38 research outputs found

    La revisión de la cultura patriarcal y de la tradición orientalista en las escritoras argelinas

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    En este artículo se analizan las realciones y/o confrontaciones entre el sujeto femenino -el sujeto del discurso- y las diferentes representaciones de la feminidad y lo femenino que aparecen en los textos de algunas escritoras argelinas más relevantes. Tras una breve reflexión sobre la actividad literaria, se analizarán las representaciones culturales de lo femenino, especialmente la maternidad, así como la revisión de la tradición orientalista que ha marcado la representación artística de la mujer. Paralelamente a la perspectiva de género, se superpone el punto de vista cultural o étnico, que contribuyó a dotar de un componente erótico y sexual a las mujeres árabes fruto de la tradición orientalista que imperó en Francia durante el siglo XIX

    Femme, identité, écriture dans les textes francophones du Maghreb

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    Lately, postcolonial criticism has not only opened a worldwide branch to francophone literatures, but has also allowed to study women's texts at the junction of postcolonial theor y and feminist theor y. The hereby ar ticle offers an approach of some Mag reb women writers from the postcolonial feminist theor y perspective and from the «nomadic subject» stated by the feminist philosopher Rosi Braidotti. After a reflection on women writing and the discourse of identity resulting from it, I will analize thoroughly Malika Mokeddem's writing as a representative of a path; real or f icticious path, the writing symbolizes on one hand the revolt, the escape but on the other hand it also gets a vital aspect, turning out to be an exile and errant territory, metaphor of existential nomadism mentioned by Braidotti. Inside women's texts, I'll situate Malika Mokeddem's texts as a reference of a new women writing: between feminity and magrebinity we attend at the deconstruction of stereotypes of gender and at the reinterpretation of the Woman subject.En los últimos años, la crítica postcolonial ha permitido no sólo abrir una vía «mundial» a las literaturas francófonas, sino que ha permitido igualmente analizar los textos de mujeres en la encrucijada entre la teoría postcolonial y la teoría feminista. El presente trabajo plantea un acercamiento a algunas escritoras originarias del Magreb a partir de la perspectiva de la teoría feminista postcolonial y del concepto de «sujeto nómada» enunciado por la filósofa feminista Rosi Braidotti. Tras una reflexión sobre la escritura de mujeres y el discurso sobre la identidad que de ellas se desprende, analizaré más detenidamente la escritura de Malika Mokeddem como representante de un recorrido; recorrido ficticio o real, la escritura simboliza por una parte la rebeldía, la huida pero adquiere igualmente un aspecto vital, un territorio de exilio y errante, metáfora del nomadismo existencial al que alude Braidotti. Dentro de los textos de mujeres, situaré la escritura de Malika Mokeddem como un referente de una nueva escritura: entre feminidad y Magreb asistimos a la deconstrucción de estereotipos de género y a una reinterpretación del sujeto Mujer

    Woman, identity, writing in francophone texts of Magreb

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    Dernièrement la critique postcoloniale a permis non seulement d’ouvrir une voie «mondiale» aux littératures francophones, mais a également permis d’analyser les textes de femmes au carrefour de la théorie postcoloniale et de la théorie féministe. Ce travail vise à une approche de l’écriture de certaines romancières originaires du Maghreb à partir de la perspective de la théorie féministe postcoloniale et du concept de «sujet nomade» énoncé par la philosophe féministe Rosi Braidotti. Après quelques réflexions sur l’écriture des femmes et le discours sur l’identité qui s’en découle, j’analyserai plus particulièrement l’écriture de Malika Mokeddem comme représentante d’un parcours; parcours fictif ou réel, l’écriture symbolise d’une part la révolte, la fuite mais elle acquiert également un aspect vital, un territoire d’exil et d’errance, métaphore de ce nomadisme existentiel souligné par Braidotti. À l’intérieur du corpus des textes de femmes, je situerai l’écriture de Malika Mokeddem comme un référent d’une nouvelle écriture de femme: entre maghrébinité et féminité nous assistons à la déconstruction de stéréotypes de genre et à une réinterprétation du sujet Femme.En los últimos años, la crítica postcolonial ha permitido no sólo abrir una vía «mundial» a las literaturas francófonas, sino que ha permitido igualmente analizar los textos de mujeres en la encrucijada entre la teoría postcolonial y la teoría feminista. El presente trabajo plantea un acercamiento a algunas escritoras originarias del Magreb a partir de la perspectiva de la teoría feminista postcolonial y del concepto de «sujeto nómada» enunciado por la filósofa feminista Rosi Braidotti. Tras una reflexión sobre la escritura de mujeres y el discurso sobre la identidad que de ellas se desprende, analizaré más detenidamente la escritura de Malika Mokeddem como representante de un recorrido; recorrido ficticio o real, la escritura simboliza por una parte la rebeldía, la huida pero adquiere igualmente un aspecto vital, un territorio de exilio y errante, metáfora del nomadismo existencial al que alude Braidotti. Dentro de los textos de mujeres, situaré la escritura de Malika Mokeddem como un referente de una nueva escritura: entre feminidad y Magreb asistimos a la deconstrucción de estereotipos de género y a una reinterpretación del sujeto Mujer.Lately, postcolonial criticism has not only opened a worldwide branch to francophone literatures, but has also allowed to study women’s texts at the junction of postcolonial theory and feminist theory. The hereby article offers an approach of some Magreb women writers from the postcolonial feminist theory perspective and from the «nomadic subject» stated by the feminist philosopher Rosi Braidotti. After a reflection on women writing and the discourse of identity resulting from it, I will analize thoroughly Malika Mokeddem’s writing as a representative of a path; real or ficticious path, the writing symbolizes on one hand the revolt, the escape but on the other hand it also gets a vital aspect, turning out to be an exile and errant territory, metaphor of existential nomadism mentioned by Braidotti. Inside women’s texts, I’ll situate Malika Mokeddem’s texts as a reference of a new women writing: between feminity and magrebinity we attend at the deconstruction of stereotypes of gender and at the reinterpretation of the Woman subject

    Nouvelles expressivités littéraires pour L’Afrique qui vient : Alain Mabanckou et Léonora Miano

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    Cet article analyse les écrits théoriques de deux écrivains qui participeraient à la mise en œuvre d’une « renaissance littéraire » africaine, à partir du militantisme manifeste dans leurs créations artistiques et des liens qu’ils tissent avec la critique africaniste contemporaine. Alain Mabanckou et Léonora Miano appartiennent à la « génération transcontinentale » de Waberi, et ils partagent des traits communs susceptibles de marquer un tournant par rapport aux générations précédentes et par rapport au rôle de la littérature tout en donnant une dimension politique flagrante à l’acte d’écriture. Il s’agit ici de rapporter les lignes d’écriture d’une Afrique qui vient, métaphore de l’éclosion à venir du continent, à la source de laquelle se trouve la création artistique. Si Mabanckou nous offre des réflexions littéraires proches de la pensée postcoloniale de Mbembe, Miano projette un rapport nouveau à l’Afrique à partir de l’identité frontalière et de l’afrodescendance. Nous sommes face à de nouvelles expressivités littéraires, à travers d’autres supports textuels (magazines spécialisés, réseaux sociaux, etc.) et visant d’autres destinataires, qui placent l’acte d’écriture et la figure de l’écrivain au centre d’un nouveau discours critique. Une nouvelle conception de la f(F)rancophonie ou un rapport autre face à la langue d’écriture se retrouvent à la source de la création littéraire. Ces deux écrivains proposent dans leurs textes une théorie de leur pratique fictionnelle. Tous les deux abordent des thèmes qui sont au cœur des rapports entre la France et l’Afrique, entre autres, la révision du statut d’immigré – et des Afrodescendants – et la réappropriation de l’histoire et de l’imaginaire des peuples colonisés par l’Europe occidentale.This article analyses the theoretical writing of two writers who participated in the African francophone literary renaissance. Their works are influenced by their activism and their strong ties to African contemporary scholarly critique. Alain Mabanckou and Léonora Miano belong to what Waberi has termed the “Transcontinental generation.” Their shared common features seem to represent a break away from previous generations and the role they gave literature. This new generation’s writing process is given a blatant political dimension: they seek to report in writing “an Africa to come” (une Afrique qui vient), a metaphor that symbolises the imminent flourishing of the continent, enabled by artistic creation. Mabanckou’s literary reflections echoe Mbembe’s postcolonial approach while Miano foregrounds a new relationship with the continent, that of border-crossing identities and Afrodescendents. New forms of literary expressions have appeared (specialised magazines, social networks, etc.) that address other publics. They place the writing process and the figure of the writer at the centre of critical discourse. The concept of f(F)rancophonie and the relationship to the language one writes in are being rethought and represent building blocks for literary creation. Both writers’s texts offer theorisation of their fiction writing. They explore topics that are at the core of the relationship between France and Africa, such as the revision of immigrants’ status—the Afrodescendents—and the re-appropriation of the history and imagination of formerly colonized people


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    Mulher, identidade e escrita em textos francófonos do Magrebe

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    Ultimamente, a crítica pós-colonial permitiu não apenas abrir uma via “mundial” às literaturas francófonas, mas também permitiu a análise de textos de mulheres no âmbito da teoria pós-colonial e da teoria feminista. Este trabalho visa a uma abordagem da escrita de algumas romancistas originárias do Magrebe, a partir da perspectiva da teoria feminista pós-colonial e do conceito de “sujeito nômade” enunciado pela filósofa feminista Rosi Braidotti (1994). Após algumas reflexões sobre a escrita de mulheres e o discurso sobre a identidade resultante dela, analisarei mais particularmente a escrita de Malika Mokeddem como representante de um percurso; percurso fictício ou real, a escrita simboliza por um lado, a revolta, a fuga, mas ela adquire igualmente um aspecto vital, um território de exílio e de errância, metáfora desse nomadismo existencial sinalizado por Braidotti (1994). No interior do corpus dos textos de mulheres, situarei a escrita de Malika Mokkedem como um referencial de uma nova escrita de mulher: entre magrebinidade e feminilidade nós vemos a desconstrução de estereótipos de gênero e uma reinterpretação do sujeito mulher

    Treatment with tocilizumab or corticosteroids for COVID-19 patients with hyperinflammatory state: a multicentre cohort study (SAM-COVID-19)

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    Objectives: The objective of this study was to estimate the association between tocilizumab or corticosteroids and the risk of intubation or death in patients with coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) with a hyperinflammatory state according to clinical and laboratory parameters. Methods: A cohort study was performed in 60 Spanish hospitals including 778 patients with COVID-19 and clinical and laboratory data indicative of a hyperinflammatory state. Treatment was mainly with tocilizumab, an intermediate-high dose of corticosteroids (IHDC), a pulse dose of corticosteroids (PDC), combination therapy, or no treatment. Primary outcome was intubation or death; follow-up was 21 days. Propensity score-adjusted estimations using Cox regression (logistic regression if needed) were calculated. Propensity scores were used as confounders, matching variables and for the inverse probability of treatment weights (IPTWs). Results: In all, 88, 117, 78 and 151 patients treated with tocilizumab, IHDC, PDC, and combination therapy, respectively, were compared with 344 untreated patients. The primary endpoint occurred in 10 (11.4%), 27 (23.1%), 12 (15.4%), 40 (25.6%) and 69 (21.1%), respectively. The IPTW-based hazard ratios (odds ratio for combination therapy) for the primary endpoint were 0.32 (95%CI 0.22-0.47; p < 0.001) for tocilizumab, 0.82 (0.71-1.30; p 0.82) for IHDC, 0.61 (0.43-0.86; p 0.006) for PDC, and 1.17 (0.86-1.58; p 0.30) for combination therapy. Other applications of the propensity score provided similar results, but were not significant for PDC. Tocilizumab was also associated with lower hazard of death alone in IPTW analysis (0.07; 0.02-0.17; p < 0.001). Conclusions: Tocilizumab might be useful in COVID-19 patients with a hyperinflammatory state and should be prioritized for randomized trials in this situatio