43 research outputs found


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    En España, en el contexto laboral donde trabajadores y sus organizaciones junto con los empresarios son protagonistas, observamos como se está desarrollando la normativa que regirá sus relaciones. Respecto al consumo, sin embargo, es el Estado el que, siguiendo las directrices de la Unión Europea, está desarrollando una legislación que pretende cubrir la táctica necesidad que se refiere a su ámbito procedimental. En el presente artículo, revisaremos cuál es la situación normativa actual de esta figura en las materias señaladas y su importancia en la práctica, tanto a nivel estatal como la experiencia particular de la Región de Murcia

    Las mutuas colaboradoras con la seguridad social en la industria 4.0

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    Es inevitable afirmar que, en España, las mutuas van a continuar acompañando a sus trabajadores protegidos durante la transición socioeconómica y laboral hacia la Cuarta Revolución Industrial o “Industria 4.0”, por lo que tendrán que ir adaptándose a esta nueva realidad. Lo ideal sería crear la citada entidad gestora pública especializada en contingencias profesionales, como ocurre en Italia con el INAIL, y regularla a través de una normativa negociada y acordada por los poderes públicos, agentes sociales y por las propias mutuas. Sin embargo, es complicado pensar que esta situación podría ser una realidad, al menos a corto o medio plazo. Sin perjuicio de lo anterior, y desde una perspectiva más objetiva, para que las mutuas consigan adaptarse a los nuevos cambios y puedan afrontar los retos que sin duda vendrán, los poderes públicos deben ser conscientes de sus principales problemas y darles una solución eficaz. La presente comunicación pretende ofrecer esa visión global sobre la problemática y sobre las posibles soluciones

    Megestrol Acetate as a Treatment for Anorexia in Hemodialysis Patients

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    Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of megestrol acetate as a treatment for anorexia in hemodialysis patients.Materials and Methods: From 1st January 2008 to 31st December 2010, 29 patients in our Hemodialysis Unit were treated with megestrol acetate (initial dose: 160 mg / day) for anorexia associated with a decrease in dry body weight. Sixteen patients had a protein-energy wasting syndrome.Results: Appetite improved in 25 patients, but the initial dose of megestrol acetate had to be increased in 8 patients. At three months, there was an increase in dry body weight (63.4 vs 61.9 kg, p=0.002), serum albumin level (3.98 vs 3.77 g/dl, p<0.001), serum creatinine level (10.5 vs 9.6 mg/dl, p=0.016) and protein catabolic rate (1.21 vs 0.98 g / kg / day, p < 0.001). The response was independent of the cause of anorexia. A bioelectrical impedance analysis, carried out in 9 patients, showed that treatment with megestrol acetate increased the body cell mass and changed the distribution of body water by increasing intracellular water. The megestrol acetate treatment was well-tolerated and no patients left the study due to side effects or adverse reactions.Conclusions: Megestrol acetate improves appetite and nutritional parameters in anorexic patients treated with maintenance hemodialysis

    Aggression anxiety and to failure and school punishment and perfectionist traits

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    La ansiedad es uno de los trastornos emocionales con mayor relevancia en la población, teniendo en cuenta la excesiva exigencia marcada por la sociedad actual. Esta exigencia desmedida marcada, en ocasiones, por un rasgo de la personalidad perfeccionista, todavía tiende a agravar más si cabe los estados ansiosos y estresantes del individuo. En este sentido, es importante tener presente la etapa estudiantil la cual se enfrenta continuamente a situaciones estresantes. Por ello, es conveniente observar cuál es el vínculo entre las variables perfeccionistas, regidas por el Perfeccionismo Socialmente Prescrito (PSP) y el Perfeccionismo Auto-Orientado (PAO) y la Ansiedad Escolar, compuesta, entre otras, por la Ansiedad ante la agresión y la Ansiedad ante el fracaso escolar y las sanciones disciplinarias. De ahí que el objetivo del presente estudio sea observar si existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el Factor I y II del Inventario de Ansiedad Escolar (IAES) y el PSP y PAO, así como determinar la probabilidad de presentar altas puntuaciones en ambos factores de la Ansiedad Escolar en función del PSP y el PAO. Para ello, se reclutó una muestra de 1588 estudiantes ecuatorianos y se utilizaron medidas como el IAES y el Child and Adolescent Perfectionism Scale (CAPS). Los resultados arrojaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas para el Factor I y II del IAES tanto en PSP como en PAO, siendo estas de baja y moderada magnitud. Asimismo, se observa que a medida que aumenta el PSP y el PAO aumenta la posibilidad de presentar elevadas puntuaciones en Ansiedad ante la agresión y en Ansiedad ante el fracaso escolar y las sanciones disciplinarias. En conclusión, los hallazgos muestran que es necesario incrementar el número de estudios en variables perfeccionistas en el país de Ecuador, teniendo en cuenta su vínculo con la Ansiedad Escolar y lo que ello conlleva.Anxiety is one of the most relevant emotional disorders in the population, taking into account the excessive demand set by today’s society. This excessive demand, sometimes marked by a perfectionist personality trait, tends to further aggravate the anxious and stressful states of the individual. In this sense, it is important to keep in mind the student stage, which continually faces stressful situations. Therefore, it is convenient to observe the link between the perfectionist variables, governed by Socially Prescribed Perfectionism (SPP) and Self-Oriented Perfectionism (SOP) and School Anxiety, composed, among others, by Anxiety in the face of aggression and Anxiety about school failure and disciplinary sanctions. Hence, the objective of the present study is to observe if there are statistically significant differences between Factor I and II of the School Anxiety Inventory (IAES) and the SPP and SOP, as well as to determine the probability of presenting high scores in both Anxiety factors. School based on the SPP and the SOP. For this, a sample of 1588 Ecuadorian students was recruited and measures such as the IAES and the Child and Adolescent Perfectionism Scale (CAPS) were used. The results yielded statistically significant differences for IAES Factor I and II in both SPP and SOP, these being of low and moderate magnitude. Likewise, it is observed that as the SPP and the SOP increase, the possibility of presenting high scores in Anxiety in the face of aggression and in Anxiety in the face of school failure and disciplinary sanctions increases. In conclusion, the findings show that it is necessary to increase the number of studies on perfectionist variables in the country of Ecuador, taking into account its link with School Anxiety and what this entails

    Ansiedad ante la agresión y ante el fracaso escolar y sanciones disciplinarias y rasgos perfeccionistas

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    Anxiety is one of the most relevant emotional disorders in the population, taking into account the excessive demand set by today’s society. This excessive demand, sometimes marked by a perfectionist personality trait, tends to further aggravate the anxious and stressful states of the individual. In this sense, it is important to keep in mind the student stage, which continually faces stressful situations. Therefore, it is convenient to observe the link between the perfectionist variables, governed by Socially Prescribed Perfectionism (SPP) and Self-Oriented Perfectionism (SOP) and School Anxiety, composed, among others, by Anxiety in the face of aggression and Anxiety about school failure and disciplinary sanctions. Hence, the objective of the present study is to observe if there are statistically significant differences between Factor I and II of the School Anxiety Inventory (IAES) and the SPP and SOP, as well as to determine the probability of presenting high scores in both Anxiety factors. School based on the SPP and the SOP. For this, a sample of 1588 Ecuadorian students was recruited and measures such as the IAES and the Child and Adolescent Perfectionism Scale (CAPS) were used. The results yielded statistically significant differences for IAES Factor I and II in both SPP and SOP, these being of low and moderate magnitude. Likewise, it is observed that as the SPP and the SOP increase, the possibility of presenting high scores in Anxiety in the face of aggression and in Anxiety in the face of school failure and disciplinary sanctions increases. In conclusion, the findings show that it is necessary to increase the number of studies on perfectionist variables in the country of Ecuador, taking into account its link with School Anxiety and what this entails.La ansiedad es uno de los trastornos emocionales con mayor relevancia en la población, teniendo en cuenta la excesiva exigencia marcada por la sociedad actual. Esta exigencia desmedida marcada, en ocasiones, por un rasgo de la personalidad perfeccionista, todavía tiende a agravar más si cabe los estados ansiosos y estresantes del individuo. En este sentido, es importante tener presente la etapa estudiantil la cual se enfrenta continuamente a situaciones estresantes. Por ello, es conveniente observar cuál es el vínculo entre las variables perfeccionistas, regidas por el Perfeccionismo Socialmente Prescrito (PSP) y el Perfeccionismo Auto-Orientado (PAO) y la Ansiedad Escolar, compuesta, entre otras, por la Ansiedad ante la agresión y la Ansiedad ante el fracaso escolar y las sanciones disciplinarias. De ahí que el objetivo del presente estudio sea observar si existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el Factor I y II del Inventario de Ansiedad Escolar (IAES) y el PSP y PAO, así como determinar la probabilidad de presentar altas puntuaciones en ambos factores de la Ansiedad Escolar en función del PSP y el PAO. Para ello, se reclutó una muestra de 1588 estudiantes ecuatorianos y se utilizaron medidas como el IAES y el Child and Adolescent Perfectionism Scale (CAPS). Los resultados arrojaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas para el Factor I y II del IAES tanto en PSP como en PAO, siendo estas de baja y moderada magnitud. Asimismo, se observa que a medida que aumenta el PSP y el PAO aumenta la posibilidad de presentar elevadas puntuaciones en Ansiedad ante la agresión y en Ansiedad ante el fracaso escolar y las sanciones disciplinarias. En conclusión, los hallazgos muestran que es necesario incrementar el número de estudios en variables perfeccionistas en el país de Ecuador, teniendo en cuenta su vínculo con la Ansiedad Escolar y lo que ello conlleva

    Association of acid phosphatase locus 1*C allele with the risk of cardiovascular events in rheumatoid arthritis patients

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    Introduction: Acid phosphatase locus 1 (ACP1) encodes a low molecular weight phosphotyrosine phosphatase implicated in a number of different biological functions in the cell. The aim of this study was to determine the contribution of ACP1 polymorphisms to susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis (RA), as well as the potential contribution of these polymorphisms to the increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CV) observed in RA patients. Methods: A set of 1,603 Spanish RA patients and 1,877 healthy controls were included in the study. Information related to the presence/absence of CV events was obtained from 1,284 of these participants. All individuals were genotyped for four ACP1 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), rs10167992, rs11553742, rs7576247, and rs3828329, using a predesigned TaqMan SNP genotyping assay. Classical ACP1 alleles (*A, *B and *C) were imputed with SNP data. Results: No association between ACP1 gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to RA was observed. However, when RA patients were stratified according to the presence or absence of CV events, an association between rs11553742*T and CV events was found (P = 0.012, odds ratio (OR) = 2.62 (1.24 to 5.53)). Likewise, the ACP1*C allele showed evidence of association with CV events in patients with RA (P = 0.024, OR = 2.43). Conclusions: Our data show that the ACP1*C allele influences the risk of CV events in patients with R

    Assessing the effectiveness of goal-oriented modeling languages: A family of experiments

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    [EN] Context Several goal-oriented languages focus on modeling stakeholders' objectives, interests or wishes. However, these languages can be used for various purposes (e.g., exploring system solutions or evaluating alternatives), and there are few guidelines on how to use these models downstream to the software requirements and design artifacts. Moreover, little attention has been paid to the empirical evaluation of this kind of languages. In a previous work, we proposed value@GRL as a specialization of the Goal Requirements Language (GRL) to specify stakeholders' goals when dealing with early requirements in the context of incremental software development. Objective: This paper compares the value@GRL language with the i* language, with respect to the quality of goal models, the participants' modeling time and productivity when creating the models, and their perceptions regarding ease of use and usefulness. Method: A family of experiments was carried out with 184 students and practitioners in which the participants were asked to specify a goal model using each of the languages. The participants also filled in a questionnaire that allowed us to assess their perceptions. Results: The results of the individual experiments and the meta-analysis indicate that the quality of goal models obtained with value@GRL is higher than that of i*, but that the participants required less time to create the goal models when using i*. The results also show that the participants perceived value@GRL to be easier to use and more useful than i* in at least two experiments of the family. Conclusions: value@GRL makes it possible to obtain goal models with good quality when compared to i*, which is one of the most frequently used goal-oriented modeling languages. It can, therefore, be considered as a promising emerging approach in this area. Several insights emerged from the study and opportunities for improving both languages are outlined.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Adapt@Cloud project, grant number TIN2017-84550-R) and the Programa de Ayudas de Investigación y Desarrollo (PAID-01-17) from the Universitat Politècnica de València.Abrahao Gonzales, SM.; Insfran, E.; González-Ladrón-De-Guevara, F.; Fernández-Diego, M.; Cano-Genoves, C.; Pereira De Oliveira, R. (2019). Assessing the effectiveness of goal-oriented modeling languages: A family of experiments. Information and Software Technology. 116:1-24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.infsof.2019.08.003S12411

    Study of association of CD40-CD154 gene polymorphisms with disease susceptibility and cardiovascular risk in Spanish rheumatoid arthritis patients

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    Objective: rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease associated with increased cardiovascular (CV) mortality. Since CD40-CD154 binding has direct consequences on inflammation process initiation, we aimed to replicate previous findings related to disease susceptibility in Spanish RA population. Furthermore, as the major complication in RA disease patients is the development of CV events due to accelerated atherosclerosis, and elevated levels of CD40L/CD154 are present in patients with acute myocardial infarction, we assessed the potential association of CD40 and CD154/CD40L gene variants with CV risk in Spanish RA patients. Methods: one thousand five hundred and seventy-five patients fulfilling the 1987 ACR classification criteria for RA and 1600 matched controls were genotyped for the CD40 rs1883832, rs4810485 and rs1535045 and CD154 rs3092952 and rs3092920 gene polymorphisms, using predesigned TaqMan single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping assays. Afterwards, we investigated the influence of CD40-CD154 gene variants in the development of CV events. Also, in a subgroup of 273 patients without history of CV events, we assessed the influence of these polymorphisms in the risk of subclinical atherosclerosis determined by carotid ultrasonography. Results: nominally significant differences in the allele frequencies for the rs1883832 CD40 gene polymorphism between RA patients and controls were found (p = 0.038). Although we did not observe a significant association of CD40-CD154 gene variants with the development of CV events, an ANCOVA model adjusted for sex, age at the time of the ultrasonography assessment, follow-up time, traditional CV risk factors and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies disclosed a significant association (p = 0.0047) between CD40 rs1535045 polymorphism and carotid intima media thickness, a surrogate marker of atherosclerosis. Conclusion: data from our pilot study indicate a potential association of rs1883832 CD40 gene polymorphism with susceptibility to RA. Also, the CD40 rs1535045 gene variant may influence development of subclinical atherosclerosis in RA patients