essential to maintain PM stability after stress. In this study we identify that DGK1 and DGK2 form a module with SYT1 at ER-PM CS through interaction of their C1 and C2 domains respectively. Global transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses confirms that SYT1 and DGK1/DGK2 are functionally related and lipidomic analysis supports the hypothesis that DGK1 and DGK2 function at the ER by phosphorylating DAG transferred by SYT1 from the PM. DGK1 and DGK2 show structural similarity to human DGKε, the DGK isoform that function at ER-PM CS in the phosphoinositide (PI) cycle. Our data indicate that components of the PI cycle are conserved between animals and plants and provide a novel mechanism leading to an increase in the efficiency of the PI cycle by channeling the transport and hydrolysis of DAG at the ER-PM CS

    CoRoT\,102699796, the first metal-poor Herbig Ae pulsator: a hybrid δ\delta Sct-γ\gamma Dor variable?

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    We present the analysis of the time series observations of CoRoT\,102699796 obtained by the CoRoT satellite that show the presence of five independent oscillation frequencies in the range 3.6-5 c/d. Using spectra acquired with FLAMES@VLT, we derive the following stellar parameters: spectral type F1V, Teff_{\rm eff}=7000±\pm200 K, log(g)=3.8±0.43.8\pm0.4, [M/H]=1.1±0.2-1.1\pm0.2, vvsinii=50±550\pm5 km/s, L/L_{\odot}=2111+21^{+21}_{-11}. Thus, for the first time we report the existence of a metal poor, intermediate-mass PMS pulsating star. Ground-based and satellite data are used to derive the spectral energy distribution of CoRoT\,102699796 extending from the optical to mid-infrared wavelengths. The SED shows a significant IR excess at wavelengths greater than 5μ\sim5 \mu. We conclude that CoRoT\,102699796 is a young Herbig Ae (F1Ve) star with a transitional disk, likely associated to the HII region [FT96]213.1-2.2. The pulsation frequencies have been interpreted in the light of the non-radial pulsation theory, using the LOSC code in conjunction with static and rotational evolutionary tracks. A minimization algorithm was used to find the best-fit model with M=1.84 M_{\odot}, Teff_{\rm eff}=6900 K which imply an isochronal age of t\sim2.5 Myr. This result is based on the interpretation of the detected frequencies as gg-modes of low-moderate nn-value. To our knowledge, this is the first time that such modes are identified in a intermediate-mass PMS pulsating star. Since CoRoT\,102699796 lies in the region of the HR diagram where the δ\delta Sct and γ\gamma Dor instability strips intersect, we argue that the observed pulsation characteristics are intermediate between these classes of variables, i.e. CoRoT\,102699796 is likely the first PMS hybrid γ\gamma Dor-δ\delta Sct pulsator ever studied.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the RA

    Regulation of the apoptotic genes in breast cancer cells by the transcription factor CTCF

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    CTCF is a highly conserved and ubiquitous transcription factor with versatile functions. We previously demonstrated that elevated protein levels of CTCF in breast cancer cells were associated with the specific anti-apoptotic function of CTCF. We used proteomics and microarray approaches to identify regulatory targets of CTCF specific for breast cancer cells. Among the CTCF identified targets were proteins involved in the control of apoptosis. A proapoptotic protein, Bax, negatively regulated by CTCF, was chosen for further investigation. Repression of the human Bax gene at the transcriptional level by CTCF in breast cancer cells was confirmed by real-time PCR. Two CTCF binding sites within the Bax promoter were identified by electrophoretic mobility shift assay and footprinting. In reporter assays, the Bax-luciferase reporter construct, containing CTCF-binding sites, was negatively regulated by CTCF. In vivo, CTCF occupied its binding sites in breast cancer cells and tissues, as confirmed by chromatin immunoprecipitation assay. Our findings suggest a possible mechanism of the specific CTCF anti-apoptotic function in breast cancer cells whereby CTCF is bound to the Bax promoter, resulting in repression of Bax and inhibition of apoptosis; depletion of CTCF leads to activation of Bax and apoptotic death. CTCF binding sites in the Bax promoter are unmethylated in all cells and tissues inspected. Therefore, specific CTCF interaction with the Bax promoter in breast cancer cells, and the functional outcome, may depend on a combination of epigenetic factors characteristic for these cells. Interestingly, CTCF appears to be a negative regulator of other proapoptotic genes (for example, Fas, Apaf-1, TP531NP1). Conversely, stimulating effects of CTCF on the anti-apoptotic genes (Bcl-2, Bag-3) have been observed. Taken together, these findings suggest that specific mechanisms have evolved in breast cancer cells to protect them from apoptosis; regulation of apoptotic genes by CTCF appears to be one of the resistance strategies