18 research outputs found

    LFAA functional model user’s guide

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    The model describes correctly all the aspects of the LFAA station beamformer. It is an useful tool to analyze variants of the proposed signal processing algorithms or to highlight possible problems. It can also be used to test different calibration strategies and to provide the CSP model with a realistic input signal

    Radioastronomic signal processing cores for the SKA radio telescope

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    Modern radio telescopes require the processing of wideband signals, with sample rates from tens of MHz to tens of GHz, and are composed from hundreds up to a million of individual antennas. Digital signal processing of these signals include digital receivers (the digital equivalent of the heterodyne receiver), beamformers, channelizers, spectrometers. FPGAs present the advantage of providing a relatively low power consumption, relative to GPUs or dedicated computers, a wide signal data path, and high interconnectivity. Efficient algorithms have been developed for these applications. Here we will review some of the signal processing cores developed for the SKA telescope. The LFAA beamformer/channelizer architecture is based on an oversampling channelizer, where the channelizer output sampling rate and channel spacing can be set independently. This is useful where an overlap between adjacent channels is required to provide an uniform spectral coverage. The architecture allows for an efficient and distributed channelization scheme, with a final resolution corresponding to a million of spectral channels, minimum leakage and high out-of-band rejection. An optimized filter design procedure is used to provide an equiripple response with a very large number of spectral channels. A wideband digital receiver has been designed in order to select the processed bandwidth of the SKA Mid receiver. The receiver extracts a 2.5 MHz bandwidth form a 14 GHz input bandwidth. The design allows for non-integer ratios between the input and output sampling rates, with a resource usage comparable to that of a conventional decimating digital receiver. Finally, some considerations on quantization of radioastronomic signals are presented. Due to the stochastic nature of the signal, quantization using few data bits is possible. Good accuracies and dynamic range are possible even with 2-3 bits, but the nonlinearity in the correlation process must be corrected in post-processing. With at least 6 bits it is possible to have a very linear response of the instrument, with nonlinear terms below 80 dB, providing the signal amplitude is kept within bounds

    A grid-based map for the biogeographical regions of Europe

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    © Pensoft Publishers. Background Biogeographical units are widely adopted in ecological research and nature conservation management, even though biogeographical regionalisation is still under scientific debate. The European Environment Agency provided an official map of the European Biogeographical Regions (EBRs), which contains the official boundaries used in the Habitats and Birds Directives. However, these boundaries bisect cells in the official EU 10 km x 10 km grid used for many purposes, including reporting species and habitat data, meaning that 6881 cells overlap two or more regions. Therefore, superimposing the EBRs vector map over the grid creates ambiguities in associating some cells with European Biogeographical Regions. New information To provide an operational tool to unambiguously define the boundaries of the eleven European Biogeographical Regions, we provide a specifically developed raster map of Grid-Based European Biogeographical Regions (GB-EBRs). In this new map, the borders of the EBRs are reshaped to coherently match the standard European 10 km x 10 km grid imposed for reporting tasks by Article 17 of the Habitats Directive and used for many other datasets. We assign each cell to the EBR with the largest area within the cell

    Diversity of European habitat types is correlated with geography more than climate and human pressure

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    Habitat richness, that is, the diversity of ecosystem types, is a complex, spatially explicit aspect of biodiversity, which is affected by bioclimatic, geographic, and anthropogenic variables. The distribution of habitat types is a key component for understanding broad-scale biodiversity and for developing conservation strategies. We used data on the distribution of European Union (EU) habitats to answer the following questions: (i) how do bioclimatic, geographic, and anthropogenic variables affect habitat richness? (ii) Which of those factors is the most important? (iii) How do interactions among these variables influence habitat richness and which combinations produce the strongest interactions? The distribution maps of 222 terrestrial habitat types as defined by the Natura 2000 network were used to calculate habitat richness for the 10 km × 10 km EU grid map. We then investigated how environmental variables affect habitat richness, using generalized linear models, generalized additive models, and boosted regression trees. The main factors associated with habitat richness were geographic variables, with negative relationships observed for both latitude and longitude, and a positive relationship for terrain ruggedness. Bioclimatic variables played a secondary role, with habitat richness increasing slightly with annual mean temperature and overall annual precipitation. We also found an interaction between anthropogenic variables, with the combination of increased landscape fragmentation and increased population density strongly decreasing habitat richness. This is the first attempt to disentangle spatial patterns of habitat richness at the continental scale, as a key tool for protecting biodiversity. The number of European habitats is related to geography more than climate and human pressure, reflecting a major component of biogeographical patterns similar to the drivers observed at the species level. The interaction between anthropogenic variables highlights the need for coordinated, continental-scale management plans for biodiversity conservation.Research contributing to this study was funded by the project “Development of a National Plan for Biodiversity Monitoring” (Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research – ISPRA). BIOME Group was partially supported by the H2020 SHOWCASE (Grant agreement No 862480) and by the H2020 COST Action CA17134 ‘Optical synergies for spatiotemporal sensing of scalable ecophysiological traits (SENECO)’

    The Signal Processing Firmware for the Low Frequency Aperture Array

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    The signal processing firmware that has been developed for the Low Frequency Aperture Array component of the Square Kilometre Array is described. The firmware is implemented on a dual FPGA board, that is capable of processing the streams from 16 dual polarization antennas. Data processing includes channelization of the sampled data for each antenna, correction for instrumental response and for geometric delays and formation of one or more beams by combining the aligned streams. The channelizer uses an oversampling polyphase filterbank architecture, allowing a frequency continuous processing of the input signal without discontinuities between spectral channels. Each board processes the streams from 16 antennas, as part of larger beamforming system, linked by standard Ethernet interconnections. There are envisaged to be 8192 of these signal processing platforms in the first phase of the Square Kilometre array so particular attention has been devoted to ensure the design is low cost and low power

    The Digital Signal Processing Platform for the Low Frequency Aperture Array: Preliminary Results on the Data Acquisition Unit

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    A signal processing hardware platform has been developed for the Low Frequency Aperture Array component of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). The processing board, called an Analog Digital Unit (ADU), is able to acquire and digitize broadband (up to 500MHz bandwidth) radio-frequency streams from 16 dual polarized antennas, channel the data streams and then combine them flexibly as part of a larger beamforming system. It is envisaged that there will be more than 8000 of these signal processing platforms in the first phase of the SKA, so particular attention has been devoted to ensure the design is low-cost and low-power. This paper describes the main features of the data acquisition unit of such a platform and presents preliminary results characterizing its performance

    Development of a New Digital Signal Processing Platform for the Square Kilometre Array

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    A novel digital hardware platform has been designed for the Low Frequency Aperture Array (LFAA) component of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). This board, called Analog Digital Unit (ADU), is a 6U board containing sixteen dual-inputs Analog to Digital Converters (ADC) and two Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices, capable of digitizing and processing 32 RF input signals. We present the main features of the board and the signal processing firmware that has been developed for LFAA. Although the ADU has been conceived mainly for the low frequency band (50-350 MHz), its use has been proved effective also for higher frequencies (375-650 MHz). In this paper we describe also the application of ADU as the digital acquisition and processing system for PHAROS2, a cryogenically cooled 4-8 GHz Phased Array Feed (PAF) demonstrator. The final part is focused on the future developments of the board

    Diversity of European habitat types is correlated with geography more than climate and human pressure

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    Habitat richness, that is, the diversity of ecosystem types, is a complex, spatially explicit aspect of biodiversity, which is affected by bioclimatic, geographic, and anthropogenic variables. The distribution of habitat types is a key component for understanding broad-scale biodiversity and for developing conservation strategies. We used data on the distribution of European Union (EU) habitats to answer the following questions: (i) how do bioclimatic, geographic, and anthropogenic variables affect habitat richness? (ii) Which of those factors is the most important? (iii) How do interactions among these variables influence habitat richness and which combinations produce the strongest interactions? The distribution maps of 222 terrestrial habitat types as defined by the Natura 2000 network were used to calculate habitat richness for the 10 km × 10 km EU grid map. We then investigated how environmental variables affect habitat richness, using generalized linear models, generalized additive models, and boosted regression trees. The main factors associated with habitat richness were geographic variables, with negative relationships observed for both latitude and longitude, and a positive relationship for terrain ruggedness. Bioclimatic variables played a secondary role, with habitat richness increasing slightly with annual mean temperature and overall annual precipitation. We also found an interaction between anthropogenic variables, with the combination of increased landscape fragmentation and increased population density strongly decreasing habitat richness. This is the first attempt to disentangle spatial patterns of habitat richness at the continental scale, as a key tool for protecting biodiversity. The number of European habitats is related to geography more than climate and human pressure, reflecting a major component of biogeographical patterns similar to the drivers observed at the species level. The interaction between anthropogenic variables highlights the need for coordinated, continental-scale management plans for biodiversity conservation

    Plant–environment interactions through a functional traits perspective: a review of Italian studies

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    Italy is among the European countries with the greatest plant diversity due to both a great environmental heterogeneity and a long history of man–environment interactions. Trait-based approaches to ecological studies have developed greatly over recent decades worldwide, although several issues concerning the relationships between plant functional traits and the environment still lack sufficient empirical evaluation. To draw insights on the association between plant functional traits and direct and indirect human and natural pressures on the environmental drivers, this article summarizes the existing knowledge on this topic by reviewing the results of studies performed in Italy adopting a functional trait approach on vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens. Although we recorded trait measurements for 1418 taxa, our review highlighted some major gaps in plant traits knowledge: Mediterranean ecosystems are poorly represented; traits related to belowground organs are still overlooked; traits measurements for bryophytes and lichens are lacking. Finally, intraspecific variation has been little studied at community level so far. We conclude by highlighting the need for approaches evaluating trait–environment relationship at large spatial and temporal scales and the need of a more effective contribution to online databases to tie more firmly Italian researchers to international scientific networks on plant traits