194 research outputs found

    NÀtuniversitetets nya portal: inte bara teknik - Förslag pÄ funktioner och resurser frÄn förstudien 2002

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    Myndigheten för Sveriges nÀtuniversitet har av regeringen fÄtt i uppdrag att bygga upp och förvalta en IT-portal för anvÀndning inom Sveriges nÀtuniversitet. Portalen skall löpande utvecklas för att vara en för universitet och högskolor gemensam nod för information om utbud och sökmöjligheter av IT-stödd distansutbildning. En IT-portal kan förutom detta ocksÄ erbjuda mÄnga olika tjÀnster som stödjer olika anvÀndargrupper, det vill sÀga sÄvÀl studenter i deras sökande efter kurser, i deras lÀrande och studier pÄ distans, sÄvÀl som anstÀllda vid lÀrosÀtena. För att sÀkerstÀlla en god funktion och kvalitet har ett anvÀndarcentrerat arbetssÀtt prioriterats under denna förstudie. VÀgledande för förstudien har varit att fÄnga upp vad som Àr efterfrÄgat av de olika intressenterna av portalen, det vill sÀga studenter, personal vid högskolor med flera. Teknisk utformning och sÀkerhetsaspekter har inte prioriterats i denna studie, dessa HURfrÄgor ses som steg 2 i utvecklingsprocessen efter att VAD-frÄgorna har identifierats och diskuterats. I detta arbete har en mÀngd olika metoder anvÀnts för att samla in information/data för att sÀkerstÀlla sÄvÀl ett starkt studentperspektiv som ett universitetets- och högskoleperspektiv pÄ vad en nationell portal bör innehÄlla. Förstudien har resulterat i 56 olika förslag till funktioner och resurser för portalen. Flera av dessa handlar om förbÀttrade tekniska funktioner, men flera förslag handlar ocksÄ om organisatoriska system för att engagera bÄde universitetens och högskolornas personal samt studerande runt om i landet att via www.netuniversity.se tillsammans fÄ möjligheter att: öka tillgÀngligheten, servicegraden och kvaliteten i den nÀtburna utbildningen. Det Àr de lokala universiteten och högskolorna som stÄr för genomförandet av kurser och utbildningar inom ramen för NÀtuniversitet. Syftet med den nationella portalen Àr att ge ett mervÀrde i detta arbete till nytta för bÄde högskolorna och de studerande i landet. Det Àr med denna mÄlsÀttning som förslagen i denna rapport ges. Förstudien utgör basen för framtagandet av kravspecifikation för IT-portalprojektet. Den skall fungera som underlag för remiss till olika intressenter samt efter modifieringar och utveckling ge ett underlag för en offentlig, kommersiell upphandling av genomförandet av projektet under 2003

    Effects by 8-bromo-cyclicAMP on basal and organic dust-induced release of interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 in A549 human airway epithelial cells

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    AbstractInhalation of organic dust from a swine-confinement building leads to an intense inflammatory reaction with an increased number of inflammatory cells and mediators in the upper and lower respiratory tract of previously unexposed subjects. In vitro the dust induces cytokine release from epithelial cells and alveolar macrophages. It is known that intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) contributes to the regulation of inflammatory responses. We therefore investigated whether 8-Bromo-cAMP, a cell membrane-permeable cAMP analogue, would influence release of the cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6) and IL-8 in a human airway epithelial cell line, A549, exposed to a suspension of the organic dust, and to a supernatant prepared by centrifugation (at low g-force) of a suspension of dust. The large particulate matter was thus sedimented, leaving bacteria, whole and cell wall constituents in the supernatant. Cytokine release was measured with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The cytokine release induced by a supernatant was 23% (IL-6) and 27% (IL-8) of the release induced by a dust suspension. 8-Bromo-cAMP (1mM) doubled basal IL-6 release and IL-6 release induced by a dust supernatant (P<0.01), and increased IL-6 release induced by a dust suspension by 19% (P<0.05). 8-Bromo-cAMP did not affect basal IL-8 release, partially inhibited (28%) the release of IL-8 induced by a dust suspension (P<0.01), but increased IL-8 release induced by a dust supernatant by 13% (P<0.05). In summary, expression of the cytokines IL-6 and IL-8 is differentially regulated by 8-Bromo-cAMP, both with regard to basal and dust-induced release. The results indicate that 8-Bromo-cAMP attenuated IL-8 release by affecting signaling transductions induced by the particulate fraction

    Sociala beteenden och rangordning mellan renkalvar i hÀgn (Rangifer tarandus tarandus)

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    Sociala strukturer och rangordning mellan hjortdjur Ă€r fördelaktigt för att minska konkurrens inom en flock vid mĂ„ttligt begrĂ€nsade resurser. Vid ökad djurtĂ€thet exempelvis i ett hĂ€gn dĂ€r djuren gĂ„r mer samlade, blir tillgĂ„ngen till resurser mer begrĂ€nsad. Det gör att konkurrens och sociala interaktioner mellan djuren ökar i jĂ€mförelse med djur som lever fritt betande. Vid en ökad djurtĂ€thet i hĂ€gn, blir det Ă€ven svĂ„rare för ett djur att hĂ„lla sig undan eller fly undan frĂ„n andra hotfulla individer. Detta leder i sin tur till en ökad frekvens av konflikter inom gruppen. En för hög djurtĂ€thet under lĂ€ngre tid kan leda till stressrelaterade effekter, exempelvis sĂ€mre födointag. Sociala strukturer mellan honliga hjortdjur, men Ă€ven mellan kalvar Ă€r inte undersökt i samma utstrĂ€ckning som mellan hanliga hjortdjur. Renen (rangifer tarandus tarandus) Ă€r ett flocklevande hjortdjur dĂ€r flockstrukturen bygger pĂ„ rangordning och sociala interaktioner. Inom en flock kan sociala interaktioner och beteenden skilja sig Ă„t beroende pĂ„ individernas kön och Ă„lder. PĂ„ grund av klimatförĂ€ndringar har fodring av renar blivit allt vanligare. Varmare och regnigare vintrar har lett till att mer islager bildas i och pĂ„ snön, vilket idag lett till Ă€nnu mer begrĂ€nsade tillgĂ„ngar pĂ„ betesmarker under vintern. Syftet med studien var att undersöka sociala interaktioner i en grupp med renkalvar, som utfodrades i hĂ€gn. Detta gjordes genom att undersöka om 1) frekvensen av agonistiska beteenden skiljde sig mellan individer, och 2) frekvensen av agonistiska beteenden skiljde sig mellan hornbĂ€rande och icke hornbĂ€rande djur. En observationsstudie utfördes pĂ„ tio honliga renkalvar i ett hĂ€gn och dessa djur observerades genom videoinspelningar. Ett etogram upprĂ€ttades inför observationerna och bestod av bĂ„de aggressiva och subdominanta beteenden. Observationerna genomfördes i samband med utfodring av renkalvarna. Fler interaktioner sker under denna tid i och med att renarna blir mer samlade runt ett specifikt omrĂ„de, vilket gjorde att ett flertal sociala interaktioner kunde noters under en begrĂ€nsad tid. Resultaten frĂ„n observationsstudien visade att det fanns frekvensskillnader mellan olika beteenden och olika renar i hĂ€gnet. Resultaten visade Ă€ven att hornbĂ€rande djur uppvisade fler aggressiva beteenden Ă€n icke hornbĂ€rande. Detta indikerar pĂ„ att det fanns en rangordning bland renkalvarna som utfodrades i hĂ€gnet, men fler observationer och statistiska analyser skulle gjorts för kunnat presentera sĂ€krare resultat.Social structures and rank of deer species (Cervidaes) can be beneficial for the individual by reducing competition at moderately limited resources. At an increased animal density for example when animals are fed in paddocks. The animals are more assembled, and resources may become more limited compared to when animals are free-ranging on natural pastures. This in turn may increase social interactions and competition. In these conditions, the animal’s avoidance space becomes more limited and therefore may increase the frequency of conflicts. High animal density can lead to stress-related effects, such as lower food intake. Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) is a gregarious animal, and the herd structure is based on dominance hierarchy. Within a herd, social interactions may differ in frequency of behaviour depending on the gender and age of the animals. Feeding of reindeer in paddocks has become more common because of climate change. Warmer and wetter winters and hence ice formation in the snow, has made the natural forage unavailable for the reindeer during the winter months. The hierarchy between female cervids has not been studied to the same extent as the social structure between males. The purpose of this study was to examine social interactions in a group of female calves fed in paddocks. This by examining 1) whether the frequency of agonistic behaviour differs between individuals, and 2) whether the frequency of agonistic behaviours differs between individuals with antlers and individuals without antlers. An observational study was performed on ten female reindeer calves held in a paddock. The calves were recorded with video cameras, and the observations were made through the recorded videos. An ethogram was created with both aggressive and subdominant behaviours which were used during the observations. All the observations were performed during feeding time which caused the animals to centre more around a limited space. This decision was made to facilitate the registration of a high number of social behaviours during a certain time. The observational study indicated a pecking order among the reindeer calves in the paddock, but more observations and statistical analyzes are needed to improve the results

    NÀr livet inte lÀngre kÀnns vÀrt att leva- en kvalitativ intervjustudie om sex professionellas syn pÄ orsaker till suicidalitet

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    Suicide among young people are a serious problem worlwide as well in Sweden. The main purpose with this study was to examine and understand how suicide can be explained- to identify possible causes to suicide behaviour among young people. Through a qualitative approach, I interviewed six people who are working with young people in different ways. The main- result from this study shows that suicide is a complex phenomenon that cannot easily be explained. The respondents draws from a wide range of theories when they explain suicide. The most common causes were individual psychological problems ( mental disorders) social and relationship problems ( friends, parents, bullying) and problems that were based more on external causes ( social structure, pressure, norms and values). The analysis was based on Emilie Durkheims theory of anomic suicide and Jan Beskows model of suicide

    River flow response to changes in vegetation cover in a South African fynbos catchment

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    Mountain fynbos catchments in the Western Cape region of South Africa are prone to substantial changes in land cover due to invasion by exotic tree species (and their clearing), fires, and vegetation response to inter-annual variations in rainfall. While small catchment experiments and modelling studies have pointed to reductions in river flow as catchment biomass increases, there is little empirical evidence of land cover change affecting river flow in large catchments that are important sources ofwater for the region. Monitoring changes in above-ground green biomass in multiple large catchments is challenging, but may be accomplished using a remotely sensed spectral vegetation index. It was hypothesised in this study that annual river yield (river flow as a fraction of rainfall) in the Molenaars catchment near Paarl, South Africa co-varies with an index of green vegetation cover derived from satellite data (the normalised difference vegetation index, NDVI). The catchment was partitionedinto &#8217;upland&#8216; and &#8217;lowland&#8216; zones and the relationship between annual river yield and summer NDVI was determined for each zone over an 18-year period. There was a statistically significant negative linear relationship between annual river yield and the NDVI of the lowland zone when three outliers were excluded from the analysis. These outliers correspondedto periods with prolonged drought conditions when river yield appeared to be decoupled from vegetation water use in the lowland zone. There was no relationship between river yield and changes in the NDVI in the upland zone where plants were unlikely to have sustained access to adequate soil water for transpiration. The importance of considering the location of landcover changes in a catchment, and inadequacies in high-elevation measurements of rainfall in this mountainous region, were highlighted in the study

    Comparison of laboratory grating-based and speckle-tracking x-ray phase-contrast imaging

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    Phase-contrast imaging with x-rays is a developing field for imaging weakly absorbing materials. In this work, two phase-contrast imaging methods, grating- and speckle-based imaging, that measure the derivative of the phase shift, have been implemented with a laboratory source and compared experimentally. It was found that for the same dose conditions, the speckle-tracking differential phase-contrast images have considerably higher contrast-to-noise ratio than the grating-based images, but at the cost of lower resolution. Grating-based imaging performs better in terms of resolution, but would require longer exposure times, mainly due to absorption in the grating interferometer

    Activation of inflammatory responses in human U937 macrophages by particulate matter collected from dairy farms: an in vitro expression analysis of pro-inflammatory markers

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    Abstract Background The purpose of the present study was to investigate activation of inflammatory markers in human macrophages derived from the U937 cell line after exposure to particulate matter (PM) collected on dairy farms in California and to identify the most potent components of the PM. Methods PM from different dairies were collected and tested to induce an inflammatory response determined by the expression of various pro-inflammatory genes, such as Interleukin (IL)-8, in U937 derived macrophages. Gel shift and luciferase reporter assays were performed to examine the activation of nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-ÎșB) and Toll-like-receptor 4 (TLR4). Results Macrophage exposure to PM derived from dairy farms significantly activated expression of pro-inflammatory genes, including IL-8, cyclooxygenase 2 and Tumor necrosis factor-alpha, which are hallmarks of inflammation. Acute phase proteins, such as serum amyloid A and IL-6, were also significantly upregulated in macrophages treated with PM from dairies. Coarse PM fractions demonstrated more pro-inflammatory activity on an equal-dose basis than fine PM. Urban PM collected from the same region as the dairy farms was associated with a lower concentration of endotoxin and produced significantly less IL-8 expression compared to PM collected on the dairy farms. Conclusion The present study provides evidence that the endotoxin components of the particles collected on dairies play a major role in mediating an inflammatory response through activation of TLR4 and NF-ÎșB signaling

    Has Selection for Improved Agronomic Traits Made Reed Canarygrass Invasive?

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    Plant breeders have played an essential role in improving agricultural crops, and their efforts will be critical to meet the increasing demand for cellulosic bioenergy feedstocks. However, a major concern is the potential development of novel invasive species that result from breeders' efforts to improve agronomic traits in a crop. We use reed canarygrass as a case study to evaluate the potential of plant breeding to give rise to invasive species. Reed canarygrass has been improved by breeders for use as a forage crop, but it is unclear whether breeding efforts have given rise to more vigorous populations of the species. We evaluated cultivars, European wild, and North American invader populations in upland and wetland environments to identify differences in vigor between the groups of populations. While cultivars were among the most vigorous populations in an agricultural environment (upland soils with nitrogen addition), there were no differences in above- or below-ground production between any populations in wetland environments. These results suggest that breeding has only marginally increased vigor in upland environments and that these gains are not maintained in wetland environments. Breeding focuses on selection for improvements of a specific target population of environments, and stability across a wide range of environments has proved elusive for even the most intensively bred crops. We conclude that breeding efforts are not responsible for wetland invasion by reed canarygrass and offer guidelines that will help reduce the possibility of breeding programs releasing cultivars that will become invasive

    Galacto-Oligosaccharides : production, properties, applications, and significance as prebiotics

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    Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) have now been definitely established as prebiotic ingredients after in vitro and animal and human in vivo studies. Currently, GOS are produced by glycoside hydrolases (GH) using lactose as substrate. Converting lactose into GOS by GH results in mixtures containing GOS of different degrees of polymerization (DP), unreacted lactose, and monomeric sugars (glucose and galactose). Recent and future developments in the production of GOS aim at delivering purer and more efficient mixtures. To produce high-GOS-content mixtures, GH should not only have good ability to catalyze the transgalactosylation reaction relative to hydrolysis, but also have low affinity for the GOS formed relative to the affinity for lactose. In this article, several microbial GH, proposed for the synthesis of GOS, are hierarchized according to the referred performance indicators. In addition, strategies for process improvement are discussed. Besides the differences in purity of GOS mixtures, differences in the position of the glycosidic linkages occur, because different enzymes have different regiochemical selectivity. Depending on oligosaccharide composition, GOS products will vary in terms of prebiotic activity, as well as other physiological effects. This review focuses on GOS production from synthesis to purification processes. Physicochemical characteristics, physiological effects, and applications of these prebiotic ingredients are summarized. Regulatory aspects of GOS-containing food products are also highlighted with emphasis on the current process of health claims evaluation in Europe.AgĂȘncia da Inovação-Progama IDEIA (Portugal)Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT
