143 research outputs found

    A study of the performance of an astronaut during ingress and egress maneuvers through airlocks and passageways

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    Water immersion simulation study of astronaut performance during airlock ingress or egress at reduced gravit

    Beneficios y costes fiscales del colonialismo: las remesa americanas a España, 1760-1814

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    Editada en la Fundación Empresa PúblicaSe intentan medir los beneficios y costes fiscales de la relación entre las colonias americanas y España en el período de 1760 a 1814 a partir de una serie de nuevas estimaciones de los montos anuales de las remesas fiscales americanas. Se discuten los varios componentes de los beneficios fiscales que recibía la tesorería metropolitana, incluyendo las transferencias en metálico y en especie (tabaco de Cuba). Se argumenta que la contribución americana a los ingresos ordinarios metropolitanos aumentó en términos absolutos y relativos entre 1790 y 1810.The essay measures the fiscal costs and benefits of colonialism both for the Spanish American colonies and for Spain in the períod 1760-1814 using new estimates of the annual transfers from the colonies to the metropolitan treasury. The various components of the fiscal benefits for the metropolis are analyzed, including not only the transfer of silver but also large shipments of tobáceo leaf from Cuba. It is argued that the American contribution to the ordinary income of the Spanish government increased in absolute and relative terms in the period 1790-1810.Publicad

    Learning about pain from others: an observational learning account

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    Although direct experience and verbal instruction are important sources in the development of pain-related beliefs and behaviors, accumulating evidence indicates that observation of others in pain may be equally as important. Taking a contemporary view on learning as a starting point, we discuss available evidence on observational learning in the context of pain, highlight its importance for both development and management of chronic pain problems, and discuss potential moderators of observational learning effects. We argue that the capacity to understand and appreciate the experience of another person is fundamental to observational learning, including use of this information to establish the association between pain and antecedent or consequent stimuli. A main objective of this paper is to stimulate research on the role of learning about pain from others. Several lines for further research, including clinical applications, are delineated. Perspective: Based upon a contemporary view on learning, this focus article delineates how pain-related beliefs and behaviors may be learnt by observing others. It is discussed how further research on the acquisition of pain-related beliefs/behaviors might further our understanding of pain and disability. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved) (journal abstract

    Elaborations, Revisions, Dissents: Alfred D. Chandler, Jr.’s., The Visible Hand after Twenty Years

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    Two decades have passed since the publication of 'The Visible Hand,' Alfred D. Chandler, Jr.'s, magisterial account of the rise of the modern business enterprise in the United States. Although Chandler's pathbreaking work has been widely hailed as a landmark in business history, only rarely has anyone considered systematically its influence on the large body of historical scholarship on related topics. This essay is intended to help fill this gap. It is divided into two sections. The first section reviews Chandler's argument, touches on the relationship of Chandler's oeuvre to his personal background, and locates 'The Visible Hand' in the context of American historical writing. The second considers how three groups of historians have responded to Chandler's ideas. These groups consist of champions who creatively elaborated on Chandler's intellectual agenda; critics who probed anomalies between Chandler's argument and their own research; and skeptics who rejected Chandler's analysis outright

    What’s in a price? the American raw cotton market in Liverpool and the Anglo-American war

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    This article argues that an embryonic futures market was present in Liverpool during the Anglo-American war. The analysis of a previously unseen dataset of printed Prices Currents has facilitated not only a price series of raw cotton prices, but an in-depth analysis of the ‘construction’ of those raw cotton prices. By positing a definition of.an embryonic futures market and then analysing each of the features of a such a market in turn, this study demonstrates the existence of an embryonic futures market in early nineteenth-century Liverpool