1,736 research outputs found

    Ofatumumab and high-dose methylprednisolone for the treatment of patients with relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

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    Ofatumumab is a humanized anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody that has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. We conducted a phase II single-arm study at a single center. Patients received ofatumumab (300 mg then 1000 mg weekly for 12 weeks) and methylprednisolone (1000 mg/m(2) for 3 days of each 28-day cycle). Twenty-one patients enrolled, including 29% with unfavorable cytogenetics (del17p or del11q). Ninety percent of patients received the full course without dose reductions or delays. The overall response rate was 81% (17/21) with 5% complete response, 10% nodular partial response, 67% partial response, 14% stable disease and 5% progressive disease. After a median follow-up of 31 months, the median progression-free survival was 9.9 months and the median time to next treatment was 12.1 months. The median overall survival has not yet been reached. The combination of high-dose methylprednisolone and ofatumumab is an effective and tolerable treatment regimen. This regimen may be useful for patients who are unable to tolerate more aggressive therapies, or have not responded to other treatments

    Some ecological aspects of free-living Haemaphysalis juxtakochi Cooley, 1946 (Acari: Ixodidae) in Panama

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    ABSTRACT Objective. To describe the seasonal variation and perform a comparative analysis on habitat preference of Haemaphysalis juxtakochi in Panama. Materials and methods. Ticks were collected from the vegetation, using a white cloth, between January 2009 and March 2010, in four site located in Summit Municipal Park (SMP), two in wooded area (WA) and two in grasslands (GR).The ticks were determined as larvae, nymphs and adults of H. juxtakochi. The number of ticks collected in each area was employed to describe the seasonal distribution of both immature and adult stages, and the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test. Results. A total of 2.338 ticks in WA and 560 ticks in GR were collected. The major peak of adults from May to July, nymphs peaked from January to April and the peak of larvae abundance from December and January. There was a significant difference in the number of ticks collected in the two areas for each tick stage (larvae, mean number (MN) in WA 120.14, MN in GR 57.07, P: 0.02; nymphs, MN in WA 46.42, MN in GR 16.38, P: 0.018; adults, MN in WA 6.64, MN in GR 1.78, P: 0.02). Conclusions. The results suggest that H. juxtakochi maintains a one-year cycle in the study areas. This cycle would be characterized by the immature population peaks in the dry season; while adults are distributed throughout year, with a peak in the transition from the rainy and dry. Moreover, H. juxtakochi was more abundant in forests than in grasslands, which could lead to a better adaptation to forested conditions

    Metabolic rate and rates of protein turnover in food-deprived cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis (Linnaeus 1758)

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    To determine the metabolic response to food deprivation, cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) juveniles were either fed, fasted (3 to 5 days food deprivation), or starved (12 days food deprivation). Fasting resulted in a decrease in triglyceride levels in the digestive gland, and after 12 days, these lipid reserves were essentially depleted. Oxygen consumption was decreased to 53% and NH4 excretion to 36% of the fed group following 3-5 days of food deprivation. Oxygen consumption remained low in the starved group, but NH4 excretion returned to the level recorded for fed animals during starvation. The fractional rate of protein synthesis of fasting animals decreased to 25% in both mantle and gill compared with fed animals and remained low in the mantle with the onset of starvation. In gill, however, protein synthesis rate increased to a level that was 45% of the fed group during starvation. In mantle, starvation led to an increase in cathepsin A-, B-, H-, and L-like enzyme activity and a 2.3-fold increase in polyubiquitin mRNA that suggested an increase in ubiquitin-proteasome activity. In gill, there was a transient increase in the polyubiquitin transcript levels in the transition from fed through fasted to the starved state and cathepsin A-, B-, H-, and L-like activity was lower in starved compared with fed animals. The response in gill appears more complex, as they better maintain rates of protein synthesis and show no evidence of enhanced protein breakdown through recognized catabolic processes

    Long gamma-ray bursts and core-collapse supernovae have different environments

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    When massive stars exhaust their fuel they collapse and often produce the extraordinarily bright explosions known as core-collapse supernovae. On occasion, this stellar collapse also powers an even more brilliant relativistic explosion known as a long-duration gamma-ray burst. One would then expect that long gamma-ray bursts and core-collapse supernovae should be found in similar galactic environments. Here we show that this expectation is wrong. We find that the long gamma-ray bursts are far more concentrated on the very brightest regions of their host galaxies than are the core-collapse supernovae. Furthermore, the host galaxies of the long gamma-ray bursts are significantly fainter and more irregular than the hosts of the core-collapse supernovae. Together these results suggest that long-duration gamma-ray bursts are associated with the most massive stars and may be restricted to galaxies of limited chemical evolution. Our results directly imply that long gamma-ray bursts are relatively rare in galaxies such as our own Milky Way.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Nature on 22 August 2005, revised 9 February 2006, online publication 10 May 2006. Supplementary material referred to in the text can be found at http://www.stsci.edu/~fruchter/GRB/locations/supplement.pdf . This new version contains minor changes to match the final published versio

    Genome-wide association study of nevirapine hypersensitivity in a sub-Saharan African HIV-infected population

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    The initial GWAS was funded by the International Serious Adverse Events Consortium (iSAEC). The iSAEC is a non-profit organization dedicated to identifying and validating DNA variants useful in predicting the risk of drug-related serious adverse events. The Consortium brings together the pharmaceutical industry, regulatory authorities and academic centres to address clinical and scientific issues associated with the genetics of drug-related serious adverse events. The iSAEC’s current funding members include: Abbott, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Daiichi Sankyo, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Novartis, Pfizer, Takeda and the Wellcome Trust. Mas Chaponda was funded by a 3 year Wellcome Trust training fellowship WT078857MA administered through the University of Liverpool. Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme is funded through a Core Programme Grant award from the Wellcome Trust. Munir Pirmohamed is a National Institute for Health Research Senior Investigator, and also wishes to thank the MRC Centre for Drug Safety Science for support. The DART study was supported by the UK Medical Research Council (grant number G0600344), the UK Department for International Development and the Rockefeller Foundation. Andrew P. Morris is a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow in Basic Biomedical Science (grant number WT098017). Louise Y. Takeshita is funded by a PhD fellowship from CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Brazil). Panos Deloukas’ work forms part of the research themes contributing to the translational research portfolio of Barts Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit which is supported and funded by the National Institute for Health Research