71 research outputs found

    VPS implícito, modelización única

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    El objeto del proyecto es el estudio de la implementación del código implícito Virtual Performance Solution en el departamento de cálculo del Centro Técnico de SEAT y la búsqueda de una modelización única. El programa Virtual Performance Solution (VPS), más conocido como PAMCrash, está ampliamente extendido en el mundo de la automoción para cálculos de crash, impactos y seguridad de ocupantes. ESI Group, es la empresa que desarrolla y comercializa este producto a nivel mundial, con ventas y soporte técnico a clientes en más de 30 países. En 2007 se desarrolló el módulo implícito de VPS y se realizó un Benchmark junto con SEAT para analizar su potencial uso en casos de carga estáticos, con resultados muy satisfactorios. El presente proyecto nace de estos resultados, y de la necesidad de obtener un modelo único con el cual poder calcular tanto los casos dinámicos mediante integración explícita, como los casos estáticos y cuasi-estáticos mediante integración implícita. El proyecto ha sido realizado en las oficinas de Barcelona de ESI Group Hispania y en el departamento de cálculo del Centro Técnico de SEAT Martorell

    Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene, homocysteine and coronary artery disease: the A1298C polymorphism does matter. Inferences from a case study (Madeira, Portugal)

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    Elevated levels of plasma homocysteine, an independent risk factor and a strong predictor of mortality in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD), can result from nutritional deficiencies or genetic errors, including methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T and A1298C polymorphisms. The contribution of these polymorphisms in the development of CAD remains controversial. We analysed the impact of MTHFR C677T and A1298C on fasting homocysteine and CAD in 298 CAD patients proved by angiography and 510 control subjects from the Island of Madeira (Portugal). After adjustment for other risk factors, plasma homocysteine remained independently correlated with CAD. Serum homocysteine was significantly higher in individuals with 677TT and 1298AA genotypes. There was no difference in the distribution of MTHFR677 genotypes between cases and controls but a significant increase in 1298AA prevalence was found in CAD patients. In spite of the clear effect of C677T mutation on elevated homocysteine levels we only found an association between 1298AA genotype and CAD in this population. The simultaneous presence of 677CT and 1298AA genotypes provides a significant risk of developing the disease, while the 1298AC genotype, combined with 677CC, shows a significant trend towards a decrease in CAD occurrence. The data shows an independent association between elevated levels of homocysteine and CAD. Both MTHFR polymorphisms are associated with increased fasting homocysteine (677TT and 1298AA genotypes), but only the 1298AA variant shows an increased prevalence in CAD group. Odds ratio seem to indicate that individuals with the MTHFR 1298AA genotype and the 677CT/1298AA compound genotype had a 1.6-fold increased risk for developing CAD suggesting a possible association of MTHFR polymorphisms with the risk of CAD in Madeira population.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prenatal Diagnosis of Fetal Nasal Glioma

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    A34-year-old primigravida with no significant medical history underwent a routine ultrasound at 21 weeks’ gestation. Fetal sonography revealed the presence of a solid mass, 14 mm 19 mm in size, arising from the region of the glabella (Figure 1B). No other abnormalities were detected. Fetal MRI was performed at 21 weeks (Figure 2A) to clearly define the lesion and rule out calvarial defects. The patient chose to continue with the pregnancy. A male fetus was uneventfully delivered at 39 weeks. The presence of a solid friable mass located in the left internal canthus was noticed (Figure 2B). The mass was resected with no complications at 2 weeks of age (Figure 2C), and pathological study confirmed the presence of neuroglial heterotopic tissue (nasal glioma). Although benign in nature, gliomas are cosmetically unfavorable, and early surgical intervention is the treatment of choice to minimize nasal distortion.1,2 Differential diagnosis includes encephalocele, teratoma, dermoid cyst, dacryocystocele, retinoblastoma, and hemangioma.2,3 Prenatal suspected diagnosis and assessment is of paramount relevanceS

    Fractional diffusions with time-varying coefficients

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    This paper is concerned with the fractionalized diffusion equations governing the law of the fractional Brownian motion BH(t)B_H(t). We obtain solutions of these equations which are probability laws extending that of BH(t)B_H(t). Our analysis is based on McBride fractional operators generalizing the hyper-Bessel operators LL and converting their fractional power LαL^{\alpha} into Erd\'elyi--Kober fractional integrals. We study also probabilistic properties of the r.v.'s whose distributions satisfy space-time fractional equations involving Caputo and Riesz fractional derivatives. Some results emerging from the analysis of fractional equations with time-varying coefficients have the form of distributions of time-changed r.v.'s

    Assessment of over-the-head resuscitation method in an inflatable rescue boat sailing at full speed. A non-inferiority pilot study

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    Introduction: Drowning is a public health problem. Interrupting the drowning process as soon as possible and starting cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can improve survival rates. Inflatable rescue boats (IRBs) are widely used worldwide to rescue drowning victims. Performing CPR in special circumstances requires adjusting the position based on the environment and space available. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of over-the-head resuscitation performed by rescuers aboard an IRB in comparison to standard CPR.Methods: A quasi-experimental, quantitative, cross-sectional pilot study was conducted. Ten professional rescuers performed 1 min of simulated CPR on a QCPR Resuscy Anne manikin (Laerdal, Norway) sailing at 20 knots using two different techniques: 1) standard CPR (S-CPR) and 2) over-the-head CPR (OTH-CPR). Data were recorded through the APP QCPR Training (Laerdal, Norway).Results: The quality of CPR was similar between S-CPR (61%) and OTH-CPR (66%), with no statistically significant differences (p = 0.585). Both the percentage of compressions and the percentage of correct ventilations did not show significant differences (p > 0.05) between the techniques.Conclusion: The rescuers can perform CPR maneuvers with acceptable quality in the IRB. The OTH-CPR technique did not show inferiority compared to S-CPR, making it a viable alternative when boat space or rescue conditions do not allow the conventional technique to be performed.Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Reporte del hallazgo de árboles culturalmente modificados en bosques costeros de Nothofagus Betuloides (Mirb.) Oerst 1871 (Nothofagaceae) por pueblos canoeros de la Patagonia austral y Tierra del Fuego

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    Los bosques templados costeros pluviales de la Patagonia austral y Tierra del Fuego cons- tituyen una expresión florística y ecológica de características propias y muy distintas al resto de las formaciones vegetales del continente americano (Pisano, 1997). Aquellos de carác- ter “primario” o en estados sucesionales avan- zados son actualmente remanentes escasos de los procesos antrópicos de degradación ambiental relacionados a la extracción y explo- tación de recursos naturales, que sobreviven gracias a su aislamiento de caminos o rutas de explotación, o bien, por su resguardo geográ- fico a eventos climáticos de gran envergadura (i.e. volteo masivo por temporales de viento) (Pisano, 1997; Promis, Cruz, Reif &Gärtner, 2008). Conservan en su estructura información de enorme y singular valor ecológico, siendo testigos vivos de procesos ambientales y paleoclimáticos, estrechamente ligados a las dinámicas históricas del paisaje litoral de los canales patagónicos (Holz, Haberle, Veblen, De Pol Holz, Southon, 2012; Koch & Kilian, 2002; Villagrán, 2018)but rarely on both. In this study of fire history in western Patagonia (47-48° S. A su vez, es de esperar, que dichas dinámicas podrían comprender en parte o en su totali- dad, una historia estrechamente ligada al ser humano, al menos desde el retroceso glacial y posterior ocupación de los canales patagó- nicos por cazadores recolectores marinos o pueblos canoeros (Emperaire, 1955)

    Caracterización de tarjeta de audio para adquisición de señales EOG

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    Los movimientos oculares sacadicos son de gran utilidad en el diaanóstico y evalucaciñon de enfermedades neurológicas, para su adquisición y procesamiento se necesita de equipamiento especializado y caro. en este trabajo se realiza la caracterización de una tarjeta de audio de uso comercial con el objetivo de evaluar si es adecuada como una alternativa de bajo costo para la medición de estos movimientos. Se realizan un grupo de pruebas que incluyen la determinación de la calidad de la forma de onde del generadr de funciones utilizado, así como el rango dinámico de la tarjeta, su lineabilidad, resolución, rspuesta de frecuencias, respuesta a la onda cuadrada y la estabilidad temporal, A pesar de que en algunos de estos parámetros se obtienen resultados muy buenos, las limitaciones presentes en la adquisición de señales de muy baja frecuencia hacen que se concluya que no es factible el uso de este tipo de hardware en la medición de estos movimientos. Keywords:   sacadas,  movimientos  oculares,  adquisición de datos,  AD

    Balance sectorial utilizando modelos matemáticos. Aplicación en Cuba

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    The objective of the paper is to equilibrate the sectorial imbalances of the production of goods and services, identified in the Cuban productive structure, following a methodology that includes mathematical modeling. Econometric and goal programming (GP) models are designed to assess the relative importance, to estimate and to solve the imbalances between the intermediate and final destination in economic sectors of the Cuban economy. This makes it possible to design public policies focused on improving economic complementarity and integration, a relevant aspect in the process of updating the Cuban economic and social model, endorsed in the government documents governing the economic reform undertaken since 2011. As a result, the methodology is applied in the province of Santiago de Cuba, where sectorial imbalances were estimated and productive capacities reserves of goods and services by 42.500 million pesos were identified to equilibrate the imbalances, which can contribute to investment decision-making within the framework of the country's economic and social development strategy until 2030.El artículo tiene como objetivo equilibrar los desbalances o desequilibrios sectoriales en la producción de bienes y servicios, identificados en la estructura productiva de Cuba, siguiendo una metodología que incluye la modelización matemática. Se diseñan y aplican modelos econométricos y de programación por metas (GP) para evaluar la importancia relativa, estimar y resolver los desequilibrios entre los sectores económicos de destinos intermedio y final de la economía cubana. Lo que posibilita el diseño de políticas públicas enfocadas a la mejora de la complementariedad e integración económica; aspecto relevante en el proceso de actualización del modelo económico y social cubano, refrendado en los documentos gubernamentales que rigen la reforma económica emprendida en 2011. Se aplica la metodología en la provincia de Santiago de Cuba, donde se estimaron desequilibrios sectoriales e identificaron reservas de capacidades productivas de bienes y servicios por 42.500 millones de pesos para equilibrar los desbalances, lo que puede contribuir a la toma de decisiones de inversión en el marco de la estrategia de desarrollo económico y social del país hasta 2030

    Differences in corneo-scleral topographic profile between healthy and keratoconus corneas

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    Purpose: To evaluate the differences in corneo-scleral topographic profile between healthy and keratoconus eyes, and their potential diagnostic ability for keratoconus detection. Methods: Prospective comparative study including 21 keratoconic eyes (11 patients) and 88 healthy eyes (88 patients). In all cases, a complete eye exam was performed including an evaluation of the corneo-scleral profile. The diagnostic ability of corneo-scleral topographic parameters to detect keratoconus was evaluated using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Results: A significant lower inferior tangent angle at limbus (ITA) was found in the keratoconic group compared to the control group (p = 0.024). Regarding sagittal heights, significant differences between groups were found in temporal sagittal height (TSH) for 11 mm (p = 0.040), 12 mm (p = 0.041) and 13 mm corneal chords (p = 0.040), difference between temporal and nasal sagittal heights (T-NSH) for 12 mm (p = 0.025) and 13 mm (p = 0.034), and maximum sagittal height (MaxSH) for 12 mm (p = 0.043), with higher values in keratoconus. In bilateral cases, these differences were not found when comparing with the least severe keratoconus eye. Statistical significance for the ROC curve was only found for ITA (p = 0.025), 12-mm (p = 0.048) and 13-mm TSH (p = 0.042), and 13-mm T-NSH (p = 0.037), with cutoff values associated to limited values of sensitivity and specificity. Conclusions: The corneo-scleral profile in keratoconus presents higher levels of asymmetry compared to healthy eyes, especially in eyes with moderate and advanced stages of the disease. The diagnostic accuracy of corneo-scleral topographic data alone for keratoconus detection is limited and must be used in conjunction with other clinical parameters

    A relocatable ocean model in support of environmental emergencies

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    During the Costa Concordia emergency case, regional, subregional, and relocatable ocean models have been used together with the oil spill model, MEDSLIK-II, to provide ocean currents forecasts, possible oil spill scenarios, and drifters trajectories simulations. The models results together with the evaluation of their performances are presented in this paper. In particular, we focused this work on the implementation of the Interactive Relocatable Nested Ocean Model (IRENOM), based on the Harvard Ocean Prediction System (HOPS), for the Costa Concordia emergency and on its validation using drifters released in the area of the accident. It is shown that thanks to the capability of improving easily and quickly its configuration, the IRENOM results are of greater accuracy than the results achieved using regional or subregional model products. The model topography, and to the initialization procedures, and the horizontal resolution are the key model settings to be configured. Furthermore, the IRENOM currents and the MEDSLIK-II simulated trajectories showed to be sensitive to the spatial resolution of the meteorological fields used, providing higher prediction skills with higher resolution wind forcing.MEDESS4MS Project; TESSA Project; MyOcean2 Projectinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio