86 research outputs found

    Evidence of a thermo-diffusion pinch on particle transport in FTU discharges close to density limit

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    Abstract In FTU, the density profile in the presence of large MARFE becomes more and more peaked with increasing density, forming strong density gradients close to the radial region affected by the MARFE. The temperature at the edge drops to few eV, driving a drop of the whole profile. The estimated particle source cannot justify the change of the density gradient, which instead is well-explained by a change of the pinch. A thermo-diffusion term well-describes the pinch evolution and the experimental behavior of the density at those radii where temperature measurements are reliable

    Gluten contamination of canned and dry grain-free commercial pet foods determined by HPLC-HRMS

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    The aim was to determine the absence of gluten in pet food samples marked as ‘grain-free’ and ‘gluten-free’ diets, to assess the reliability of manufacturer labelling of such products. A total of 15 diets labelled as grain- or gluten-free and 2 commercial diets containing wheat were sampled. An analytical procedure using high-pressure liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry with high power of resolution was developed and applied to determine specific markers of wheat gluten. The results are expressed as mg of wheat flour type ‘00’ present in 1 g of feed. The quantification limit (LOQ) obtained in the flour for ion m/z 894.5043, z = 2, is 4 mg of flour per gram. In 14 out of the 15 samples from a grain- or gluten-free diet the quantifier ion signal was < LOQ, while in 1 out of the 15 samples 10 mg of flour/g feed were measured.Highlights Adverse reaction to gluten in dogs have been documented in certain breeds Gluten is tricky to detect and measure in pet food Contamination of gluten in pet food samples marked as ‘grain-free’ and ‘gluten-free’ diets An analytical procedure was developed using HPLC coupled with HRM

    Productive and qualitative traits of amaranthus cruentus l.: An unconventional healthy ingredient in animal feed

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    Agronomic traits, oil content, fatty acid composition, antioxidant activity, and total phenolic content were studied on eight A. cruentus accessions cultivated in Southern Italy. A one-way ANOVA model was performed to compare accessions and the Principal Components Analysis was applied to identify patterns in our dataset and highlight similarities and differences. A. cruentus showed valuable seed yield (0.27 kg/m2, on average) comparable to the main tradition cereals used for animal feeding. Seed-oil composition showed significant differences among the accessions. Data showed a higher lipid content than most cereal grains (from 5.6 to 7.3%). Approximately 60% of fatty acids were unsaturated; linoleic fatty acid ranged from 19 to 34%, oleic acid from 29 to 36%, and alfa-linolenic fatty acid from 0.3 to 0.5%, respectively. The saturated/unsaturated fatty acid ratio ranged from 0.5 to 0.8, the hypocholesterolemic:hypercholesterolaemic ratio from 1.7 to 2.7, the Atherogenic Index from 0.38 to 0.66, the Thrombogenic Index from 0.85 to 1.48, the total phenolic content from 0.14 to 0.36 mg/g seeds, and the antioxidant activity (DPPH&bull;) from 0.30 to 0.50. The studied seed-oil composition evidenced A. cruentus as a healthy ingredient for animal feed and consequently, as a possible substitute for traditional cereals. Accessions from Mexico and Arizona emerged for their high qualitative traits

    Cross-code comparison of the edge codes SOLPS-ITER, SOLEDGE2D and UEDGE in modelling a low-power scenario in the DTT

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    As reactor-level nuclear fusion experiments are approaching, a solution to the power exhaust issue in future fusion reactors is still missing. The maximum steady-state heat load that can be exhausted by the present technology is around 10 MW m-2. Different promising strategies aiming at successfully managing the power exhaust in reactor-relevant conditions such that the limit is not exceeded are under investigation, and will be tested in the Divertor Tokamak Test (DTT) experiment. Meanwhile, the design of tokamaks beyond the DTT, e.g. EU-DEMO/ARC, is progressing at a high pace. A strategy to work around the present lack of reactor-relevant data consists of exploiting modelling to reduce the uncertainty in the extrapolation in the design phase. Different simulation tools, with their own capabilities and limitations, can be employed for this purpose. In this work, we compare SOLPS-ITER, SOLEDGE2D and UEDGE, three state-of-the-art edge codes heavily used in power exhaust studies, in modelling the same DTT low-power, pure-deuterium, narrow heat-flux-width scenario. This simplified, although still reactor-relevant, testbed eases the cross-comparison and the interpretation of the code predictions, to identify areas where results differ and develop understanding of the underlying causes. Under the conditions investigated, the codes show encouraging agreement in terms of key parameters at both targets, including peak parallel heat flux (1%-45%), ion temperature (2%-19%), and inner target plasma density (1%-23%) when run with similar input. However, strong disagreement is observed for the remaining quantities, from 30% at outer mid-plane up to a factor 4-5 at the targets. The results primarily reflect limitations of the codes: the SOLPS-ITER plasma mesh not reaching the first wall, SOLEDGE2D not including ion-neutral temperature equilibration, and UEDGE enforcing a common ion-neutral temperature. Potential improvements that could help enhance the accuracy of the code models for future applications are also discussed

    Jugar es Jugarse. Trabajos comunitarios con niñxs y adultxs en una villa cordillerana mendocina

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    Realizamos un proyecto de extensión universitaria aprobado por el Programa “Mauricio López” de la UNCuyo. Ejecución en un año entre marzo y noviembre del 2012 y cuenta con financiamiento.  El objetivo principal es el trabajo comunitario en una villa cordillerana de la provincia de Mendoza. El trabajo se realiza sobre la base de la reflexión comunitaria y el aprendizaje mutuo, en el paradigma de la educación popular latinoamericana,  básicamente en dos líneas: la primera con actividades lúdicas con niñxs y la segunda en la participación con vecinxs organizados de la villa. Realizamos encuentros quincenales con niñxs y vecinxs de la localidad de Villa Cacheuta en el Departamento de Luján de Cuyo, provincia de Mendoza. La Villa se encuentra en la precordillera central, a 35 km de la ciudad de Mendoza. A pesar de su relativa cercanía se encuentra aislada de los centros urbanos. No cuenta con instituciones educativas, cuenta con un servicio muy básico de salud y con medios de transporte público con escasa frecuencia. En la Villa viven 60 familias y más de 50 chicxs en edad escolar. El grupo trabaja desde la perspectiva y metodología propia de la Educación Popular y de la Investigación-Acción Participativa, buscando realizar actividades planificadas y propuestas por los extensionistas y lxs niñxs. El trabajo participativo pretende incorporar contenidos no abordados en la educación formal, tendiendo al equilibrio con la naturaleza, el trabajo comunitario y al conocimiento del espacio propio. Desde los extensionistas se pretende aprender y recuperar conocimientos de la comunidad. Los talleres con lxs niñxs tienen como eje actividades de tipo lúdicas, recreativas, y artísticas para desarrollar  el conocimiento y reflexión crítica en relación al medio donde viven, y su contexto sociocultural. Se basan fundamentalmente en juegos y rondas participativas sobre temáticas propias del lugar: leyendas,  narraciones populares, representaciones teatrales, murgas, juegos colectivos, películas, entre otros.  Al mismo tiempo, en instancias diferentes, se busca promover un espacio de contención, integración y socialización de lxs vecinxs, donde se visibilice la importancia de la labor comunitaria, el trabajo en equipo, y se despierte la inquietud sobre la situación de vulnerabilidad de lxs chicxs. Se aborda la necesidad de recuperar el espacio público, el diálogo y la participación inter-generacional. El equipo extensionista está compuesto por 14 personas: un docente, una graduada y 11 estudiantes, principalmente de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. Se trabaja con reuniones semanales de autoevaluación y planificación de próximas actividades.

    Strong microsite control of seedling recruitment in tundra

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    The inclusion of environmental variation in studies of recruitment is a prerequisite for realistic predictions of the responses of vegetation to a changing environment. We investigated how seedling recruitment is affected by seed availability and microsite quality along a steep environmental gradient in dry tundra. A survey of natural seed rain and seedling density in vegetation was combined with observations of the establishment of 14 species after sowing into intact or disturbed vegetation. Although seed rain density was closely correlated with natural seedling establishment, the experimental seed addition showed that the microsite environment was even more important. For all species, seedling emergence peaked at the productive end of the gradient, irrespective of the adult niches realized. Disturbance promoted recruitment at all positions along the environmental gradient, not just at high productivity. Early seedling emergence constituted the main temporal bottleneck in recruitment for all species. Surprisingly, winter mortality was highest at what appeared to be the most benign end of the gradient. The results highlight that seedling recruitment patterns are largely determined by the earliest stages in seedling emergence, which again are closely linked to microsite quality. A fuller understanding of microsite effects on recruitment with implications for plant community assembly and vegetation change is provided

    Решение оптимизационных задач для систем массового обслуживання с отказами в условиях неопределенности

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    Построены математические модели расчета показателей качества функционирования вычислительных сетей, которые можно представить в виде сетей массового обслуживания с отказами. Сформулированы задачи оптимизации показателей качества функционирования таких сетей при заданных ограничениях на максимальную пропускную способность каналов связи и на выделяемые для модернизации сети ресурсы. Построены алгоритмы, которые позволяют решать поставленные оптимизационные задачи в рамках оговоренных ограничений

    Overview of the FTU results

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    Since the 2018 IAEA FEC Conference, FTU operations have been devoted to several experiments covering a large range of topics, from the investigation of the behaviour of a liquid tin limiter to the runaway electrons mitigation and control and to the stabilization of tearing modes by electron cyclotron heating and by pellet injection. Other experiments have involved the spectroscopy of heavy metal ions, the electron density peaking in helium doped plasmas, the electron cyclotron assisted start-up and the electron temperature measurements in high temperature plasmas. The effectiveness of the laser induced breakdown spectroscopy system has been demonstrated and the new capabilities of the runaway electron imaging spectrometry system for in-flight runaways studies have been explored. Finally, a high resolution saddle coil array for MHD analysis and UV and SXR diamond detectors have been successfully tested on different plasma scenarios

    Common and rare variant association analyses in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis identify 15 risk loci with distinct genetic architectures and neuron-specific biology

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    A cross-ancestry genome-wide association meta-analysis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) including 29,612 patients with ALS and 122,656 controls identifies 15 risk loci with distinct genetic architectures and neuron-specific biology. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease with a lifetime risk of one in 350 people and an unmet need for disease-modifying therapies. We conducted a cross-ancestry genome-wide association study (GWAS) including 29,612 patients with ALS and 122,656 controls, which identified 15 risk loci. When combined with 8,953 individuals with whole-genome sequencing (6,538 patients, 2,415 controls) and a large cortex-derived expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) dataset (MetaBrain), analyses revealed locus-specific genetic architectures in which we prioritized genes either through rare variants, short tandem repeats or regulatory effects. ALS-associated risk loci were shared with multiple traits within the neurodegenerative spectrum but with distinct enrichment patterns across brain regions and cell types. Of the environmental and lifestyle risk factors obtained from the literature, Mendelian randomization analyses indicated a causal role for high cholesterol levels. The combination of all ALS-associated signals reveals a role for perturbations in vesicle-mediated transport and autophagy and provides evidence for cell-autonomous disease initiation in glutamatergic neurons