72 research outputs found

    Elaboración del sistema de gestión de seguridad operacional para los servicios de navegación aérea del Comando Aéreo de Combate No. 4

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    El Escuadrón de Navegación Aérea es la dependencia encargada de prestar los Servicios de Navegación Aérea en las áreas bajo jurisdicción del Comando Aéreo de Combate N.4; en estos espacios aéreos se desarrollan la mayor cantidad de operaciones aéreas de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana, razón por la cual los peligros inherentes a la actividad aérea deben ser tratados con la importancia que se merecen a fin de evitar eventos no deseados. La Fuerza Aérea Colombiana ha adoptado las medidas necesarias a fin de garantizar que las operaciones cumplan los más altos estándares de calidad y seguridad, motivo por el cual ha implementado sistemas de gestión que permitan el logro de objetivos y el cumplimiento de la misión. Este trabajo busca elaborar el sistema de gestión de la seguridad operacional para los servicios de navegación aérea de la unidad con el cual se haga una adecuada gestión de los riesgos que faciliten al controlador de tránsito aéreo cumplir su labor y defina responsabilidades de todos los miembros de la organización

    Locating hidden river courses via geo-technical investigation – application in the city of Granada, Spain

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    The diversion of natural river courses and subsequent filling by alluvial deposits or anthropic intervention has been hidden by urban development in the majority of the cities. The research we conducted involved monitoring the evolution of a river course and reconnaissance of the original morphology of the fluvial systems. Our research was applied to the section of the River Beiro that flows through the city of Granada, Spain. The research has been carried out using geo-technical methodology based on reconnaissance via dynamic penetration. This allowed us to determine the different degrees of consolidation and compaction in the areas corresponding with the former course of the river, which are now filled by alluvial deposits. In addition, we have backed up our findings with information provided by historical maps of the city of Granada. The results have identified an area wherein buildings are at risk, as evidenced by the detrimental effects registered in the buildings in this area


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    En la actualidad, para la aplicación de ingeniería de software existen varios procesos de desarrollo de software. En esta investigación una de las etapas importantes del proceso de desarrollo es la ingeniería de requerimientos, etapa en que se definen inicialmente las características y restricciones con las que debe contar el sistema en desarrollo, parte fundamental ya que determina qué funcionalidad debe contener el software. En el caso de uso se aplicará al Sistema de Alta de Unidades de Aprendizaje (SAUA), que les permitirá a los alumnos de la Unidad Académica de Ingeniería (UAI) de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero (UAGro) dar de alta la unidad de aprendizaje ofertada (cursos) de manera remota mediante el uso de internet.

    Analysis of spurious peaks at series resonance in solidly mounted resonators by combined BVD-Mason modelling

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    Solidly Mounted Resonators (SMRs) for high frequency RF filters and sensing applications often display spurious resonances that distort their frequency response. In this work, we try to identify the origin of spurious resonances accompanying the main series resonances in AlN-based SMRs with the help of modified Butterworth Van Dyke (BVD) and Mason’s models. By manufacturing SMRs of different sizes and shapes and studying the influence of the position of the electrical probing spot, we have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that devices with larger areas are more likely to display these additional peaks. Our updated models accurately simulate the frequency response of the SMRs, revealing that spurious peaks are mostly related to the resistance of the electrodes. Our study clarifies the origin of the spurious resonances and offers solutions for both, the optimal design and measurement method of SMRs.This work was supported in part by the UPC University. Department of Signal and communications [Grant BS123456], CONACYT [grant 291234] Conacyt-Secretaría de Energía-Hidrocarburos 2017 octavo período, R&D National Plan of Spanish Government [PID-2020- 118410RB-C22] and Comunidad de Madrid through the call Research Grants for Young Investigators from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ACUEX, APOYO-JOVENES-21-TUGJDU-108-WNZK0H.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version


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    En los sistemas multiprocesador los datos pueden residir tanto en distintos niveles de caché como en la memoria principal. Mantener la coherencia de los datos entre los diferentes cachés y la memoria principal se conoce como el problema de coherencia de caché, el cual se puede solventar con el uso de protocolos como MESI (Modified-Exclusive-Shared-Invalid). En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de un prototipo cuyo objetivo es explicar el funcionamiento del protocolo antes mencionado en cursos de arquitecturas avanzadas de computadoras vistos a nivel ingeniería. El prototipo emula el funcionamiento de un sistema multiprocesador de dos procesadores (cada uno con un único nivel de caché) y la memoria principal utilizando dos tarjetas Arduino. El sistema interactúa con el usuario por medio de botones para leer y modificar datos de la memoria, así como pantallas que despliegan el contenido de las cachés y el estado en el que se encuentran.In the multiprocessor systems data can reside in different cache memory levels as in the main memory. Maintaining data coherence between different caches and main memory is known as the cache coherence problem, which can be solved with the use of protocols such as MESI (Modified-Exclusive-Shared-Invalid). This paper presents the development of a prototype whose objective is the explanation of the aforementioned protocol in courses of advanced computer architectures seen at the engineering level. The prototype emulates the operation of a multiprocessor system with two processors and the main memory using two Arduino boards. The system interacts with the user through means of buttons to read and modify data from the memory, as well as the screens that display the contents of the caches and the state in which they are located

    Effect of 8-Week Consumption of a Dietary Pattern Based on Fruit, Avocado, Whole Grains, and Trout on Postprandial Inflammatory and Oxidative Stress Gene Expression in Obese People

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    Overweight and obesity constitute a major global public health problem. Healthy dietary patterns induce changes at the molecular level. Currently, there are no studies evaluating the effect of a diet based on fruit, avocado, whole grains, and trout (FAWGT diet) on the expression of obesity-related genes. This randomized controlled crossover study included 44 obese Colombians with BMI ≥30 kg/m2 who followed either a FAWGT diet or a usual diet (UD) characterized by a high intake of saturated fat and foods rich in processed carbohydrates. After 8 weeks of intervention, a postprandial expression study of inflammation and oxidative stress-related genes was carried out with a real-time PCR. The intervention with a FAWGT diet decreased the expression of inflammatory (NFKB1, IL6, IL1β) and oxidative stress (NFE2L2) genes compared with the intake of the UD. Finally, the postprandial expression of NFkB1 was positively correlated with triglyceride levels after a dietary intervention with the FAWGT diet and the IL1β gene, and likewise with insulin levels after following the usual diet. The consumption of the FAWGT diet for 8 weeks reduced the inflammatory status; thus, it can be considered a valid alternative to other healthy diets, since it induces beneficial changes on the genes involved in inflammation and oxidative stress in obese people

    Momento Económico (17-18)

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    En este número Temas de hoy, 2/ Encuentro sobre la Deuda Externa de America Latina y el Caribe, México, Alonso Aguilar, 3/ Fernando Carmona, 5/ Heberto Castillo. 6/ Gantón Garcia Cantú, 7/ Pablo Gómez, 8/ Sergio Méndez Arceo, 9/ Carlos Tello, 11/ Mario J. Zepeda Martinez, 12/ Argentina, Enrique Garcia Vázquez, 16/ Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, 20/ Brasil, Frei Betto, 22/ Ecuador, Blanca Chancoso, 24/ El Salvador, Guillermo Ungo, 25/ República Dominicana, Juan Bosch, 27/ Venezuela, Miguel Ángel Capriles, 28/ Organismos Económicos Latinoamericanos, Homero L. Hernández, 3

    Estudios históricos 7 : arquitectura y diseño

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    1 archivo PDF (160 páginas)Compilación de doce conferencias de excelencia académica presentadas en el Seminario de Historia de la Arquitectura y del Diseño en el siglo XX, UAM-UNAM. Éstas se organizan, en una primera parte, como investigaciones referidas a la historia de la Arquitectura y del diseño en México y a la globalización ... y, en segunda, al resto del mundo: Reino Unido, Bilbao, Berlín, Barcelona, Alemania

    Symbol Digit Modalities Test: Normative data for Spanish-speaking pediatric population

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    OBJECTIVE: To generate normative data for the Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) in Spanish-speaking pediatric populations. METHOD: The sample consisted of 4,373 healthy children from nine countries in Latin America (Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Puerto Rico) and Spain. Each participant was administered the SDMT as part of a larger neuropsychological battery. SDMT scores were normed using multiple linear regressions and standard deviations of residual values. Age, age2, sex, and mean level of parental education (MLPE) were included as predictors in the analyses. RESULTS: The final multiple linear regression models showed main effects for age in all countries, such that score increased linearly as a function of age. In addition, age2 had a significant effect in all countries, except in Honduras and Puerto Rico. Models indicated that children whose parent(s) had a MLPE >12 years of education obtained higher score compared to children whose parent(s) had a MLPE ≤12 years for Chile, Guatemala, Mexico, and Spain. Sex affected SDMT score for Paraguay and Spain. CONCLUSIONS: This is the largest Spanish-speaking pediatric normative study in the world, and it will allow neuropsychologists from these countries to have a more accurate interpretation of the SDMT with pediatric populations

    Concentration Endurance Test (d2): Normative data for Spanish-speaking pediatric population

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    OBJECTIVE: To generate normative data for the Concentration Endurance Test (d2) in Spanish-speaking pediatric populations. METHOD: The sample consisted of 4,373 healthy children from nine countries in Latin America (Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Puerto Rico) and Spain. Each participant was administered the d2 test as part of a larger neuropsychological battery. The Total number of items processed (TN), Total number of correct responses (CR), Total performance (TP), and Concentration performance (CP) scores were normed using multiple linear regressions and standard deviations of residual values. Age, age2, sex, and mean level of parental education (MLPE) were included as predictors in the analyses. RESULTS: The final multiple linear regression models showed main effects for age on all scores, such that scores increased linearly as a function of age. TN scores were affected by age2 for Guatemala and Puerto Rico; CR scores were affected by age2 for Mexico; TP scores were affected by age2 for Chile, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Spain; and CP scores for Mexico and Spain. Models indicated that children whose parents had a MLPE >12 years obtained higher scores compared to children whose parents had a MLPE≤12 years for Mexico and Spain in all scores, and Puerto Rico for TN, CR, and TP, and Guatemala and Paraguay for CP scores. Sex affect the scores for Ecuador and Honduras (CP scores). CONCLUSIONS: This is the largest Spanish-speaking pediatric normative study in the world, and it will allow neuropsychologists from these countries to have a more accurate approach to interpret the d2 test in pediatric populations