103 research outputs found


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    This written thesis serves as supporting documentation for Foreigner, my MFA Thesis Exhibition. This exhibition reflects my experience as a foreigner, a solitary Chinese man living in the United States. Through embodying my personal experience, my paintings question the relationship between individuals and society. The exhibition is composed of a series of paintings that visualize my personal story as a foreigner living in an incompatible and unacquainted culture. By displaying imagery of myself and my family in frozen moments, the paintings draw viewers into a discussion about personal identity, life philosophy, and culture collision. The exhibition and this thesis expand on topics concerning creative processes, personal motivations, inspirations, and painting techniques

    Magic ratios for connectivity-driven electrical conductance of graphene-like molecules

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    Experiments using a mechanically-controlled break junction and calculations based on density functional theory demonstrate a new magic ratio rule (MRR),which captures the contribution of connectivity to the electrical conductance of graphene-like aromatic molecules. When one electrode is connected to a site i and the other is connected to a site i' of a particular molecule, we assign the molecule a magic integer Mii'. Two molecules with the same aromatic core, but different pairs of electrode connection sites (i,i' and j,j' respectively) possess different magic integers Mii' and Mjj'. Based on connectivity alone, we predict that when the coupling to electrodes is weak and the Fermi energy of the electrodes lies close to the centre of the HOMO-LUMO gap, the ratio of their conductances is equal to (Mii' /Mjj')2. The MRR is exact for a tight binding representation of a molecule and a qualitative guide for real molecules

    Dual-Stage Hybrid Learning Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Global Optimization Problems

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a type of swarm intelligence algorithm that is frequently used to resolve specific global optimization problems due to its rapid convergence and ease of operation. However, PSO still has certain deficiencies, such as a poor trade-off between exploration and exploitation and premature convergence. Hence, this paper proposes a dual-stage hybrid learning particle swarm optimization (DHLPSO). In the algorithm, the iterative process is partitioned into two stages. The learning strategy used at each stage emphasizes exploration and exploitation, respectively. In the first stage, to increase population variety, a Manhattan distance based learning strategy is proposed. In this strategy, each particle chooses the furthest Manhattan distance particle and a better particle for learning. In the second stage, an excellent example learning strategy is adopted to perform local optimization operations on the population, in which each particle learns from the global optimal particle and a better particle. Utilizing the Gaussian mutation strategy, the algorithm’s searchability in particular multimodal functions is significantly enhanced. On benchmark functions from CEC 2013, DHLPSO is evaluated alongside other PSO variants already in existence. The comparison results clearly demonstrate that, compared to other cutting-edge PSO variations, DHLPSO implements highly competitive performance in handling global optimization problems

    Searching the hearts of graphene-like molecules for simplicity, sensitivity and logic

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    If quantum interference patterns in the hearts of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) could be isolated and manipulated, then a significant step towards realizing the potential of single-molecule electronics would be achieved. Here we demonstrate experimentally and theoretically that a simple, parameter-free, analytic theory of interference patterns evaluated at the mid-point of the HOMO-LUMO gap (referred to as M-functions) correctly predicts conductance ratios of molecules with pyrene, naphthalene, anthracene, anthanthrene or azulene hearts. M-functions provide new design strategies for identifying molecules with phase-coherent logic functions and enhancing the sensitivity of molecular-scale interferometers.Comment: in J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2015

    A quantum circuit rule for interference effects in single-molecule electrical junctions

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    A quantum circuit rule for combining quantum interference effects in the conductive properties of oligo(phenyleneethynylene) (OPE)-type molecules possessing three aromatic rings was investigated both experimentally and theoretically. Molecules were of the type X-Y-X, where X represents pyridyl anchors with para (p), meta (m) or ortho (o) connectivities and Y represents a phenyl ring with p and m connectivities. The conductances GXmX (GXpX) of molecules of the form X-m-X (X-p-X), with meta (para) connections in the central ring, were predominantly lower (higher), irrespective of the meta, para or ortho nature of the anchor groups X, demonstrating that conductance is dominated by the nature of quantum interference in the central ring Y. The single-molecule conductances were found to satisfy the quantum circuit rule Gppp/Gpmp=Gmpm/Gmmm. This demonstrates that the contribution to the conductance from the central ring is independent of the para versus meta nature of the anchor groups

    Plant Functional Traits Are the Mediators in Regulating Effects of Abiotic Site Conditions on Aboveground Carbon Stock-Evidence From a 30 ha Tropical Forest Plot

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    Understanding the relative contribution of abiotic and biotic factors to the formation of ecosystem functioning across scales is vital to evaluate ecosystem services. Here, we elucidate the effects of abiotic site conditions (i.e., soil and topographic properties) and plant functional traits on variations of stand aboveground carbon (AGC) stock in an old-growth tropical montane rain forest. The response-effect framework in functional ecology is adopted in examining how plant functional traits respond to environmental changes and affect ecosystem functioning. We measured specific leaf area and wood density of 270 woody plant species and estimated stand AGC stocks in a 30-ha forest plot. The relationships among environmental factors (ENVIRONMENT), community-weighted means of functional traits (TRAITS) and stand AGC stocks across nested spatial scales were disentangled by structural equation modeling. The results showed that the stands composed of ‘acquisitive’ species (high specific leaf area and low wood density) had low AGC, whereas stands composed of ‘conservative’ species (low specific leaf area and high wood density) had high AGC. TRAITS responded to ENVIRONMENT and affected AGC directly. ENVIRONMENT had an indirect effect on AGC through its direct effect on TRAITS. TRAITS were more important than ENVIRONMENT in driving variations of AGC. The effects of TRAITS on AGC increased, while the effects of ENVIRONMENT on AGC decreased with the increase of spatial scales in the tropical montane rain forest. Our study suggests that plant functional traits are the mediators in regulating effects of abiotic site conditions on ecosystem functions

    Single-molecule detection of dihydroazulene photo-thermal reaction using break junction technique

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    基于隧穿机制的电输运是物质世界的基本过程之一。在单分子尺度,分子结构的细微变化足以导致电学性质的显著区别,这也使通过单分子电学检测方法研究化学反应过程成为可能。在这一研究工作中,课题组将通常用于单分子电学测量的裂结技术用于单分子尺度反应动力学的表征。这一工作也为未来的合成化学和化学工程研究提供了一种新思路,即通过纳米技术构造反应微环境,可以实现化学反应速率、产物和产率的优化。 该研究工作是在洪文晶教授和丹麦哥本哈根大学Mogens B. Nielsen教授的共同指导下,通过跨学科的国际合作所完成的。其中洪文晶教授课题组负责该研究工作的实验表征和统计分析,丹麦哥本哈根大学Mogens B. Nielsen教授课题组负责分子体系的合成,Kurt V. Mikkelsen教授和Gemma C. Solomon教授课题组分别负责了该研究工作的反应动力学和电输运理论计算,这也是洪文晶教授课题组与上述研究团队的首次科研合作。我校萨本栋微纳研究院的杨扬助理教授也参与了数据分析和机理讨论的部分工作。 洪文晶教授课题组长期致力于单分子尺度下的化学反应、分子组装、分子器件电输运等方面的相关研究,开发了一系列能够在单分子尺度实现精密控制和精确测量的科学仪器。以此为基础,课题组与国内外材料化学和理论研究团队密切合作,在单分子尺度电输运的量子干涉效应、电化学调控和化学反应表征等领域进行了一系列探索。【Abstract】Charge transport by tunnelling is one of the most ubiquitous elementary processes in nature. Small structural changes in a molecular junction can lead to significant difference in the single-molecule electronic properties, offering a tremendous opportunity to examine a reaction on the single-molecule scale by monitoring the conductance changes. Here, we explore the potential of the single-molecule break junction technique in the detection of photo-thermal reaction processes of a photochromic dihydroazulene/vinylheptafulvene system. Statistical analysis of the break junction experiments provides a quantitative approach for probing the reaction kinetics and reversibility, including the occurrence of isomerization during the reaction. The product ratios observed when switching the system in the junction does not follow those observed in solution studies (both experiment and theory), suggesting that the junction environment was perturbing the process significantly. This study opens the possibility of using nano-structured environments like molecular junctions to tailor product ratios in chemical reactions.This work was generously supported by the University of Copenhagen, the Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation, the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under the ERC grant agreement no.258806, the Danish Council for Independent Research—Natural Sciences, the Carlsberg foundation, NSFC (21673195,21503179), EC FP7 ITNs ‘MOLESCO’ project numbers 606728, and the Young Thousand Talent Project of China. 研究工作得到了国家自然科学基金(21673195,21503179)、固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室、能源材料化学协同创新中心(2011-iChEM)的大力资助与支持

    Transition from tunneling leakage current to molecular tunneling in single-molecule junctions

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    数十年来,半导体工业一直遵循基于“摩尔定律”所设定的发展蓝图,逐步提升集成电路芯片上晶体管的集成度和运行速度,减小器件尺寸。为探索这一尺寸极限,课题组基于机械可控裂结技术自主开发了具有飞安级电学测量和亚纳米级位移控制灵敏度的科学仪器,在国际上首次获取了一系列具有不同重复单元的寡聚苯乙炔类分子电导随电极间距的演变关系,并发现随着电极间距的缩小,器件电输运由通过分子器件电流占主导逐步转变到由隧穿漏电流占主导。对于本研究中具有最小尺寸的寡聚苯乙炔分子器件,其由于隧穿漏电流所制约的尺寸极限可小至0.66 nm,预示了有机分子器件在未来电子器件小型化方面具有重要的应用潜力。 这一研究工作是在化学化工学院洪文晶教授、萨本栋微纳研究院杨扬助理教授以及英国Durham University的MartinR. Bryce教授共同指导下完成的。能源材料化学协同创新中心iChEM Fellow刘俊扬博士为论文第一作者,博士研究生郑珏婷、李瑞豪和硕士研究生黄晓艳、唐永翔、皮九婵、本科生王飞等参与了研究工作。田中群教授、毛秉伟教授和师佳副教授为论文工作提供了重要指导。【Abstract】The tunneling leakage current will be a major quantum obstacle during miniaturization in the semiconductor industry down to the scale of several nanometers. At this scale, to promote charge transport and overcome the tunneling leakage current between the source and drain terminals, molecular electronic junctions offer opportunities by inserting molecules between these two electrodes. Employing a series of oligo(aryleneethynylene) (OAE) molecules, here we investigate the transition from tunneling leakage current to molecular tunneling in the single-molecule devices using mechanically controllable break junction (MCBJ) technique, and the transition distances of the OAE molecular junctions were determined and even down to 0.66 nm for OAE2 molecular junction, which demonstrates that the intrinsic charge transport properties of a single-molecule device can be outstripped from the tunneling leakage current. Consequently, molecular electronic devices show the potential to push the ultimate limit of miniaturization to the scale of several angstroms.This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2017YFA0204902). This work was also generously supported by the Young Thousand Talent Project of China, the EC FP7 ITN “MOLESCO” project number 606728, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (nos. 21703188, 21673195, 21503179), and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2017M622060). 该工作获得科技部国家重点研发计划课题(2017YFA0204902),国家自然科学基金委(21673195、21703188、21503179)以及中国博士后科学基金(2017M622060)等项目的资助,也得到了固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室、能源材料化学协同创新中心的支持

    DNA methylation and body mass index from birth to adolescence : meta-analyses of epigenome-wide association studies

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    Background DNA methylation has been shown to be associated with adiposity in adulthood. However, whether similar DNA methylation patterns are associated with childhood and adolescent body mass index (BMI) is largely unknown. More insight into this relationship at younger ages may have implications for future prevention of obesity and its related traits. Methods We examined whether DNA methylation in cord blood and whole blood in childhood and adolescence was associated with BMI in the age range from 2 to 18 years using both cross-sectional and longitudinal models. We performed meta-analyses of epigenome-wide association studies including up to 4133 children from 23 studies. We examined the overlap of findings reported in previous studies in children and adults with those in our analyses and calculated enrichment. Results DNA methylation at three CpGs (cg05937453, cg25212453, and cg10040131), each in a different age range, was associated with BMI at Bonferroni significance, P <1.06 x 10(-7), with a 0.96 standard deviation score (SDS) (standard error (SE) 0.17), 0.32 SDS (SE 0.06), and 0.32 BMI SDS (SE 0.06) higher BMI per 10% increase in methylation, respectively. DNA methylation at nine additional CpGs in the cross-sectional childhood model was associated with BMI at false discovery rate significance. The strength of the associations of DNA methylation at the 187 CpGs previously identified to be associated with adult BMI, increased with advancing age across childhood and adolescence in our analyses. In addition, correlation coefficients between effect estimates for those CpGs in adults and in children and adolescents also increased. Among the top findings for each age range, we observed increasing enrichment for the CpGs that were previously identified in adults (birth P-enrichment = 1; childhood P-enrichment = 2.00 x 10(-4); adolescence P-enrichment = 2.10 x 10(-7)). Conclusions There were only minimal associations of DNA methylation with childhood and adolescent BMI. With the advancing age of the participants across childhood and adolescence, we observed increasing overlap with altered DNA methylation loci reported in association with adult BMI. These findings may be compatible with the hypothesis that DNA methylation differences are mostly a consequence rather than a cause of obesity.Peer reviewe