158 research outputs found

    Hypothermal Mortality in Marine Fishes of South-Central Florida, January, 1977

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    Comparable climatic conditions on both coasts of central Florida resulted in cold induced fish mortalities from 19 January to 13 February 1977. Lethal temperatures, the species killed and their relative numbers killed are compared for the Indian River lagoon, Tampa Bay and Sanibel Island estuarine systems. Fifty-six species were killed in the Indian River area, 36 in the Tampa Bay area, while 19 died at Sanibel Island. The higher species mortality in the Indian River lagoon may be attributed to local hydrological and topographical conditions-and a richer ichthyofauna. Cold-induced mortality was noted in both juvenile and adult tropical fishes. Some tropical species appear to be more eurythermic than others as lethal minimum temperatures ranged from 6 to 13 C. Hypothermal stress and mortality were observed in offshore reef fishes

    Salvaging Detection of Early-Stage Ovarian Malignancies When CA125 Is Not Informative

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    Background: Ovarian cancer is the deadliest gynecologic cancer, with no recommended screening test to assist with early detection. Cancer antigen 125 (CA125) is a serum biomarker commonly used by clinicians to assess preoperative cancer risk, but it underperforms in premenopausal women, early-stage malignancies, and several histologic subtypes. OVA1 is a multivariate index assay that combines CA125 and four other serum proteins to assess the malignant risk of an adnexal mass. Objective: To evaluate the performance of OVA1 in a cohort of patients with low-risk serum CA125 values. Study Design: We analyzed patient data from previous collections (N = 2305, prevalence = 4.5%) where CA125 levels were at or below 67 units/milliliter (U/mL) for pre-menopausal women and 35 U/mL for post-menopausal women. We compare the performance of OVA1 to CA125 in classifying the risk of malignancy in this cohort, including sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values. Results: The overall sensitivity of OVA1 in patients with a low-risk serum CA125 was 59% with a false-positive rate of 30%. OVA1 detected over 50% of ovarian malignancies in premenopausal women despite a low-risk serum CA125. OVA1 also correctly identified 63% of early-stage cancers missed by CA125. The most common epithelial ovarian cancer subtypes in the study population were mucinous (25%) and serous (23%) carcinomas. Despite a low-risk CA125, OVA1 successfully detected 83% of serous, 58% of mucinous, and 50% of clear cell ovarian cancers. Conclusions: As a standalone test, CA125 misses a significant number of ovarian malignancies that can be detected by OVA1. This is particularly important for premenopausal women and early-stage cancers, which have a much better long-term survival than late-stage malignancies. Using OVA1 in the setting of a normal serum CA125 can help identify at-risk ovarian tumors for referral to a gynecologic oncologist, potentially improving overall survival

    Galex and optical observations of GW librae during the long decline from superoutburst

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    The prototype of accreting, pulsating white dwarfs (GW Lib) underwent a large amplitude dwarf nova outburst in 2007. We used ultraviolet data from Galaxy Evolution Explorer and ground-based optical photometry and spectroscopy to follow GW Lib for three years following this outburst. Several variations are apparent during this interval. The optical shows a superhump modulation in the months following outburst, while a 19 minute quasi-periodic modulation lasting for several months is apparent in the year after outburst. A long timescale (about 4 hr) modulation first appears in the UV a year after outburst and increases in amplitude in the following years. This variation also appears in the optical two years after outburst but is not in phase with the UV. The pre-outburst pulsations are not yet visible after three years, likely indicating the white dwarf has not returned to its quiescent state

    Dependence as a Unifying Construct in Defining Alzheimer's Disease Severity

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    This article reviews measures of Alzheimer's disease (AD) progression in relation to patient dependence and offers a unifying conceptual framework for dependence in AD. Clinicians typically characterize AD by symptomatic impairments in three domains: cognition, function, and behavior. From a patient's perspective, changes in these domains, individually and in concert, ultimately lead to increased dependence and loss of autonomy. Examples of dependence in AD range from a need for reminders (early AD) to requiring safety supervision and assistance with basic functions (late AD). Published literature has focused on the clinical domains as somewhat separate constructs and has given limited attention to the concept of patient dependence as a descriptor of AD progression. This article presents the concept of dependence on others for care needs as a potential method for translating the effect of changes in cognition, function, and behavior into a more holistic, transparent description of AD progression

    Behavioural Correlate of Choice Confidence in a Discrete Trial Paradigm

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    How animals make choices in a changing and often uncertain environment is a central theme in the behavioural sciences. There is a substantial literature on how animals make choices in various experimental paradigms but less is known about the way they assess a choice after it has been made in terms of the expected outcome. Here, we used a discrete trial paradigm to characterise how the reward history shaped the behaviour on a trial by trial basis. Rats initiated each trial which consisted of a choice between two drinking spouts that differed in their probability of delivering a sucrose solution. Critically, sucrose was delivered after a delay from the first lick at the spouts – this allowed us to characterise the behavioural profile during the window between the time of choice and its outcome. Rats' behaviour converged to optimum choice, both during the acquisition phase and after the reversal of contingencies. We monitored the post-choice behaviour at a temporal precision of 1 millisecond; lick-response profiles revealed that rats spent more time at the spout with the higher reward probability and exhibited a sparser lick pattern. This was the case when we exclusively examined the unrewarded trials, where the outcome was identical. The differential licking profiles preceded the differential choice ratios and could thus predict the changes in choice behaviour

    GC Content Increased at CpG Flanking Positions of Fish Genes Compared with Sea Squirt Orthologs as a Mechanism for Reducing Impact of DNA Methylation

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    Background: Fractional DNA methylation in sea squirts evolved to global DNA methylation in fish. The impact of global DNA methylation is reflected by more CpG depletions and/or more A/T to G/C changes at CpG flanking positions due to context-dependent mutations of methylated CpG sites. Methods and Findings: In this report, we demonstrate that the sea squirt genes have undergone more CpG to TpG/CpA substitutions than the fish orthologs using homologous fragments from orthologous genes among Ciona intestinalis, Ciona savignyi, fugufish and zebrafish. To avoid premature transcription, the TGA sites derived from CGA were largely converted to TGG in sea squirt genes. By contrast, a significant increment of GC content at CpG flanking positions was shown in fish genes. The positively selected A/T to G/C substitutions, in combination with the CpG to TpG/CpA substitutions, are the sources of the extremely low CpG observed/expected ratios in vertebrates. The nonsynonymous substitutions caused by the GC content increase have resulted in frequent amino acid replacements in the directions that were not noticed previously. Conclusion: The increased GC content at CpG flanking positions can reduce CpG loss in fish genes and attenuate the impact of DNA methylation on CpG-containing codons, probably accounting for evolution towards vertebrates. © 2008 Wang, Leung.published_or_final_versio

    Cataloging and organizing p73 interactions in cell cycle arrest and apoptosis

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    We have compiled the p73-mediated cell cycle arrest and apoptosis pathways. p73 is a member of the p53 family, consisting of p53, p63 and p73. p73 exists in several isoforms, presenting different domain structures. p73 functions not only as a tumor suppressor in apoptosis but also as differentiator in embryo development. p53 mutations are responsible for half of the human cancers; p73 can partially substitute mutant p53 as tumor suppressor. The pathways we assembled create a p73-centered network consisting of 53 proteins and 176 interactions. We clustered our network into five functional categories: Upregulation, Activation, Suppression, Transcriptional Activity and Degradation. Our literature searches led to discovering proteins (c-Jun and pRb) with apparent opposing functional effects; these indicate either currently missing proteins and interactions or experimental misidentification or functional annotation. For convenience, here we present the p73 network using the molecular interaction map (MIM) notation. The p73 MIM is unique amongst MIMs, since it further implements detailed domain features. We highlight shared pathways between p53 and p73. We expect that the compiled and organized network would be useful to p53 family-based studies