9 research outputs found

    Subastando la Energía Eléctrica para Clientes Regulados: Equilibrio con Información Completa y Aversión al Riesgo

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    This paper studies the non-cooperative equilibrium of an electricity auction in which bidding firms are risk averse and have complete information. It assumes a centralized dispatch and stochastic hydraulic generation. We find that the auction allocates thSubastas, energía eléctrica, aversión al riesgo, oferta incierta, racionamiento eléctrico

    Subastando la Energía para Clientes Regulados: Un Análisis de Equilibrio

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    La reciente liberalización del mercado de generación eléctrica para clientes regulados autoriza a las empresas distribuidoras a contratar energía a precios que pueden ser superiores al precio nudo fijado por el regulador, traspasándolos íntegramente a sus consumidores. Motivado en esta reforma legal, este artículo analiza el equilibrio que resulta de una subasta hipotética en que una empresa distribuidora contrataría su energía. El modelo supone dos empresas generadoras, una hidráulica y otra térmica, ambas aversas al riesgo, que compiten ofertando precio por la energía subastada de un único distribuidor, vendiendo o comprando en el mercado spot sus diferencias de producción. Se supone además que generación hidráulica es estocástica, mientras que por simpleza se supone que la generación térmica es segura. Se demuestra que si la subasta es competitiva, ésta se adjudica a la generadora que fija el precio del mercado spot del sistema cuando hay sequía. Así, la empresa térmica es la que margina cuando la sequía es moderada, ofertando un precio mayor que el precio nudo o promedio del costo marginal esperado del sistema. Por otro lado, si la sequía es extrema al punto de generar desabastecimiento, entonces será la firma hidráulica la que ofrecerá el menor precio en la subasta. Los resultados son robustos a suponer si la sequía extrema es o no fuerza mayor (artículo 99 bis de la Ley Eléctrica). Por último, se encuentra que si ambas generadoras fueran neutrales al riesgo ofrecerían el mismo precio en la subasta e igual al precio nudo regulado, haya o no riesgo de desabastecimiento en períodos secos.Subasta, Energía, Abastecimiento incierto, Racionamiento Eléctrico

    Subastando la Energía Eléctrica para Clientes Regulados: equilibrio con Información Completa y Aversión al Riesgo

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    This paper studies the non-cooperative equilibrium of an electricity auction in which bidding firms are risk averse and have complete information. It assumes a centralized dispatch and stochastic hydraulic generation. We find that the auction allocates the energy contract to the generating firm that sets the spot market price: the thermal firm under moderate hydrological conditions and the hydraulic firm under a severe drought (rationing). In both cases the equilibrium price is greater than the regulated nodal price. Results are robust to introducing compensations for supply shortages. Finally, we find that if firms were risk-neutral they would bid the same prices and equal to the regulated nodal price, regardless of supply-shortage risk.Este artículo analiza el equilibrio no cooperativo de una subasta de energía eléctrica bajo información completa entre firmas aversas al riesgo. Se supone un despacho centralizado y generación hidráulica estocástica. Se encuentra que la subasta es adjudicada a la generadora que fija el precio del mercado spot: la firma térmica bajo sequía moderada y la firma hidráulica bajo sequía extrema (racionamiento). En ambos casos el precio de equilibrio es mayor al precio nudo regulado. Los resultados son robustos a introducir compensaciones por energía no abastecida. Por último, si las firmas fuesen neutrales al riesgo ofrecerían el mismo precio en la subasta e igual al precio nudo regulado, haya o no riesgo de desabastecimiento en períodos secos

    Medição de ruído nas estações Transformers - Experiências para Desenvolvimento de um Procedimento.

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    The article presented below corresponds to the advances made in the framework of PID UTN 4436: "Audible Noise In Transformer Stations", taking as a work path the measurement of environmental noise in fully operational transformer stations in order to develop a repeatable procedure and reliable, adequate to what is required by current legislation Res. SE No. 77/1998, using IRAM 4113 as a support, supplementary to IRAM 4062, for reasons that will be presented later. As an antecedent, the LAMCEM (Ambulatory Electric and Magnetic Field Measurement Laboratory), has been developing activities in-situ since 2000, approximately, knowing the problems inherent to measurements in place. On several occasions its normal development is conditioned by random issues such as, for example, security regarding electrical risk in power systems, atmospheric conditions, or environmental and circumstantial characteristics. In the case of application of this article, some of them are described. The data taken ex profeso for the project were worked in the laboratory to incorporate or discard perspectives to the proposed procedure.El artículo que se presenta a continuación corresponde a los avances realizados en el marco del PID UTN 4436: "Ruido Audible En Estaciones Transformadoras", tomando como vía de trabajo la medición de ruido ambiental en estaciones transformadoras plenamente operativas a fin de desarrollar un procedimiento repetible y confiable, adecuado a lo exigido en la legislación vigente Res. SE N°77/1998, utilizando como sustento la Norma IRAM 4113, suplementaria de la Norma IRAM 4062, por razones que se presentarán más adelante. Como antecedente, el LAMCEM (Laboratorio Ambulante de Medición de Campo Eléctrico y Magnético), viene desarrollando actividades in situ desde el año 2000, aproximadamente, conociendo problemáticas propias de las mediciones de campo. En varias ocasiones su normal desarrollo, se ve condicionado por cuestiones aleatorias como, por ejemplo, seguridad referente al riesgo eléctrico en sistemas de potencia, condiciones atmosféricas, o características del entorno y circunstanciales. En el caso de aplicación del presente artículo, se describen algunas de ellas. Los datos tomados ex profeso para el proyecto se trabajaron en laboratorio para incorporar o descartar perspectivas al procedimiento propuesto.O artigo apresentado abaixo corresponde aos avanços realizados no âmbito do PID da UTN 4436: "Ruído audível em estações de transformadores", tomando como caminho de trabalho a medição do ruído ambiente em estações de transformadores totalmente operacionais, a fim de desenvolver um procedimento repetível e confiável, adequado ao exigido na legislação atual Res. SE N ° 77/1998, utilizando como suporte a Norma IRAM 4113, complementar à Norma IRAM 4062, por razões que serão apresentadas posteriormente. Como pano de fundo, o LAMCEM (Laboratório Ambulante de Medição de Campo Elétrico e Magnético) desenvolve atividades no local desde o ano 2000, aproximadamente, conhecendo problemas de medições em campo. Em várias ocasiões, seu desenvolvimento normal é condicionado por questões aleatórias, como, por exemplo, segurança relacionada a riscos elétricos em sistemas de energia, condições atmosféricas ou características ambientais e circunstanciais. No caso de aplicação deste artigo, alguns deles são descritos. Os dados obtidos ex profeso para o projeto foram trabalhados em laboratório para incorporar ou descartar perspectivas ao procedimento proposto

    The microRNA-29/PGC1α regulatory axis is critical for metabolic control of cardiac function.

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    Different microRNAs (miRNAs), including miR-29 family, may play a role in the development of heart failure (HF), but the underlying molecular mechanisms in HF pathogenesis remain unclear. We aimed at characterizing mice deficient in miR-29 in order to address the functional relevance of this family of miRNAs in the cardiovascular system and its contribution to heart disease. In this work, we show that mice deficient in miR-29a/b1 develop vascular remodeling and systemic hypertension, as well as HF with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) characterized by myocardial fibrosis, diastolic dysfunction, and pulmonary congestion, and die prematurely. We also found evidence that the absence of miR-29 triggers the up-regulation of its target, the master metabolic regulator PGC1α, which in turn generates profound alterations in mitochondrial biogenesis, leading to a pathological accumulation of small mitochondria in mutant animals that contribute to cardiac disease. Notably, we demonstrate that systemic hypertension and HFpEF caused by miR-29 deficiency can be rescued by PGC1α haploinsufficiency, which reduces cardiac mitochondrial accumulation and extends longevity of miR-29-mutant mice. In addition, PGC1α is overexpressed in hearts from patients with HF. Collectively, our findings demonstrate the in vivo role of miR-29 in cardiovascular homeostasis and unveil a novel miR-29/PGC1α regulatory circuitry of functional relevance for cell metabolism under normal and pathological conditions

    Characterization and risk estimate of cancer in patients with primary Sjögren syndrome

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    Abstract Background The purpose of this study is to characterize the risk of cancer in a large cohort of patients with primary Sjögren syndrome (SjS). Methods We had analyzed the development of cancer in 1300 consecutive patients fulfilling the 2002 SjS classification criteria. The baseline clinical and immunological characteristics and systemic activity (ESSDAI scores) were assessed at diagnosis as predictors of cancer using Cox proportional hazards regression analysis adjusted for age at diagnosis and gender. The sex-and age-specific standardized incidence ratios (SIR) of cancer were estimated from 2012 Spanish mortality data. Results After a mean follow-up of 91 months, 127 (9.8%) patients developed 133 cancers. The most frequent type of cancer was B-cell lymphoma (including 27 MALT and 19 non-MALT B-cell lymphomas). Systemic activity at diagnosis of primary SjS correlated with the risk of hematological neoplasia and cryoglobulins with a high risk of either B-cell or non-B-cell lymphoma subtypes. Patients with cytopenias had a high risk of non-MALT B-cell and non-B-cell cancer, while those with low C3 levels had a high risk of MALT lymphomas and those with monoclonal gammopathy and low C4 levels had a high risk of non-MALT lymphomas. The estimated SIR for solid cancer was 1.13 and 11.02 for hematological cancer. SIRs for specific cancers were 36.17 for multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative diseases, 19.41 for Hodgkin lymphoma, 6.04 for other non-Hodgkin lymphomas, 5.17 for thyroid cancer, 4.81 for cancers of the lip and oral cavity, and 2.53 for stomach cancer. Conclusions One third of cancers developed by patients with primary SjS are B-cell lymphomas. The prognostic factors identified at SjS diagnosis differed according to the subtype of B-cell lymphoma developed. Primary SjS is also associated with the development of some non-hematological cancers (thyroid, oral cavity, and stomach)

    Sci. hortic.

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    Over decades, the concept of grape quality has evolved emphasizing its multidisciplinary nature and that the same "desired quality" might correspond to even strikingly different compositional patterns. The review takes a long journey throughout the multiple factors impinging on grape quality, not excluding also sections devoted to table grapes. It starts with a through survey on the genetic factors influencing grape quality focusing on diversity in different compositional traits (sugar, organic acid, pH, phenolics and aromas) relating to cultivars and clones. Then, most recent knowledge about the effects of soil characteristics, nutrients, light, temperature and water availability, as standalone factors or in interaction, on grape quality are summarized. The more applied section of the review introduces the very much debated yield-quality relationship that, over years, is being interpreted with more flexibility and with greater consensus for an "optimal yield range" that within a given context can anyway reach the desired quality. The impact of the main summer pruning operations (leaf removal, shoot and cluster thinning, shoot trimming) is reviewed and special care taken to highlight most recent contributions with adjusted summer pruning developed to either adapt to climate change issues or to induce specific composition patterns. Review ends with a quick survey on methods nowadays available for fast, non-destructive grape composition assessment